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Andrew Tate on Why He Was Cancelled!
Andrew Tate on Why He Was Cancelled!

Andrew Tate on Why He Was Cancelled!


Bradley Martyn, Andrew Tate, Kyle Forgeard
67 Clips
Nov 22, 2022
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Your boys have you guys have not tried full sun supplements yet you're missing out. We made it for us to take and we made. Sure it was fire quality taste and of course, it's third party lab tested stop, taking the low quality sups. We have a promo code for you guys. It's podcast 15 to get 15% off. Again, it's podcast 15 on supplements dotco, try the subs, boys. I promise you guys are going to love them. Enjoy rolling.
Right. Yeah. Oh dude, it's tiny. Can we just talk about this? You're good. I uses a you fucking zaptor hammered or what? Neither both know. I just have a certain Vibe and it's like if you fucking come in here and annoy the fuck out of me, I can't deal with it. Yeah, it's like insane. That's all right. We'll switch it up for you. This changes nothing to do with either of you, but you know, what's that nothing to do with you guys? Oh, something else outside of this? Yeah, it's all good. What's going on in life right now?
We'll talk about it. No. I like talking about stuff. Shut up. I know you do. This is what we're here for. Like, it's like no, it's kind of therapy for me. Kind of therapy for you. Do you something you want to talk about? Dude, honestly, I can talk about a lot right now. I've been go ahead a lot lately. Well, what's bothering? You girls stuff? Really 100%. Like what? I'm just at a point, my life, from my car. I want kids, I want a family and I might run. Yeah, yeah. Opening up and Tate's. Villa, I'm trying to make. I'm trying to like make these decisions in my life, where like, I need to be able to fully
Allow someone into my life. Otherwise, I can't have that. You know what I'm saying? Because I'm so afraid of commitment. I'm not going to lie in that sense because I'm afraid of losing why. So what you have to change? Well, I'm going to there. Are you afraid of commitment because you you're scared of losing or you don't want to be tied down? I'm afraid of losing really. That's the main thing 100% of me. But you never lose chicks. I mean you barely you talk about being specifically specifically. Yeah. But like I loo I always lose shakes because I don't
If I go to that extent, I don't give enough because I'll pull myself back because I'm afraid of being hurt. I'm afraid of like letting the situation down or not being able to, like, fully go to the place that I want to go with the relationship, straight up. And I actually going to therapy for last two months genuinely because yeah, like if I can't have a kid, I wanted just like, shoot out a random kid like, with some random person and then had that's a whole set of like why do you want? Why do you want a kid in general? Is it like because you're supposed to or you just like you actually want one? I've always wanted
Kids because I grew up at father. So it was like that whole like I want it to be that and I just came 33, you know, I'm at a point where like I don't need a kid. No, no but you've always wanted kids always wanted kids always wanted to know about you. I'm not dude I'm not I'm nowhere near even thinking about I'm 28. Yeah but I mean yeah I'm getting up there too but I'm I'm personally I don't give a fuck. I am not thinking about that. All right at all, I'm just I mean I'm focused on the business and I'm not in that position right now at all
bro. No no no, not at all, dude.
I'm just not, I don't care. You notice how to creeping up on me when I was 26 and I'll be honest, it's not just like one of six yah27. I started thinking of yeah. When I started think about like getting my life, actually like in that order, you know, being right. Why just mentally? Like, because I have so much. I know, no offense. That was seven years ago and you haven't had a kid in seven years. So you've been thinking about it for a long time? No, it. That's when it started Stein. He's back at it and it was great. Finally, welcome back. Hey, go get chip a little bit, sorry. But beyond just the kid thing. It's more like,
Like just being ready for like actual love in my life because I can't, I can't do this shit, bro. You can't do it. We're with the fucking table, please. Bro. Let's talk about the into you. Shit. You want to talk about some service of worship? Yeah. Now I want to thank you having your kid, bro. Okay, let's have your kid. If you, if you have your kid, I'll be there for him or her appreciate that man, I'll be the Godfather but I look like the reality. The reality is this man self-love. So is that all you've been thinking about this whole trip, not the whole trip. No, obviously doing about doing the pot, I think about the pods but I'm talking about in the overarching theme.
I think that I'm explaining, why is it that hard to have a kid? Like I need to just about that? It's not about. No. But I mean, it's like the process is just fucking knotting inside, right? It's not about just having a kid bro. It's about like picking the right one and being very happy. Yeah, like fully ready for that low point is like, PC for me. It's just like, I would just have to be so fucking sure of something before I made that commitment. Like, for me, I would agree. I'd be scared to like, like, marriage is, yeah, so scary to me, so I feel like I'd never want to get divorced. Yeah. Like
If that's, that's my thing. It's like I would never want to get married and then get divorced. Like what's the point of that weight? I feel like you got to be so fucking sure. That's the point. I feel like everyone everyone does it now too. Just because like they have to do it, I know like a lot of people like it's not even marriage back song about doing it to the thing that I'm talking about is like the overarching theme of like being able to fully love yourself, to allow yourself to be in a certain commitment. But why do you talk about having a kid before you talk about having like getting married?
No I'm saying you won't have a baby mama. Are you want to get married? I want ball. I mean I don't necessarily need to be married to have a kid. I want to be able to pick someone that. I know that I can have a kid with that would be a good mother for my child but like overarching theme of this is like being able to love myself fully so that I can like fully commit to someone else. That's all I'm saying. And that's what I wanted to talk. I want to talk to take about this shit. You get so deep but I'm not it's just a joke. I'm telling you the truth right. I can't fully commit to a girl because like you talked about your how's that going to affect your gym schedule though?
What if you have a kid? Oh I still go to the gym. He's talking about well I mean it's Gonna Change Your Life. My problem is the commitment thing. Okay. I'm gonna be honest, I thought at first that you and today we're going to get along. I think you guys are going to butt heads. You thought what I thought you guys were gonna get along? I think you're going to butt heads. Why is that? I don't know. I think you're taking like this lovey-dovey like no no I'm your girls watching this podcast. Yeah we're at right into some lovey-dovey and it's awesome and we got like this is a big pot so we have a different. We have a new audience to. So I'm going to tell you the filling is funny. We got all that Itachi squatted. Yeah.
Yeah, the point is I'm trying to figure. I want to ask him his opinion on that idea of self-love, that's what I'm talking about. So that's why I'm bringing it up because I'm related to myself, but I want to I want to get his opinion on it.
That's straight out. I don't I don't know what he's gonna say. Doesn't seem like a marriage guy or a kid guy right now, but it's not necessarily just about marriage. That's that's that's the thing that I'm talking about, right? But I'm relating to something deeper than that.
You follow me. Yeah, just too deep for me. Did he? I take it day by day, bro. Yeah, me with a decent to eat. No no. No at ease. Okay. Prescription at ease. Don't count for him. Yeah. They don't add. Yeah. Well, I always take this prescription. Do you guys really struggle with ADHD? Yeah, okay, yeah. Well that's good man. Why do you want to get deep on that? I'll go get even whatever you want to get deep on. I'm here to talk. I could talk all day all night. No, I don't do this for hours, dude. I mean, I don't know, I slept for like one hour last night, hit the gym at 5:00. We
Crush the gym this morning. That was a good lift, good left and yeah, bro. I'm tired as fuck. I feel loopy as hell, but I'm ready for this. Where the fuck is tied? I think this is like a see you don't get the game, bro. This is such a flex. Like he's not doing shit. He's in the kitchen. There's a couple girls there. They're having their drinks. It's like a statement. Like, you know, you come at 10 in my in my in my in my capping know, it makes it so easy. Like a rapper is this like a rapper? Think this is a rappers do this with the robbers have done? He says, 10 because he knows he wants to come out here too.
Heaven, but you got to think like that, like one day. That's okay. Now, okay, I hear what you're saying. Now, tell me the point of that Flex. What do you mean, for what? I'm more important than your time for, for what to let you know. I know you guys have a big podcast on are big YouTubers but my time is more valuable than yours. What do you think the point of that is?
What? You think the point of that is
what is a man, bro. What does he get out of that?
It's just like the I think when he goes on his podcast when he gets on his podcast I want you to say that directly to him and I want and then you I'm gonna ask him that question, okay? I want you to ask him that, okay, is that what you think about is coming? I think he did. They drove all the way out to the desert and they're just, yeah, straight up. He's probably shower even party. Going on in the kitchen, I'll do not guarantee invited me in there and they were like, he'll come take a shot. Okay, now you're just copping. Yeah, I think he's probably just showering, so you don't smell shitty, he's probably in the back there in the desert and it's fucking ten PM, bro. I can't wait till he gets on his part because that's the first thing I'm gonna ask him. Now, you just put it on me.
Put it on
me, bro. Nothing new Army. I make me the bad guy. No, no. I'm just saying about the new. It was your theory than fucking new dude, sign. He's becoming like the villain on this podcast. Uh, he's been the villain. Yeah, the villain. He's like Joker. Right? Yeah, got a cigar. He's like Doctor Octopus. Who's that?
Doc Ock has a bitch. No, it's Tiny's Green Goblin actually. Do you have a lighter? How many loads you have to be more trusting and Andrew. Oh, you didn't get us those. Nah, and also when he gives that guy, that means larger. So Tate thinks you're cool or what. That's definitely what you did. It's not gonna work. You know, we'll see, I got to for him though, it's like a gift. I bring a housewarming gift, that's what people do. Would you bring bring shit, dude, fucking testosterone and a kid.
On the way, bro, is no kid on the way.
You look so handsome. These are the you have names picked out. No, I don't names. No, no, you're not that ready. Or bro? That's, that's the point Max. Why it's here? Wait, wait, we get Max.
sky is guys Minds in another spot is
bro and wake from midnight till 7 a.m. with nothing to do scary. Please pull together. Tick-Tock PornHub Tick-Tock PornHub. Give you one of those cigars. No fucking. Do you have a lighter? No, just gonna like, it's like I'm gonna hold it like, this, like a prop. I think the fake money, huh? I brought money.
You can't really spend it. You can't really smoke it, that kind
of stuff. I want to ask him in his house is a fucking. We talk about this Villa real quick. It's
For this is insane. It's decent. What's so funny? Do you are fucking tripping, bro? And it's hilarious to me, Bob, I know you jr. Over here, dude. Yeah, you got the look. I'm coming. Well, it's like two days. No, sleep, bro. You don't either. I'm not tripping. You're tweaking, you good? Yeah, but you like take shrooms. I have like this energy spiritual Technologies rooms. There's no shrooms. Yeah, got none of that on me.
Actually, I'm taking shrooms in like two months. Nice. Yeah. Okay, come on, bro. Easy, bro. What Andrew, hey, yo, are you out of your mind?
That last night that's want to make this clear because I do love you. You're my good friend but I'm on their side tonight. Yahoo side, the jeez stop these Inside. Yes, there it is. Oh my God. Alpha energy, just give me my fucking 500 and the other 500 from the other night. Fuck. You want me to go get him. I'm gonna go get him right now. Okay, let's smash your fucking sofa. You got here. Oh my God. Where is he bro we're just might as well. Just run the Pod. Just fucking fucking internal. Let's do it maybe. Bring
The girl in the yeah, bring the graveyard. Excuse me Max. Can we have her come over here for a sec? Yes. Please. Do you mind sitting in real quick? I had a couple questions. Now, both you guys. Please. Please girls. Just sit. Right here. Right here. You just pick up that Mike, what was your name again? Vanessa Karen, I speak. Welcome to my house. It's my crib. Wow, that's it. Yeah, what's both your guys names? Vanessa Mariana. Okay, what it what? What are you guys?
Yeah. Yeah. We both of ya. They don't live in Canada, you know? Or I don't know if you're visiting or like what you guys do. So what do you guys think of and Route 8? Yeah.
Do you know? You don't know him at all? No opinion. You know, anything about them. Okay. How do you know about him? We met a few days ago in a boat. He's actually all right. Oh, whoa, what honestly, I was surprised I thought it was gonna be a complete dick but actually he was. Why do you think he's gonna be a dick? Obviously all the videos going around. Like, he just comes across as a complete misogynist, but he's actually like, he's decent every single. He's really cool person. Hybrid, every video think he's comes across.
Oh my God, I don't go and watch this video as you know, it's just whatever pops up Clips. Yeah, I mean you couldn't you couldn't avoid him like the last few months is literally like took over Tick-Tock. However, what was the scene on the boat? Like like, how did you get invited through my flatmate? And I was, it was like, the ratio, like, on there was about 50 50. I don't know. Some of the guys are a bit is is a real bro event, you know, like a lot of testosterone.
His kind of event. Sounds dope. What would you say? You would hang out with him again? Don't think. I know him that well probably go to another event. Yeah, nice. So what are you up to tonight? You look all sparkly and good.
You look like you're about to go to the Grammys Loki. This one frame by me, so I don't know why they would do she had. No, this is the best part. She has no idea. She was gonna be dressed. She's like, what the fuck is happening? Wait, no. It's good. Do you like wonder where you are? You guys just like, go to these parties? Like, yo, when I know what? There's a raven, like, we were going to do not who told you that Gabe or Max or what?
Hmm. Interesting tactic by Max over there. Yeah. How did you? How did you two meet? How are you guys friends or what's the relationship here? What the fuck? What's up girl? What's a flatmate? Oh, who's that Max? Is that like a thing in Dubai? Like people just kind of like, Get down or what? I just watch a movie and you came from each with Netflix and chill.
That one still works really? Yeah. OKC like a good-looking guy. Like, what's his Vibe? No.
You sir, what's a friend
there? What do you do for fun? Like what some of your
hobbies? I like good go for like paintball and cheddar? What shoot oh like paintball. Okay, that's cool.
Now you're such a fucking troll. No, I mean I like
what about you? That's beautiful.
Do your fucking helium. We wrote a I like to paint ball. Yeah, yeah, it's fun. What are you guys doing? You guys doing. What's your pockets? You just getting on this conversation about fuck. I wanted to I wanted to. Before we start I want to preface something about the last G8 Summit event. Like what did what did you think about Russia statement at the UN
MidAmerican Energy would like to turn this down down to Net Zero. We mean Net, Zero greenhouse gas.
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Just for me like I prefaced with Mike McKnight csis and stuff I don't know say something about Putin. Did you want to weigh in? I have no idea. What do you what do you girls find? Most attractive on a guy. What body part? It's basic. Simple are like shoulders knots.
Yeah. Yeah that's it. Yeah. What's like what's like too short? Like are you like a six feet above? The has to be taller than me. That's understandable. Stop because I'm quite tall. So they've got to be like, at least that much taller. Yeah, you're right. She said, Style Style re his fit right? His fin. It's my shirt, but go ahead. That's my team.
No, but what do you like about the fair laughs is jokes for
out of 10, right? His fit out of
My outfit. I'd like you to look into his eyes when he said that blue eyes by the way seven. So what the fuck? How do you do that?
The truth. You got a you got a seven just as well. What's he fucking fit? If you rated higher than a 7? I know you don't know what you're talking about. No fancy
There you go. Get a stylist, hire, a stylist homeboy, in a stylist. Do you want to talk about the fucking borrowed? Wash, you got mozgov? Is that accusation? You're going to talk about how you constantly buying accusation this guy caught? And we're sure he's not. Is that watch right there. Is that guys, watch. You see that girl? That's a nice story. He just wears out of here.
My bag and I was completely all made up. Yeah. Completely made up. It's fine though. Yeah. Yeah you also those are also gives I think these are paid for. Yeah. Those are also do you have this? Oh, that's a problem. That's a problem. I always have. Um, we were wondering why you didn't light it up? Yeah, we're also probably smoking my house. You just walk outside. If you guys need a smoke test it out back. There's a smoking area.
Wow. Yes, taking a
turn. I'm having fun. Yeah, no. I honestly, what's a Wednesday night look like for you guys because it's Wednesday night. You definitely. She definitely gets wild because I don't know what the hell she's been talking about. But what about you? You know what? This is like pretty standard for Wednesday night. You guys go out after this. Like you guys go out all night or
No, well, I thought we were going out of this is what I'm saying. What is fucking Max toy? Did you guys hear that? What was the hook? How do you get you guys to come? I don't know. He just said, Vanessa, do you want to go out? It's like, yeah. Alright, so that's why I like this. He said, where some shiny, you know what I've been wondering.
