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The Daily Stoic
How To Respond To Crazy People
How To Respond To Crazy People

How To Respond To Crazy People

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Aug 10, 2022
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily store podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each one of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy. That is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more you can visit us a least out.com
How to respond to crazy people.
Once the specs Marcus Aurelius was referring to a particularly frustrating person. Some opponent who just would not or could not get the message. When he wrote you can hold your breath till they're blue in the face and they'll just go on doing it. There's an American expression along those same lines, Never Wrestle with a pig.
You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it. Both of these pieces of advice are worth remembering for the inevitable moments that we find ourselves in conflict or at Cross purposes. With one of those nutty obnoxious, stubborn jerks that make up a certain percentage of the population, although it's tempting to fight and argue with them. It rarely ends well, because you can't beat someone with nothing to lose and it's impossible to reason someone out of a position. They didn't reason.
Themselves, into the first place, takes great, skill to identify irrationality and emotional reactions. In other people takes a lot of confidence to avoid battling with someone acting out of Eco. It requires patience to endure their on slots and put up with them in your midst. But if you can, you'll preserve your happiness and live a much, less stressful life, it's not your job to change other people and even if it were crazy, doesn't want to
Changed learn how to walk away, learn how to deescalate, learn how to let other people be themselves and
you just do you too much easier life you can count on it.
Thanks for listening to the Daily Steward podcast just a reminder, we've got signed copies of all my books in The Daily stoic store, you can get them personalized, you can get them sent to a friend, the obstacles. The way you goes the enemy Stillness is the key, the leather-bound edition of The Daily Stoke. We have them all in the daily Stokes door which you can check out at store. It dot daily stoke.com.