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The Game of Legend
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So hello to peel hello and welcome back to everybody joining us in our ongoing conversation about truth. And I thought we could start this segment computer will where we left off last time, which is this whole concept of the game and we ended our last conversation with you saying that it is only the ones who have everything that can actually play because the one who is full before he arrives is the one that asks for nothing from the game and when a human being has no need he is free and when he is free, he becomes Untouchable which leads to this whole idea of being legendary that you continue to talk about unpack that for me a little bit.
I think everyone looks at their craft and their Sport and their business and whatever their Pursuit is as a place from which to get something sort of a wishing well of sorts.
And that creates a lot of problems because the field the you know the field of play.
Does it really have any power to give anybody anything?
So everyone's you know tends to have in general a hole that they're trying to fill and that hole is filled by success or by winds or by money or by status whatever it may be and that what really creates enormous problem because then they're beholden to the outcome.
To decide how it is that you feel about yourself. So that means that how you feel about yourself and what your state of so-called happiness or joy and peace whatever it is is always in the hands of someone else or something else and that's really slavery.
So one of the things we've talked about in the past is your ability to let go of the outcome right to have the mindset that to approach any Endeavor with
Having the outcome being a byproduct of the pursuit. It's tough as hell to get to that especially when you got a lot riding on the line whether you're in sports or in business, where do you start to get to that level?
Well, it's tough to get is tough to get to the if you are viewing it as a prescription.
It's not so tough to get to that. If you come to the conclusion that you have no other choice. Everything is tough to wanted to do from from the standpoint of a prescription.
It not only caught the virtually impossible.
Because you're doing it because of a should and you know, if you know, you might be able to give away from second hand clothing by way of assured.
But you're not going to give away the Family Jewels by way of assured.
So hurry to get away the Family Jewels. You must see no other options. You're not going to do it because it's good for you or because the rule book says that you should
Let's not assume. It's a prescription. All right, let's assume it has to be though that difficult than it is being pursued from the lens of this is what I should do. And this is what I'm supposed to do. And this is what I've been told there's a good idea because it may benefit me down the road and this is a good habit to get into and those are very cosmetic things. Those don't have the power to allow someone to give away the Family Jewels.
for someone to let go of control like sport psychology, you know, you know really this hot air, you know, you know being the present and you know, give you know, forget about the outcome let go and what what no one seems to understand is that
the only reason that you're being told that is because it's an ulterior motive to help you play better. So it's all it's all a trick in the mind recognizes that trick. So it's just an ulterior motive. It's just it's just an Avenue to get somewhere. It's a means to an end and because it's a means to an end that has no power.
It isn't done genuinely it isn't done because the person arrived there and discovered that if I don't do it there is incredible ruin and that ruin is not something that I'd been told about that theoretically may occur in the future. I'd experienced that we went I've experienced how my life is completely in shambles when the outcome of a tournament dictates how I look and feel about my life and my profession so everything has to be genuine. It's you can't come at it through prescriptive means so I think that's why it's difficult get adjust it look it's but like I said, it's virtually impossible.
So none of us are immune to the feeling of elation when we succeeded at the same time. None of the none of us are immune to the fear of failure. All right, we're not in your head space yet, you know, if a business fails, I mean unless you're Yoda, you probably feel really bad about it. Do you want that feeling are you referring to that feeling when that feeling gets so bad?
Is that where I have to go in order to be able to get to that level of mindshare where I don't give a damn about the outcome anymore and with that?
I am on a path that to that legendary status that you're talking about.
You know, no one ever looks at where they are because they're so busy looking where they should be.
No one ever looks to see what are the consequences of the way that I view things. What are the consequences that I have old not that I will experience but that I've already experienced.
I mean everyone's into looking at the results of whether the outcome of the game with a business turned out. Well, what about the results of the way in which you've been looking at the game? What about those risks? What about the consequences not of the game but what about the consequences of the way that you've been looking at? So so, you know you talked about well if the business fails and the person people said well that isn't the first time that they felt dejected they've been feeling died dejected the entire time. It wasn't just one it's failed.
