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2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer
Ep. 152 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Joe Rogan
Ep. 152 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Joe Rogan

Ep. 152 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Joe Rogan

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert KreischerGo to Podcast Page

Joe Rogan, Tom Segura
48 Clips
Sep 26, 2022
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Episode Transcript
That's why we can't have a competition. It's Burt. If I was just competing with you and Ari, I'd be like, you know, we'll just have some fun. Yeah, but with bird, I'm like I want you to die. You talk so much shit. I'm like, I'm gonna take you to the depths of hell.
Guys, the rumors are true. Bert is undergoing a double kidney transplant and we are sending him our best in lieu of flowers. Please check out his new episode of Something's burning on the Bert Kreischer YouTube page. Thanks for sitting in Joe, my pleasure. I hope he does. Well, I hope he recovers. He'll be fine. Yeah, he doesn't do that now. They're good at it, they are good at it. Yeah, they fix everything. They found. I think they found a young Brazilian girl and they took her stuff and now resilient. Yeah. And now
Now they're going to give it to Bert, so same blood type, that's all that matters.
Good luck. Bert you got, you got here, you checked out the new studio. Awesome, thank you. Very cool. And then one of the staff as you were pulling up said, I can't lose an arm wrestling and I was like oh that's cool. And he goes I want to arm wrestle him and I was like yeah you should and I go you're going to lose and he goes I can't lose my go.
You want to bet I'll bet you and he goes how much? I go whatever you want and he goes how much I go. How about a grand? He was like all right I'll take that
And this is so confident.
It's part of his whole Persona. And he is like, he's, he really goes. He has looked at me before and goes, if somebody challenged me to something, I cannot lose, I am, I cannot lose. And I
said, okay.
That's a crazy delusional
form of compact. He is so
delusional. That wasn't even a little difficult. Wait, say that again. It wasn't even a little
I let him try for a while.
needs to be humbled.
So get a few seconds. Yeah, I was like, come on.
He wants to arm-wrestle. Bruce to. Oh, that's hilarious. Bruce has a bear.
I now. Literal Bear.
Yeah, you can try him next. If he's if he's down.
I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. Just try,
man. I'm good. Thanks. Isn't it nice? Isn't it a good way, though? Don't you think it's good to have like four?
You to come in here and kind of begin the day. So at the beginning of a but have a win at the beginning of part of the day,
you feel good that you want 1,000
bucks. Yeah, but I mean that you won that somebody goes I challenge you something like to have a win. Like those those winds kind of wind is like, yeah. But you
know, it was too easy. I was gonna win.
I have an arm rest of everybody and like a fucking deck.
I feel pretty good. I'm not though,
but you just knew. Yeah.
What are the odds? I don't know what the odds are. But no, I had full
confidence. I feel kind of thank you. Yeah. Oh my God, it's so necessary. Yeah, now we can always cite this when he goes, it is impossible for me to lose.
Some people have crazy confidence. Yeah, first year that gets him killed, it's
funny because we talked about it, sometimes. How our good buddy who usually sits were used. It is a crazy confident guy, too. Yeah, I
always wonder how much of what Burt does is
performance. Yeah it's hard to tell it is you know I do remember sitting on your set one time and he was like I'm going to run the LA marathon and we were all like shut up we're not you had no training which was and everybody who runs marathons was
Like you don't understand how to prepare for a marathon you don't just go you take your like it's weeks and you work up in mileage then you kind of work down. Then you do like a half, you do like a 10 or 12 miles like the week before, then you were like, they have the whole strategy and he was like I'm just going to do it and we were like you're dumb and then he went. He did it.
Well he does. It mean he regularly back then at least was running like a couple of Miles every now and then? Yeah. Yeah. He's just Birds on usual like you.
Could you could count them out and it would be a mistake. I agree. Yeah. He's like like when you and him played tennis like, that makes sense to me. Like, that's that's who he is, he's a weird guy, but that was all like that was also. He
has this very bizarre skill set for like, so you do archery regularly. Yeah, so you and then there's people who regularly do it and you guys have a certain, you know, comfort with like the whole like the equipment and had, but if you were to graph, if you were to grab all your friends,
Don't shoot regularly like they don't practice regularly and you go try to do this. I'm 100% certain that of that group he would do the best. Hmm of people that don't practice our, if you were just like this is how you shoot it, because his he has really impressive. I'm telling you hand-eye coordination, hmm. Like he has really good like anything like shooting a, throw a dart, throwing a ball, hitting a baseball, all that stuff is what he actually excels in. I've seen him play pool.
Can play pool. Hey, I didn't know that. Yeah, not bad. Yeah. And he doesn't. And by the way he doesn't shoot pool regular. Yeah. No. You can tell.
Yeah. Yeah. He's a, if he wasn't such a drunk, he'd probably be an amazing adequate, right? Don't you think? Yeah. Yes, which is why it's
kind of brings me to weep at. We skipped it last year. I know if we screw the year before we've been talking about doing sober October. Yeah, and I like the idea that you mentioned. I think we should talk
About it briefly, which is obviously, we do sober for the month, right? And just to birds benefit and then we have, it can go crazy. If we go challenge style, right? You particularly go into your dark places in your head if we don't do that. Kind of attention.
Well, he did that that one year on. Yeah, we're at so crazy. You're pissing
Brown. So let's not do that. But it was how about like something that is a challenge but a task.
That like there is no kind of winner. There's just. Do you do it or not? Right? And, and what you suggested was maybe we wear their straps again and everybody has to do a 500 calorie a day workout.
Yeah, every day, every days a
week and here's my question. If you do it, let's say you go in the morning and you get some lift and it burns a let's just say, 200 calories. Do you then have to do 300 more or you? Okay. So it's just
500 day. Okay? Okay. I feel like that's
I think it's fair not too crazy because I know you like to do two workouts a day. So if you did like you're lifting and then you did your car. Yeah, we get it. You can get it in the thing. It's the consistency is like seven days a week. It's like, when we did the hot yoga challenge, what I do 15 in the month, which pretty reasonable reasonable. But towards the end, I think I owed like nine. And so I had to do not like nine days in a row. Yeah. And after a while, you just get in this crazy Groove. Yeah. Or like your, you just you almost kind of like the fact that it's torture. Yeah. Except the fact that you got to do
I was thinking last night about this 500 calorie a day thing and I thought I almost predict how it goes, which is the first week, you have the enthusiasm and the momentum that you're excited, right? Yeah, the second week, the enthusiasm starts to fade and the third and fourth week or really the grind of it. We are going like, I gotta fucking shit. It's day 23. I got to do the
sitting on the last day. You going to miss it? Yeah, like, yeah, because you're gonna be repped either being
crazy, and you're going to feel it, and you feel that sense of accomplishment,
Bushman. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a really good. And it for me, I have the benefit of I finish October than I shoot my special. So
it's really good for me. Oh, you be shredded. I was kind of fat in my special because I just got back from Italy. Oh yeah. I got up like 2 11 and Italy really? Yeah, I'm like, 197 198. Now I got two to eleven. How
did you drop quick? Yeah, you just ate. Is he clean and work out a lot? How clean did you not eat in Italy? All right, like a pig.
It's pasta is right, got drunk.
Every night, the best, it's the best, it was fun. I don't even better Indulgence in
pasta, it's the best. It's the
best. Just and, you know, it, I don't eat it most of the time and I was in Italy. So, it's just
when Italy and fresh, some fucking greaseballs making it in the
back. Exactly. Yeah. So I went straight from that, right to my
special. Now, did you pick where you're going to really have? A haven't decided yet. Did we talked about what you did?
No. So it's the same filmed in two places. I'll sit on this show, okay, I filmed
Chicago theater and then I filmed it stand up live.
So you went from places like one of the most beautiful large, it's the large to 3600, see theater to a comedy club. Yeah, so you're debating.
Yeah, just trying to figure out what I like more. The problem with the comedy club is there was too many people talking to me. They like, wanted to be. There were too close. They wanted to be a part of the show. We had a shut up three different shows and I told them before the show, Mike please, I'm filming, don't talk,
they don't care. People still talk, they're good
because is people in the front row.
Route. That like you're right
there. Front row, I walked out of my stage and Connecticut on Sunday in the front row. This guy started like, yelling out. Yeah, quotes. When I go, it's great to know where the dumbest person in the audience. Thanks for setting up
and he went like this.
Yeah, Connecticut is always dumb. You always get on Connecticut. Thomas place in the country. It's not a real State. It's a highway between Boston and New York and it's filled with people that have
Hope he shit have
no. I've never heard so many go harder on
Connecticut. Well, I grew up in Massachusetts. Yeah. So I worked in Connecticut all the time and every time I'd leave Deborah like what the
fuck? I'll tell you this though. I did Mohegan Sun Arena and it was a fucking
blast. Ya Face. Mostly people from New York, a lot of mass
people. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, yeah,
the Connecticut people are probably what's Herbert laughing that
One of my best friend's. Tommy, jr. He still lives there. I've been there a. Yeah, I've been friends over 30 years. He's our lives and he's from there. Yeah, it's fine. I'll shit on them every time I call him up. It's
so fun to shit on a plate. I mean, like, I hate you re Pennsylvania so much. You re pencil such a fucking dump, a bunch of losers. It's a depressed down with a depressed economy. And if you live there, you know, you're a fucking zero. Just yeah,
just get out, get out. But if you're fucking born a place like that, you're doomed.
Yeah. What the fuck do you do? It's is a unique with it. Whether cities that just have a complete style over that? Like, Louisiana, like New Orleans. Oh yeah. Complete style of its
own. Absolutely.
You might as well be in another country.
They're doing in Miami. Yeah. Upon
style of its own. And I also feel like San
Francisco when you get, when you get into the real city of San. Francisco are all the human shit is. Yeah, that's a, it's a totally different from
shit is, yes, a lot of other fucking ruin that, that's it.
A lot of Amish, it
and a lot of Asian shit, too.
Yeah, I love that too. Yeah, but don't fucking that's it. He's lost. That is a loss. It it's just been. It's fucking it's falling apart. It's Progressive policies. Taken to the farthest degree possible and you see the ramifications. Yeah, that's what it is. It's fucking fascinating. Actually wild. You let them go. That's what they make. You
remember, we were there and there wasn't a fucking hotel with others, a hotel fire? Yes, with dia
that we came down the elevator
that was before. It was a homeless, pull of diarrhea, it was still like a city that had like, that was like, it was an exciting place to be. Yeah, it was really 2000. Clock 3:00
in the morning, the alarm goes off and we all Shuffle out of our rooms. And we had to go down the stairs and everybody was like, slowly, going down the stairs and I am freaking the fuck out because I'm planning it out. I'm like a if there's real fire.
