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The Daily Stoic
Here’s Where You’ll Find True Beauty
Here’s Where You’ll Find True Beauty

Here’s Where You’ll Find True Beauty

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
5 Clips
Feb 12, 2021
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily store podcast. Where each day we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that has guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more. You can visit us they leased out.com
Here's where you'll
find true beauty as we've discussed before John Adams was one of those people who's racing mind gave him little rest. He was always doing doing doing and we're dangerously always thinking thinking thinking his friends saw the pain that's caused him and he saw himself as he said many times. All he wanted was Tranquility of Mind Stillness, but it was elusive only later in life after the loss of his wife and the end of his career.
Rear was he able to slow down a little only in the process of reading and rereading some of the classic texts of ancient Rome did Adams finally begin to achieve the mental break through see it craved for so long and when he did things began to change in 1819 the morning after a horrific March storm Adams was hit with an epiphany despite the fact that the storm had ruined his Farms Harvest. All he could see was Beauty. He could see it in the utterly ordinary and plain winter.
Cape as he wrote the icicles on every sprig glowed in all the luster of diamonds every tree was a chandelier of cut glass. I have seen a queen of France with diamonds upon her person and I declare that all the charms of her face and figure added to all the glitter of her Jewels did not make an impression on me equal to that presented by every shrub. The whole world was clearing with precious stones. It's beautiful, isn't it? It's reminiscent of Marcus Aurelius.
Writing so vividly of the ordinary way that baking bread splits in places in those cracks will not intended in the baker's art catch our eye and serve to stir our appetite or as he said the charm and Allure of Nature's process the stocks of ripe grain bending low the frowning brow of the lion the foam dripping from the boars mouth. There's no anguish despair or discontent present in the marveling mind. There's complete tranquility and Stillness its Brilliance really and it's always
Within our reach Beauty surrounds us the flame dancing atop the candles Wick the arm hairs standing up when it's a little colder than usual the brake lights moving in. Perfect Unison when green turns yellow the leaves floating swirling and bouncing off the sidewalk on a crisp fall morning The Rising Suns light piercing through your curtains and waking you up before the alarm was supposed to the beautiful and the simple the extraordinary and the mundane never assume
Instead Marvel and Delight in this moment. Nothing is better I think is prettier and life is good.
Thanks for listening to another episode of The Daily Stoke. It's mind-blowing to me. Now that we are well over 30 million downloads of the show. I mean so much to me to have all of you. Listen, if you want to help spread the word about the show. Please leave a review on iTunes or whatever your favorite podcasting platform is it helps a lot and then of course click subscribe, that's how we know how many people are listening and that that make sure you get the episodes as they come in. So thanks again for listening The Daily Show podcast.