What its tail they felt the dejection of failure, but all along they've been feeling the dejection of fear. So why is it that no one's looking at that? Why is no one looking at the fact that why is everyone looking at the dramatic climax why the not looking and saying but you know for the last 20 years I've lived in fear and anxiety.
Because that's already happened. That isn't something that's going to happen. That's what rep that's where the person had been living. So why not? Look at that outcome?
And say well why is it that I've been living in fear and anxiety for all these years and then ask that question and then that will take a person to the place where he see. Well, I've been living in fear and anxiety because the women were tied to looking at the game was completely debt detrimental to how I feel it's it's not sustainable. That is the road of Truth.
Not not you know the hysteria over how can a person lose your company and still not be dejected forget that question.
Looking with a person already used.
Now your question would be valid if you said the last 28 of them in building the company and I've been joyful and peaceful the entire time and it will the company failed then I became dejected and that was the first time only when it's kale, I would say for another that's a valid question, but that isn't happening.
Everyone distraught from beginning to end.
So why not examine the level of destructiveness that the person's been swimming in four years? No one's looking at that.
I totally agree with you. Right and I want to come back to that in a moment, but you triggered something in me because one of the great insights.
That I have learned from you and that you provided me is this idea of access and you brought it up in one of your last podcast where you talked about? Hey these people who you consider Elite, they don't have a problem with acquiring new knowledge or new skills what gets in a way is accessing those skills. So is that what you're talking about here with the ability to be able to access that by asking myself that question.
No, I mean that's that's different. I mean, you don't have to access it. Maybe you ask yourself the question. They just the nature of the question. I mean instead of asking the question why how can I not feel dejected when the corner company fails rather than that rather than asking that question asked the question. Why do I feel dejected already all along? That's the question so as for skill acquisition versus kill actress that's a question of performance. So when someone someone is not performing, well the performance community and the coaches and the sport psychologist in the business coaches and motivational speakers and whoever it is, they're all talking they're all singing the same tune. They're all will you they're all talking from the standpoint that where you have to go back and work on your Technique and you have to work harder and you have to improve your skill and well if that will get upset once again look at the evidence if that was the case, then they would never play. Well, right if it was a question of skill acquisition, then they wouldn't have one great day.
Then pretty bad game. Where would the great game come from if if the skill wasn't there?
If it hadn't been acquired where the great you should have any great game.
But that isn't the case.
They'll have great games and we'll have a bunch of lousy days. So so that means so according to that logic when the person had the great games this skill was there and then when they had lousy games the skill disappeared and now they have to go back and learn the technique all over again.
or relearn
Wow, you really learn? I mean, do you relearn tie your shoes if you've been doing them for 25 years, you have to relearn it.
When just last week you performed fantastic. So between last Wednesday and today you lost the skill in like you were walking down the street and just it just it just dripped out. Well, don't you see that at some point success becomes more of a curse?
That's a different question. I'm talking about where did that feel go between last Wednesday? And today? I'm sure it's still there. All right the matter it's a matter. What are we calling it or accessing it like you're talking about?
Right. Well, that's my point. So with the skill is still there hasn't gone anywhere. So if the skill is still there, why is there were working on acquiring the skill again? We're acquiring more skill. Why is that the question that is being asked that doesn't make any sense to me. So what's the question that you're asking?
Why is it that I'm not able to access it?
And what often gets in the way?
I know it's personal.
Everything but technique, you know, so so let you know that if the breedings in the head, you know, we'll get to work harder the head the bleeding then but can we first move away from the leg? Sure.
Right. So if everyone's already if everyone's already going back to the coach or to the you know to the business Guru or whatever it is, what do I have to do? And what's my five-step plan the business cover right off the business grew has all the answers. Well the business grew with all the prescriptions.
And we all fall for it. It sells books. Yeah. Well, what about only fall people ask for it?
So soon no one really gets anywhere.
This is all just a scam everything in the everything in this Society is a scam.
From the government to the FDA to sports coaching to business coaching.
It's almost course. It's there's nothing real here. It's just swirling muddy water because Noah and it has nothing to do with intelligence. There's nothing to do with people not being smart enough. There's nothing nothing whatsoever to do with that. It's no one's interested in asking the affected questions the real questions the questions that actually get someone somewhere because everyone's interested in working on stuff all the time. Everyone's interested in practice and everyone's interested in following sort of the guidelines of what to do and what you should do and everyone's got a technical instructor and everything. It's it's it's cheap following sheep.