And I'm running over everyone. Yeah. I'm like, I am not going to these fucking slowpokes that are making their way down these stairs.
Yeah, we're taking
heads off kicking out. I was just like, I'm just gonna start running on top of people. I am not gonna do
this. I remember the genuine Panic that I didn't feel a panic when I owe the alarms like, okay, it's when I got in the stairwell and saw how first of all, they were narrow and full of
people, single file, single file, old, like, 1800s building. Yeah. So
I feel like like people are tiny or back then. Yeah, you're in this little ass staircase and and people just Takin their sweet time. Going down the stairs with this is a fucking fire. Ya, gotta go.
You gotta go. I'm people
are gonna die in the fire. Yeah, it's crazy, not
good. I know I would, I would have, I think I would have thrown an old person, like, out of the way and down this, and stepped on them, if I had felt the heat a little more, and then we found out that it was just somebody had pulled the pin on an extinguisher, mmm. And so the
I smoked that you don't really process at the time, like what kind of what type of smoke? It wasn't smoke from fire. It was like that smoke. That comes out of an
extinguisher. Yeah. Yeah and we got all the way down the end. We're trying to figure out where Diaz was and D has popped out of the elevator is they told us very clearly. Don't take the elevator, don't take the elevator. Yeah, Joey took the
elevator. What do you think of my fucking?
Yeah. Don't elevate. A like a doctor?
Yeah. What are you doing? Shut the fuck up toxic oil.
Yeah, San Francisco. They ruined that City. That's it. He's never coming back. He's
he shared a cigarette with me outside of Cobbs. He's like he's like we see that cigarette was like okay and I gave it to him and he passed it back and I gave it to him again. Then I go like this, he goes. What are you? A fag, go buy a pack of cigarettes.
Joe Black. Like all right. This is hilarious. And okay, thanks, that's how fucking original human being. Yeah, I want to get him to move here.
I know you think you can. It's gonna be tricky. He's like the king in New
Jersey. I went places with him everywhere. He goes like a Joey. Joey
remember the video I sent you of him walking out on stage at my show
and yeah it's amazed
that was at the Performing Arts Center in Newark and there was he hadn't been on stage in I think 18 months. He said yeah he just walked out.
Doubt they went nuts. A went nuts. I should
share that video is really, really cool. And then he came back. He goes, I'm having a fucking panic attack.
It's that as he was like, so he sat down was like, you got them back in.
Yeah. Yeah. He's in now,
I did that arena in Atlantic City with him, how was it? It was great. We did two nights. The first night, you could tell like you hadn't been Donna, a show,
Mostly like that. He had like 100 Cedars. He done like you know, some little comedy clubs and so he was like a little you know just kind of getting his feet back in the game but the next night he fucking destroyed Saturday night. He destroyed. It was wild. That's awesome. Yeah, it's wild to say
he's a fun guy to watch. Do that
stuff. He's the best when he's on, I never seen anybody funnier. Yeah, I've seen a lot of funny people. I've seen better writers, if you've seen, you know, great joke Crafters. Yeah. And
Craftsman. But nobody's funnier
than Joey. Agreed. Also, like at a dinner table. Yeah, it's just like the game. Yeah. It's just like, just we get the check. Yeah. It's just, it's, yeah,
he puts on a show, you know, and when he loves you, you know, like he's around people who loves
again free. Yeah, Lenny really loose. Yeah, it's fantastic. By the way, I want to ask. I haven't seen it but you had Zuckerberg on. Yeah, from Facebook. Yeah. Did you guys talk about banning like does that come up like there?
Yeah, we talked about
Well, we talked about censorship, we've got actually became an issue because he actually said on the podcast that the CIA or the FBI rather had contacted him and are contacted Facebook to tell them about the hundred Biden, laptop, story, that it was Russian disinformation. So the FBI actually had a made a, make a statement about something that was said on my podcast so the FBI which they never talk about anything. Yeah. And they never make.
Make statements they released a statement. What they saying that what Mark Zuckerberg said was incorrect essentially
really? Yeah. Because o because the FBI from understanding this correctly. The hundred Biden, laptop story was, let's say trending and being talked about FBI contacts Facebook and says this is Miss. This is misinformation. So don't let this put it in your algorithm. Not let this
explode. Yeah, I don't know if they gave specific instruction. But essentially what was happening was the New York Post at put up the
New York Post to put up this article and Twitter had censored it completely like you couldn't share it. You couldn't post it. You couldn't send it in a DM by though. They do that. By the way, there was something that I tried to send somebody in a DM and I couldn't send it in a DM. They had made that article unavailable to share even in direct messages, that was a different article, but it was, it was something like that. And so Twitter, it completely censored it turned out. It was absolutely a legitimate.
Story and Facebook said he had some version of what he said. It sounded like he was, you know, he's kind of candy coating. It is basically saying they censored it, but they didn't censor it, you know, like well we took a different approach. We limited it dispersal. Yeah? Or limited its distribution which I don't know how they do it. These like he when he said it he like said it without revealing too much of what their whole system is how
Shadow band things and how they
it's really interesting how out it feels like I understand. One thing is that these are private companies, right? Like meaning like these are, this is not the library, so companies can do, but it feels like like the social media platforms are kind of inconsistent with when they flag like fucking Krista Stefano. I just saw posted on his Instagram, like his last three.
A post got flagged and taken down from Instagram for what and they're just like podcast promotional things. It's so strange. Yeah. So
maybe somebody has a hard-on for him. The problem is so much of it.
Isn't that? Look pull it. Pull his up.
Yeah, it's yeah. See like
And that was just like Bobby Lee and and Santino, you know? But it was like also the the previous ones were. Also, we're also flagged to. It's just very strange,
but it's like I think if someone just decides that you're a problem yeah put you in like a cat and a thing is like how much leeway to employees have, because it's clearly not that being done by AI. This stuff is very subjective. So a lot of these kids that are working these
Companies they're coming straight from universities, and their super woke. And they think that people like to Stefano or people like you or me are a real problem. Yeah. You know people who joke around about stuff, this is a real problem. Yeah. And joking around about serious things and can't be joked about. Oh my God. The thing that
you know you probably lose track of this all the time because it happens to you like every day. But when I did your podcast last and we talked about homeless
people. Oh yeah it says
Said, you
know. No. I think we should shoot him and I go I like your ideas. Yeah and then news outlets. Yeah. Did they took that? It was end quote. It was like, he says this Rogan says this Tom says, I like your idea these guys are endorsing violence against home and then they go and then it happened. A homeless person was killed and this is what these guys are these. What these guys are Under Fire for
joke intended. As political jab? Yeah, I was under Fire. I
Even know where I was under Fire. That's what's hilarious. Yeah, I didn't even have any idea, didn't pay attention? And I at all II,
got messages of like, I cannot believe that I supported you and that you Advocate violence against the
homeless. Yeah messages. Yeah. And I didn't even pulse, if I didn't even
tell most of those
people, look at this repulsive, podcast comments that you remember. But it has some, but we should just explain what we actually said. Write what? I actually. We're actually saying.
Saying is that if you shot them, no one would care because they don't do anything about violence. Right? That's what we're saying. We're in saying you should shoot the homeless people. We were saying like you can't touch their stuff, right? Like they're allowed to live in
LA there. That's considered actual personal
property and they'll arrest.
You arrest you for touching? I do, but they won't do any of you shoot
him. If you examine it, we should shoot
them the end. There's, there's a huge spike in actual violent crime. Yeah. And to be clear, I
I was part of the group that paid to have the homeless people that were on Cesar Chavez in here in Austin drown in Lake Travis. So
that's why you have
clean streets. I spent a lot of money doing that. We had we trick them. We got them onto a boat. We said there were going to paradise and we didn't dump off the back and they drown in Lake Travis. That was meeting that cost a lot of money.
Thank you for doing that. Yeah,
I almost had to do two shows to pay for
that but imagine someone saying imagine someone saying that they thought that we were serious. I mean, they'll say about this. Yeah. Oh yeah, 100%. It's just like out of context, but all they do is get more people to listen. Like, they don't understand that they work for you when they do stuff like that. That's the fill every time, the way still, they still understand.
They do it to you so much and all that happens to you is zero.
Audience grows and grows and grows and they're still like new article. We got them fucking new numbers, come out and it's like there's 20 million listeners. Like how are you not figuring this out
yet? Now. Pay attention and also it's like almost like they they're in a trap because the way they get clicks is to talk about someone that's controversial and or popular. Yeah. Right. So they do that and they just make you more controversial and more popular. Yeah. It's all it does, it doesn't work at all.
It never works. No, it's like poison that
point which issue but here's the thing is, when
somebody some editor publisher at one of these Publications Savvy
enough to get that now. They wouldn't be there. That'd be independent, they're all fucking idiots. How many good independent journalists are left? There's a few, but they're all writing for, like, sub stack now. Yeah, I mean there's people that are really good that you're paying to read
their stuff. Yeah. There's people
that are really good at the time, says people really good at the, not the LA Times. The LA Times is empty, this people that are really good at, like, the New York,
Post and the Washington Post and you know the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal still has like good journalist. Yeah but they're just infected by this mind virus. This woke mine virus. It's like spreading through the country where people just can't look at things. Realistically very weird. I just watch, I was watching my cousin made
this series called the big con on Apple. Plus and there's a Wall Street journalist, who investigates a guy who Was I Thinkin like
Eastern Kentucky, that had the biggest social security scam in the history and the way that they discover the story. It's so fascinating, he's going through just like writing this journalist is writing just boring, you know, Wall Street Journal budgetary things, right. And he's going through Social Security and and he's going through how often things are approved by judges. So the way it works is somebody applies for like Social Security like medical disability or something. And then the, they have a
A judge in each County that here's a case and the percentage of times that they approve would usually vary between 40 and 60 percent. And then there was a judge in this County who's approving 99% and he was like, that's weird and so he goes and he finds that this lawyer and that judge were in cahoots of like and they had a 500 million dollar scam. It's fucking
fascinating. Yeah, it's fascinating. Whoa,
that shot but that's a, a journalist who actually
Lee saw a number and was like, oh
yeah there's real journalists out there. Yeah, but it's like the people that are writing about us to people are writing about podcast, they're just trying to get clicks yell. It is, it's like a little hustle. And if you say something, they could just take it out of context and decide that it was a repulsive call to violence against homeless people, and instead just a joke commentary about the fact that, although, they'll arrest you, if you move someone's dresser from under a freeway underpass. Yeah, they won't arrest you. If you shoot somebody which
is totally crazy.