Whatever happened to global warming. Like no one talks about the honestly,
that's what I'm thinking.
You know, when everyone used to talk about like the atmosphere and like, don't do aerosol cans, like, let's worry about the ozone layer, like, whatever happened to that,
no one talks about it anymore. It's fucked up.
How do you feel about that though? It's something. We're all a part of. I just want to know how you feel about that. Like Al Gore
has been fucking quiet.
Yeah, ha ha. We do a lot of creepy stuff. Right. Or not thoughts on the we like Drive electric cars and Shadow know what you guys are about, but don't care. Yeah. Do you watch your carbon footprint or not?
I don't know. That's kind of environmentally responsible. It's definitely responsible. It's just like not caring about, you know, your footprint is kind of just like for all of us, everyone
else. If I go out with my,
I know that happens nothing and I something like a chill but no no I'm just saying like, if you're not worried about your carbon footprint than like the world, is like we all kind of about the world, the world. Yeah, everyone else.
I don't think she knows what you're talking about. Yeah. Dude, this is where are we still know zone? I'm lost right? Honestly, this is fucking. That's all pot has been just trying to take a deep look, bad, you know? Yeah. What would, what would stinney have to do to like take you guys on a date? What would this guy have to be so mean you don't already want to go? Well, she said that you got to be taller already. It's always yeah. What you say? But um,
Like what would I have to do? Take you out? No, yes, she said no to you. Fox man, what about him?
Maybe what the fuck? That's my shirt. That's my shirt. Well, no. It's because we both like paintballing and shit. Like we connected as a connector on the paintball thing. But not, everything's a problem. Well it's mighty, but go ahead. I don't think there's any dirty man. Oh it was lovely. Having you both on and I hope you guys come out with us tonight. Let's get fucked up and talk about the ozone. Yeah. Could you also just be more careful in my care more about
The world, because it means a lot to us. Yeah, we care about the World Masters, more chicks, which is just rotating the females. Do you guys were great. Thank you so much. Thank you guys. So I'm convinced. Now, you're fucking comedian, bro. By the way, I'm gonna call you out right now. Mr. Tardiness, no, that's what I'm know. I was going away from to grab the mic.
we'll start. He was convinced that you are shut the fuck up. Bro. We got this recorded. Yeah, it was recorded you. You said he was in the kitchen. Hates tiny was saying that you were purposely just
Is Georgiana. I need a liar. Sorry
what? What am I doing wrong? Donnie was. I thought he was convinced that you were just waiting in the kitchen and loaf thing just to make a statement. Like, I try to be like in late like G. Yeah, exactly. Am I wrong? I didn't need to. I came from the desert. Same thing. Yeah, how have you been since we last saw
you. I've been good. I've been good. This
do this is hilarious or bro. Last time we saw you and yours a few months ago, by the way.
Don't remember what was the name? She meant everything. Don't remember she meant everything to our members. Admitted me to remember didn't mean anything one man I'm not sure I gave you that so I could probably read this treasure.
He's still crying and shit. Yo fucking know. Oh my
God this is hilarious. You know the shisha would be a Vibe on the Pottery Shop. Yeah, fuck it.
Do this is so funny. When did we link last? How many months ago is that? I think I was two months ago in Croatia but well, it was yacht week, I think August. So maybe three months ago, no wash would dry. I do different between August. I see the lighter. Do you mind? What is a, what's what's changed since then? Like when we saw you last you were, this was your, I think we got you. I think it's the most viewed tape podcast on YouTube is ours. Is it how much is it?
Almost 10 mil, it's more than the other more than ever on YouTube. Which one, my grilling was, my grilling is 11 point. Something you'd really would that chick me and that girl. Oh, that. Yeah, English one. Yeah. Okay. That one's funny. Yeah. Value bars
is up there but it's crazy bro. We did fucking Elon Musk the next week and I think your episode has like more engagement. Well, I love more likes more
common. I love you on. Yeah, he's do. What do you love these toppy? But I'm top G. So this is what it is but he's saving the world.
Doing this. Think I'm a fan of be Lon. He's buying Twitter. I think they're forcing him to now, but that's a good thing. Imagine me back on Twitter, profile, got tear them up, they ain't ready for me. They ain't ready for me, you turn use your with your thumb.
Come on bro, it's tiny. Roll it from the side, roll it, roll the side of it. The side of the actual light, roll
it, there you go. But back then you were like, I feel like we got you at your fucking highest point and then shortly after all the cancellation should have not going to like now. It's like now it's like your top fucking
Scylla. This is my highest point. Yeah. Every single day has been has been growth. Nothing's changed. They banned me and I moved to rumble and now I'm massive. I'm absolutely use our humble. I'm doing larger numbers on every single live stream, and
More than I ever did. But, but overall searches on Google, they says, way down. Well, is that a fact know the cert with Rumble. Absolutely. So, my, if I did a live stream on YouTube on average, I don't know, 12,000 13,000 live when I first moved to rumble. My first live with 127,000. Well, now, I get like 40 to 50,000 live, every single show and Rumble. Whoa, that's oh, that's that to Google searches are down. Because when they when the mass media, she machine attacked me in. Cancelled me start lying about me. Obviously, there's a spike for all the people going. Who's Andrew Tate, right? And I mean that,
So, there's that Spike. But, um, overall it's at random around the same place I was when you, when I interviewed with you, I haven't, I haven't seen any
tangible. I don't know if you know this, but do you know how many people have joined rumbles? Since you've been on the platform?
Well, I don't want to sit here and take all the credit, but I'm going to even though I don't want to because sometimes there's a man you to do stuff, you don't want to do, right? But I did I did know it. That's just part of being a man here. Fucking you just gotta get on and take all the
credit. I'm so happy to have tape part 2 on the Padre. Let's go, babe. I got so many questions. Go
ahead though. But
Before me before I got banned, I never heard the concept or the idea of the conceptualization of someone saying, if I get Vandal, just move to rumble. I never heard anyone say that. And then after my band, I've heard it about 50 times true. Everyone's saying oh will take they ban Tate and he's bigger than ever so so no one's afraid of being cancelled anymore. Part of that is absolutely massive credit to rumble in the platform, the CEO because they're Visionaries, but also it's me showing the world that if even if they come at you with the hardest cancellation method, they came at me like that came at Trump the game.
But I think I think with yours and in my opinion, too, because I'm watching everything. When I mean there's always been problems and you know, an issue with free speech on social media, but I think you're like your situation to me. That was that was the game changer for me to kind. That was like after that I was like all right you know they made a statement like now it's different anyone can be deleted like you we don't have free speech. Yeah. So I think yeah I think what happened to Tate was a
Pleat, that was the shift. Yeah, I got to ask you, did you know, kind of along with you're talking about Kyle but did you know like before you got into all this that the clip thing was the was the nature that was going to propel. You like The Tick, Tock making the clips like because you didn't actually have social media like you weren't like on Tick-Tock posts on the G. He wasn't really on the ground like his content was like crazy. Explosive on the IG was just to hang a DM from girls. What were you like aware that that Tick Tock was going to be that thing that was going to explode you to that level? Because it because we just talked about
You're off of it. And that's what I'm saying, your case is unique because you are a person that like even prior to like your your popularity on Instagram, or those other platforms, you had popularity a mass from your audience that was like sharing your content so that's unique. That's not like a regular person who got canceled and they're like, oh now I'm gonna go to rumble. You already had visibility because I see you. Every time I open up Tick Tock just because people are using your content. So it was that a part of your plan.
Yeah. I'm a decentralized brand, right? So it even thanks until the
She should guy to bring it. That she should be clutch.
Sheesh man. Is that his only
role? She sure, man. Yeah, he comes here every night and he makes you sure.
so, yeah, I'm kind of decentralized Now. You Can't Ban the idea, right? And they've made a martyr of me. We attacked. Absolutely every platform. When we put together our plan, it wasn't just a matter of attacking Tick-Tock although it's been super effectively. Attacked every single platform. We did it professionally. We did it completely in our early and continuously. And we did very, very well. But um yeah, they tried to ban me or my
Counts but it made absolutely zero difference. You notice that you're right. Most people are not in that scenario. There's been a lot of marketing studies and a lot of people who've done podcast. Now we're talking about the tape method and how I did it and saying that they're going to replicate etcetera, but no one can truly. I don't think replicate what we did because one, they don't understand the secrets of it and to even the surface level things which are I'm open to talk about. I I can produce a lot of content and I can do it by being an interesting person who just talks and that makes
me in a unique position and social media, right? So
like if you look
Cat has mr. Beast, actually,
mr. Be said that mr. B.
Mr. B. Stood apart on me. And he said, yeah, you can do a podcast. You chop it up, that he's alright School. The reason in my business, philosophy of my life philosophy, is that efficiency wins? Right? If I didn't fight in the boxing match, I had to block someone. I'd be as efficient as possible and the Kung Fu movies. When you see a guy doing a backflip to Dodger punch, the reason you don't do that, it's because it takes more energy to do a backflip. Then does throw a punch you're gonna lose in the long run, right? You'd be as efficient as possible for me to get 10 million views. I have to sit down till the truth for him to get 10 million views of gold.
House and get fuck. Yeah but money. And that I'm more efficient than his chance. I think the long run, this is why it's hard for people to do what I did because to produce content that gets that money amount of views. And it's not just talking you've spent serious money and
time. Yeah, just doesn't wait on, I think going off that he also said that you started this method where you went on every single podcast but that wasn't true in the beginning. Absolutely. You would go on a podcast for two hours but you would say so much shit that you could clip up that he thinks he's got like I gotta go on every single podcast in the world to accomplish
What you did, he didn't relate to the like that directly. He just said that he said on the last one, he was just saying this about the fish sitting on mr. Because he got rinsed in poker. It's just about the fact that the clips you play cards. I do play cards. Yeah, he beat me for 100k, of course I did and then of course it is. Listen, of course he say that
bro, stuff life and I'm not in any way, I'm just saying that he was wrong about a few things. Firstly, I'm certainly not a podcast for to any Regard.
In fact, that's why I turned down.
95% you don't, that's what I'm saying bro. And I want to stay all this and I'm not being arrogant.
This way, you can guarantee a big viewing channel on your, on your YouTube right now. It's getting me on it. Number one guarantee, do you think every single YouTuber on the planet hasn't tried to get me on the movie turned down? All of the name? I don't know. These people, big people who've turned down. Those people are the big people who have. I said no to primarily is probably because of location. I want to do it in person. I don't want to do a resume etcetera, but I maybe I get maybe 50 podcast requests a day from fuck knows who so I'm not mr. Podcast, very charged to go
on one though. No, I don't charge people.
I allow you all to enjoy the money.
Citation of the moon for freaks. I'm a charitable man. I'm very generous and nice. My house is big enough.
Yeah, but, um, but
yeah, so that's the first thing he's wrong about. And and secondly, yeah, you have to sit there in that podcast and you have to give two hours of fire, you have to give genuine value, and that means you have to live the life worth living, and you have to have interesting, stories, and struggle and bubble - the hard part, right? That's the real part behind it. Let's talk about value. Then why do you think because you're also at the perfect time?
Perfect. Like place and everything to as far as like this kind of content being sought after like Cliffs and like content, long format content, speaking,
Sent hasn't always been the popular content on the internet. Like it went through phases of like, you know, praying, send this guy like Family Channel stuff to talk about YouTube specifically, but now it's come to a place where this is like the most almost in, not important. I mean, I think it's the most important concept, but it's also becoming the most popular called Caster getting clipped every it's insane. Well, you hit right timing as
well? Correct. Yeah and everyone has ADHD now I think the world genuinely, I think everybody suffers with her attention span, I could talk even from me from a personal level. Have you ever needed to know how to do something? And you try to look up the
You tore the tutorial on YouTube like a phone saying or something and you load up the video and he goes hey my name's Mike and I'm going to explain to your like fuck off. Yeah. Yeah next next and more time trying to find my God just watching it because he can't listen to some idiot. Like I don't wait to introduce yourself. I don't give a fuck where you live. I don't care if you're married. I don't care how I'm happy. You are tell me what I need to know. Now free. So like we this life, right? So we all have massive ADHD to a degree. None of us have any kind of degree of attention span tick-tock.
I think as a social media, the algorithm is exceptionally smart. Like I said, if I were to tell the secrets of how I've done, what I've done, me, and my team inside the war room, it's worth billions of dollars. So I'm not going to, but in terms of the way, the all the algorithms work Tik, toks algorithms, certainly the most intelligent, it's the most intelligent. But it prioritizes and it incentivizes people to just have very low attention spans and I think as that continues nobody's going to sit and watch long format content. Yeah, it's just it's just a way. Social media is changing, the world is getting faster and faster and everything has to happen.
In quick. That's all we care about. And even me, man, people say, do you read books? I said, I can't do it. Why? It's too slow. I'll try. I'll try okay. And once upon a time and I'll fuck this takes a whole year.
Maybe, do you think the clip content is also part of the reason why I like make us
one more, please, bro, what flavor is this? Okay, that's fine. They're all the way from America. You'll give him something special, bro. The sheesh, man
puts the most, you have anything meant anything meant like a hybrid and drummer.
One for the big guy because he gets mad. He gets really mad. He's huge. Yes, don't piss him off. Yeah. And then the little guy doesn't matter but hit Kyle. Oh,
yes, already, yo. She's
okay, it's all good. Yes, tiny can't win, bro.
Do you think that Clips at the same time?
I helped you a ton or also two things that got people attacking you.
Well yeah because people are trying to get views right and you get views with sensationalism. So of course people were finding the most sensationalist or the most controversial things I've ever said. Yeah. And then weaponizing them to get as many views as possible. So of course, that was definitely part of the me being labeled a misogynist, eccentric cetera. But I don't, I'm not - about anything that happened. In fact, getting banned, or canceled was absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Would you don't regret anything 0 because you said last time you had a three-step plan was part of the plan or was little, I didn't put all fucking night, right? No. No,
it was part of the stories about that. I was part of the plan and I thought you were gonna get cancelled. I know it's good cancelled. I said, in every podcast, I knew I was going to cancel. I didn't expect to get cancelled as hard as I was cancer. They came at me harder than I expected. I thought they'll just be like a one platform Philly. Oh no. I'm not even that. Or just delete my social medias, but they have didn't just delete my social medias. They
came from every, can you walk us through? Like what, how did you find out about it first? Like, what was the first thing that happened?
Facebook and
Instagram know what was coming to our hunter person who's coming. So here's all cancellation works,
man. Someone on Instagram made that wait, fucking were use long at all when you hear this or you're just like, fuck it today's the day. Well, if I'm from the streets
don't give a fuck about Instagram page, thing of pussy. But I mean the
business wise and like that business for a rumble came in with a bag or
what? It's not as I already had a bag, got a very big bag full of them. No, the the the truth is this. So I, I knew it was coming. I absolutely knew it was coming because of how orchestrated was the only thing.
State this at the beginning, the only reason I'm upset by being canceled is because of expired, one of my lives, because first, you get cancelled, then they make up a reason to put you in jail, if that fails to kill you. So now I'm down to my last two lives, which is also why while I'm answering this question, I'm still being careful how I'm answering. I'm going to tell you
carry, shit, it's scary
because I've Dave now they've given me the warning and I'm still running my mouth. Yeah, so that's scary. But here's how cancellation work. So I knew it was going to happen because there's very, very orchestrated attacks. So ngos and Charities and all these other nonprofit organizations.
Which of course a profit by the government for whatever reason, you can go down, the conspiracy theory hole or it's like a conspiracy theory, you can go down and talk about foreign policy Works. How we install a cherry in a foreign country and that cherry supports particular political opponent and if I would control all the world, right? So all these ngos, which are non government organizations are controlled by the government ngos and Cherry start hitting me in sync. So, I went to bed one night every single night. Before I go to bed, I get a report on all my media and everything that I went to bed one night. I was not in any news articles, I went to sleep at maybe midnight book, rest time, I woke up.
It 10 a.m. and I was in about 150 news, Publications saying, I'm a misogynist with basically the same article Rewritten the same words, slightly different order slightly different picture the same day. Bang the soldiers 150 articles from Australia to Norway to America to England everywhere same day. Then they hit me with the lgbtq thing at like 25 or 30 of the largest lgbtq. What was that? What was that for?