So help me drill down a little bit then help me drill a little bit deeper from that Purity aspect that you talk about just in general. What is it that we can start to do to try to get closer to getting away from these prescriptions and focusing on the real truth that will enable us to be more successful to achieve Greater Heights to be happy or whatever it is that you will ultimately Define as legendary.
I think I don't think it has anything to do with what you need to do because that will be another prescription. I think it has everything to do with the idea that to ask yourself if you really serious and to give yourself an honest answer.
And it's a very honest answer to say that I'm not serious.
The truth is very very few. People are serious.
And we started off with 03 and then we like last time we said five so the 55 people on the planet. I hope I'm one of them. Okay. So for those five people if they're really serious, but I'll say okay just please don't believe anything that I say because I don't believe anybody so I'm don't ask anyone to believe me, but that's the truth.
Look at your own wind and examine honestly and innocently.
All the prescriptions that you followed in, you know for purposes of your life and well-being and your business and your profession, whatever it may be and he would have gotten you see if it's got to see if it has gotten to an arrival see if it has got me to a permanent state in which there are no more questions.
It has gotten to a Holy Grail see if it has got me to a place where you don't need anymore how to examine for yourself. But honest answer to answer. If you don't do that, then you know, of course it hasn't gotten to her the Holy Grail or a level or a state of permanent snow. Of course, that's why I am intrigued and Incredibly appreciative of the perspective that you bring to the table.
And so if that's the case and it hasn't got you where you would like it to get you then you will naturally fundamentally organically move away from prescriptions. Not because I say so but because you have found for yourself that it hasn't gotten you anywhere. And as you move away from prescriptions, but will begin to happen is that your question will begin to change they will fundamentally change.
Because now you're not looking through the lens of a how-to anymore because you have realized what that you shouldn't but you did because you have realized that looking through that lens of how to doesn't work. And so when someone's questions begin to change
Then the people or the situation.
That may provide the direction for that person also begin to change.
It's like a Rubik's Cube you change one face and all the faces change.
What is the context of the questions that you started to ask yourself when you started to sense that shift? My questions are more much more along the lines of what is the source of the of the matter? What is the one thing that fixes well?
The coast fixing 12, right? What is the most fundamental truth upon which all these problems exist that in a theft fundamental truth was realized and everything that was resting upon it would fall away.
Well, is that never in the realm of the house, too?
Yeah, well, I I think we all get that now, right we definitely all get that. But when you look at these Elite people are when you look at these high Achievers the world looks and starts to say that hey what distinguishes these individuals from others is that it starts with Talent. However, I'm continuing to be convinced that really it isn't Talent. It's upstairs. Like you say, it's their mind or their mindset one. Is that true? Do you see that as the fundamental thing that distinguishes? He's super Elites that you're talking about from the rest of the world. Does it start with their mind?
No, it's perfect Alex.
So it is so so you do agree and with that well, but what distinguishable my agreement only go so far force the departure coming very very soon. So
If you but if you look at if you look at Within.
A population of elite like within a professional, you know basketball arena or within, you know the world of professional sports. So they're everyone's very very talented. And so there what separate one from the the super Elite from the other he League that's mind but what separates the whole look is your question was what is the separates the lead from the rest of the people let's count. Yeah, but within that domain it's the mind got it. So so take me to that space then what is the mind like for those?
Better than that ultimately not legendary state that you're going to talk about. Is it no mind? Yeah. Well, I would say its DNA first and foremost. I think some people are just their sensibilities are different the things that they the things that attract them are different the things that they gravitate towards are different the places that they want to go in terms of their vision for the Korea is different the way that they will do even things outside of their profession will be different now and I think it's I think it's a mistake to
Start looking at these people and following their habits. No, I think that's just so again talking stuff, you know, the seven habits of Effective People. That's just that's just pretty okay. So it's always a number seven for whatever reason it's always still in something. Yeah. It was always you know, so
It may no one should but try to be that right because I think there's Talent within everybody.
But you know, why is there one who's super Elite because his DNA is different. But if I don't have their own DNA do I not have a chance to get to that level that you're talking about?