Yeah. Yeah. And then you I mean dude, the violent crimes they're capturing on video now, I see. So many video, I saw this crazy mugging in London in l.a. It's it's the spike in violent crimes is through the roof. Did you see the the car one in New York this week, which one where a car did like tactical like Precision tactical when you ram the side of a car, like the way that police are trained to do it.
He did it twice, then came out. Then someone jumps out of the passenger, side of the car, that rammed grabs, somebody like that hits them grabs a bag gets in and speeds away and it's all on video from the side. Well, it is insane and this is in broad daylight. I believe in Queens. Have you seen this video? It's all over the Internet. Wow, for sure. I think I saw it on. I saw posted everywhere. But on rappaport's page on Instagram, he posted it. A bunch of
I posted it.
It's when you let people think or know that there's no consequences for crime, they just go ham.
It's a it is really scary. It is that one right there. It's that one right there. Yeah. This is not a movie set, right? So that black car Rams that car right on perfectly and then this car hits another car speeds away and the black car.
Comes back again and that is like Precision. That's like trained on how to do that, right? Then this guy jumps out of the passenger seat.
Shitty camera work. Yeah, they probably scared to death Panic occurs. Yeah,
look, he's got a gun. Okay, smack somebody or the window on that side grabs. Eventually the bag he's got a bag. Now gets in there and it's like see you later. That's
broad daylight.
Wow, it's insane.
Pretty impressive. It is impressive, impressive that they didn't fuck the car up either. I can't believe that part. Yeah, correct made. Well, no, but he
knew how to do that too. It's not
like no, that's like a real criminal. Yeah, it's a skill or a person who used to be a cop.
Yeah yeah yeah.
That's when it gets really weird when cops become criminals when they just give up they realize like fuck
this. Yeah I ran into a lot of oh
20,000 dollar heist in Upper East Side, ma'am, he did more than 20 thousand dollars worth of damage to his car fucking no shit. You know what did he steal?
Thieves rammed a car and an SUV and stole 20 thousand dollars from its disoriented driver during a Brazen Upper East, Side robbery, Saturday in a dramatic scene, is something out of Fast and Furious the black. Mercedes slammed onto a silver, Toyota RAV4, the Mercedes initially slammed onto the RAV4 Second Avenue 55 year old man driving. The rad for been driving northbound.
Okay. Scroll down. And did he did he is he coming from the bank or something? Have somebody else? What is it? All right.
The Mercedes.
Oh, fuck. One. Verse in started, saying our man in a gray sweatshirt. Banging on the window. He's got a gun. He's got a gun. Yeah. But what did they
Of it that I still got. That's the
car that they just, they must have abandoned. The specifics may not for twenty thousand in cash. They must have known. Oh,
someone's coming out of a bank or something like that. You know, that was a big problem in Denver when they first started legalizing weed because in Denver when they legalize weed they didn't legalize Bank transactions via credit card. So they weren't allowing people to pay in anything other than cash. So, these people had no large sums of cash. And then,
In transport it. So
people are getting Tails all the time. Yeah,
yeah. So then they started hiring like mercenaries to travel around. So guys would like have a ours and fucking Uzis and shit and they would be driving with these people with the cash and they would follow them and cars and flank them and protect them. Yeah. Wild because they have a million dollars in cash because they were doing insane amounts of profit lines around the block. Remember those early days when we first became legal in Colorado? Yeah, it's pretty
wild, it was
And so they put people in Crazy danger because they're saying you can't use credit
cards. What what? Yeah. That was just like a silly thing to
legal and illegal. It's bad for
Here's the question, it's bad for you. Do you want to arm wrestle now?
I'll be in better now.
he doesn't want rematch. Now you don't why don't do that to yourself. Go for a walk about
There I get something to action. Are you guys, okay? It's all right, we're good. We're good. We're good Zola. We're good.
Whoo, so fun.
I pulled up these Instagram accounts that I'm totally geeked out on all the time now just
got. So
this one every
goddamn girl that dude just yeah he's great. He's out of Massachusetts, is he? Yeah, you know,
what's great about him is that when you have a kettlebell and you learn you but I learned basically, you know, you get used to five or six movements. Hmm, and you just like these are the movements
Right? And every time I go to his page, he's doing something I've never seen or considered and it makes it way more fun and exciting and just like yeah you know a cool thing to learn it. He's really a badass with these things.
He's incredible. And he's all kettlebells and what's really interesting is occasionally he'll do dumbbell stuff and you realize like he has crazy strength and it's all just from these kettlebells. Yeah, like he doesn't do much dumbbells to up when he does it, he's ridiculously strong really which is very interesting but
he could probably beat any to in an arm wrestling
Yeah. Yeah. I think I probably both of us for sure. Look at the size of them. Yeah. He's fucking jacked. Yeah. But it's also like the movements. He does a very interesting like he does like a like a lot of like twisting movements like yes single split squat twists. And yeah, like this kind of stuff. Yeah. Well he those like sideways, he
did this one where he was holding the handle and he twisted and went down to one knee. Turn back, I started doing that but I'd never, that's my point is like I've never done that or thought of
Yeah. And I saw him do it. I was like oh I'll do
that. That's one of the dope things about Instagram is that you can save videos into a folder. So I have a folder just for training and have a bunch of his videos in their fantastic. It's all like different different training modality. I got
to start doing that. I've never done
that. Yeah, it's really cool because I've won for Jiu-Jitsu. I have 14 funny things like things that I find, that are funny. Ya know. So I save them. That's a good idea. Yeah. Because you can make a little folder
and the folder is this in your photos or you know it's
in your Instagram. Oh and you
Can save everyone. If you have videos and you want to save them, all you do is you use a repost app. So you reuse the repost app and just save it to your phone and you don't have to repost it, right? Yeah. You just save it? Yeah,
I don't want videos like that. When I see something horrific, alright, I'll rip it and then I'll send it to the table to ruin his day.
I take it off, I get it before. People can pull it down because there was one the other day where a crocodile had a person in its mouth.
Yeah. Dead person. You want it? Yeah, hold on a second.
And I was like, oh they're gonna pull this one. I gotta I gotta get this one man. Yeah here I'll are. Drop it too.
Okay, hold on.
The going through here at trial. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Hold on, hold on. Let's see.
Yeah, that one's rough. That one's rough. If you want to save, send it to your producers. But the thing is like, oh my god, dude. Thing is like, I think it's definitely real and I think it's, it's in South Africa. It sounds like, did you listen to his accent? It sounds like Australia or South Africa, which one do you want to go to? So they have it listed.
Listed as alligator in this little video clip, but it's definitely a crocodile and the guy has an accent.
Is it going through? I don't know. I hate you so much. It's not working. And I just texted it to him. So some of these, I think Eddie Bravo actually sent me this, that one. Yeah, he sent me that one. I guess in the end, the moment I saw it, I was like, oh, I gotta save this one. They're gonna pull that one quick. It's fucked. It's like, it's pretty pretty
A human. Yeah. You see the face and everything?
Yeah, yeah. Now it's pretty bad. All right. What's the oh, do you follow any good food accounts? This is the opposite of training.
Oh yeah, it's default. Yeah, I follow that guy. He's the guy to cook steak and butter anything. Yeah, he's like he's like pull it
There it
Sears, you can get some volume on it. You're doing this while I'm talking about Google Foods
Can you hear it?
We're gonna have a talk after
this. Go back to that guy. Play that video please. I want to see if we could hear his accent trying to figure out what his accent was.
Because I heard it on my phone. It wasn't that clear? Yeah.
But I don't think you should show this.
Now, you definitely can't show
this. I think also, that might be a young person in his mouth, you think? So, yeah, here, let me it's hard to say because it's all, it's all fucked up. It's like, that's the reality of living in those places. These, you know, in Florida, just in the last, like, few months, there's been six alligator attacks, really? Yeah, that member happening when we were, we lived there but not that frequently. There was a TV. No, no. There were overpopulated.
And it's fucking alligators everywhere. All right, let me hear
Yeah, that's hardcore, dude. We'll put the pencil slowly. You
the pants are still there. Yeah.
Yeah, this is harder to watch
now. Yeah,
it's different when you get it on your phone. Yeah. Arms are going one arms inside his neck. The other ones
gone Jesus, dude. Yeah. It's like he's showing us men. Yeah, it's a child. Is that a doll? No, you sure? Yeah. Yeah. It's just the corpse really? Yeah, it's not Dull.
It looks too creepy. Like, when she go to the like, when that you see the face it, there's the it. There's like, yeah, it's so creepy, that
It just sits given you. It gives you like a visceral reaction. Yeah, that part. I don't like seeing the face now. Dude, that is a reality of living anywhere near
crocodile, you can close it.
There's a guy named Jim Shockey. I had them on my podcast, he's a professional hunter from Canada. Yeah. Like one of the fucking manliest man that's ever lived like a manly man and they hired him to go shoe crocodiles in Africa because there had been so many people killed by crocodiles and he went, they went to kill crocodiles in Africa and while he was there, one of the local Village woman was pulled into the water by a crock and killed. It was so calm
When he said everybody in the camp was like missing an arm, had a chunk taken out of their leg like
everybody, how much how many did he kill you?
He definitely could one and it was, it was one. That was a big one. That was targeting the people. I don't know if he killed other ones Jesus, but I know they hired him to kill the definitely get rid of this one big crocodile. That was a real problem because it was feasting on
Have you ever been? Because I know you hunt. Have you guys ever been felt threatened by what you're hunting?
You, you're always in danger, if you're in the woods and there's mountain lions, you're always in
danger. We've never had like a direct encounter.
I saw one last year for the first time and it was from inside of a truck and it was about 30 yards away and it was fucking huge, man. I'd seen two mountain lines ever before. And both of them were fairly small, I saw one of them in Colorado, it looked like it was about, like, 50, 60 pounds in one of them that was in Montecito that also was like 50, 60 pounds.
Seems like just maybe 70 pounds, not that big, big like freaks you out, but not like this motherfucker. The one I saw was like 180. He was jacked like like thick fucking forearms, man, like these giant ass forearms and it's big, pumpkin head and we were in a truck and my friend Colton goes, dude. Stop was a fucking cat right there. We look over and it's like just starting to get dark out my quite dark. I, yeah. And I see it's glowing eyes.
From the fucking headlights of the truck. My holy shit. Yeah. And even from inside a truck I was terrified when I got binoculars on it so I'll make inside the truck. 30 yards away pretty close. And I'm looking at it through binoculars I don't look good right at it and I'm like what? You'll it's like a demon. It's like a demon. It's a giant elk killing demon.