Saying I'm dangerous to women and danger and I'm intolerant in general so I must be intolerant of them. Even though I never see anything homophobic or podcast
20 said you wouldn't give CPR to a get to a
male to add to add. I would never give CPR to my friend. That's gay. It's a joke. Yeah, it's a fucking joke.
See, that's, that's the thing. That's so, that's what I mean with some. It was a lot of the chef said just a
joke. No, no. But you can tell that, you know, I took it in anyone who can't tell when I'm genuinely making a joke and really is going to sit there and believe that I'm gonna let my friend die. Well then they're just a low IQ have
You said that before that some of the shit you said was kind of troll. I don't
have to like we're all here.
We're seeing the Laughing. Well I mean II feel like I know when you're trolling like but we're also in the game I think I guess yeah one thing that's so, hold on, I gotta drop this one. I got some do not. Hold on, bro, I go ahead. Damn, did you ever have you did you ever at one point? Underestimate how powerful your influence was? Okay, no way. You're like where you're like, Jesus, because there was a point where, how could, you know, my friends used to be like, yo, you can fuck in have multiple girls and
I might not have said that directly, but you had that kind of effect. This is fucking question. That's a good question, though. It is a good question, but why are you overcoming me? I'm just saying the reason why I'm going to play the devil's advocate here, why people they're the same thing I'm talking about with the influence, right? We know it's a joke. Yeah. But the people that they're saying, who don't know what is a joke and why they're trying to protect them, are the younger kids, who can't
decipher correct, and I'm a professional. And as a professional, like, set the reality of scenarios, I don't get emotional about them even if they happen to me. So I there is some I'll sit and say,
Yes, there is some valid argument for the cancellation on all except it's, none of the reasons they've told me I was cancelled, but the reason, I don't think those valid arguments. The reason I don't respect those valid arguments is because of how orchestrated was on the actually attacked me. If they were to sit there and say Andrew is a person who's lived a very unique life, and he's had a very difficult experience, and he understands the nuances of certain situations and perhaps young male impressionable Minds, don't completely understand the Delicacies of what he's saying, and it's going to teach young.
To be less empathetic, and perhaps adopt attitudes, which are not inclusive. That I'd get that and say, you know what? Yes, I'll have to sit here. I can't see her in line and say, that fourteen-year-old won't misunderstand my content. Sure. My rebuttal, is that 14 year old, will
misunderstand anybody's content? That's,
that's a larger argument about the internet as a whole, if you put a 14 year old in the internet, 90% of what he's going to digest is probably. Yeah, I don't think that's yeah, that's not my fault, right? So that's the that's the first argument. So, although that, although I agree with that point, it doesn't apply. If You're Gonna Play that to me, you have to delete
Buddy. Yes, do you put the other thing is they didn't they didn't do that. First came out with the misogyny thing and then like I said, 35, lgbtq whatever influencers or whoever with five or six million. Instagram followers all did a post on the same day, same wording, same time. Bam. So there's someone above these people saying, we have to paint a picture that he's so evil. They accept the cancellation first. So they do they have to paint you as evil and to cancel you. And then they continue the evil painting. Once you don't have a voice in the idea is that everyone believes you're evil and you're
You're gone. That's what we're trying to do. But
the orchestrated the way it happened, like all the media wants all the age of lgbtq at once, then all the teachers unions piped in teacher Union and Norway teachers union in Sweden, teachers union, Australia teachers, union in America, all these teachers unions saying the our boys, no longer. Listen to us in school because the boys are asking, the teacher will color there. Big guy is an Avenger Tate's fault, so that all the teachers unions in sync, same day, bang. And I'll sit and saying to my team, look, this is all the same day are different. Yeah. So no, yeah, they first it was misogyny stuff. And then he
the LGBT stuff by day, day by day, some new orchestrated angle and it was very orchestrated. So I said to my team cancellations next, we're about to get cancelled and it took about two weeks later. They
eventually, that's, that's what I'm trying to get out there. Why do you think, okay, why do you think he became so powerful, though, in terms of like this? What, what really got you that go? I
can tell you why they're scared of me, which kind of answers. The question,
is it? Because people were, you were willing to say, what people were thinking, but they didn't want to say,
or yeah, well, I'm not magical, right? I'm
I didn't put a spell on the world. I've been saying things that people have to a degree semi agreed with or been thinking for a very long time. And couldn't say, and I came along and said water is wet began. The most famous man on the planet by saying things that a lot of men go. Yeah, well, yeah, well, yeah. Well, yeah, I'm not saying everybody agrees, everything I say, of course, but if they didn't agree with anything I said that, I wouldn't, I wouldn't have got anywhere. Right? Right. So that's part of it. The reason I think they saw me as such a threat is because of the influence I had over the number one demographic, they want to keep control over which is to military-age males, young males, that's the number one. Most
Carrie demographic for a government for because they're the people who caused a revolution. So that people are going to go out and die for your army, or through the backbone of your slave Force. So, when you have a whole bunch of young males, who sit there and go, we don't want to listen to the government anymore. Take said they're all full of shit then they're going to sit there and go. Well, this guy has to go, he's not good for society as a whole. It's a young men. They're afraid of. Yeah, because of the rebellious ones just
want to hear how it like happen though. Like, what was your first was the first thing that got
deleted meta. Got me first. So they made the first move. It was all
Orchestrated attacks, I only found out. I was deleted from Facebook and Instagram from the media. So after they deleted me, I don't know if it was instantly, it seemed pretty instant, but maybe it was in this first same 15 minutes because all I was on Instagram, it was fine, but my phone down whatever and then I got star, get instant articles, metal bands and Route a. So they did a press release to the media. And told, told him that I'm basketbaldy
that no one comes to your Aid. Are you, were you expecting anybody to be like have your back?
Well, that's that's, that's a different question because actually,
The Banning taught me a bunch about who's who's actually true to themselves and whose true about free speech and who's a cloud chasing piece of
shit. Anybody stand out and come to your Aid or like?
Yeah, I was surprised by people on both sides. Like I had people whose names, I won't say who called me on the day and was like, this is some bullshit Tate. This is garbage that it uh, Patrick but David was a g solid. He was where are you at? I'm in Spain. I'm working his album there tomorrow. Boo. Like he was a g like we had a whole bunch of people like that and then also you had the cocks in the cowards. Yeah, like Logan and his boyfriend who were cool with me until I got canceled and
Then instantly because they're afraid of being canceled. What do you say? We did. I want to thank
you. Yeah. How are they cool with you? When you say the cool with
you, we were going back and forth. We had a little bit, going back and forth. We follow each other and on Instagram I promised to buy Logan a Bugatti on my show he was saying got out of that. Yeah we've got out of that. Yeah we're going back and forth and it was all kind of cool. There was no animosity between us but
a secular like would they invite new places? Like what's the
deal? Yeah. So
How you car, you know, that they were cool with you because they're telling you
what? Because they were doing, they were doing episodes on me. What's their thing with a talk about the internet? They have a show, they talk about know. There's another one, like a vlog, 1, the night shift. I like, I don't know. They had some show, I don't watch these things, right? I just get sent them. So they were talking about us. It was in a sense, a positive way. And we were replying. We're going back and forth. So I knew it was it was a pretty, it was pretty there was no animosity. There was no insults, it was pretty cool back and forth but the secondary route canceled, they came out. He's dead.
Dangerous, his rhetoric is dangerous and just completely cut out for the establishment. And I know I'm the reason I think that is, is because as an intelligent individual as a professional when I sit there and understand that someone above these media organizations have given them, a directive that they have to enforce upon the populace. What they're also going to do is sit there and go. Okay, who does Andrew speak to? Who's has audience 16 to 25 year old males, whose are talking point to that audience, Logan? Paul, who? He's in our pocket, he's an agent of the Matrix so I
don't think you don't think you got the same audiences.
But they thought, I think they think they think that they're my oldest is different, but they all sit there and go. We have to make every one thing Undertaker's bad. The young man, like and rotate. Who do they also the young men, listen to Logan Paul. So make Logan Paul say
Bachelor Bradley said that. Yeah, but we said that we thought that Logan like had to do that before she did, but you think someone actually told Logan.
Hey talk yet? What you need to do? Uh yeah, I think that's
great for. Don't think it was YouTube. I think it could have been as managers manager.
YouTube fucking, who knows? Who maybe
even honestly, maybe even himself maybe he's like, yo, I gotta hand but I just hate. I got it back.
Backtrack, do you take that shit personal or you're
just like, I don't take it personally because I don't know the guy personally, I don't take it personally, but I do have a dislike at just as on a personal level in general for cowardice hypocrisy which in the switching up on people. That's just not how I roll with my team. If I was cool with you guys and you all got canceled, there wouldn't be a fucking Split Second Ride. Go. Well, you know, they've just been canceled, my might get cancelled, just your bitch. Just who cares? You're my boy. Like, I don't even know my boys if I like someone. I like somebody. I don't, I don't
Way he won a eat and it was a true 180 because you don't go from semi-cool. Someone to sit in there saying, his rhetoric is hateful, he's he's like sitting there wondering who gave you this directive. And why did they even have to say
anything some once, that's what me and Brad, why didn't they say Affiliated right? Why didn't they just stay quiet, but I think
Matrix guys, I'm telling you why? If the, let's all be professionals here, let's be smart. The Matrix has decided to character assassinate me, they have gotten all of their media establishments, all of their bullets.
They fired every fucking black. Do you think they're not going to sit on the wall there bullets? We have in the chamber, whose his primary audience. These guys. What do who, which cock do we have? Who obeys every word we say, who also is somehow listened to by some of his guys Logan go to a podcast Andrews bat, whether it was YouTube, whether it was his manager, whether it was boyfriend, fuck, no. Sue. Someone sat there and said do this and I sat there for two hours saying Andrew so you don't you like a bunch of pussies because they were told to
I was totally talked about on our shit. I was thinking I was very surprised all the you just want to just do it for fucking views.
Not definitely use no way, there's not enough reviews. No, he didn't want to mention my name at all. He doesn't like saying my name because everyone just writes underneath, it's a flashlight or a
bit to be fair that the were the worst part was just the fact that he had his own thing that he went through and then say, like, this person doesn't hypocrite and chance. That's the worst
part. Yeah. But so, he did it. And it's also, there's also a massive fear of him being canceled. Also, like, he got canceled and cried, his eyes on TV to him. That was the most traumatic experience of his life. And when someone comes here and says, takes just been canceled, they might cancel you. You better fucking do this mr. Logan Fair, he sits there and tells a soul and what's interesting?
Resting is this. I'm not. Yes, Dee. Yeah, yeah, PTSD. I'm expecting him to. I can't believe they cancelled. Like that was a hard time for him. Yeah, I had a hard life like, it was fun. Yeah, I had a hard life, like me, but no, but the, but the truth is this. I'm not expecting him to agree with everything. I said, Jake said, look, I don't fuck with everything take says,
but free speech is Free Speech. Yep,
you're a fool. If you're a full grown man and you don't advocate for free speech or something wrong with you because then you don't understand history very well. You understand that? The first step is tyranny is to shut up. Free speech. You have to get one side of the of the story only and destroy all
Viewpoints and tyranny is next. So I don't give a fuck if he agrees with what I say or not. I don't care if he even likes me for him to sit there and say, I think free speech is bad. Just makes me look like a dumbass, and if you look at the comments of on his video, you can he go everyone ripped him to the lot of backlash because everyone knows he's full of shit. Yeah. So and so what, that's what it taught me, a lot. It also there's some other people. I won't say their names. Don't wanna make more beef, but there were some other people I was talking to who are cool, super famous. And I was going to do their show and they totally want me on the show and then I got canceled.
And they instantly shit themselves and that went both ways. Like I was speaking to pass long ago was that, no, I'll speaking to Patrick but David and the up run to get cancelled got cancelled. He said, don't care. We're doing it. Yeah, that's like book, gangster, other people were like, oh, you got canceled and shit himself pussied out, which also shows me a lot. I'm not gonna say the names, not gonna call them out, but they know who they are. And I know they
are, but what about Pierce mortgage did.
Here's a this appears to
stop, by the way. I just want to say real quick that I think it's bullshit and I thought you did really well in there, they just argue, they interrupt interrupt. Yeah, I think the main thing with Logan to the, when he took it too far as what he
Is that if other creators collab with them and give Tate a platform. Like that's not
okay, don't give take a platform. Don't make the tape Brothers more famous than the Paul brother these days. She's a bit jealous but he definitely got told. Well, do what he was
done? What do you think about? Like, I think he started maybe a domino effect as you saw, Kane just bought a private platform. You see that? Yeah, I did parlor. You think you think that's all game where he acts out to kind of like
follow? You don't have to act out to move platform. I think that there is a lot of pressure behind the dam and this is another thing I want to make public. I want to
Echoing to make clear to the world.
I don't have beef with the social media companies. I don't have beef with Susan and YouTube. I don't have beef with meta and Zach. I don't give a fuck, right? I don't have personal be for these people and I'm not even mad at them for Banning me. Sure, right. But I do think and like I said, I talk about things from an emotional standpoint, from a professional standpoint. I do think they made a mistake, and I'm not saying that because it's me, I'm just saying that because I want to get back on. I'm saying that because when you do something like, they've done like the mass cancellation of me, it's very, very important that you do not come across as tyrannical. You have to be seen to be
Farren on bias and everyone for a long time, knew that wasn't the case. And banning me, added more fuel to the fire added more. Pressure to the dam. The Water behind the dam is these people are not fair, they control the information but not on bias. They're actually extremely biased or tyrannical. And what happens is when you a lot of pressure behind a damn, it takes a very small crack for the whole thing to explode. The crack that was missing is someone to be canceled and become more successful than they were pre cancellation. As soon as it happens, nobody's afraid anymore because nobody wants to deal with their bullshit anyway, so what do you think they made a mistake? Where do you think this is?
Goes then. Oh
well yeah. Well what do you think about? Kanye, he acted out. Now, we just bought a platform, we got to go. What do you think about what Kanye is doing in general? The
dudes of billionaire, right? So it's kind of like he's in a slightly different position than Joe Schmo
but he's going on like the podcast to her right now. And he is saying some saying way, I love Tanya to and I think it's the same thing where like some of what he's saying. Like I agree with men, some shits just wild. What's your opinion on what he's I haven't
watched all of what he said. I just I I don't think he would have ever really truly been scared of being canceled and he
So Kanye although I know what you're saying, I don't think it's the best use case. I think it's the general YouTuber and twitch streamer. Who drink? Yeah, a normal guy saying can't see me. I'm gonna Rumble. It's weird. He think I would 40K Subs is now saying I'm gonna Rumble. Don't care. That's their problem. Not Kanye. Their problem is all the low level creators going. Well if you're going to start fucking my video over nothing, I'll just move, I'll just move, I'll just move and then there's going to be a mass Exodus and they're going to sit there and go. When did this all start? We band and your take from the reason we should have fuckin captain on the platform. I think they fucked up and and I really genuinely believe that and what
is is it's kind of like if if you're a tyrannical person you have to sit and try very hard to not come across tyrannical. You know, like if you're a jealous guy, you have to try very hard to not, look jealous. It's like that they haven't set. They haven't sat there and looked at the Optics of it, and, and now they're sitting there. Realize they, I know they analyze data in real-time at the point of the cancellation. In fact, is my team analyzed data, right? So I'll tell you this. So when I got cancelled, I had the War Room analyzing data in real time. So at the height of the media storm, there's there's apps you can use to measure.
Responses on comments likes excetera upvotes downvotes blah blah blah, at the height of the media storm. It was about 55 percent of comments on any post involved in me, was positive and 45%, where - at the height of the lies. It's now 95% positive. So, now that they fired all their bullets, that's because that's all the media machine could do anything. They can switch up, though, they can't print the on misogynist. Again, they can't print the same lie. If shot me with every bullet, I'm still standing here alive. It's like the zombies come in. You've emptied your clip. He's still here.