What I'll say is that if you have if you ask that question that if a person was asked that question that I don't have that DNA, but I really want to get the very fact of asking that question implies that he has some semblance of that DNA because the people who truly don't have that DNA or two oblivious to even know that they don't happen.
Because both like I don't even know what this DNA that you're talking about is.
Well be I have to be a legend. I want to be the greatest ever but I don't want to be in the history books. I want to you know, where everyone wherever everyone is a my craft. I don't want anyone near right? I don't want to get I want to walk my own path. I don't follow any rules. I don't listen to stupid coaches, but I don't need all this instruction, right they do everything Against the Grain the the they are they are there Heretics like the revolution are there that type of DNA do they not have goals
I mean don't you consider so isn't that like I want to be the best in my craft or I want to be you know, the greatest who don't or you know have more gold medals than anybody. I mean, do you consider that a goal because I know you're not fond of goals.
You know, I mean you could retrofit something and then you say well is it can you can do that I go on let me know by goals on the I don't you know by this time. I want to accomplish this in my department will accomplish that that's sort of what I mean. I mean when someone wants to be a legend, I don't mean just let the luck of a goal. That's just who the person believes himself to be.
He feels like he was put on this Earth to be like as almost his Birthright.
So I mean so I don't like I said you can you can turn any English word in the exam. Okay, but I'm talking about if the most colloquial use of the word goal. That's what I was talking about. So one when one of those people comes to you to be their coach advisor, whatever you want to call it and you agree to work with them. What's the first question you're going to ask them?
I have no idea what the first question is. I never know what I'm going to ask anybody. I have no idea because I had done a script. I don't know anything. I mean just whatever comes out comes out. What do you want to be about?
You know, I will I will know who they are by the questions they ask.
I will know who they are by if it's a face-to-face meeting how how still and how
With what sort of look they look at me when I speak.
You will pick up on all these Q. Sure absolutely the best when you know that if someone is truly serious or this is not for them.
where there's some interesting questions that you got asked recently that
distinguish some people who do not need a ride ever.
Oh, I don't know. I just let me go those D. I mean, I think it's I think it's far more beneficial. If you listen to sort of the flavor of what I'm saying is opposed to looking for you know, the detail of you know the example. So what do you mean we you'll find your own example. So talk to me a little bit about what you mean when you say performance is never a goal. It's always a by-product or side effect. Yeah, because if your goal is I want to play better. I want to perform better. That's an ulterior motive. But that's a natural law that most of us pursue well,
That'll that implies that very that that very tenant implies that I should be doing something.
Some form of a doing that'll improve my performance.
And that never gets anyone to the top sure it might improve your performance and even then it but even if it's been proved it today, it'll probably you know, it'll be less Improvement tomorrow because the mind will figure out an antidote to whatever your new trick is.
So that's why every trick has a shelf life.
That's why every red pill was hard by a blue pill true. Absolutely.
Okay, so it isn't about how can I perform better?
It is about what are the problems and what are the things that I have not realized that have hampered my performance at the fundamentally different question because one is tell me what to do. Give me some five step plan or some stupid hack.
But I could you know, utilize to get you know, 5% better. And the other one is the other one has the potential blown the doors open by way of understanding. So are you always competing against yourself then is this always a commitment?
No, no, I just constantly looking for the truth. I'm constantly looking that you know is the thing that I've already found is that true in rock bottom or is there another level more fundamental than that?
So what do you say then? When what do you mean when you say competitions for those who have not mastered and they're left with nothing but to compete what is that? What is that? Well, well the person who Masters, I mean if you master dartz and you can hit the bullseye every time by would you compute?
No one there would be no competition.
Show up to a tournament you showed to the Olympics and you're not competing. You're just going to go do your thing.
Why would you I mean from the outside someone could say oh look see there's one person and there's ten others. They are competing. I guess you could say that but what if you hit the bullseye every single time
you don't have any competition.
So internally competition competition is for the people who have not learned how to hit the bullseye every time and they're getting together to compete to see who can get closer.
So competition is like fighting over a half-eaten sandwich.
Competition is fundamentally for non Masters.
So what a what a master's do.