Nothing brings like, if you're not there, experiencing that in person, nothing brings that to life like that nature as metal account. Oh yeah.
That thing is. I mean everybody falls in that audible. But you see shit on there that you never see because and it's what I love. Here's what I favorite thing about that page is that it's here's the reality of nature. Yeah, but I mean like everybody's perception of nature is all the things that are Pleasant to see, right? That's your that's what people go. That's what nature is. Yes, you know.
Yeah, we can't confuse and we think about animals like the animals that we love like right, hats, dogs and cats.
Love animals. Who doesn't love animals? Like those people
are on a safari. Yeah, and they see a lion. Take down
a hippo, fucking crazy. Yeah. You know, they're just like oh and there's a shit ton of those videos out. There are so many. So many the worst are the wild dogs that eat like gazelles alive and they're just gutting them. Whether things are screaming, this
has one. Did you see where? I think it's, I forget if it's coyotes or hyenas or something, pull a rabbit out of
Of a whole three of them to
go. Yeah, yeah. That's
right. Yeah, just disappears. It's pulled in three pieces. It's
insane. Do when I was in Alberta, one of the guys that I was there with saw two bears fight over the Cubs because the male bear was trying to eat the Cubs who fit. That's what they do. They do, they attack and eat the cups. They kill them all the time and so the female fights off the mail, the mail.
Gets a hold of one of the Cubs and kills it, female chases the male off, and then she eats our cup.
And he was like, whoa, wow. He's like I never saw that before. That's
just not there for that that often but that's just what goes down.
I feel like I'm having the emotional experience of like when you see a real drama, like a really good dramatic movie and you're like oh my
God how crazy is that? All those people have ate and died. Like I said, that's how sad I feel, you know, horrible that is dams. Horrible, it's so hot kind of life is the
Easiest life that exists on Earth where you just eat your kid, the moment is
and they there they will fight to keep their kids alive. That's what's crazy. Like the moment that the their baby's dead, did you say? Okay, guess I'm just gonna say, I gotta
eat now. I know that Lions especially males from like, you know, the join of Pride. If they become like the Top Line King in that Pride killed all the fucking Offspring. Oh yeah, it's theirs from the beginning.
Yep, they kill all The Offspring, particularly kill all the male's. They kill the young males. Jesus it's like but the young males killed, the old males to, that's even more horrific. Sometimes it's slow
going after the slow one. Ya Thinkin, The Pride up.
Well then they get to the point where an old lion can't control the pride anymore and the way they lose the prize, they get fucking mauled, they don't give it up, they get mauled. So and it's often like to three-on-one the other cats will jump on them because he was like the asshole
Hold it. Like ran this whole thing.
It's like when Whitey Bulger got transferred to general population, beat him with a padlock in a sock, a fucking rat piece of shit.
And he was like, 80 something years
old. I used to do Taekwondo with a guy that was one of his Hit Men. Seriously. Oh yeah. Back in like bottle. Yeah, back in Boston.
He asked me, I was worried, I was instructor and he asked me like you're gonna kill somebody. Where would you had him? And I go like, I guess like the neck, he goes. Yeah, the neck I think.
Now, I knew that he was involved in some sort of organized crime at the time. I didn't know what, like to what extent, but then afterwards, he got arrested for murder. Wow. Yeah. He went to jail for being a part of all that crazy, South Boston.
There was the one organized crime, she has main fucking right-hand guy, hit, man, who's in the, he does all the documentaries about it. Uh-huh. He's free because of his testimony. This is always wildly but I think he's got 19.
Mean bodies that crazy when there's someone who's done that and they're like, yeah but they they gave us good information, so they get to live in society wild like, when when Sammy the bull like, you know, it's with wild, right?
Yeah. When I get to your feels like that he gave us good
that's a weird world, but that South Boston mob world. That's the reason why Dana White moved to Las Vegas, really? Yeah, you had to get out of Boston. It's talked about it a bunch of times. Like they were threatening his gym. There were threatening him like, you know, they wanted him to give the money and he's like, I'm getting the fuck out of here.
That's a good move.
Yeah, and that was, that was all the Whitey bulger's crew. And then when you find out that he was an FBI informant, you like what? I know, like they let him get away with murder like
But it's an amazing year he
was murdering people amazed. Holy shit for how long? Yeah. And then he gets caught because his girlfriend and him get in a fight in Santa Monica. She's like yelling at them and everybody's like hey you okay what's going on and then it winds up you know the holy shit. That's Whitey
Bulger. Yeah the yeah there was a neighbor who I think she was actually Icelandic. That's a crazy thing to remember if that's true but I think
I think she was Icelandic and she's the original FBI tip
call. Wow, it was so she recognized him. Yeah,
she had. She had befriended. I think the woman and made the call. And yeah, and he and they were doing things like like they had all just a hole in the wall in the apartment with cash in it like that was their Bank you know. And you know how he got an identity. This is fascinating how he would he was living in Santa Monica.
He would go to the park and he's slow played a homeless guy in the park, like didn't tell him who he really was, but told him one over his confidence would bring food, you know, something to drink be a sympathetic and empathetic ear about this guy's story and like over time over time, eventually like and I know, you know, this is basically, I need an identity, I need a, how about? I'll give you this money and then I get your, you're at your state ID.
Or social security number, all this stuff, but I'll pay you for that and the guy did the deal. So that's the identity, he adopted and that's how he was able to like kind of live and move about.
So, someone does that, what happens to the original
person? I don't, I think he was kind of resigned. I think the at least the theory was that he's resigned to a life that is out of the system. So how about I take over your life? That's in the system because you're out of it. Why? I'm here is here's, here's money to compensate you.
And I've befriended you this isn't like one conversation, right? We're working on this for months. So there's a long
con, it's a long con. There's a lot of that. That's the thing that people have to realize. Like there's people out there that are really good at like weaseling their way into your life and stealing enormous sums of money. Also in, you're in business with them. Yeah, we just so I just
found out I can't give away the name I don't remember exactly.
It. But one of the guys that works on toward me his friend, he's been touring forever. And so he just found out that the bookkeeper for a like a bunch of bands has been just got arrested by the feds stole three million
was the bookkeeper and the way that it was discovered was
One of the band's managers who she again is the bookkeeper for like a few. A number of big bands knew that there was a card that he he's like, this is a card that's for me. And if I do x y z on the tour, you know, and she keeps us like different cards for different purchases. Anyways, he never used it and I like over over a course of like 22 months had never had a transaction. So she
I knew it was an inactive like it was a car that worked and wasn't in but with not being used by this guy, right? One day, he just out of the blue goes to use it and then he decides to log in and just see what if he's been using it and sees just pages of massive purchases Pages for months, and months, and months, and months and months. So she's using it. And then using like, band funds to
For and had this whole scheme going and they said like with they they tracked her for a while. So this is like a. Once you do a survey over a certain amount, it's considered a major crime. Yeah. So even in White Collar stuff pretty wild and she's taken. I always I always think of that Dane story. You know I have his brother took his
money. What is it? That's so exciting about like stealing money that way for people. It must be such a thrill when you're getting away with
it absolutely and all the stories.
Both these stories have like similar thing because I learned about this woman and I remember Dane saying this about his, his half-brother that they had a site, like, two lives going. So, in front of you, like, a front of the person with money, it would be like jeans and a t-shirt and like just, you know, I hope I can fuck, I don't know man. I need, I broke my glasses. I hope I can get a pair at the pharmacy today, you know, and then but I like but away from you, they're staying.
Like five star hotel. So, it's that. Yeah, the thrill also I think is like, in making you think
this? Yeah, they're spies. Yeah, they're spies. They're undercover Spies Like, like, think about the lady who recognized Whitey Bulger and befriends the girlfriend and and then makes FBI tips, like all sudden she's in a movie. Yeah, your boring ass bullshit life is now instead of that the apartment complex, she has his harboring
fugitives, it's so much more exciting. Huh?
Huh? Every Day's A Thrill and
be it's Gotta Be thrilling, has to be, it has to
be, and to be stealing all this money from people in you're working with him, like, Hi, how are you? Mike looking great. Everything is amazing. Meanwhile, you just stealing money stealing, your at home alone, just with piles of money, on the
bay. He's going on, like these vacations and
buying jewelry and shit by purses and shoes,
and and the grazers. None of it's
yours. You just steal and gimme gag. Give me. And you just have no plan. Like, you're thinking, how am I gonna get out of
Rama getting. I remember
that if you ever watch that show, American Crime Story. What is it? No American Greed. Sorry. Is called American Greed. It's like one of those, you know, it's like there's like a blueprint for like the same voice over guy and it just profiles these stories of white-collar crimes basically and and they had one about a guy who got a job in accounting for one of I think it was one of America's oldest cookie or cake
Makers like a family company that did well, not like Hershey's, but like did well and had this book of business that like, you know, was somewhat popular. He got a basic accounting job in this office. Say 100 200 person business, and the show profiles, how eventually he was, he would, he was a, you know, using the, the funds of the company that had an outdated accounting system like this. They didn't have
An accounting it was like handwrite this know and he was able to take advantage of that and he would write like two checks but only write one of them in the book. So there was never like anything being flagged anyway. Over the course of a few years, it was like 67 million and he was doing that thing where he had pictures of him in his life on Jets and he's like, like, living it up and then and then he show up to work and be like, ah, Shucks my camera is not I
I gotta get new
tired, you know, and they have no
idea. No idea. He just gets away with it, but he's posting pictures on social media now. But they eventually found photos when they,
they said it, when he tried, when he, when
he knew the cops were coming after them, they were watching them. And he like ran and he parked on the side of a bridge and he ran down to a creek and he just put Rolexes in the creek and put rocks on them. He's a fucking idiot. You know,
there's all these Rolex is in the creek.
That's right, that's him hiding. Let's reassess, that's the guy,
episode 1 or sorry season. Is that a 1 or 11 11? Episode 6, season 11.
The thing is when people become obsessed with stuff, they become obsessed with like jewelry and houses and watches, and yeah, and, and planes and shit like that. Like that kind of insatiable desire for constant new and improving things. That is not. That's not sustainable. It's not sustainable people. Go nuts.
D. And if you go nutty and you're stealing money, yeah, you're in that trap. You're in that concept needing the fucking new Bentley. Needing a new thing. Did you get to 2023? That's it. Yeah, it's the good one. Yeah, I don't want the 2022
anymore. Yeah. 2008. The, you got ten years in. 2022 is bullshit. I just talked to somebody about this to about how he's an athlete pro athlete and how when you start you have the means to buy something and you're like I gotta get this thing. Yeah. And it's the first time that you can actually buy. Let's say a high ticket item.