Here and now everyone loves me and they're sitting there and they fucked up. Where does
this go though as a whole and I'm saying not just for you but I mean as a whole like is this going to create like overall just Rebellion? Do you think because we're like where does this end up in 20 years from now more people are dipping and going to the pipe? Wrenches new platforms to go inaudible or not even just not even just content-wise I just mean LifeWise like where do you think this is going? Cuz everything shifts right Powers always shit. Yeah. So is this going to turn to a point where like I don't know, the the right side which is typically the side that's being more like
It is that going to be then in control and then attacking the left and the same because it just swings. Yeah,
you're right life. Life life is cyclical and it goes into pendulum and I do, I do think that there's now a change happening in society. I do think it's going to shift. I
want to be just as bad, if it gets the other side and the other side is just feeling the same. Exactly. Like, how do you think we find a balance
genuine? I don't think we'll ever find a balance. I don't think we will but
I think it's I just I think I think humans the society's just I agree. I how much how much do you hate to see you leave? And now everybody loves you. Everybody wants what? Everyone? Loved him prior to leaving? No, but you said there's a bunch of
Of comments. And yeah,
but it's a very the thing is with the Internet. It's a very vocal minority. That's the truth. With the internet. You sit. There is a video game. The negativity. You go. All people don't like him. It's like four, Dudes with no life. Like the truth is, I've never had a negative interaction on the street ever. I've been approached by thousands of people like it. Everyone loves me right screaming. Anything. It's very, it's a very negative minority and it's a lot more than her. Yeah. But yeah, I think everyone's to be moving to Alternative platforms. Obviously, I'm on Rumble. They've been fantastic to me. I have nothing but good things to say about them, but for Content overall, think overall. I think that so,
Media is going to change to the point where I think the next big thing for a platform to do would be to allow the content creator to own their subscribers. Imagine, there's a Content. Imagine, there's a platform where you own the subs, you had their emails, you own the subs, and you could choose any
platform you wanted. You could bring yourselves with you. Sounds like you have a pipe is the
platform that. Well, I'm saying to do that. Where would you wear? Would you build your following, which you build your farm, build your following where you own the day off? So these what these large companies do is they want to control the data for as long.
Long as possible. And that's going to be disrupted when someone comes along and says, you can build your following and you own the day and you own the following. If I'm not good to you or you think I'm tyrannical, you can take your following somewhere else, then they're going to conquer and then YouTube's going to fall but I think
always got me going crazy. Is like this, this whole like all these platforms are money-driven at the end of the day, I don't think people really realize that that the data that they're grabbing. Like for example, the whole period of like when the world shifted to social media and mainstream media, lost their power on television, they realize, oh shit. We need to own social media. We need to have our people here because at the same time,
They were losing money from advertisers were like we're all going to social media now we're not going to go pay the television because no one's watching anymore. How do we get people on our website or on our social media channels? And they did the same thing like that like almost YouTubers have done for years which is like create content that is like drama driven or - driven to get people in. So, do you think that will ever change though, because it's always gonna be content based on content driven? Yeah, I
agree with you. I don't think it's necessarily going to change, but I do think that people as they wake up, are going to understand that having control of your day toes more and more important for
sure. And it doesn't matter
whether it's
Or social media followers and your subscribers or your email list or even credit card processing, right? Like you guys have a business and you're charging for credit cards whoever's doing the credit card processing for you need to build to go to them and say give me all those card details on you someone else and if they say no we're going to keep them then you're gonna say fuck you then I'm not gonna maybe it's too late now but when I start my next business, I'm going to work with the people who allow me to have the credit card debt for my customers in case I want to use somewhere else. We're going to start getting our data back and that's going to take their power away because anything that's free for us to use on the Internet isn't free. We're giving them our data and payment I believe what? I believe, Hank, fine.
What point do you know what I'm wondering too? And I think what rumbles doing is great obviously. Steve our guy who got deleted as well for no reason. No. Strikes at all, just completely deleted. He's on rumbles. He's great and he's uploading soon. But at what point do I, what point does the agenda start like, at on only fans now, you can't post a swipe up link to only fans at what point does like Instagrams like flag Rumble and say like you know you can't promote rumble on Instagram or like does the App Store? Like I think the next step for them is like the App Store might be like, yo, we don't
Robin Matrix. Matrix Matrix,
it likes, I don't know. I feel like they're just gonna keep taking it further and
further Matrix attacks and I'm, I mean, obviously, I don't know. But I, of course, I think Matrix attacks are going to come and try
on the App Store still.
I have no idea. It is okay, I don't know. Matrix attacks are going to come, but I think when you have strong leadership and you have smart people, and people who certainly anticipate that and also when you fight for good and you're truly doing the right thing God Smiles upon you, and I don't believe that tyranny last for long name, a tyrannical government or a tyrannical.
Duration and history that lasted forever. You can't name one. Those no matter what. Whether it's the Roman Empire with its the Third Reich, whatever your tyrannical sooner or later, there is a revolt and they're going to try their very best to do certain things. But once the general populace, understands that this is bullshit and this is a version of the truth or two sides of the story. Then there's gonna be a mass Exodus and they can't stop that.
Yeah, it's crazy too. Because cows always said that no matter what, you're not going anywhere and what we just did, Sugar Sean's podcast, right? How many times have you seen that on?
Tick-Tock which one just you walk in the fucking hotel with sugar Sean? We see it 500 times. So like, what does that do when you're like you know, no matter what you do, I'm still there.
Well, that's might, that's what I was saying earlier. The very beginning of my answer and lives. That's this while saying very good, the very early in my answer, that's what's concerning to me. Now, what's concerning to me is that we're gonna come next? Yeah.
But do you feel like you're the only guy that can like, overcome this cancellation because nobody else has been able
to this? Condo at the four-minute mile. I don't even know the story of the four-minute mile, but when everyone was running long distance running, I've always had a formative
Was impossible and everyone's attempting, it was
impossible and then one guy did it one day. And after he did it 10 people to didn't like three weeks. And it's like the belief. So, I think a lot of people in there canceled go, I'm done now. Nobody else has my I'm going to, I will say it openly say, my network of the things I do in the unique way, I approach it and the war room and the organization I have in the money, I have in the influence, I have is unique. Most people don't have that. However, people will have the morale to go. I've been cancelled, but you know what? I'm not
quitting doesn't matter, don't give it up, all right, just make new account bank, back to work, back to work, back to work.
And on a long enough scale of enough.
People do that. There will be inertia and momentum behind it, which will make a shift in the universe. It will attack the Matrix in real time. It's a belief, I have a question of believe. You must believe, I believe in you. You might know you must believe in elves. That's the key.
Where did you develop this stuff? Like we're in your life. Did you start to develop this like at what point were you like? This is the person that I am. Was it some like, your father taught you? I know you had some stuff there. I know he passed away. But like how did you develop the person that you are the human that you are? Because obviously, it happens over time. But like what were the major key points. Your life, your life.
Shit, I'm starting to realize. This is what's very important for me, right?
Yeah, that's a really good question and I'm not sure I know the answer completely entirely. I've my entire life, I've always woken up thinking or feeling like
I had an enemy to fight against
as long as I can remember, I've always had I was at. I was a professional chess player when I was a kid. So when I was four, I
woke up and my dad was sitting there saying you're playing this Chinese kid, he's good, right? So I always had that, then I had professional fighting, I date seven fights in my whole life. I had some fight coming up.
And now I wake up in the Matrix is attacking me.
So iíve always woken up feeling like I had an enemy and that's certainly shape. My reality. Definitely shapes how I act and shapes how I think I've always felt like I was in war if that makes sense.
Have you ever felt like you were Your Own Worst Enemy?
No, in fact quite the opposite, I I I've had a healthy fear and respect for all of my enemies to the point where I've understood the only chance I stand to beat them is to have as many allies as possible in the most important allies, my own mind.
Enough people who dislike me that I don't have the luxury of doubting myself. So even at the height of the cancellation, right? When they were coming at me with everything and I haven't even told you some of the stuff that come at me with. I'm about to tell you and it's a lot more scary than getting delete from Instagram, fair when there are coming at me, absolutely. Even the people close to you're going. You're dealing with this. Well and I was like, I have I have now innumerable shadow figures, trying to destroy me if my brain betrays me. I'm really fucked probably. Like, I can't go down that path. So no, it's actually completely the are opposite. I've
Galvanized myself against internal enemies, my me and every single part of me is all on the same team and always will be. And I think that's because like I said, my whole life, I was battling against something and someone else, but I'll tell you, some of the scary shit to happen, man. Like reporters were doing articles about me, and they found my members of my family found my mother. They started harassing my mother and people outside our house and protest outside in front of track her down, all this crazy stuff. Then what happened is reporter. Start calling all my ex-girlfriends and saying, hey,
I know you've noticed and rotates in the media. If you have a story about any of his misogynistic comments or anything he did bad or anything bad, he did when you were together, we'll pay you
50,000 pounds. You know how many girls were contacted 15? The I know.
Okay. So but the point is this that's effectively a bribe. Yeah. Do you have a bad story by Andrew 50 G's? That's effectively a bribe? Yeah, and the fact that this actually Testament Matrix, this is Testament to what a nice fucking guy. I am because if you to get the average man and say we'll take your last 15 girls, you fucked an offering.
50 Grand to say something bad about you, most dudes are gonna have a couple chicks. I'm bad. None of them turned on me, not a single one. They all text me saying this report was trying this Rolling Stones, try and turn on The Daily Mail. Sack as they all just found my number and told me and just said, look, they're trying this that it they all told me. Luckily. 15 or 15. But but, but this is and this is, what's genuinely truly crazy. They've somehow tried to convince the world. I'm the face of misogyny and I'm somehow dangerous to women. There's not a single woman, not one. Who's come forward name, the woman who's come forward saying, I victimized her name one, I don't know.
Not a single woman saying anything
bad about. I agree. He should set about. So wait, curious like there's no actual actual beside. It's all hips and do nothing like they talked about. You got like rated or some shit. Yeah we can talk about that. Like what was that? Something actually happened? Yeah, so
I go I effectively got my house and I do actually think this was a large part of my cancellation. I don't think I would have got cancelled if it wasn't for these rumors of human trafficking and shit
but because of these are really looking at
your shorts. Sorry guys. I wasn't normally wear short shorts to yeah but yeah. So
So I effectively got swatted but it was a very unusual scenario in an unusual situation and now I'm looking back with my chest playing mind. I think that was part of the
whole plan from the beginning. Yeah, somebody
was having a conversation with someone close to me. Said, they've come out to visit, cool. Whatever came out to visit came, hang around the house, everything was fine chilled, no problems at all left. No problems at all. Then said they were kidnapped, like it doesn't make any sense and then the police. Obviously, I've respect for the police force. I hate to live in a country where you call the
Saying the someone's kidnapped, they don't respond, of course, they respond. They come and check. Got swatted right? A fake call. Yeah, the story was that her boyfriend found out she was there and he thought she was, I heard these different version of the story but the truth is, the police came saw, the CCTV saw that when she came and left, she went all Pizza. She went over. This is bullshit. Yeah now but doesn't matter. They ignore the fact that it's thrown out, they run with it, right? This house is ready for human trafficking. That's all they say on, repeat and repeat and repeat, and I'm thinking that was orchestrated someone sent her to do that. To begin the attempted
downfall to pass out.
It's all over now because it was never a thing anyway, but I was even arrest. I was I was taken to the police station question for an hour. They went to the CCTV and I went home. Same know
the one thing I do want to ask you is, do you ever fear that cancellation is gonna go above social media? Like let's say, like what like this? No, let's talk about early
know what I'm saying? No. But I'm
saying like a restaurant or a state's going to say, you're not welcome here.
A restaurant can get fucked. So
what I'm saying? Like you know what I mean, like if they're like, yo, we've talked about it, we don't want you to visit.
If divided that I'd be upset because I love to buy but
like is that a possible scenario or something? You worry about
perhaps but there's literally only two or three countries on the planet. I'd care. Yeah. If most countries have they came to do. Can't visit AB like, don't give a fuck.
What are those countries? That's ridiculous.
To, I love to buy genuinely. I don't like Godless places. This is why missing my problem in America. Is this Godless. I don't like it. I like where you live amongst a religion, regardless of whether religion is how hate I would hate to get kicked out of Eastern Europe. The chance of that happening is 0.
As they grew everything I say I'll head to get kicked out of the by but the chance that zero anywhere else. I wouldn't care. I don't care if what I am
Andre. Yeah would you go to the state's? I know you said you don't want to go there
but I it's Godless I don't feel comfortable when I'm in Miami. I look around and I say okay there's hos. Okay your heart but it's just drugs parties degeneracy sluts. It's just I don't like the vibe. I don't I don't feel at home there in any way. Where's the church? Just feel like saying these bitches go to church, go to church. So tell me about your only fans. Go to church wrong with you.
Don't like any of it. So I don't want to go. I don't care if they ban me. Yeah. So restaurants, I don't care countries. I basically don't care and the real cancellation
is put the clamp 88 Miami. Yeah. But you have to do you have, like, what you call waiting on? Do you have like a favorite spot there? Like if you had to go out there, do your favorite spot and we're in Miami. I don't know. Where did you part of their a lot? I thought we tried on you. Come here with a bunch of girls though. And you say the same thing. What do you mean like him with a bunch of girls? It's hot. Yeah. Why are you calling him out like on
camera? No you're right. You're right. They're not again don't be talking about
Bro, that's fair, but I know, but it's just America's just not a place. I feel an affinity to, I'm not really interested in and it's the seat of most of this
garbage. It's to see of the
satanic garbage which is being inflicted on the world. We're in a war. Yeah good versus evil and if you look at some of the most degenerate things on the Internet or on TV or things are happening in the world today, they are coming from the United States so I just don't really want to go there. I just don't feel an affinity to the place like if you were to look up the most crazy shit, it's some
Can every single time some six-year-old decides, he wants to do something, she shines this shootings murders, it's just like, why don't want to get what's there? Like there's Lambo garages and that clubs here like what's what is there in America? Nobody can tell me because there's nothing
there. I don't want to go. Do you think you would have the same success if you only came at content like from the positive male, like enforcement
aspect? That's a good question as well. And Joe Rogan said this and he was quite right. He said like if I would have stuck to the mail pulse it
Tivity and avoided anything that could be deemed misogynistic, I could have done better on the longer term. I agree with that, but I also think that relationships between men and women are such a large part of being a man and the mail experience. And I also think that nearly
every man no matter who you are. Whether all of us sitting here or everyone watching at home,
has had a fairly similar life path. We've all grown up fell in, love with that bitch in school, she wouldn't fuck she, fuck someone else fell in love, the first girlfriend, she cheated, heartbroken, whatever we've all had a similar story, right? So we all have an
Bennett you to it. And I think that your relationship with women as a man is one of the most important things are going to go through in your life. If you look at a man who's truly content and truly happy, he has a good relationship with women. And if you look at a man who's miserable, he might have all the money in the world but his wine enjoyed his wife doesn't like him and he's miserable anyway women in general or one woman. No. But I'm saying it's such an important part of the masculine experience. It's hard to talk about positivity and masculine values and how to approach life and never mentioned relationships with women ever.
So, have you been through something like that? With
every know I've been
And everyone's had like girlfriends, they broke up with and missed and that I
haven't. You have any specific stories of yours and your love life. They like that kind of like showed you
that. No, I don't have anything. That's I don't think it's outstanding or any different than you. I -
yeah. I understand what I mean. You think you think talking about that stuff that type of content, which is so important because everyone is dealt with that kind of
stuff. I think it is. I mean, like I can another thing I do is I react to a lot of the questions I'm asked and I can say the 80 to 90%, the questions people ask me whether it's a super chat or it's a Q&A or of his life is related.
To in some
way. A check. Yeah. A like, 80% of
the questions. Are my bitch doesn't like me anymore. Why? And I'm like, because you're a fucking loser and and that's and I
fixed. You have advice on how to change it.
