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The Daily Stoic
How Much White Space Do You Have?
How Much White Space Do You Have?

How Much White Space Do You Have?

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
5 Clips
Oct 16, 2020
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength Insight wisdom necessary for living good life
each. One of these passages is based
on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women form or you can visit us daily stoic.com
How much white space do you have?
Most of us internalized the wrong lesson we think success equals busy. We think that being busy is a sign of a good leader of an important person. Of course. This is not true of full calendar is the sign of someone who agrees to a lot of things no more no less which is why the philosopher in us needs to always remember that the goal of life is not to do as much as possible but to do what matters Marcus Aurelius struggled with this himself.
Just as you struggle, he had to constantly review his commitments in his impulses and ask is this essential? Is this really what I am trading my life for am I afraid of death because I won't be able to do this anymore, Seneca and Marcus both talked about the need for carving out space and time in our lives for study for reflection for philosophy. They knew that we needed white space in our calendar. We needed Stillness if we were ever going to think and be our best and without
Out this Stillness. We become reactive. We become overwhelmed our Compass becomes uncalibrated. We lose track the voice inside being busy is not success. In fact, it's usually the opposite autonomy white space the ability to be deliberate to choose your shots. That's success. That's power
Stillness. That's where happiness and insight and truth comes from so make room for it prioritize by for it and look as a writer obviously still in this is essential to what I do.
A father it's something I'm always looking for more of an in Stillness isn't you know being off by yourself? It's to me all my best most Still Moments were with my family. So the idea of that that this concept of Stillness which pervades Marcus Aurelius is work was the inspiration for my book Stillness is the key it debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list heard from all different people around the world who have loved it. I think you would like it for looking for a book especially right now as we're social distancing as the world is this crazy top seed
Curvy place I think it's a book for you. Check it out Stillness is the key anywhere books are sold. Let me know what you think.