Right? But you find that even though it's cool and you might like it, it's not full dreaming about, it was more of a thrill than purchasing it most, a lot of the time it's fulfilling. Yeah. Excuse me. It's exciting. I don't feel it's fulfilling, it doesn't go. Like now I'm
complete. It's just one of those things that it's so hard to imagine that you could get you could get it.
Yeah. That's part of the that's a big part of the excitement
like I'm somebody that can get. Yeah. Yeah. You get excited because of the fact that you could do it, but at the end of the day,
Like, I remember this. I was sitting this apartment that I had in North Hollywood when I first moved to California and it was like way nicer than any apartment at ever bad, it will add a loft because when I was on television, so I had a loft apartment and I had a pool table in my living room, like this is the greatest way to live forever ever. And then I realized like after just a few months, I was sitting and I go, oh I go, it's just, this is just home, I go you get used to whatever but he used to everything, like, so that's felt like
My apartment back in New York which was a shit hole. Wasn't that adapt? Yeah I adapt it and I was like, this is interesting. This is not does not make me any happier to be in this. Nice apartment brushes that other and I realized like, oh it's just like your home is. Just worry, it doesn't matter. That's just your it's just it's a trick. It's just these unattainable homes. They seem like so Preposterous and yeah, I'm sure it's great. If you've got a nice view or if you have a big yard or something like that, it's great but it's still just a home it is and the
Amount you pay more for like a crazy home. Yeah, you know, and then people like dedicating everything to have the nicest home in the neighborhood so they could show off to all the other people in the neighborhood. The one of the bigger one
big thing for a lot of people. And also just the sheer size of some, like, it's almost like everybody goes. This is in my bandwidth or Spectrum like, you know, I go like, okay, enough and then you see with it. Some people are into building a 21st
I've 35 40, 50 thousand. Like what are you doing a
50,000? How about our Evander Holyfield house? Yeah, I the one that Rick Ross lives in. Now it's the craziest House of what are you doing? So fucking Castle. What are you doing? He had a room is like, it's like he's had 50 bedrooms or something crazy. I know how many bedrooms are in that fucking put. Look at the size of that fucking place. Exact, that view. I think it's on like, some crazy amount of acreage to look, I'm not hating you. I'm just saying, take 100 room. What the fuck do you do with this? It's
Is get 100 room. There's so there's a reason I mean there's parts of a
house. That's at our normal size you go, you know, we don't really use that room. You like unused. I feel like so much of this house doesn't get traffic but that's
come from the Mind. Who is the boxing heavyweight champion of the world? You know what I mean? Right. It's like a different kind of guy that thinks he's gonna conquer everybody with his hands. Sure. That's the kind of guy that wants to live in a fucking Castle. I'm a vendor Holyfield.
Badging, the real deal. Build
me a fucking Castle. He probably wanted people throwing roses at his feet when he walked, you know, I mean why not? Yes, guys, go crazy. When, when like a guy is a conqueror, he gets annoyed some
Chicago home you ever seen that one. I have think it's been on the market for
years. Oh I did see a YouTube video about how they can't tell it.
Yes. They it's been on the haters and bunch of haters. It's a pretty well. I mean look at that. It's a pretty wild.
The top left one though. Or that one? Yeah.
Just not a good area. I don't know. Look at that. Why can't I decide? Who the fuck would want to live in? Michael Jordan's eyes. I know that be the dopest house. 20 never a pretty wood. Much will be kidding me. Look dudes. Used to be Michael Jordan's plays. Yeah what?
Yeah you couldn't tell when you saw 23 on the gates bro. That's
gotta be worth a lot more. Look at the 23 in the game. Yeah that's got to be worth a lot. More was just a dress man. If you are a fucking giant, Michael Jordan fan. Oh my God.
Yeah why.
You buy that
house. It's gotta be. I think it's be crazy. Overpriced. 29 million is a
lot. That's a lot of money. It's a lot of money for a house. Yeah, it's hard to sell at 29 million dollar house. The point is, like, real specific area
for Michael Jordan's needs and desires? Yeah, it's real
specific. I'm sure, I'm sure there's a basketball court in there,
right? 100%. There is there's
constantly, full basketball court. Now,
there's probably a couple that's golf course in the back, little course Cigar Lounge.
Yeah, it's probably sick as fuck. That place doesn't mean what
Look at that. He's got a fucking beautiful basketball
court. Yeah. It's got that. Oh, that glass, there is very 90s, you know, on the, I
think the most extravagant luxury could have at a house. Is it home gym? It's the best home gym. Yeah, having a home gym is the fucking best thing, ever. Yours is great. It's great. Anything like that? Like, you get like, what I have to this or next equipment. It's the same shipper has and it's, like, just the fact that I don't have to go
anywhere. Like, yeah, that's the best part. Just walk. Open the door that that's why.
Love. I put that torque that towns shit Torque Fitness tank in my backyard. So I'm just pushing and pulling that thing across the backyard and in the Heat and it feels like I just keep a. I keep thinking about farm, work, tell me about something I want to farm. Yeah, just pushing and pulling that thing, man.
Well, some of the great wrestlers of our day came from Farmland. Yeah. You know, did like think about Iowa like some of the greatest wrestlers of all time come from that, farm land
every year.
In in college football, there will always be some, a few freshman in different teams throughout the country that you up. They'll be like yeah. This this fucking kid is built like a brick. Shithouse. Bench like 550. Yeah. And then the stories always he grew up on this Farm. Yep in Nebraska or Kansas and he's just a fucking house just to
house. Yeah yeah
with it with unnatural strength for an 18 year old strong enough to beat any at arm
wrestling. This is yeah, when you grow up doing, man,
Manual labor? Yeah, like that's Francis in Ghana. Know. The UFC heavyweight champion at
guys. Fucking just doesn't
seem real. Yeah, he's a super athlete and he, when he was a child, he had to work in the sand
mines, does. So look like a real
person? I know. It's crazy. He's such a fucking freak athlete. He's 270 natural.
Hits harder than hits harder than
anybody hurt level and through Athletics.
Yeah, he hits hard as fuck. He holds the record for the hardest punch ever on this machine. There's this machine that you can punch or kick and it gives you a reading. Yeah, you know there's I think there's a video of him doing it. Jesus Christ. Yeah. He holds the record of the hardest punch that they've ever recorded on that
I forget what the machines called. We have one at the studio.
Yeah, no, it's not that one. Not that we do real like a thing that like, it's mounted to a
wall record. Look at that one. New record. Yeah. The top above, this guy is a monster. The amazing results today. Francis demonstrate a punching power just over
What? What is that? What is he saying?
World record punch.
But if you if you watch the way he Kayo's people, it's 100% believable. Really? Yeah. He might be the hardest hitter on Earth if he was boxing. If this, if he had just gone straight into
boxing, I'll go back to the video. Selections top one there that
Yeah, but if you think about guys like Deontay Wilder, who's arguably the greatest heavyweight knockout artist ever huge power puncher, Chooch, Deontay Wilder. One point time, I think his record was roughly somewhere around 39 and 0 with. I think he had thirty eight Knockouts, something along those lines. He had one decision where he beat Burr main. I forget his forget the dude same. But anyway, he beat him by decision in the first fight, and then he KO.
Them in the second fight and the KO in the sacrifice is crazy. He's got his hands down standing in front of him and he just walked towards him and crack. Some, it's nuts. Like he gets his guy hurt and just goes wild, it's one of the wildest Calles you're ever seen. You see how hard he hits so hard. He hits so fucking hard but he's a guy that won a bronze medal in the Olympics like a year and a half in training like no bullshit. Really? Yeah like they he had very little training and all this
And he's in the Olympics and he metals like his power is just like from God, his is like, you haven't. He's a from God,
power the ante or not? Yeah,
not a. So if a guy like that exists, then a guy like Francis. Like, if I got like Frances just went right into boxing, it would have no MMA ever. Doesn't have to learn how to kick, just just has to learn Appling. It had movement, learn how to put punches on people. To 70 natural, giant
insane power, his overhand, right?
Generated One Tone, 129,000 100 or Point once to 10 units and the off-balance uppercut was one 22.000 units and is speed power of 51.0. 64 which is equivalent to 90 2.84 horsepower, which is the same amount of a small family car. Huge amount of The Knockout power enough to lift 240-pound heavy weight off his feet. Yeah, that's
fuck. Yeah, that unit. That 129,000 one.
61 units. That's like a normal person. Like a good kicker. That's like, what a good kick is like yeah, yeah, it's
similar. The the 120 to
129 his.
That was his overhand, right? Like is
that he told him, right? It's like a right high kick, it's that good thing about how big your fucking leg is and how much power you can generate with your legs. That's what his punches, his punches, the same level as like, a really good kickers kick,
he could knock any out.
Out. Oh my
God. Yeah, I mean, the guy doesn't lose when you challenge them.
What if this you would have been gone a while, I didn't hear any was like, you can't knock my ass out. Like that was the challenge. Yeah, you couldn't. Yeah, you
would hurt yourself. You would hurt yourself on his body. Ya know, did
you see him in the new Jackass? Did you watch the new jacket? I didn't. So watch it. It's so fun
easing, but I get anxiety. What I want. Yeah, it's her.
yeah, there's that. You'll have it throughout. But there's so many funny moments but in Ghana punches, who did he punch that guy? So funny. I'm fucking forgetting his name punches him in the nuts. Why he's wearing a cup? No, it's fucking know. What's this dude? Danger Ehren. Danger Ehren. Yeah, he's so funny. So
likable, Aaron. Don't do that. And
yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, this is from the trailer but
Man and go new punches him in the nuts while wearing a while, wearing a
cup and whatever area you like, that's not even a good cop. It's a oh man. It's he's like, what the fuck? Man Francis told his life story of his origin story, like moving. Yeah, I like out of Cameroon and getting to Morocco and it took 18 months. 18 months eighteen.
Months and he basically just hitched, rides walked figured out how to get to Morocco and seven times tried to cross into Europe and seven times got arrested. And every time
they would arrest him rewind that sorry.
Every time they arrest him, they would take him to the middle of the desert and drop them off. And you have to make your way back to Morocco.
It's the craziest story and I hate when there's not enough ice in my iced coffee
who doesn't? I've been he hates that to. I
like a proper amount of ice. That's it that it shows while yeah, sure. Is
All right here sound. No no, it's probably from the
oh my God. Again,
a first I first, he has to watch a wait, rewind, a little more. I liked it before. He does this. He has pressed play. He has to watch him. Hit a heavy bag like
I was before that so they're like standing around.
Like yeah there.