Masters master
they don't look to beat anybody. They don't look the better anybody's and it isn't because that's not nice never go down that road right and good and improper and everyone gets to you know, a trophy for playing all that silliness, you know.
It's in my view anything can be mastered.
There is a way to own it.
And because that's my view.
That will naturally be my Pursuit.
If my view was that competition is the way the naturally my Pursuit would be to go and practice and out practice the other in hopes that I could give two percent better than him.
So whatever your view is.
That's what your Pursuit will be. And that's why your view and your the lens through which you see things has real consequences.
So do you see the whole pursuit of chasing success in whatever shape or form?
A real problem for people who are chasing it.
Yeah, do we get just handcuffed by that?
Yeah, because what they're chasing is really the fringe benefits of success.
They're chasing how to better another and ironically bettering another means that you are limited by the other person because you will only do just enough to inch past him and once you have inched past him, you'll stop.
So you'll never know. How did you take it?
competition breeds mediocrity
Yeah, I live in that space. I believe I really and and over the last year or so. You have convinced me of that. So I'm there with you at the same time. I also realize that as human beings to get to that state that you're describing that the five people really really want to get a glimpse at there has to be an element of fear of letting go everything that I've done in the past that at least gave me a taste of what success is like in order for me to try to pursue, you know, maybe a more appropriate or permanent way to live in this state that you're talking about fear is real.
And it's hard to get rid of for a lot of people write it and I assume that the people who were at the level that you're describing maybe are not immune to it, but deal with it differently.
No, I don't think there's a problem. I think what matters is what you're afraid of that's the problem.
If you're afraid of not becoming a success, that's a problem. If you afraid of not learning the truth, that's not a problem.
That's a very good problem to have.
Because whatever you're afraid of that's what you're going to make sure doesn't happen.
So if you're if you're afraid of losing and if you're afraid of not becoming a success, then you'll go down the path of hard work and struggle if you're afraid of not learning the absolute truth. And that's what you're truly afraid of that how good you could have been then you'll go down the path of mastery.
So the nature of your fear has consequences.
So do you measure progress? How do you measure progress?
or do you
No, I don't measure progress. I just measure what did you get to where you want to go or not?
Well in business if we've got these super ambitious goals, we may not ever get there. But we get closer is that thumbs up or thumbs down. I don't think it's about the goal. I think it's what you believe yourself to be and what you believe your destiny is.
What you believe to be your Birthright who you who you feel that you were put on this Earth to be?
opens about Google
see you have talked of the gold. We always committees because committees are drivel.
Whenever you have more than one person and they situation it's going to be dribble.
That's why I'll ask them when you're asking me about boards and stuff. They'll know anything don't know anything.
They don't then they let me know what they want. But there's no there. There isn't a single group in the world that has wisdom.
Even if you go to a Buddhist Monastery that group doesn't have wisdom.
There might be one guy and it probably isn't even the head guy who has wisdom.
Groups are a dumbing down phenomenon.
Groups are a regressive real regression to the mean phenomenon.
There's no Effectiveness. Well be the only Effectiveness coming out of a group is you know, if you want a big if you want to lift the big heavy log or tree, you know, there's power in numbers in that sense of muscle power. That's fine.
There's one person couldn't do it alone that that that I understand that's fine. But anything that's on any sort of intellectual level or anything that's non-mechanical groups will always be filled with mediocre people, but you can if there's if there's if there's one brilliant person in that in that group, he will be eaten alive by the mediocre.
Yeah, yeah, you're dead on that. But how the hell do you build a great business and impactful business or build a great sports team without having a group that's working together in some way shape or well.
yeah, you know I do you know the
I think the team is really a false construct.
There's no teeth.
From the outside it looks like a team but each person within that team.
Is a perfect individual who is the best and is particular thing. So the group and the team that's only an added societal label.
The guitar player isn't helping the piano player play the piano while he's doing guitar. We left hand.
Right, and it's only when one is purely individualistic and sticks to hit the Perfection of his own craft that is simply is created.
If everyone's meddling in everyone else's business.
The new be a disaster. So is that a yes, it's parallel play. It isn't really a tool.