Yeah. Yes. I do. I die. Tell him. How do
you define a loser though? Just like a bum. I see why by
basic message, which has been largely misunderstood is people always sit and say, takes his all these crazy things about girls. And that it, and I say that I can only speak from my experience, and I am not naive. I understand I'm living a very
Nique masking experience and it's a it's a top Tier 1 and I can't imagine living life as a man any other way. And as a man you need to get up and work hard and become a top to your email or your life's going to suck. That's basically what my messages when Joe Schmo comes and says, I'm Joe Schmo. I'm not you. What do I do? And I say, I don't know, because if your bitch'll fuck Joe Schmo, then that means Joe schmo's your competition. They got worried about the guy in KFC, bro, like she's after she'll fuck anybody could you fucking you and your loser. So you got stop being a loser and get a bitch. He doesn't fuck losers or what you want me to do, and that's my basic message, but but you can't
We that whole topic, right? Yeah, for sure. And then you know, even just what I said there, they're going to take it, chop it up. Say he said this about women. Fuck losers and they're gonna come at me.
Yeah, I have you backed off talking about like the woman type of shit. Now
I'll be it. I mean it's a bit boring anyway. What's there to say? I said whatever. You
said it right? I think women's women
stay with men. They respect. You have to be a man worth respecting and I say this all the
time. So are we rocking with female Pilots now or we also do I still don't want to explain? What do you think about it?
However, in certain scenarios where there's high pressure in the result of an unfortunate circumstance. I think that men are calmer Under Pressure, but so I would prefer to have a male pilot. I'm not, I'm just going to clip that first part though, to be honest. Exactly. Because so I can't wait.
What do you think about a stay-at-home dad and the mom and the wife works.
I think if that makes him happy and they're happy couple, and that's what they should do. I can also sit here and say that I don't,
That would be a happy to couple Dynamic very long. I don't think it will last long. That's my personal view. I
think I'm just thinking about moms getting slammed in the, I don't think I can man. I don't check that riches. Gonna marry me, bro. What the fuck? And I thought that was that was your plan. No, I can't get
that. I think, I think once the chick like,
he's trying to be a stay-at-home dad or what, huh talking about it a lot, I have never said that once just letting that making that very clear for the Audience, by the way, I'ma get the bag don't nobody has to worry about there. What the audience is here? Do what he's talking about? Okay, sorry,
I'm not saying that people shouldn't do that, that makes them happy. Whether it's the man or the woman, everyone should live and do
whatever makes them happy. I'm saying that, I don't think that relationship will last long because I don't think a woman would be happy providing for a man on the long term. That's My overall,
that's my personal view. I'll say that. Some people sit there and go. That's massages. Some women work harder. I'm not saying some women don't work hard. I'm not saying that some couples won't work. I'm talking about is a generalization in general. I think
that that couple Dynamic I don't see that working in the
long term. That's my personal view. Sorry World attack me. Welcome to cancel.
Again, all right. What? What? What? Yeah, what really makes you happy now, right
now. Hanging with your boys, is the funnest thing to do, though,
huh? Hanging with your boys is the funnest thing to do. Yeah. However how much money you have is still always going to be always the best?
There's nothing. There's nothing else to
do. I hang out with your boys and talking shit and laughing is always going to be the peak Human Experience? Yeah. Well once you have it all, like, what are you go from? They like, you get more just need. I think. How many clothes boys do you have? Yeah, you Tristan. Who else to three first thing? You want to come in here? You don't like him on here now, he's good.
time with your boys, always need to be thinking about her. It doesn't matter if I have a hundred million dollars or I have $10, I'll be still sitting with Tristan laughing that. Isn't that always the funnest? You guys been
like that? Since you were born? Yeah. Was that talk to you or? It's just like a bond.
It was semi taught to us. We tried to
fight we work in our dad, our dad wouldn't have it. Fuck, yeah. Seems like know what the world's out I think people the same. They just a lot of people that that don't understand the importance of like getting along with your relatives and that's something that you guys show. I think people Envy
well yeah.
I mean, if you have a brother that idea is that you make it best friend
possible out of him, right, whilst what, why else would ever brother? No, but I think there's a lot of like families that lack that, but
this is the thing. And this is where I'm about to get you to shut up, man. I'm about to say some shit you already
canceled. Well, they want to. They want to get rid of the family.
No, I can go down a whole bunch of time. That's yeah, that's true though. But I can go down a whole bunch of tangents, but in my experience, these shorts are so small, one second. Are you
good? Yeah. Where's the sheesh guy? He's got a pair of pants. Like the Dan Bilzerian. Come
alive with, I'll swim.
In. And then we went to the desert and then you guys are here. So it's just one of them things in my experience. I have a lot of guys who come and say I'm not as close to my brother as you interests and I want to be as close wire why are we not as close as you and your brother are and 95% the time
that the answer is because the chicks because whoa,
no because you have two brothers growing up. They hit puberty whatever. They both get different girlfriends. They move in with their girl or the girl doesn't like em older brother because they're always
out doing man. Shit. And that and the
girl slightly isolates them to a degree or their chick doesn't like his chick or whatever. There's
Chick involvement. So, if you want to truly have a close relationship with your brother or your friends, you need to have a relationship with them, where you sit and say, all right, cool, I'm interested done this multiple times. We've had girls sit there and I don't like your brother. That's a problem because it gets if it's if it gets anywhere near decision, you're going to lose. So you either like him right right away or just fuck off but most people won't do that. Most people would be like well why? Well yeah he was a bit rude to you, I guess. Okay. We won't go over there tonight and then please suck me off and then it
I have to make a choice that is very true. It's true, bro. You
have to make a choice. You have to make a decision. And we always made the decision to put our
brother actually, never thought about that.
And, and it ties into lots of things. Also, ties into economics. I've said this story before, but I'll say it again. When I was growing up in Luton in England, which is a highly Islamic Town. There's lots of Muslims who live there. They, I was friends with some Muslim guys in college and they used to laugh at me all the time. One of them was like, 19 worked in Tesco and had a
It's like bro, how do you have a Ferrari work? In a fucking, I think work that you can chip shop working at a fast-food restaurant. Had a Ferrari. So, how do you prefer are even working too
fast food restaurant? It's
because I got nine brothers and we all work together and we show the cars
like, okay, but why do
you share the car? So, no, you don't understand you. I won't
use the racial slurs but he was like you people,
you is you and your Three Brothers, you all grow up. You all decide to get with your girl. You all go pay different, rents, you all disappear, all your money gets spread out. Now, you're taking your grand holiday and paint a different red, senior all separate.
And me and my nine brothers have been one big
house. If we meet a woman, she moves into the house. The men are all focused on making money. Women are all looking after us, cook and clean. And you got nine men the same house trying to pull their incomes. That's why we own the houses you rent from us. It's different Brotherhood firsts different. You people don't think that way you fall in love you fall in love with some bitch. You run off to go pay her rent, sure.
It's like a different mentality and that's why they
win. I think it's funny because a lot of people that have talked about you say I agree with a lot of things that he says, but there's those two things that I just can't agree with boohoo but how like it sucks?
It doesn't suck because that's life while I don't expect me to agree with everything. I say
but a lot of things that you do say, are very important. So those messages for the younger audience, it sucks that that's not like that's not getting taken in. But the bullshit's what they look at?
Yeah, they find a little bit so they can use to purport and try and pretend I'm a bad guy and amplify them. That's true. But I can't think of anyone else on the internet who I agree with 100% of what they say. There's people I really like and yeah, we're living in a world now where people are asinine, they have to slave mine. What's interesting is there's a guy who's built Tick-Tock account and I think he has like a million followers.
Hours. And what he does is he walks around college campuses.
Asking people. If they've heard of me and then if they like me or not, it's
brilliant. So he goes, and goes, have you heard of entertained? Like yeah. Do you like him? No. Why. He's a misogynist to find misogynist? Yeah. Whatever, bro. And just what they don't even know why they dislike me. Yeah, and it's the slave my not to do. Ya think for me, even tell you a quote, I've said what he said about about women
He's a piece of shit, they can't answer the questions, they don't know. So a lot of these people are just Slaves by and programmed, right? No
girls ever pressed you in public zero.
Absolutely. Not a single female in public has ever once
said, anything negative to me ever,
in fact, quite the opposite. Oh yeah, I wish there was more men like you protect provide except yeah, people think of the aunt. I've never had a single chick ever mad about anything I've ever said ever, not one. Now, maybe of all is in Godless America. Might get some girl doing some dumb shit. I live in countries
of civilization, I live in a civilized society but what I've never had it, I want to switch gears a little bit. So earlier I was talking about self-love and you said earlier about like your brother and you,
Of all the money, you have all the stuff. What's really important is like the time you spend with basic, your loved ones, right? So my thought in life, is that the most important thing in life is love, you know what? To love yourself, and love those around you. I wanted to get your opinion on that because I think more kids because I've obviously got a lot of kids going to listen to this and watch this. But I think more people should talk about that idea. And how do you find that I want to your experience with finding that as a whole?
Yeah. And that's a really good question, and we live in a hateful
world. And it's kind of scary because
whether it's the sensationalism that the media Outlets
Getting from the clips by performing
hateful ideas. Like you just said, whether it's the weaponized
virtue, which is basically
pure hate against people like me or other people don't like cancellation as a
whole is hateful. It's a hateful act, they'll sit and say he's so bad. They don't for let's use my example misogyny. Do you think the people who are attacking me give a single fuck about? Do you think any of them donate to women's Charities, not doing any of them, protect women, or do or care about women know. They just hate me. It's hateful, right? So,
We live in a very, very hateful world and I think love comes from a position of strength. I think you always have to be a strong person to love. I think of to be an intelligent person who love, which is why stupid people are so hateful and you have to work on yourself and I think have to become strong in your body and mind to love things. It's not easy to love things and people when they do you wrong it's not easy to love a woman again after your last one that whatever it's not easy to do it, you have to be a strong individual. And that's why I think love comes from strength which is why I always say strength is so important, mentally and physically. I say that all the time. It's all I talk about. I say that. If you're a man, the
Wait, improve your life, in every single possible way is to just work on your physical strength and your mental strength will follow and you become a better person. You can love, you know, this yourself. Look at the size of you. Right. You go in the gym. It's the biggest guys are the nicest guys. True or false? True every all because they don't have this ego. It's the same. If you walk in a fighter, Jim the most deadly dude in there. It's gonna be a nice
guy and it's interesting how the perception is that you're going to be a bad guy because of the way you look completely the things like the things that you say are the things you're doing or like the masculine stance that you take your a bad guy. Yep. And it's just
the whole thing is just crazy to me how it happens, but I just, I really want to emphasize after. The people listened is like self. Love is the most important thing. And being able to give love and share love, like what else are we doing all this shit for
completely, and you can't pour from an empty cop and before you give loved anybody else, you have to truly love yourself. And I think the easiest way to love yourself as a man, is to be proud of yourself and to be proud of yourself, you have to decide who you want to be inside of the metaverse inside of the Matrix. You decide the character you want to be and try your best to achieve it. Why do you think people
struggle with being proud of themselves?
I think because they know they're failing. I think the most people failing in life know very well, they're failing.
And it doesn't matter what Avatar you decide to absorb or who you decide to be, you can decide to be and, you know, true in your heart if you're giving 100 percent of your energy towards becoming or not, doesn't matter. You want to become a famous musician, does not want to come on, Balto bodybuilder, doesn't even come from a pro fighter, does not what you want to be, you know, in your heart if you're actually trying or not, you have to decide what you want to be in. Trying become it and a lot of the people who are genuinely unhappier mr. Boehner Hearts. No, they're not trying too
hard. Well, they also, I think they also focus on what everyone else is doing right or wrong and then judging our word and everyone's like, focus on this outward reflection of like
Like what that person has in versus what they don't have. And it's all just. So, like, just just cycle of negativity, completely. And it's just, it's, we found herself, especially with social media. Nowadays, we found ourselves like most people because maybe they're not mentally strong enough to understand, like a, wait, I need to create my own value instead of looking outward and saying, well, fuck with that guy has or fuck that guy because I don't have it but like, how do you think we fix it? Or can we fix it? And it's another question. I want to, I want you to try to answer to Is Like, can everyone be
successful Jeff? You believe that good question. So firstly,
Answer. Can everyone be successful? I think the world would be a terrible place. If everyone had a free mind, you do need the slave. My, I've heard you say that as annoying as they are, you do need the slave mines. You do need the guy who believes that, you know, working the gas station is important and he's good at it. You need him, it's good. You need
the am but what if that guy just doesn't know any better than good or hey this is
fine. The world can't all be you know mansions on the palm and Dubai they can't they can't all be that. So successful is all about self definition.
Which is what I was saying at the beginning, you have to default decide who you want to be, and if you're, if you wanted to be Joe Schmo and you pull it off, then you'll be a pretty happy content person to decide who you want to be. I think the people who are miserable is to do, it's the gap between their expectations and their reality. That's where the misery lies. Yeah, my expectations were always enormously High, even when I was a nobody I knew I had to be Filthy Rich and a kickboxer and I knew I had to be the kind of guy that people gave. Are you happy at that point? I know, but I knew I'm basic things. At the age of 15, I knew that, if I'm the kind of guy that if I raise my voice, people are going to care.
Maybe the guy who starts shouting them with things is funny. I know I'm gonna be the kind of guy who's genuinely a formidable, opponent, all rounds of human endeavor. I know I'm gonna have money. I know I'm not going to say where did that come from those? I just can't just yeah, I know,
and I understand what you're saying because my whole life is always more. I know that there's more like but as it's a lot of people have that
Force but the people who are miserable at the people who don't try hard enough to obtain it because I actually believe in this. Another thing I'll say, I believe the universe is very giving I think the universe and God himself is very giving, I've yet to meet somebody in my all my years who is genuinely
Being 100% of themself day after day, doesn't snake. Anyone firm handshake? Look you in the eye doesn't lie to nobody and tries 100% doesn't get what they want. I've never seen it. Every single person who doesn't have what they want. There's something in their story that doesn't quite add up. I've yet to see some guy. Who have you ever seen a guy who eats right trains his ass off and never misses gym session? Ever not grow, never oh, no not what grunt grow. It's just that's what Universe works, right? So if you're truly about it, you're truly trying your absolute best.
Do it
and I that's what I believe. I believe the universe is extremely giving so when I meet somebody and go, I really wanted this and I don't have that. So you didn't really want it. You're a liar
out of all like the successful people. Most successful people in the world. Would you say that all of them have have like something in common in the sense of like some sort of hardship in their life? It's not.
Well yeah, I mean trauma is extremely important and this actually goes back into answering the first part of your question, which is interesting. There's a study, I read about stress and it was saying that stress they stress as a placebo effect attached to it because the placebo effect is extremely powerful. So I found some of the most
stressed people in the world and they split them
into two groups and they're all equally stressed. They all have a bunch of cortisol in their blood.
Yeah, the people who
believed they were that stress was bad for you and that stress can hurt you. And they believe those media articles were dying earlier, they're having heart attacks and I would stress related illnesses. The people who believe the opposite who just said stress is part of being successful. I like stress. When I feel stressed, I do my best to makes me anxious to turns my brain on. I like being stressed lived longer than average. The point is the same drug, how you look at it, and how your body
anticipates, it how you feel about it.
The real world results, which goes back to what you were saying earlier about the jealousy, you're saying, people look on social media and they get jealous and a demotivates. Mm, that's because that's because they decide to be motivated by it. You know, what happens when I get jealous of somebody fucking beat him up, I look at somebody has something. I ain't got, I will take it from them by hook or by crook. Well, I was when I watch
other people on social media and I see someone killing it, like, whoever it is someone that fires me to
flock, I love it. I love I wish someone could make me jealous. It's hard now, I got everything I wish I could look at somebody and go
fuck her. When you said, what do you say?
Jealousy is the number one, like his, a lot of people reach out to you, right? Would you see that's the number one spark for motivation?
Well I don't think motivations are real thing. I don't believe in motivation as a concept. I think discipline is real and I also think discontentment is real and I don't think it's possible for anybody to stay in a scenario where they're truly uncomfortable. If you fall asleep on your arm and your arm really starts to hurt even in the deepest sleep, going to wake up and move your arm. If you sit there and your life has been in a rut for seven years, you are semi comfortable in that Rod. Sure. There's days you're pissed off. Sure your semi annoyed by it but there's also days where you just
Play video games, eat pizza and they're kind of cool with it and it's no big deal. If you were truly unhappy and uncomfortable and discontent with your scenario, you wouldn't be in it. So I think I don't believe there's anybody who's truly when I was broke. I couldn't sleep. Yeah, I'm not saying it please understand me. When I was broke, I couldn't sleep. I be trying to go to bed thinking how the fuck these people have Ferraris. I want a fucking Ferrari. I couldn't sleep.