Did you know what's going to happen to you? But you see him do that for. See you like fuck
up our he generates it don't matter.
It's insane again. He was a child working in a sand mine so he's like 10, 11 years old digging, sand all day. You want to talk about something that would strengthen your body, just all day. So all day, his body is exerting all this force all day and it's recovering and healing getting stronger and thicker. I mean, and
And he learns martial arts. You already has incredible genetics, super tall. Yeah, big as fuck and then he's got this incredible base of strength, not just from genetics, but from fucking hard labor, hard labor. Yeah. And then learns how to punch and realizes he can punch harder than anybody alive. So
crazy. Sera, what I want? And he's like, really gentle, like, he's a great guy. He's a great guy. See when he went in the ring after a Tyson Fury.
Wi-Fi. And there was kind of hypo a potential match. Yeah. He's like, you got a big cock. What is it? Because he's like, you got a big boy and
gun is like, huh? You know, that you got a big one. He's like, I don't know. Don't do that. To Tyson Fury is hilarious. He's so called a video of oosik. No, no, no go to Tyson Fury's Instagram page. He's like you little bitch. Cody out middleweight.
I do a terrible Tyson Fury impression,
which I was it. The
one with the glasses on the sunglasses on right there in the middle, click on that one. You're gonna love this little white. You say you want the WBC
and it's held by
gypsies, it is L by gypsies is held by the Gypsy King and it's how tightly grasped tight. I'm all roads leads to a 7-foot bam off. That will absolutely destroy humidor white middleweight. You will get smashed.
Tibet, since you say you wanted to fight me after you beat the bodybuilder, call me out on television and now you being a little bitch. Pussy, boy, running hiding saying you've got injuries, you ain't got no injuries. What aspiring contest,
get out fight, December
you, let your mouth go now, let's back it up, see if you can back it up. Middle way, doesn't matter if it's December or April or August. Next year, the outcome will be the same. I will obliterate you. I'm a 7-foot 20 stone, baying mob.
Off and I will destroy. You middleweight? Find your balls come see me. Bitch, middle one. We're good. That's great. He's a bear moff. Imagine saying that I'm A Bear Mama
famous. What is he saying, Behemoth? That's a behemoth. Yeah, sure. I said Behemoth. Oh, he's not trying. He is saying it, but he's saying it. Was his ever
seen a bear mob. Now, he's a babe magnet.
That's what I thought he was saying, like, I'm a 7-foot 220, Stoneham off Behemoth. Yeah, bam. Ah, Fair.
Yeah, Behemoth. Is that what he's saying? I
swear. He's definitely saying okay. Yeah, yeah, he's okay. I'm the master of accent.
Whatever the word was. It was even maybe we should start calling people. Bear mofs. I'm a mom
of three. Good. Yeah, yeah, but bitch, I'm a bear moff, by the way, he's a hilarious. Huh. Google Foods right? Before we watch somebody's head, get eaten by a crocodile. This guy used, but you said you're familiar with
it. Oh yeah, I saw him. He baked a stake in mayonnaise mayonnaise. Yeah, I saw that too. Yeah, he does.
Anything that anyone basically
goes? Well, what about, if you, if you made a steak this way, right? And then he does it.
Yeah. The like boil them in butter
that if you scroll up some that one in the middle there. Yeah, that's the Mayo. When I think.
Yes, it is a male. What
happened? If you cooked?
Yeah. Yeah. So he put the stake in mayonnaise, completely covered in mayonnaise and then baked it in the oven and then when he pulled it out of the oven then he seared. It I think or you might have like flamed it and
I think. Yeah, it's report
Grill. Did you put on a girl? I think so.
Watch so many of these channels now forever. Get forget you too, but there's so many good like steak cooking channels.
There are so many. But this dude, and I also love that he always has like a sample moment. The end. He's like
damn he's like well yeah
why is it so satisfy? Don't know. I love his enthusiasm and everything looks good. When I go to another
one, do you know about the chef Bros?
In Turkey. No, you know those guys know there's these there's these brothers and turkey that are chefs in. They're on Instagram. They're really interesting and a sailor next. All their cooking is seafood. These guys just all cook seafood. I love watching. I
love watching anybody. You've watched Men with pot, right? Those guys out in the woods men, with pot men. I think men with pot. No men with pot. I think it's called, is that am I right men with pot? Now, this is it, see, and every videos like this. It's like a
It's like a guy in the woods and at like, check this out, like you'll start gets everything that's for the fire. But then it's always cinematically like, you know, put together like edited well and it shows every stage of them prepping the food and they always use like that big Hatchet style knife like smoke. So I guess he's making salmon here but it always, you know, it's, it's like romanticized, right out in nature.
Cooking and always look ends up, looking amazing. And you always go like I want to do this and you like just no fucking chance. I'm going to do this
well, given the way just like roles that has the camera of yam, the knife cutting and sing your in nature, and it's like every two seconds, you get a new thing to look at. It's like an MTV Music Video. Look. Yeah. The treating you like, you're a dummy. Yeah, dummy looks, but it's, it's for Instagram and we know it works. Great. It's exciting. There's another guy follow. I want to eat that Simon.
Is it cooking with fire? There's a think it's cooking with
fire. Let me take looking with fire. Yeah I think
it's cooking with fire. Hold on.
But this dude it's all really good. Mexican food and really can't. Why is my fucking Instagram? Not finding anybody. Hmm. You ever have a hard time like this your guy searching for people? Yep. That's him. Cooking under.
Yes. I have had that before
such a keen a strange. So this dude makes some amazing shit and it's done in that same way like very fast. Like you get to see exactly how it's done.
Every two seconds, you get a new thing to look at like. That seems to be the formula and he's coming.
Never you see meet by the way that reaches this state. You always go. I gotta go eat steak right now. Yeah, always. I know are like these brisk. Like look at this shit for ya heart. That's one of the things that's so big in. This town is brisket.
Oh my God. Yeah. Barbecue in this town. It's no joke. It is no Flow came from German people. No. Yeah, the Germans Germans. They're moving through Texas. They
They like German smoked sausages and
stuff that they do, they make some money. Yeah. And then it would kind of and
then they added like this Texas Flair to it and became the barbecue that, you know, and love.
I love a bespoke suit the. So there's a couple Taylor's laughs. Oh, I know that you've worked with David August. Yeah, and he makes great suits and I love that. They that you went to. You did a show and you got suits for you and the boys. Yeah, so all you guys looked so clean. It was doubt a guy in a
In a suit. It's just always a bespoke nice to. Yeah, always looks great. This guy, though, this guy makes there's there's like a real tradition of Taylor's in Hong Kong. Mmm. And a lot of them are we went to where those guys? Yeah, I ended up going there. Like they're a lot of them are second. Third generation and had in my experience. I've seen a lot of people from India, bringing Oak bringing that over, but bring it over a couple Generations ago and then it being passed down. So you see a lot of like indian-born,
Taylor's in Hong Kong, hmm. It was also big Indian population and all right, but this dude
that's what this is duck neck. Today we are here to talk about his ass. We have to slowly and rescue but a ridiculous and probably the most Sensational fabric you have ever laid your
eyes on. Can we zoom in and see this incredible two-tone? It's not enthusiastic it's at yeah I know I absolutely gift wrapped in here. Is his Donald Duck back. Look at that Donald Duck Bugs Bunny what is this? A kick. Pleat can we zoom in? It kicked bleep roping on the shoulders but nothing it's also like that's incredible. Yeah.
You like excited, enthusiasm is contagious. I don't get it. Susie asked about suits but
now I am and now you are now we got me now, you go like guy's legit, he's super legit.
That's a, but it's also inappropriate, that's the best part that's the best part. If you can be inappropriate and good at what I do, it's like bring Kevin Spacey back, the guy is fucking amazing. That's the
best actor of a generation. Pretty fucking good actor and all he did was harassed. Some people on set. Why the fuck are you an actor? If you're not going to be able to harass the
people on
Set. That's the reason you become a star.
In his day that probably was. Yeah, for sure. Probably really, that's probably really it. Yes. Like they all. Did it all of
them. Can you imagine what the Dean Martin's? And
sonatas were like, well, you've heard about like Fatty Arbuckle, right? You heard about the The Fatty Arbuckle was like a gigantic movie star at one point in time, but apparently stuck like a bottle up some girl's vagina only guy and it broke in there and she wound up dying, what? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Find that find the
Dory, there's something really wild like that.
But he was like a super famous movie star and then it was over. Okay. This is he a coke
bottle with a coke bottle? Virginia rappe. So it's like a seems like it's an unknown person. Can you make that text bigger?
Was the biggest thing in Hollywood who's accused of a heinous, rape and murder of a notorious party girl, his adoring public, wanted him strung up, make it even bigger. He was one of Hollywood's biggest stars adored by millions. Be charged with murdering an aspiring actress after a shocking orgy. Jesus one minute. I'm the guy, everybody
loves the next time. The guy everybody loves to hate, that's what he said after he got
pinched on murder charges.
The deal she died. Okay. So she was examined by a doctor who concluded she was suffering from alcohol poisoning after drinking too much bootleg liquor. When she died four days later, a woman accused Arbuckle of rigging, the renet beauty and accidentally crushing her bladder, during a drunken sex session Jesus.
Looks like traded him. My the prosecutor. Intensely ambitious man made public pronouncements of Arbuckle's, guilt, before the trial, and pressured witnesses, to make false statements. All right, well, ultimately the judge found no violent. Oh no, excuse me, no evidence of room.
What about the glass? I don't
know. Maybe there's if you keep going, they last or detail because that is. So that's
the bottle. So, is the bottle story? Like a fake story.
I don't know because the rest is article, doesn't really mention it. Why does that? I
don't know go back but it's also exactly when the liar shit
rumors it could be the Fatty Arbuckle Scandal. It's from Neo are no for finding
any so she died from him collapsing on her. Just his weight.
I'm not sure. I don't think I got
it. Is that really what?
This is a better Source here.
Okay. Arbuckle's at peace. Ice to a story that quickly trans more Griff I'd into the obscene use of a Coca-Cola or wine bottle. Here's a piece of ice. Yeah, other Witnesses testify that our bug head, actually use the ice to rub on her stomach as a means of relieving her belly pain. Scroll back up
though so he didn't do that. Let's
see a little more.