So does that then then the first thing that comes to mind is Bill Belichick and his approach to say just do your job if you just do your job the cumulative effect of everybody doing their job we're going to win.
Yeah, that makes sense to me. Yeah, that makes sense to me and you know and here's a real consequence of this team myth is that you know in Youth Sports, you'll have someone who's really good at a particular position, but he'll be told that he needs to play different positions as well. And that's stupid. Yeah. This is you know, you're just being coached by people who fundamentally don't understand why if your talent is in this position, but whatever reason it happens to be right. That's the talent that you've been given and that person should be taught to maximize that five hundred percent.
But that isn't see that's not fair. That's not considered Fair. Everyone should get a chance to play in that and everyone should get a participation trophy. Right and it's a stupidity right if you were if you are if you are great sinner, why would you play defense?
You shouldn't turn at all ever. You shouldn't.
No, it's you know, if you're no good Center, then it makes sense to switch around to find out maybe you're an amazing defenseman.
That makes sense.
But see this this the ignorance has consequences. If you believe in this team myth then naturally you will do really stupid things like take people away from their natural talents so that they get worse and what they're really good at in order to make them a little bit more mediocre and what they should be doing. Those are the natural results of believing in things that fundamentally are not true ignorance has consequences real-world consequences. This ruins people's lives.
And do you feel leaders building and growing companies can follow the same approach of hey do your job and that mentality and build a great business. Yeah, but I would think that the leader without the would have to first
Ingrain that with it himself because in general leader sent to be too interested in what?
others think of him
Yeah, and that's a big hole that that leader needs to fill before. He speaks a single word to anybody else figured as long as he is influenced by what others say.
As long as he has insecurities about how he may be viewed then he will not be anywhere near is in near his his ultimate with regard to the performance that he can put forth.
But do you feel that we could be totally immune as in leadership positions to what others think of us.
Of course.
Yeah, they're not a whole lot of thought if you live it but what about if you live in this world of prescriptions and you think that and you think if you have to follow 18,000 rules know the answer to your question is no that it's impossible. Okay, if you're worried about what the Wall Street journal's going to write about you and you're worried about what this you know, you know social group is going to say about you and you're worried about being nice and kind over here and not step on anybody's toes over here. And you know, if you if you have all those rules that I tell you, you might just quit your job and go sit home because you'll be more respectable doing that because you're just your little man in the big chair who's just sitting in a some stupid post and who is not anywhere near exercising his full capabilities and is full talent. And so what's the use
Well, sometimes if the right Wall Street Journal write something that's detrimental or negative about me or my company or about me in particular. I mean that could have some negative consequences.
So at some point that's got to be in the back of my mind.
Well, if if if you sell out.
On your talent and doing what you believe that your instincts tell you is the pure and appropriately to go.
And you don't do that because you're afraid of what the Wall Street Journal might say.
Then you're an insult to your talent.
And I can guarantee you one thing that by making that concession you will you will have sold out on something that might have had something really big.
At the end of the day, you gotta be able to face yourself in the mirror.
How many journals is going to run for how many reporters are you going to use a high school?
Or we could just say it's fake news. All right, whatever the hell they right we could just say it's fake news. Well, you know the the the greatest source of fake news what's going on in the leaders head of course? Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean that that's that's probably the subject of everything else that we're talking about here. But let me just ask you a couple more things and we'll kind of pause this one. We are you talking about I want to just stick with this leaders in a moment. I was fascinated by your the depth of discussion that you had about purity and and the importance of coming from a place. That's pure do you just when you're around others or with yourself, do you is that a feeling that you get of your level of Purity about whatever it is that you're thinking or contemplating? And do you see it in others?
I need someone it's another person is pure about what they're doing. Yes, you can see that.
And do you feel it in yourself? When you're when you're asking yourself the type of reflective questions that you're asking yourself and really deep questions.
Do you just know that hey that this is really the essence of who I am.
Yeah, I would I never do a solo podcast until I'm ready to speak just pure regardless of who may like it or who may not the the arbitrator but thing that I must be true to our are my mom my deepest instincts of purity.
without a single
without a single drop of an attempt to put on a show or to be an entertainment or you know to play to any crowd that that is simply unacceptable to me.