But what were the first steps that you took? When you're like yo I got a fucking change my life.
What was the first thing you did? So people out there that might be going through
it, but I never had to like, change my life because my life was never wrong because I always knew, I always knew what I wanted, but I always do my best that's like built within people. This
is hold on, just comes down to self-awareness. Everyone is like I said earlier, about the outward reflection about what's happening people aren't taught to be self-aware anymore. People are taught to just like, like I said, look at that guy. What he has and be mad at. You don't have it or like if something's going on with me. I don't want to look inside and say, what's actually happening with me? Why am I this way? Why am I the
That I am today. Everyone goes, it's an outward. Like if I have a problem with a girl, oh, it's her fucking fault. Yeah. Possibly pass the but everything has been that way and I just want to talk more about this kind of stuff because like we're asking these questions like about like what this but I want to figure out deeply. How do you think a man specifically in this case is able to look at themselves more comfortably without holding the Judgment. The fact that they don't have the stuff over themselves because we need to talk more about this kind of shit and critical thinking as well. We'll get into that next
completely. You're totally right. I think there's two answers to the question one. I think a lot of it.
I'm from chess because chess is the most ruthless game on the planet and what chest will teach you people think chess guys are nerds. Just guys are psychopaths man there. Another smart,
there's you, are you nasty at chess?
I'm all right, I'm
not. What's your best like game? Like
strategy might be low for anyone who knows chest rigs? Like 1800? Which is. It's all right. He's a pretty average, considering my father was a grand master. Is not even that good, but I was a kid. I was 1800 when I was eight, I got no better. Okay? So because I stopped playing but chest teaches you that no matter how Justified.
Teaches you that if you lose at some point, you made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's the smallest mistake. It doesn't matter if you just took too long, too long to think to make the right move and you run out of time on the clock at some point. You fucked up for you to lose that game is 100% accountability with no luck. That's what's so important about learning chess. That's the first thing. And the second thing is you need to as a man, adopt the mindset, the absolutely everything that happens to you is completely entirely your fault, whether it's good or bad. And most men don't have that most men don't have that when the Matrix was attacking me and they were destroying me.
Me when they're calling out my ex is trying to get fake fucking charges on me and put me in jail when they close my bank accounts I use 10 11 million dollars when they banned me on all across all social medias and lie about me when they harass my family and did a. I'm sitting there going, this is my fault, all of this is me, I got here is my fault, I'm not going. That was unfair, it was orchestrated. The ngos worked against me, the because I is not helpful to accountability, it's 100% accountability and all things. But also, when I go out there, and I start to bagatti is like, that's me. This is my, this is my fault, the car is my fault.
The big house is my fault and everything that ever goes wrong. It's my scent of failure. Yeah, absolutely. You have to take complete and our accountability for everything. You can't make excuses ever. There's never an excuse and you're right. People try and put things on the outward. Outwards on the outside. It's interesting. I remember watching Forrest Gump, about five years ago, I want to play an account number. I was flying and the beginning of Forrest Gump has a scene in it, which I don't think many people actually have ever analyzed or anticipated or understood what the scene means. But when he's sitting on the bench at the beginning, there by Forrest Gump, you see all the bench beginning and there's
A feather. No well do
ya and then lands on
him and the movie begins. Yeah. What they're saying with that is Forest is the feather and life has just pushed him all over and put him in all these unusual scenarios life has directed him everywhere. That's what that's what it's saying. And if you're going to be the guy and you're not allow life to happen to you and you're not going to happen to life, then you're at Mercy of the wind perhaps it might work out okay, but it might not right? So you have to be the guy who goes, okay? The winds blowing in this direction. Fuck them. I'm doing this. You have to come to life.
You can't let life come to you because if you let life come to you then you're going to be living inside of a matrix and a system which is designed not for you to live your best. Life is designed for you to comply and that's not how do you benefit? How do you think man? Could build more confidence in like
decide in our life instead of just letting be decided for
them? Yeah so they have to take absolute responsibility which is first thing. The second thing they have to get competence and competence is going to allow you to have confidence. You're not going to be good at shit. If you're bad at shit, you have to be good at things. You're only to be confident things. If you're good at things, I know what I'm good at and what I'm bad at. So you have to go out there and take risk. You have to make mistakes, you have to
Risk it all. And once again this comes down to a competition, I think competition is
such an important thing in the masculine
world. I grew up, I grew up in the Chess World, and I went to fight in World is all extremely competitive. It's competition driven. You can't make excuses if I sit here and say, I lost the
fight. Cool, you lost the fight,
but I lost the fight. But my gloves, when they were wrapped up my gloves, my hand was hurting and then wrap uses Pro. You lost Jake, like the no one gives a fuck. Like you have to understand excuses, don't matter. Nobody cares. Life's, binary winners, losers, and you just have to take absolute responsibility for all of. This is crazy. The same thing, but vote.
Ask you was talking about when he was in a, we were did it. We did a pot with him before the UFC thing and it's going to be. It was our last week, but he was talking to same thing. I, he was in a fight UFC fight, big fight and he's fighting this guy and he broke his hand. I think in the early rounds and then he talks about coming back to his corner and saying I broke my hand and they're like they didn't respond to him and then he comes back again after that round that he did well and he won the round, he comes back, he says it again, and I was like, why do you think we didn't say anything? The first I'm like, shut the fuck up and you have to do this because this isn't going to change and people are so caught up. When things happen, they're just like, people think excuse.
Circles, and they go in circles and make excuses and they play victim. Yeah, that's what I find a little. This is why this is why this happened because of this, it's because of my childhood, because my past trauma because of my life, whatever, but people are so not taught to like look inwards and go towards those things. Well, I'm not talking think, victim playing victims, it's the easy way out. Yeah, it's a laziness,
it's time to laziness is an easy way out. It's a good excuse and it also makes you feel better about yourself. Me and my brother have. Another thing we do, we do this all the time. If either of us are ever complaining about anything, we say, we have this. We shot each other out by saying. What do you want therapy?
You don't want therapy what you're talking about it for sure.
And the main reason people complain about things is to go dopamine Rush, right? I'm unhappy. But if I sit there and I complain about it and you give me a little bit of sympathy, I feel better. Yeah.
Right. You get dopamine.
That's why they're complaining for dopamine. If someone comes to me and complained about something, it's the best thing I can do for them because I'm a philanthropy nice, man, because I'm mr. Nice. It's time to get fucked. I don't care. Shut up. Yeah, that's the best thing you could do when your friend comes and goes, bro. And it's girl, you know, I really miss it. I understand, bro. Shane come back.
She's fucking next guy. Yeah, shut up. I that to shut up
to feel better and then this ties into who your Social Circle is, does your does? Your does your keep going
keep going?
We're actually boys. So I don't know why you're trying to do this, dude, I'm actually. Did you put your hand on him but you just did.
I've lost my train of thought? No, I haven't.
You come into my house and I don't know. Okay, go ahead,
but what a lot, a lot, a lot of this comes down to your Social Circle because there's a whole bunch of guys out there, whose Friends, accept
excuses, how are ya?
If your friends will allow you to make excuses, you're going to make excuses if you're a family, let you make excuses, you can make excuses. We're gonna be playing and feel better. You
I'll be around Killers who don't accept that shit. If I have a me in my, let's say, me and three friends, there's four of us and we all decide to do 10,000 push-ups a day and all of us do them except one there's no words inside the human language. There's no sentence. You could possibly construct a more, how compendious or concise, or how intelligent the man is, that will allow us to forgive him for failing. You failed. Oh but I was busy data, we did them. You're a bitch. Shut up. We don't accept excuses. That is it true? So next day he's gonna go well they ain't gonna listen to my bullshit. I better just fucking do. How do you know that's that's the bottom line.
Saul who you surround yourself with so cliche but it's so true facts but there was a point where you were the most searched on Google. Right. Yeah. Is there ever a point where you were like I'm getting content? Or do you always like how do you strive for more Road? That's
that's innate inside of me. My we talked
about this you the most viral sensation in the shortest amount of time. I think of all time of all time. Well how about that? How do you fucking stay motivated? When I have a
man a day of work in?
Ten years. I've never had a day off.
Maybe I've had days are gone, driving the
supercars, and I've only done two hours work, instead of eight hours. I've never had a day where I thought, fuck I'm not going to work.
Never once ever was, I screen time on my phone is nine hours a day? Every fucking day. I do not miss a day of work ever. If I'm the most viral Googled man on the earth, it does not change a fucking thing. I am working. Earth must be conquered. The Matrix must be attacked and show. I do not stop, I will not quit. I will not surrender. I'm not that person. I have zero interest in rest or respite,
It's bullshit for cowards. The even the idea of resting aggravates my mind. That's what I'm supposed to do this anyway. Let me
practice sure. Yeah, that sucks. No. But is there sucks?
It's like I can't even contemplate. The idea of my money dummy.
Like want to accomplish that you haven't yet
accomplished, I don't even have goals. I don't even make it. I don't even write down goals as such. I just do the right thing every single day and it compounds and its momentum. Like if I were to go in the gym and say, I want to, I mean, sure, maybe goals are good, I don't know. I when it's different methods by, don't go in the gym going. I want to get this strong by this date that I just going. I'll go to the gym and I just fucking train as hard as I possibly can. In the next ad is going to drain gym and train as hard as possible. I just do what I'm supposed to do. Like I said earlier, the universe is absolutely not only extremely giving if you're the guy who does what he's supposed to do on time every fucking day.
Day and you don't quit, you don't give up and you just continue to do it. They'll give you what you want. I've never seen anyone fail that way. I've never seen anyone go. I really want it. So I'm going to go get it and then fail never. I'll never see anyone when someone goes. I really want it and I ain't got it there. A fucking liar. We're all
liar you. So he is an answer for every question we asked. And, of course, smart, here's the thing, how do you have that? Cause he's smart. That's fine. He's a fucking genius answer. I don't understand. I gotta, I got another question. So, like I think I think people just fail to, I don't know. Allow.
Allow it to happen, right? Like we're talking about this idea of accomplishing something, right? I think what happens is people quit before they get there, right? So you obviously weren't you always answer tape but you weren't and rotate as we know him today, right? And so people see someone success and they go, oh man, why do you think people quit before? Because, look at what you just said about being able to succeed even when you do everything, right? I know I felt ways in my life when I did everything right. I did everything. I did everything right, and I still got shit on and I still got shit on. I still had setbacks, but I just kept going
Going right. Have you ever in your life felt at a point where you're like, where you felt like? Damn, I'm getting shit on even though I know that in my heart, I'm doing the right things, what were those
like? Yeah, completely and I mean, like, I've lost fights or something and you're like, I fucking train, so fucking hard and I was winning every round. And I just got caught and like, there's there's times where you feel like shit completely.
But about taking advantage of my, like, people are like, business partners or friends or
yeah. I mean, that kind of things happened as well, but I don't, I've never seen somebody who loses faith in themselves.
End up succeeding. You have to get the faith in yourself if you see somebody who is George, sorry one, second is George on here.
Yeah, to get to get some water sparkling
water. Oh, this is Guerrilla. You know what? Yeah, sparkling with people, right? We're 20. I love you're doing there, Gabe. You a clean waters for our team as well. Hold on, hold on. You got my boys.
For sure.
We have our guy to socially know. I know you're trying to flex, you got
Gabe. Fiji's.
Anyway, I'm not that shop. See right there.
That's like the
lowest letter in the alphabet has
faith in yourself. Yeah. If the Matrix allows, you allow the Matrix attack to convince you to not have faith in yourself. You never gonna make it. Have you ever seen anybody who's done anything? Fantastic, and they didn't have faith in themselves. When they got never top, they go. I don't want you to know that. Uh, another thing that's interesting is I've never seen anybody do anything on accident. This is was actually very interesting when somebody tells me their goals. I ask what their plan is to achieve their goals, they
Have one and it's fucking dumb.
Well, you had to say you didn't have any goal like goals?
No. No, I don't. But I'm saying, someone has a goal. I said, what's your plan? And I haven't got a plan. I've never seen anyone do anything. Amazing on
accident is my point. So you just said you, you've gotten so far. You don't have any plans? No,
no, but it's certainly, I know what I'm supposed to do and I do it day after day, I don't have a pre-dessert personated, you know, goal by this date, but I know I want to become stronger. So I just trained. Good job, got it. But what I'm saying is I've never seen anybody do anything, Amazing by accident. So sure what this extrapolates out.
Let's let's use the gym and money, right. Have you ever found a guy in the gym who's in fantastic
shape? And you said, why are you in
such good shape? How did you get so big? And he goes, oops, just I feel like, oh no. John
answer for like hard work. Pays off
what? No, but it's you have to know you if you you're not going to do it, accidentally, you have to do the right things every single. Yeah. And it's the same with money, right? If I meet somebody in there loaded like, how'd you make so much money? Well, this is what I
did. How much is this? How much time do I have? Yeah,
well, no, but we'll guess in a minute but um,
I did this, I did that. I spoke to this guy, I started this company that data. When you ask the average guy, you want to be rich because, yeah. How you get rich? Don't know. Yeah, of course. So if you just gonna kill you, how do you get rich? Oops, this is just like it's dumb shit, like it's the people people, and it's kind of amazing the last five years approved it. But the majority of people are just fucking sleepwalking. They have no plan to achieve any of their goals, they have no, they don't try very hard at shit. Everything is someone else's fall in?
When my ship comes in, don't worry, nah, in a few years, I'm going to be here how, you know just, you know, you know, look at that fucking amateur.
Why do you think they feel that way where people are
taught that shit? Which is amateur-hour bullshit. We're not professional at life, you have to be a life
professional. Think there's certain people that are kind of like born like that and they just will never
learn know. I don't, I think it's to a degree. Obviously there's something to be some genetic disposition, but I also think it's a mindset. You can adopt as a whole, you have to be hard on yourself. You have to be extremely self-reflective if I forget my house keys are my car keys. I punish myself.
If I look for my phone I can't find it within 3 minutes. I punish my sidewalk people are taught.
How to do that all the time? How do you come up with that answer that I want to
call it? I'll lose it all if you lose your whatever takes place every time motherfuckers lost five wallets in a year every time every time you miss Reece one wallet every time you misplace your wallet and you can't find it within a certain timeframe, give him $100 and I guarantee you'll
stop. Give yourself upon how well let's raise it going to be hard on yourself. Let's do it. Okay, you're rich bro why? So gloomy.
Money. No,
give him a shout. Give a thousand every time and I guarantee, you'll stop. You have to punish yourself. So, my point is this. So the reason I'm making it is that I talked about professionalism, it's very easy to be a professional. The big things. If you're a professional All the Small Things I'm never late. I'm always up at the time, I said I'm
going to be up, I never
missed that phone call. I'm supposed to miss, I don't misplace my shit. I did dump normal stuff and I hang around normal people and they're like, oh wait, wait, where's my wallet? Wait, wait, wait, wait wait one sec. 10 minutes late. Of course you do Ashish at your hold on
That's a tactic that he does. So his friends will pay for his meals and shit. Fuck you talking about your the mr. I forgot my wallet guy. Don't you even dare Apple pay you fuck? Okay. Of a places that don't take out my. I'm telling you right now, you're the guy who takes fucking changed in jewelry from Steve and you pretend like he's yours, you hit on child. You want me to go hard on, you know. But don't you want right now? We're having you attack me. Imma get you back. Babe, can I borrow your car tomorrow? Which car? Which one? Which are which one do you
think? Well, there's a begat Enos 765 outside them to the motherfucker. Let me tell you m, the interesting story behind that 765 because
I know you don't care about my talk to you
anymore. I don't know. Is it really five million dollars? The 765 other guy. Yeah. No. The the guy never got it. We got, it was 5.2.
Who spends on a car. Me, pop G 5. Point 2 5, .3 million. What is it a 1 of 1? Or what's the know this
one of 60 with every single fucking option?