All right, plan to throw a party. He brought the Hefty supply of bootleg booze, according to a witness Arbuckle and ramp down three or more gin and orange wine drink together. When he pulled into one of the joining rooms, I've waited for you five years. I've got you now scrimp. Scroll down within an hour. She claimed to hear screaming, enter the room. You open the door. Clad in pajamas wearing Virginia's hat. I am dying. Oh wrappers on the bed and I'm dying. I'm dying. He did it. The hotel doctor and
Were called they moved right to another room to rest for a few days. She had a ruptured urinary bladder. So I guess we're trying to find out how that so it sounds like her agent the woman who dies agent made the story worse by claiming Arbuckle, used a piece by piece of ice 20. Don't know. If it was just an attorney, make it saying this or whether, that's actually what happened
so piece of ice. Yeah. And like, jammed it up there. Oh, like ice sculptures.
Something right? Yeah, like, you know, yeah, we need peace, baby,
Jesus. Oh, maybe ruptured her bladder with that. And then it got the story. Got fucked over and spun around. Yeah, you know. One person tells it to another and then it became a glass. It's
He was only 266 pounds that. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. They're talking about is considerable size. People were so small back then. Yeah, that a guy that big was a fatso to 6266. I think that said, Scrolls,
Back up to where it said that because it mentioned the weight of his body. Yeah. He was more than two 266 pounds ruptured. Her bladder. That's not even that big. It's not that big. No not until not today. That's what's crazy like back then it's like, holy shit. You ever see those old-timey Carnival places where they have like the fat man? Yeah, you can see the bearded lady in the fatty fat man's like a regular
guy. Yeah. In this world in today's world, for sure. If at all,
that's Fatty Arbuckle.
Eagle. Yeah. Mere like he's kind of chubby. Yeah, he's chubby. He was a fat guy. But, I mean like not compared to today. That was. That's a regular guy at Disneyland.
That is, I know, you
know? Yeah. There's nothing freaky about that.
Who's like, what I eat, right? Yeah, I have my big gulp.
You couldn't even call him Fatty Arbuckle's today.
No way, no way. And also if he did lose all the way everybody would be. Like, you know what? You were beautiful. When you were big to you didn't need to lose any. What
if you're a fat guy
Like him, you called yourself fatty? Would anybody be allowed to say
it? That's the only time that people are allowed to say, like Fat, Joe Cool, who lost actuate, right? But yeah, I think it did have the names. He said it.
It's because there's that, you said. Fat Burt. Yes.
Rude. He actually said that. He came out as fat really? Yeah. Like the people can't come out of the closet. He goes, I came out as fat so I own it. I'm well I
think would Bert loves more than anything is partying and if he can party and maintain a usable form like a functional form that can get him to where he needs to go and get them on stage, he's good to go. That's what I
think. Bert, once the could the good times the continue the good times will
Oh, with Bert.
Yeah, and so he sacrifices.
But guess what? What they're not fucking rolling in October, buddy,
October, bro, we're going hard. It's
called the no fun month, all
right? Every single day, we've decided you have to burn 500 calories in an exercise, not just like hours during the day, that's easy, that's easy. 500 calories in one or two
workouts. Okay. Yeah, we're
in. I think that's fair. I think like, especially for guys that a real busy like you, you know, get a workout in and maybe you don't have time for
Going to hour-and-a-half work out. Maybe have time for 20 minutes, but you can do 30 minutes before you go to
bed. Yeah, and split it up and look at the work and
we wear straps again. Yeah. Well, our straps. What's the best trap for measuring the amount of calories you burn? Because it's not that important for most people. They're working out there looking at like, their maximum heart rate and like, like that. My zone thing that we use on the first over, October. That thing was great. But does that measure how many calories you
burned? Good question. I'm
sure we sure did do that. I'm very sure. I mean, how does my eyes only
thing does measure?
Calorie burning.
Because with those things, you put a tramp you put in your way you put in all these factors, right? Do you have to add answer? A bunch of questions or was at the whoop? I think we probably the whoop does that well,
to my Jean accurately calculate calories burned. Okay, go
perfectly does the whoop accurately calculate calories burned as well. That's easier. That's the keys. Keep that thing on your wrist. That's true.
As you see that work out.
Yeah. Member and we probably still have that sober October group
It also gives you an estimate. How many calories you burn throughout the day? Based on
based on height weight and heart rate? Hmm. Yeah.
The problem with sober October is generally, I have a hunt month or a hunt week and so,
but how can that would be right
back up? I can rock a big military. Are got really mad last year. Oh yeah, so fuckin 600 has been 600. It's only 11:00 in the
morning. How do you think Penny Pincher will do you think he'll participate to and get those in?
You mean, are you saying re? Yes. I fear. I think you'll participate. I think he'll probably come in. You know, like hi.
Hot. He'll be very excited about doing this. You talk a lot of shit, talk a lot of shit. Yeah, it'll be fun, Bert will come, that's why we can't have a competition. It's Bert. If I was just competing with you and Ari, I'd be like, you know, we'll just have some fun. Yeah, but with bird, I'm like I want you to die. You talk so much shit. I'm like, I'm gonna take you to the depths of hell like you have no idea when I set off my alarm in my gym because I sweat so much is set off the fire alarm. I was doing seven hours.
A cardio and I was I watch John Wick 50 times.
I just kept watching John Wick just getting through that thing. Yeah, kept watching John Wick it's fucking just fucking hat and thinking of Bert, fuck you,
fuck you. There's so many great clips that are gonna come out of this. Mine
was like, I'm like Bert
you make, there is no
loser steak, there's no loser. That's the thing. It's not a comic in a competition. Those were the most fun ones like that. That was just too crazy and my wife didn't like it either.
It's like, it's like I became obsessive. I think we all did we were working hours and hours and every day I got
real sick during that month,
but you still came back and ran fucking 13 miles right after being that
sick. Yeah, that was and that was also 13 miles to only reason. Of course, I would have done that. I did that is that this? We were all
competing and you were like catching up your passing. People Burt came in last
Ari was fucking coming at it hard. He liked it, too. I also saw a side.
That's the thing about competition. Is it like brings out in people? It showed me a side of art because he really got into competing. Yeah, he enjoyed it. I think he really enjoyed it. All right, I know you got to get going. So
I'm excited about this sober
October. Be fun, it'll be fine. Man weeks, I
hate does vape pens count because I think this thing gets me high.
To be discussed.
As we had a conversation last year about cigars oh that's right. Gars kind of give me a buzz.
I think you got it. I think you have to allow cigars.
Okay. Then you get a buzz cigars. Afina cigar. I'm feeling pretty good.
Cigars, butt plugs, and coffee are allowed for October. Thanks for coming, dude. I love
you. I love you to death. Thank you for having me. Thank you guys for watching. I love what you've done here, man. It's incredible. I love what you doing with everything with all of your podcast. Danny Browns, podcast is fucking hilarious. So fucking, he's so funny, man. He's like
Comment, you know, he stood out front after our last live show and did a rant, like, like Gina go. Joey does just did a rant that had everybody in tears and I go, you just I go, listen man, I know how this works. You could go on stage and you could just say your, that could be, that's a bit and he goes, I don't know what the fuck. I just said,
just record and play back to him. It was so good. What? He's like a Joey Diaz. Yes, he
You know, Joey was always the funniest guy in the parking lot. Yeah, that was the thing. And Joey figured out how to be the guy in the parking lot on stage and it was like an exactly Aeneas that's all I tell them. Tell you their during that time do during the time where he really got good. No, you came around 2007. He was already a murderer by
then. Yeah. So I was after
that, this is in the 90s, man. In the like, the late 90s like 90. I met him in 96, I believe, and I think right around like 99, he figured it out. Really
Man it was like he hit a switch and he had just decided that all that fuck these agencies cocksuckers. The not give me shit. He was like he was always trying to audition for a television show. He will always wanted to like not be too offensive when he was on stage because he thought maybe he'd get cast in something and then he just fucked these people and he went on stage. I mean, it was almost like, it was like one night. Yeah, he went on stage one night and talk to us. Talk to the people in the audience, the way he talks to us in the back.
Arc. And then it just and that was it, that was it. And I'm telling you, man, it was like he hit a
switch as people, you see? I'm so glad that he figured that out because he yeah, I mean I've told the story before but when one of the first times I toured with you, he we were backstage and like you would bring like three of us to open for you and we open and we just sit around and he was like,
So where's Christine this weekend? I go Christina, she's in Nashville. He was like, Nashville, 1987 and he just starts telling this. So that's all here. To here was the city net, or was
Knoxville. I got this guy tied up in my trunk did and
I, I'd never hung out with him. I had no idea. What's happened to me. I was laughing so fucking hard. Oh man. And then I made him retail. We all got into a van after.
Sir. I go tell them that, he's like tell
what I do. The fucking craziest
story I've ever heard in my life. Retail that again about Knoxville. He's like, oh yeah. And it was
like he's got so many stories that some he never runs out of. He does the
Honeydew with a stickler and they do and like most people go on that show and they go like, here's my story. Joey has so many stories that they have a like, it's a series and its year, it's by years. He's like, they're they've done like Eight Episodes. You like our where 1992 and he'll do.
In 1992 for two hours with Ryan and then it was like when we come back 93 so good. That's how they do it. It's so good. It is Joey being Joey telling all these wild stories. Yeah. You can't
make a guy like that, like they did exist. So rarely he was in people, some people know the story but some people don't, this is, he's the reason why I took two people on the road with me because I would take Joey and the road, but Joey would go off on Benders and you would he would not show up. Yeah, and it would happen, you know, not
Always, but it would happen enough that you had a plan for it, right? And so a couple times how to use local openers and then eventually, I hope I'm just going to bring three people just three of us this way. If Joey doesn't show up, it's two man show. Joey shows up. It's a three-man show. Yeah. No big deal because I just didn't want to. I just didn't want to fuck it up. I
could not believe you told me that because when you're opening and somebody big says, like, you can open for me. It's so it's so exciting. But it's also like you're so thrilled to have a job.
Bob you don't you trying to find you always trying to find good show. You're going from maybe you have one good you get him. One good show every few months like you're doing good. You're doing good shows all the
time. That's the parallel
routes and so you just are so thrilled. Yeah, that someone's taking you and that you're getting to see like you're getting perform in front of a real crowds. And that you told me, you go one time Joey just call. I was like, where are you? He's like it's Sunday. I went home and you're like do we have a show tonight? Use, I don't do Sunday show. Yes, I'm like to be
an opener and be like tell somebody like yeah I don't do that Joe.
He knew I loved him. Unconditionally. Yeah, he knew he was troubled, you know. Yeah. And he knew I loved him. No matter what. That was so funny that was I just told them just you show up in you're always going to go up that by that is when I always work together, just
dagwon gave him that you also said, I would be like I'm nervous about this new thing. You go, you can't get fired. Yeah. Say that to people. Now I go, you can't get
fired. You're fired this one. I got re SuperDuper high once in Boston, he's working too hard to go on stage. I go to you can't get fired.