One of the things that also resonates with me and certainly the for other people and the people who at least listen to these conversation. They know that you are an independent thinker and you are definitely contrarian.
But do you ever run ideas by other people like if you feel like you need to get someone else's perspective on something anything. How do you pick the people in your inner circle to have discussions like that with?
Yeah, that's a good question. Absolutely if there's a topic or if there's something that I don't know then I will ask a / I will you know research and individual and find out what sort of things he's written and then give them a call or write in something or whatever it is. And but but that's just the first stage.
I will know whether he was real or not by how he responds.
I just because I'm asking him does it mean that my filter isn't on full blast? Because the truth is that the chances that I've stumbled upon someone who is truly truly seeking the truth is one in a million, right? So I already know going in. I really really am looking forward to the possibility that this might be the guy but I kind of already know that the chances of a fairly remote that is going to be him. But if he speaks truth, I'll know it immediately. Even though I may know nothing about the topic it isn't topic-specific. What is it that know when you just know when someone's speaking the truth you just you just know it, you know it, you know, you can sense fear you can send someone holding back not wanting to go against the the status quo. You can send someone intentionally going to
That is cool for purposes just to show off you can sense where someone is has really really looked into the matter outside of just having read the material that's published about the matter but looked into himself and theft so there's there's a thousand little things that you can we as human beings can sense that someone speaking the truth.
And do you find that experts real experts really don't flaunt themselves, right? They're not out there talking about or profiling themselves as experts mean that that seems to be a red flare. Everybody's an expert nowadays.
Right. Yeah. Yeah, most experts are really experts people are experts based upon what they've read and the more that they have read about something they brand themselves as an expert because they have read but all the things that they've read first of all a lot of time work written by them and even people who were they were written by they derived from other sources themselves everything nepotism right by true originality is extraordinarily rare.
And I think part of the reason is it is it isn't necessarily even that there aren't truly original humans because they're definitely are but what happens? Is that it what?
The truly original humans also have to have the DNA to not be afraid of what the world thinks of them. And so that's a that's sort of a, you know, a sort of the two-pronged attack that's required because if a person doesn't have the DNA to say what they want to say and it without being afraid of what the world, you know, might shoot them down then they'll they will regress to the mean or they'll just stay quiet.
I mean, that's obviously what happens to most of the world. Right? I mean, you know Freedom looks very different to somebody who's has real expertise in something and somebody who just claims to be an expert right? The former never talks booted.
I don't know. I don't think there's ever talk about being you never talk about, you know, the depth of knowledge or the depth of expertise or you know that I never talk about that.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean I don't because I don't I don't know it really isn't that strong desire and me to really impress anybody. Hmm. Maybe that's why but whatever I want to say I say it.
And do you consider that for others who feel that way is that have they gone away from that insecurity of gaining others approval and other the opinion of others and so forth. Are they gone away from that and are really more focused on, you know, the direction that somebody like use heading
Is that that compares that that total free and freedom of the mind that that you described a couple times?
I think there's definitely freedom in genuinely not being interested in what others think of you. I think that's a massive Milestone to reach in any human beings life because
Because that sort of imprisonment is toxic really absolutely I mean that that really ruins your life because you do everything in order to get but but but even though I mean no one really does that for other people so the people who are afraid of what others think they're not doing it for the other people. It's it's that they are afraid of imbibing what the others may think of them. And that's a real Sterling think I mean, that's real. Yeah, I mean
It's not real it's fabricated, but it's believed to be real.
So we feel it at least you know, the the not with the exclusion of the five people. We feel it. Yes. No, yes. Yes, no question.
Now that now the big question is or you know, maybe we leave everybody with how do we once we have that feeling what the hell do we do to try to gain that sense of Freedom that you know that you describe?
Bomb that only becomes possible when the toxicity that one feels and being in that position is greater than the toxicity one feels of leaving it.
because if we because when you're in that position the desire
acceptance and validation is greater.
Then the a version of the toxicity that that situation creates, it's Euphoria for a lot of people the great majority of people.
So the greatest desire always wins.
So when the desire for validation is greater than the feeling of toxicity for being dependent upon others approval.
Then it's impossible to leave that space because water doesn't flow uphill.
That's a good place to leave it.
Thank you, sir.