Not only friends with anybody else. Who owns one? No, I don't know anyone else with a sport, a
couple others, have she runs but that's a sure. A sport and then the options are on top. I don't want to piss the guy off by saying how much you options cost. But if you say like I want red calipers or like, yes, no problem, sir
searching everything costs money, but they've been amazing to me. I love Bugatti. They've been amazing. Here's, and I've been good for their brand. No, I'm not done talking about my cars.
Please go have 28 cars, 28, 28,
28, supercars, I flew the
Bugatti here, all in Romania, are they are all when you're in Dubai for all around the world.
So this is the store. I'm trying to tell you.
I need one tomorrow. But
yes. All right. So I flew to be got here and I thought that's only two seats. Me, my brother. My cousin want to go driving. What's the second fastest car? 765 is the second quickest. No doubt about it. So I'll fly one of my 765, so I have to have a coupon in a spider, but the coop as having ppf on the paint, so it was busy. And the spider was in Germany and Austria,
To organize a flight. I've a speaking, this German guy. My contact using a dickhead, you know, Germans, whatever. So, it's just like our fuck you. So I already have two of the car. So now I got here, I had to buy another one. So I bought that yesterday, because what you buy yesterday? The 75 is now I have three of them. Oh my god, I've 3765 s so I can't wait to go home and Romanian pull in the driveway, like Bam. Bam, Bam, three different colors. What's your like primary source of income? I'm
a priest never reveal that. I'm a
pretty pretty, I'm fighting the forces of Satan.
Of save us all from
ourselves but my 2010 Supercar weren't you. Weren't you an atheist? I
once I was at one point. Yeah, but now, it now I'm absolutely and utterly completely religious because you believe in evil, because I seen the evil. Yeah, I've seen
evil. What's your, what's your, what's your religion?
It's kind of like an interesting hybrid when I'm in Dubai. I'm happy to be Muslim. And when I'm in Romanian Heidi
Christian, I
just I just respect the idea
of God. No I
agree. I drank this regardless of where I am. I respect the idea of God. And when you look at the most heinous crimes and most heinous things are happening
On the planet issues. You done by atheists in the name of atheism, and they have no morality. No Baseline, morality, everything's fine. Nothing matters. We can do this dumb shit. Well when
you sit down in the name of religion to though
though of course and it was in the olden days but I also believe that humans need to believe in something and if they don't believe in religion they believe in woking this. I think that's far more destructive than any really.
What's the cash value of all your cars, 28?
15, 20, maybe told me about 20, 21, 21 Mill, by that goddamn isn't the virus, the virus. Well, what can we borrow tomorrow? Nothing. Why I just isn't that the top? See way, take care of your boys. We're in a circle right here. Fuck, yeah it goes. Tristan, let me drop you
sorry, bro. Me, sorry, G, I mean him
only person who's ever driven is actually besides me and Tristan is actually a girl my age or my that's
why last fuckin party. You said nope.
That's why I said it. Get my boys. What appears Morgan Duty? That's why I said
it. Yeah, and I can't ignore me. Here we go. I'm about to finish first play by Ron Paul, I
finish it. Go ahead, my Pete, my personal assistant, who's worked for me for eight years, moved to Amir she moved about foot to get the other car the first time the other day. So this is
this is driving it. Okay, just regress that's it. Well about my
personal assistant of eight years move the car by about 15 inches.
Sides as be interested to
start, right? I mean, I don't know that this park every
asking these lets us go. What do you embarrass ass, dude?
Because they didn't come from me. It's okay. That's you gotta read it. You idiot bro. Okay okay first one, what do you ever or if she lets you smash on the first night she wifey material or
no? You know, I've actually had girls I slept with him. The first night you turned out to be very nice women and they stayed in they were loyal and everything I've done. I don't think that's, I don't think that's a complete indicator. Okay, I will tell the world a little bit free game my
My view of an indicator of whether a girl's good or not. Oh yeah, go for it. I'll get, this is from free game. Yeah, I'm gonna get in trouble. Let me think about it for a second.
Be careful. Cuz I are on our, she cut it out,
if we have to, but we kind of want to know, who cares. So this is some game. So I the woman has the power the whole way through the day, right? Until you sleep with her, she has to power because she's in charge because you she's surprised you want her a lot men, say I'm the prize, but most of this motherfucker said, I'm Shane the price nothing Bernards, right? So she has the power. She's the gatekeeper. The first time that
Dynamic changes is after you sleep together
because now if she doesn't keep you in a relationship, she's just a one-night stand or a hoe. Sure. You first sleep, with her most men, first sleep with the chick, and they continue to chase her and I throw away their power. They get power and the Never crosses her mind to throw away. She stays in charge. Well, I have learned my experiences. If you're dating a girl that I she's in charge and you sleep together on the first night after you sleep together. Don't ignore her don't be a dickhead, but just kind of reduce your attention by 65% just like, cut it back down. Something, you know. Boo, how are you? Yeah.
Got you shorter replies, more delays, Etc. And here's what, here's what you learn, a good woman will then up her game and try harder to keep you because she doesn't want to just go sleep with some other guy because she slept with a guy's, a big deal for her. She has a pure heart, she'll try for you. If you've cut your attention down on a bitch and she just goes well fuck I'll go fuck someone else. Yeah, I'll just go on a boat in Miami next party that office or she stopped supplying. Then
she did you think?
Yeah, so the easiest way to tell if a girl's good or not is after the first time you sleep with her to see
her involvement in the relationship post that day. Most men never do this test on a bitch. They never do it. So this is what I keep getting stung by fucking girls ain't worth shit. I can tell if a girl's worth something or not that's a very easy, just a few other things, but I'll give that one for free. It's a very easy way because a good woman ain't gonna sleep with a guy and then just go all he didn't text me very much. Fuck I was gonna get a new dick. Those are those are the ones you want and if whites with them too because they're like wait did he not like it? Like let's try a little bit. It's the first time they'll be the one chasing you if you do it right? And then you can tell. If you have a good one if they do chase you after that you have a good one. They don't chase you after that.
You'll be glad you didn't keep her anyway,
fasten okay. What is one? Well, wait we got one more. I was going to talk about on the same lines. Is that okay? You want to view? Is that okay with you, dude? I think I shot the fuck up. Let's take it back to fucking no. Not gonna do that right now. What are the biggest red flags when it comes to a woman? Like when you first when you first mean you're trying to talk to her? What are the biggest red flags that Pablo feel like okay this is something I got to look out for as far as like yeah you personally
yeah I mean that's the only thing I'll truly
Stay with it bro. Let's try. That's the only thing. I
mean I'm sitting at this crib. That's the only thing tonight. What do you mean, dog?
That's the only thing. I'll truly judge a woman on cuz I think that's a very good test of character because if a woman destroys the stigma of just sleeping with a new man as soon as she semi unhappy with the current scenario involving you, then you don't want to be in relationship with that woman. Biggest red flag. That's the biggest red flag, but like if you're dating a girl, I think I said this stuff before. I don't like girls who are over sociable. I don't like girls who
know, lots of people and only girls were always out. I don't like girls who
So that's because I don't last
one, I said in the last one, like if I meet a girl and she's like, yeah. And I go here and I know this guy and then the manager of this place, advise me here. And then on Thursday, I got this and her whole schedule is just full all the time. It just to me. That's the biggest red flag because girls like that always
end up just knowing too many people and get dragged it to me. Directions to many people in their ear too many guys get an
attempt to when people get a pop at the champ. It's just, it's just long. This one. I like, I like girls. When you say, what are you doing? I don't know nothing like that's the, this one's absolutely nothing. You're doing nothing next three weeks. That's who I want. Those girls are like, I'm going, Cancun.
This one's crazy. I don't know. You fly a girl out. Yeah, that you been talking to. You spend a bunch of money on her. Take her shopping, but she doesn't smash.
I don't think I'd take her shopping if I flew a girl out, and, and we didn't get along. And she decided not to sleep with me, then that's absolutely perfectly fine. In every regard, I would never want to sleep with a woman who didn't want to sleep with me. I think that's extremely bad. Energy is why I've never in my life paid for sex ever. I've never slept with a
prostitute that were one hooker, never.
Once I lived in, Thailand for a year-and-a-half fighting almost with the only guy who lives in Thailand ever fucked a girl, like you.
Never rub and tug, never. Never. I don't like
the energy exchange of a girl who genuinely is an intimate. I think that's bad karma. It's bad juju. So I have a girl have already met a girl and out a flyer out and she go I'm just not into, it's actually, I believe good. I don't want to get mixed up in that kind of negative energy. Exchange has always been that way or is that? I think I've always
pretty much the
gratification of sleeping with a woman is not just about numbers and banging and stupid shit. The gratification is that she genuinely cares about you and loves you. I think that the love between two people
is a powerful energy. I think that women when
they love, you can care for you and genuinely protect your spirit
I've had experiences in my life. I'll tell you this, man. I've had times where girls who truly love me with all. Their heart will do anything for me. I've woken up and all three of them different ones. All text me on the same day. I had a bad dream about you. Something bad's going to happen and that day, something bad happens. Oh yeah. Woman truly. Truly loves you and truly cares about you. They have a degree of power and protection. That's important. I don't want to mess with or be around a woman who's on factual with me for any woman who I'm going to be with. I'm going to be hurt the center of her world. If I don't answer she's panicking something bad happens to me. She's
If I go to jail, so be there. I'm not going to be with some bitches like yeah he's cool but I think that's just - I know. I don't know. You're her every woman. Every woman who's around me? I am the center of her universe.
Is that you that makes her like that? Her? Is that her naturally?
I thought? Well, that's a good question. Obviously, I made this, I'm me, but I think that if a woman truly understands in many different areas that they can hand their life into your hands and you can take care of them including financially and every single way. Yeah. Then you're going to be the center of the universe. You are there, everything? Right? If you were to disappear one day, their whole world would collapse.
Her Social Circle will collapse, their finances will collapse, their worldview. Would collapse their protection would collapse? The places they'd go where they're staying. Everything would just collapse your, the center of their world. That's the kind of girl. I want to be associated with, if I was with a girl, just like she had her own life and I had my own life and we kind of linked up. That's not my thing. I'm not
interested in anything. You're the best guy at podcast.
Gee knowing on guess
but no but what was your question
Bush or no Bush. Know. What do you do? If you fly girl, take her shopping and the original question, I
want to answer the question. What answer is the reason I wouldn't? Oh cool. The reason I wouldn't take her. The reason I wouldn't take her shopping before before we slept together. Is I just think that's a negative frame to set. I don't think that's a good lesson to say. I think that's a
strange Dynamic but you talked about the energy, write the energy and
You should tell a woman and you dating her and her being in your life. Talked about. If you're genuinely in it and he wanted a genuinely it because of that like good energy, you're saying that equally as if there's, your just like kind of frivolously having sex with women and just having sex to have sex and maybe she's here, but you're not actually building any sort of bond that, that also that builds like a certain sense of negative energy in your life. Well,
life is an energy exchange. Yeah. If you look at a fight, right, you have to make sure the energy you spend punching him.
It does more damage or takes and way more energy than you've expended. If you that's what that's why missing is a big problem. If you miss all the time then you've wasted energy with no net gain. Right? So life's an energy exchange, this is how it works. If you're out here, just fucking bitches who don't care about you are wasting enormous energy. And let's talk, let's talk about this in length, right? We can talk about a first financially, you're going out, you're spending money. You're taking her out, taken her dinner, you're spending money. That's the first thing. But the second thing is a law, a man especially if they're insecure. Really feel like they get a victory if they fuck a girl.
And a certain state is of man that disappears. And I'm going to take this with once again without arrogance. I go out to Dubai now I pick up a girl in the club. I come back here I fuck her she doesn't care about me, I don't care about her. Hey I fucked this hot girl I've got a fucking 5.2 million dollar Bugatti. We're coming back to a 48 million dollar mansion on the palm. I'm the richest guy in the fucking club. I'm top g, whatever, whatever I sleep with her. I put all the energy and all my smashing her, right? She just lays there, chilling. That's the best fight of her life and I want to go there did, I, did I win?
You know, I didn't she
fucking gave that
shit I just gave it all up. Yeah. What's to talk about riding? The bagatti. She has a picture on the Instagram and by the beguile chair she's here walking around doing Instagram stories here. Pissed off or X in my house. Yes, fucking Slammer she doesn't do nothing for me. Nothing, the only thing a woman can give me back at my status in life, is absolute Devotion to protect my spirit. I need a woman who loves me, completely and utterly. I do, it's better to have Financial incentive to look after me. I don't expect it to be physically capable of doing deal with my problems and I expect her to be even.
My problems are very complex and expected to be sitting there on a computer. Trying to work them out. I expect her to sit there and go. I love you so much. I'm just worried about you and I just care about you. Everything is my love. That's all about. Love. What if now, that's what I want because that's a fair exchange. I can take a woman all around the world, spend a bunch of money on her. I can be taught G spend all this money, give her a life. She could never see if she truly. If I am truly the center of her Universe, She is giving me value back. And that's why I'm looking to buy or and fuck bitches, who barely care about me or just fumusa bitch in the club for a one night because she's
Inning. I'm just like throwing money
down the drain. What if Kim Kardashian slides in your dreams? And says hey Tate, I want a piece of that. How are you responding?
I'm kind of careful about talking about
celebrity trying to get this kicked. I end up
meeting them all a woman's job is in my view. The women who mean the most to me, or the women who truly protect my spirit by just loving me and caring about me and using their intuition to truly want the absolute best. For me, is that is this
Half into more, some frivolous shit that, or if I had a girl, she had her own life. I had my own life, but she was hot. Sometimes we smashed, I would see that as a net loss of energy for me, I would see. No, it's a net loss, I'm the one doing the work. I'm the one doing all the fucking work. Like I always will be, I don't know, maybe so he's other do need any package shot. I'm ordering all the fucking work. So it's just why am I doing it? She's winning. I don't want that. I want to be a mutual exchange and that's why woman who truly cares about me. It's amazing. I'll tell you how this is true. In case anyone doubts me, I hope you don't think I'm talking shit. Next time you are sick.
No, no next time you are seriously sick. Next time, you were genuinely sick and you're ill in bed, you don't call your boys. Who'd you call, you
call him. Shit. That's a fact, the call a
chick, that's a fucking and they sit next to you and it'll sit and get sick with you and the Holy Ghost and they'll give you their energy and their love and you'll feel better. Yeah, it's a real thing when you're sick, you know, is it? I have that all the time. So true, every when you're sick and a girl loves you, she will fucking come in bed and she wouldn't, we wouldn't do that.
sic. I'm like, y'all like it back. I would do that for either of you, what if you guys wanted me with your stick out fucking show up, really? Yeah.
Nope--like do that. We don't want you to cuddle in bed, though. Even if you're sick. You don't want your boys. You want a chick because they have a healing energy, a lot of the sick sick blow. He doesn't hear it too.
That's true. Fuck
that. There's if you're into healing energy so my point is that why only apply that when you're sick, why not apply that to your entire life. Why not just every single woman, who sees you, if I walk in the room and one of my chick sees you walking there, I can see in her eyes like some Christmas.
-. Yeah, that's what I want. I don't want just some bitch, who's hot and I just thought, oh, that's a long story. I'm not interested in that tropical, why don't pick? I don't pick up chicks anymore. I don't run out
here picking up books you know main
I'm going to talk about my personal life because I'll tell you why, because there's Farrell Psychopaths your out to who have attempted to destroy me. I'm very careful. I say, no no worries. Like, there's literally Farrell Psychopaths who were on a
mission to try and came in for a questionnaire. Oh yeah, running what I was gonna say, I just think this is the kind of stuff that I think is so important for young men to actually hear. This is like, just not talked about enough, to fact, I like having it relationships with a woman is not just about sex. Absolutely, about, also, all this other stuff, we're talking about the energy, like how you feel in it and I was talking to the boys earlier about like it,
Trying to settle down. I'm trying to have a kid in general, but my biggest issue was always like just allowing myself to fully in a sense. Be okay. With myself. Like I have struggle with that, my whole life. Yep. And I'm kind of at a point in my life where I'm trying to like decide who the right person is for me to like basically have a kid with yep. I'm 33 years old. Yep. And it's something I really want to do. How do you know when is the right time? And how do you know when is the right person? And I was kind of talking to them a little bit about it but I just want your
perspective on this. That's a really good question, man. That's, that's that's the one. It's a good one. Bye bye.