You can't get fired at GoGo action. Go have fun. I go. You are 100%. Like I'll always use you. Yeah, well always work together. Go have fun.
The I remember one time I was working clubs in like 2012. I'd known Joey a few years and he just called me one side. And he goes, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm in Kansas City and, you know, he's like what are you doing? Kansas City. I go, I have a show tonight. He goes. You know, what kind of fucking Momo goes out on a Sunday? I was like, what? He's like, you can't do that. You can't do Sunday shows.
I go, but I had, it's part of my contract. You would you tell them, you tell them. I talked to Sunday shows. I'm not a fucking loser. Piece of shit. I was like, okay, I'll tell them.
I love Sunday shows. Yeah. Like, all right, my name shows a casual. I know people are relaxed. You could have a more relaxed, kind of like Thursdays and Sundays are like love them so far. I love I love Mondays and Tuesdays to I love all the days of the week. Fucking it's a great job Tommy but it's a great I was I was telling the guys I got a couple more minutes. I was telling the guys in the green room last night, how we met
We met on the real man of Comedy Tour. Real men with Charlie Murphy and John Heffron,
excuse me, Bud Light presents Maxim's the Real Men of kids, a lot of words
in that and the real man of Genius. Yeah, if you don't remember those old commercials, the guy who is the lead singer, that was the singer from the eye of the tiger, the fucking Survivor song, he was the lead singer of survivor, really. So we were touring with the lead singer Survivor and this other dude and they would do the Real Men of Genius. They would do
those like, right.
like this. There's like they're funny lines. They had some funny shit. They got laughs. Yeah. And the guy would sing, you know, and he had a fucking killer voice. It's the eye of the tiger that guy. He's a fucking voice is incredible. Yeah. Toured with that guy and we met you. So I was talking about how we met like in every town, there was like an opening act and generally, you know, nice guys, almost all of them were funny but a couple of them really sucked. And in one of the town's, it was just one dude and he was like, really drunk after the show like
He kind of bombed and the other guys killed and I was saying and he was hanging out with us, in the Green Room was like critic. Let's get out of here. I like this is the reason why I bring people on the road with me. Yeah. Because you never know like 99 times out of 100 are going to be great. Yes. That one time and I said and then I did The Phoenix Theater. The Hollywood celebrity
that celebrit
celebrity theater and I met you and I remember watching you and you only did like seven
No 3. 3 3 minutes 3 minutes. Yeah, that's
hilarious. That's why I was 2007. Yeah. Three minutes. And in those three minutes of Mike this, fuck it dude is talented. I'm like you're really funny and we became friends like
immediately. Yeah, it was I was, I couldn't believe it because you were actually there's other was a few other acts, who would be like, give me your number that I had done stand-up in front of and none of them called. But you called you called and you go, do you want to do you like the UFC? And I was like, I don't know. I
I guess so you got no, you said, do you want to go see the UFC in Tampa? And I was like, I mean, I guess so you're like, well, I gotta show the night, but we do shows that before and then go the UFC, I was like, oh, that sounds fucking cool.
Alright, I got never seen that and then we.
Yeah. We flew there and it was great. We did we did do. That was your doing the Improv? Yeah. Did the Tampa Improv? Yeah. Then we do the UFC and I couldn't I had seen obviously you have see stuff on TV but I was that was the first time I went to
To a live event. And I was like, oh my God, because the, you can't describe what it feels like to be in an arena.
The energy, the energy is just as insane, it's
for a fight. Yeah. Energy like arena energy. I didn't Arena this past weekend, for stand up and that's incredible. But the energy to see two people put, like, they're their lives on the line to fight is Indescribable. Well, not just to people are two of warrior best
Combat Sports athletes
at Earth. It's duking it
out. It's crazy. It's
It's the wildest goose
bumps like all like repeatedly throughout the night. These cheers. And then, I wouldn't even know who was fighting, but I was so close and I'm watching, you know, like the Striking and then when they start grappling and and seeing how people when win, and all the drama of the emotions of the fighters, their camps and the crowd, I mean, it was just a whole other level of excitement.
It's a wild wild sport man and whenever I think like now, I can't keep doing this. Yes, for. I don't know how you keep doing this. I don't know how you do it.
Do it. I just I love it so much you must. Yeah. And I really must that's the thing. It's like I want to quit any of the things I do because I love them all. Yeah, I really, really do like when I'm at the UFC and I have the headphones on the microphone. I don't want to be anywhere else. Yeah, right there. That's cool. It
is cool that you still do that and you definitely don't have to do that and you still love it that
much. I really do. Yeah, I also love podcasting. I also love stand-up, I love all those things. Well, if I had to not do one of those things I wouldn't know which one did not do. Yeah, I would definitely never
Quit stand up. But that seems like the most fun. Yeah, it's the most free to, and it's like it's the most creative at all of them because like the, the process of coming up with an idea and turning it into a bit that actually gets a laugh. It's like, it's weird fucking convoluted Twisted, mind puzzle, that you have to solve, and we can get it all together and put together an act that you think I could film this. Like this is good. We're ready to rock. Yeah, that's a wild feeling. There's nothing like that but the UFC is a like I will
never stop watching and I did go to see one in
Austin, where I was in the audience. I almost went to it. That with
you, that was great. It was great. I was who I kind of like this.
That's really fun. You definitely, I know you genuinely love because you always know. You are you like all Combat Sports? Because you're always like I watch this kick boxing thing this weekend. I watched a boxing match. I watch you, watch
fights. Yeah, I'm not like a real big expert in boxing. I watch a lot of boxing but there's a lot of people like my friend radio radio Raheem. Yeah.
He knows everybody. He knows like what I know about the
UFC. You know boxing. Yeah.
So he's like my go-to guy if I have any boxing questions. Yeah, defer to him. Yeah. But he's, you know, he's doing like a lot of boxing commentary now and he does like post-fight interviews and shit like that but there's so many boxers. It's still hard to follow all the sports and I follow a lot of kickboxing to but even my my limited knowledge of kickboxing is very limited compared to my ma. Yeah. I
Love me, I don't
know shit about kickboxing but I do love watching a good kick. Vouch big kick boxing
match to watch Glory, there's a company called Glory. They put on these wildfires. I think they're doing a Badr Hari Alistair. Overeem rematch, they fought twice before one time. How old is over him now? He's got to be 40. Wow, but still fight is free from you Sada. Yeah, so he gets to get juicy, he's gonna get juicy, so they're giving them many. I think that fights.
To place an think, it might be an October, but that's glory is a great organization to watch, like, real high level kickboxing, they have some Elite Fighters over there really fucking good Fighters. Yeah. That's where Israel out of Sonic came from, it fought in a bunch kickboxing organizations but he fought Jason willness in 22 Lori, 42
Fuck for when Jason willness and Israel out of Sonia fought. That was for the middleweight title and I thought that out of Sonia one. It was
Is a very close fight, but I thought out of town, you should have got the not. So he would have been the world champion and Glory before he came over to the UFC. That's how good out of sannyas.
It's, he's a fun one to watch, man. He's a,
he's a Craftsman. Yeah, he's a skilled like
technician in there. I'll never forget when I was in New Zealand. He came to my show and we hung out a little afterwards and I was just like, hey, you know, just curious. Like, when did you like think you could be? It's such a wild thing to become, right?
And he goes, I remember I was a at home. I was watching these guys fight and I thought I could be the best in the world at that and I was like, well that was your
thought. I
could be the best in the world at that and he was and he was so serious. He was like, yeah. I was like, yeah. I guess that's where your mind is different. When you yeah not doing that.
If you get to that level you have to have a bulletproof mind. That's, there's no. If ands or buts about it to be a guy especially playing his game, which is the strike.
King game? Yes, striking gamerankings and credible. It's a wild game and if you're playing the wrestling game I mean you need strength and endurance and technique and years and years of wrestling. But those wrestler guys can control people like a guy like khabib who's a the best example because he's the greatest greatest light weight of all time. I met just a fucking monster and he would control people and smash them. I mean, that was his thing. Just control. You get you to the ground and Joe fucking smash you. That is a much more controlled game could be bone. We got hit a couple times.
Harden, his whole career. So how is everybody talks about? And I don't know well enough by we talked about, obviously his is Jiu-Jitsu is grabbing his ground. He's grabbing his grappling and just like how unbelievably is but how was he as a striker?
Here's good. I mean, not Connor down, he got much better later in his career, he got very dangerous on the feet to the point where you were worried about his hands equally like you like when he knock Connor down, it was like a big deal, because Connor did knock him down. He cracked Connor and dropped him. And
Was taking Connor down towards the end of the fight, like in just smashing them beating the fuck out of him and talking to him. I was beat him up. Let's talk now, because Connor would say, in a bunch of crazy shit leading up to the fight. So he's on top of them, smash him, and Connor can't get up and kebabs on top of a go. Let's talk now, bam, let's talk now. Bang, and at the end, Connor is like, it's all business and he's like, fuck is not
businessman and I with him is not business. This
is real. Yeah, but it is like, my point is like, that game is a different game because that's, that's a, I mean, an amazing.
Martial arts execution, what he can do, what he would, what could be did during his career. As like, unlike anything anybody's out, anybody else has ever done. He went 29 in. Oh, and destroyed. Everybody didn't even have clothes fights. I mean, I like one or two like, kind of close fights early in his career, but once he got on a roll, in the, you have seen the Michael Johnson fights in Barboza fight. Smash everybody was getting smashed. Ally Quinta. Made a good account of himself. He handled himself very well and I
don't know if
Is an over done thing in UFC or in an MMA stuff. But is there like do people believe that he'll ever return or
is it? Like I don't think so. I think in his mind it's not worth it. He doesn't want to, his mother doesn't want him to fight his father died as his coach and he said he told his mother would fight one more time and then that was it and that was it and I think he's also he likes coaching now and why not go out as like the greatest of all time in the lightweight division unquestionably hands down one of the
Greatest of all time in any division. Yeah, if not the best and 29 and 0 undefeated dominated defended your title multiple times and kicked everybody's ass kicked, everybody's ass
the the final ten thousand dollar question. Do you think could be, could be any and arm wrestling? Do you think that could be arranged not to be challenged him? Now, he challenges just I cannot lose.
I love you, Tommy. Let Me Take You, by
stops while the other wears a shirt, Tom, tell stories and birds, the machine, there's not a chance in hell that they'll keep the queen. Here's what we call
a concave.
No scripts are beta booze. Amateur Fort ology, dirty jokes, raunchy humor. No apologies. Here's what we call
a one cave.