I asked it though, because when I look for things, I look for everything you just said, which is, like, who's the person that you're you go towards that is like healing. That is like loving it more than just pussy and some, whatever ass
whatever. So let me apply it to a slightly different scenario. Let's look at it from a business perspective, right? So I probably have maybe 90 to 100 people who work for me and I would not if I had somebody who wasn't very capable but was absolutely not only dedicated and completely loyal.
I wouldn't fire them, whereas,
if I had a guy who's no, I'm not saying they're completely useless. I'm saying they fuck up a bit in there, but they try their absolute best, or loyal to the, cause they're there on time, they really give it their
all, and perhaps not as capable of some other people,
okay. I think loyalty and absolute dedication is an extremely important thing. Sure. I, if I were to have a kid with a woman, my biggest thing to look for above looks above even her intellect, it would be two. Things would be one, the family, she has around her and we'll talk about that wine at second. And two would be how dedicated she is to me. If you were to give me a
Woman, and she hurt. She was dedicated to me to the end and I could see it. No matter what I'm the man she wants. She only talks about how I'm the only man, she wants just want anyone else? That's why be interested in having a kid with because you
never know what's going to happen in
life. And if it all goes wrong for me, I can't be sitting in the cell thinking. My baby mamas fucking somebody else. I can't handle good. So the idea that dedication, the second thing is, when it comes to kids his family, and I'll tell you why. And this extrapolates out, this is actually very important because when a man, I think a lot of the reason why men today especially older men are slightly a bit unhappy is
There's also, there's always going to be a degree of Rebel or degree of Adventure that every man needs to feel satisfied. And once you have a child, if you completely, get rid of those things and only live and exist for the baby, especially when it's very young and it's older. It's a bit different. When you exist, only for the baby and become a second mother, you're going to be very unhappy as a man. You're gonna need your time away as a man and the woman's going to be stuck with just a baby, be unhappy. And in my experience people, I know if you find a woman with a good family, like she has a sister who has a kid and her mom's around, and the family unit strong and they say, it takes a village to raise a
Kid. Yeah, you know if there's other women and other because women are great with babies, they love that shit. So like if you were to ask me, if I had to have a kid, who would be the ideal Target would be a woman with a couple of sisters and a mom and they all have young kids and she has a kid and they get to do a bunch of kids shit together. And I don't really want to go see Frozen, it's bullshit. I'm out, my boys, I'm in the gym, they're doing the Frozen shit. Boom. Boom, you need a good family unit, and you someone who's dedicated to you and then then then broke. If she's Frozen,
I gotta ask him real quick. Wait, wait, what? What, what if you really love this girl, right? But she has crazy daddy issues.
What does that mean?
Like, she's she doesn't talk to her family. Shouldn't talk to her
parents, fine. I'm just talking about an
ideal. So do you make exceptions?
Like, yeah, of course. I'd make exceptions, but you can also extrapolate that Rice. You can fix the problem. So, let's say, I found the perfect girl in every way, but she didn't have a strong family unit. I fixed that myself. I'd go to Tristan and say cool who's your main chick bang? Alright, these two chicks, going to live together, bang. You knock her up on that. My own up, boom. Now she has really bad. Hey wait, wait.
Done done. You know? Did you have that planned? No, that's just the truth.
You're something your mother. Why not have Christian be
her new brother?
Jeff a get a family unit. I think that it takes a village to raise children. I think some of the biggest problems with the world today are now that a lot of people are isolated and the nuclear family is kind of broken down. I know when I was young, I was raised with a bunch of cousins Aunts Uncles. That it's not so much like that anymore. I think it was better when we were larger groups and I think that if you can try and keep that involved, it's also a lot better for the man because you're going to need your freedom. Yeah can't just I've had a baby now. So my life's over and and I think with women to degree of they have
A baby. And they sacrifice certain parts of the life for the baby. I for some reason I think they're more biologically positioned to do that. If you look at men, there's studies that show of a man, hangs on a baby is testosterone. Level goes off the roof and they get depressed, all these things because you're just not set up for it. I mean, I've been around children crying or screaming and the chicks. Don't seem to care. All the men are like she said, think it's just a weird thing. So I think that you need to keep that in mind and plan ahead for it. And then you'll be
happier. Overall Andrew, how would
you deal with a father who doesn't like?
Like say you're with a girl and when he just not fucking with you. Yeah.
That was a very proud. Just I thought I really want to know. Yeah, I felt Super Bra. Okay. I'm serious. That's all right. Okay.
So I would
I even press the father's.
Yeah, I would accept that but you're good with dads. Yeah, I am, I've never had that scenario.
But what about your relationship with your father
might be my dad. Always got along great in your value, but I would, I would, I would accept everything in life is my fault because that's how I work as a person out except the him disliking me is my fault. I would be a man about it.
It and I would ask him what he's unhappy about and he might be fucking right,
I'd sit there and go. What what do you dislike about me? So, just confront the dad, not
confront in a negative way. I just say, look, I'm here with your daughter. I really care about her. I, she's made it clear, or I get the impression, you're not particularly happy with me. Is there anything I can do? I want to show you respect? You're a bit old and me on a show enough. Respect to ask if there's anything about me, that particularly upsets you. So fair, and, and let because who respect you more men, respect, men who stand up for them. Yes, honey. So the first thing, he'll do suspect more for even asking instead of hiding away from the if you say in the
And respectful way and then he'll give you a bunch of answers and then you have to be non-emotional and be professional, listen to the answers, don't get defensive and sit there and go. You know what 70% is a? So what do you think is
better? When he thinks better like to be supportive or tough? Love
and walk scenario. You have, you know, your father with your son. Why do you think, sorry?
Why do you think it's so hard your bad. It's just shut the fuck up for a second. Why do they get so hard for men to be able to be vulnerable with themselves? Because that's hard for a guy, who's like, yo man are. Well, I guess we're taught to be
Be so strong. And so, like powerful that we're not taught to be able to be vulnerable to say. It's like to go listen to that criticism without being like well, fuck you, you know I'm
saying? I love this internet, man. A lot of its the internet people have lost the whole fucking face to face thing. Yeah, like, I'm 36, right? So I'm a slightly older generation, but back in my day, if you want to Chick you had to go up and say hello. There was no tin, no internet, nothing, everything was in person. You want to do a business deal was in person who was a citizen in person. And I think a lot of men who if their dad doesn't like him would be too scared or too, Intimidator, too nervous or too egotistical or arrogant to just go and sit there.
Say, bro, she's your daughter. Are you Rick? I'm telling you there's not dad on Earth who I couldn't sit there and say, listen, I see. I understand you've seen things on the internet about me. I understand the media said, a bunch of things. I know. She's your daughter. You've raised for the whole life. I can see how close you are. She really loves you, she talks about you in such a positive way. If we're gonna be together a long time, on that end up part of this family, I must be so tired. You like to talk about. Let's see what he said. Did he just said
he said when he is, why do you think it's so hard for people but if you get the fuck up first name. Shut up, bro. For
real. Why do you think it's so hard? It's hard. It's but it is hard.
And it's hard because the internet is destroyed, is made everyone socially awkward. And also I think that some of the basic tenants of how humans have been raised for a very long time have been destroyed like basic shit like respect your elders, bro. Like he's older now and that's his daughter and he doesn't like you. He's allowed to not like that's his daughter. He's older now, and that's his door. You need to humble yourself. It's arrogance. We have in a world now where all these young kids on the internet and shit. They're all arrogant as fuck and if I'm going to humble myself, right mr. Fucking 200 million.
And I'm going to humble myself to go. Say your
to tell you guys, that way you got. Is that what he's? That's calf.
But know, if I'm going to humble myself you have to know your position. Right? You know, one's Top Dog all the time. Never if I yeah I may be Top Dog. In certain scenarios. He's like stop talk to you if I got him answer the fucking question. I may not be top dog. Stand any dare ya. Dude I may be Top Dog in certain scenario, right? Yeah, certain scenario I'm top dog, but if I change, if I go skiing, I'm not top doc, I can't ski, right? So when it comes to a man, raising a woman or
Raising a doll or fucking 28 years or however old she is and dedicate his life to her knowing he'd take a bullet for her. You can't be the top dog. No, I don't know, this man. An explanation, you have to humble yourself and sit there and say listen, he's upset and I'm telling you by, even asking the question in a respectful way, you've already taken one step forward for you. Already have regardless of what he says. Now, he may say a bunch of shit. You can't help you. Maybe a piece of
shit, you may be racist, maybe whatever. But
it's good to, at least, hear the man out and you may be surprised. I guarantee 95% of the time he's just going to say something like, I don't think you're serious about her. You're not going to, you don't care about and
What we fix it. Yeah, so if Dad was that's a, that's a power me. But Dad wasn't that into me, I'd fix it. Everything in life is my fault, he is a perception of me, that perception is my fault, and I would address the perception, an attempt to fix it. Are we going? That's why I've never had a parents. I'm never had parents. And he women have been associated with ever. Just like me I've
ever had. Are we going to see a baby jisun or know? Of course, how far out one on the way? Who listen, if I have eg it made a Baby G, bro. I had
children, I wouldn't send the internet because Farrell
psychopaths are aiming to destroy me. And when I have children,
listen, I will not send internet because Fair also capacitor having to destroy me. Some of you have some. I chipped my children will grow and anonymity because I don't see the point in Flash them off and Instagram. And also my children will not grow Rich because they need to be poor. So I
don't know all this lifestyle there to get fucking nun.
Also inheritance, what do you think about
that? I know that the best light, the best possible
start you can have in life, is to be from good parents and no money. So I'm going to make sure that happens. I'm not going. Okay, Rich, good one, huh kids?
So yeah, that's the answer. That's the desk. That's the answer. You can fix the
dad shape. You can always fix my years ago. I mean I'd achieved.
So interesting. You guys are
Sweet Holly? Isn't that Salinas leaves? Got some questions that shit that it's I mean obviously with you that's like a totally different story for me like with videos because I do videos with girls all the time. It's always like
fuck man. Okay but puts this guy. Put your oh yeah I'm great with dads too bro. But it's they don't on the golf course with them to put. Yes. Put yourself in his shoes. Right. I get a like what? I'm I would be an arrogant. The biggest problem with the world
today and I get called are
Again all the time but I actually don't like to think I have bother you or no. No, it's not true.
But I actually don't like to think I am, but the biggest form of the world today is to Absolute amount of brutal arrogance, that people have inside of them. Everyone's so ridiculously I get what you're saying. How say that when you know but listen what kind of person would I be to sit to a woman and go how dare your dad not like me look at the shit they're right by me then that well how arrogant would I have? How do you think that would? Fuck doubt. That should be dumb. I'd be like yeah I completely get it. Let's go. See your dad. Let me go talk to the do.
Yeah. I think just comes down to like people are just not comfortable enough.
Would be invulnerable
completely and not comfortable with
no hate. Mason a direction. I hate him. Okay, I gotta like him. Am I don't like it? Come interesting. Okay, so how do you think always nervous the first time? How do you think someone can Godfather to my son?
You know your click try now, huh? Shut the fix in a water bro. Chugga
sparkling what you are. Now Andrew me to drop you off at Ikea, bro. How do you think how do you think a young male can make himself, allow himself to be more vulnerable? Yeah. Like what are the steps you can take because I think that's the biggest
Problem. Because a lot of it is like being unwilling to confront something within themselves or being like, in this sense, being able to confront the dad because he can't take that criticism, right? Yeah. So, how do you think a young male can build vulnerability at himself and feel comfortable
with it? Yeah. And that's a really good question and I think you're never going to be good at something. You don't
practice it. You that you
just have to understand. It's part of human nature. And life is not always about being comfortable and you just have to practice it. And like I said, you can get a sales
job or you can practice it or you can
Go to the I think facing confrontation in your life, in general is going to apply but yeah, the Lolo to people living very sheltered realities as a whole bunch of people who are just sit on the internet, swiping on Tinder talking to girls by text message at first half knowing her, before they meet her
that. And then when they meet an
older, dude, who wants to sit there, look him in the eye and say, look, your pet, you're banging. My daughter, and you're acting like a piece of shit on the internet. I want to know the truth about it. They're going to sit there and go, oh, this is weird. It's not weird. You're the weirdo, he's not the weirdo. He grew up in the way. He grew up in a normal World. We've grown up in a world now, which is
Not be fucked morality thought everything's functional. We are the weirdos he's not.
We're gonna ask one thing I'm curious. What do you think the percent of males their success like their reason behind wanting to be successful is to get a girl?
I think that state is signaling has been the same since the don't you think it's
our money or they want to check? I
think that state is signaling has been the dawn the same since the dawn of human time I think that peacocks have feathers for a reason I think the reason the kings of old got gold and conquered land was for pussy. I think men have always been the same. We've always managed. We've always
Wanted to Signal our stateís to get females. Yeah, nothing's changed fairy. It's we
don't want the big house and a nice car because we want to walk around a huge house to go toilet and we want to break speed limits. A lot of it is to just a state, a signal to show the world. Look, I'm important look what I've done. Be accepted to be accepted by the Steel Magnolias.
That's what do you think? Guys are so afraid to say, yo, I wanted to be successful. I wanted to make all these millions to get a
girl, but it's all about being afraid to say. I think that's just a, I think that's a given we want. It's all about just to get a girl. You know what, men also want men won't respect of other men.
Yeah, we
To be seen as we want to be respected, right? We don't want to walk into a room and not be respected. So, there's a lot of things we do to be respected. So, reason, sorry, man. It's reason. He's so fucking big. So reason I fall. It's like you want to be respected. You don't want to walk in a room and go fuck this guy, right? You want to be respected by men and women alike. This is, we're social animals and this is why Alexander. The Great conquered the known universe? This is why ganga's, Khan conquered basically, the whole world and said, find something else, find something else to me to conquer. Don't give a fuck. Find somebody and take it because you want us to I'm the on the top.
Gee that's life. That's why I called. Why
conquer the internet yotaka? Hate dr. Tate gonna go straight. Like I mean I grew up without a father in that sense. I the reason why you talk about being big, like the thing that they had me in the gym that made me feel like, okay. This is why this is so important to me is because I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be respected. I wanted to feel like like I'm going to say, like I've been saying this time is, I want to feel loved and I thought that being bigger or being stronger or like would make me look obviously less week two other men completely maybe some acceptance of
Other people that I would consider father figures throughout my life. And on top of that, the thing that I keep trying to get you to talk about it, to answer is like the ability to be vulnerable as men is not something that we're taught is. Actually in fact it's something that I think were we're taught to not be vulnerable to not be emotional to
not but the day, you're not a big possibility but that discomfort that you just described has led to a massive positivity in your life. I can say the absolute same thing for fighting. I decided to go out and learn to fight to the level, I learned to
Fight because there's a, I had a couple fights in school and I want them, but it was kind of close. And I was like, man, that was too close for comfort and
I thought, fuck, I'm gonna go learn to fight and it's absolutely
often discomfort and Trauma and bad things. I'll motivate you to go and do the most amazing things. Like we said earlier, you have to take the negativity and use it in a positive manner, like we said about stress Go in different directions. Just I'll tell you right now. If you were to say to me Andrew you have to make double the money. You're currently making. What's the number one emotion? You want to feel to do it? I'd say hi.
I'd say heartbreak. Yeah, stress. Right. My house, bring my heart. I can't sleep. I'm furious, break my heart and I'll make a fucking billion dollars. Take all the negativity and turn it into positivity. So that trauma. And all those bad things happen, you can be very, very positive things, and give you a positive aspect on life if you approach it in the right way. Most people are told when you feel sad sit at home, be sad, it's not your fault, you've got a disease, you're depressed, be a bitch about it. I argue the opposite, I say when you feel sad, good, take all that energy and convert it into something, that's gonna be a positive force for your life. Would you say that even
even were also taught to like stuff it away. And not like, not actually think about it, not actually go through it, not actually
processed, don't embrace it and feel it. You should feel all of your emotions. If I feel sad, I embrace it and I feel, I'll tell you right now, the largest Monumental jumps in my life in terms of success, is when I was pissed off or sad. Yeah.
I mean, bro, like, I could tell you, like, all the time I spend the gym to build myself, I was using that stress. I was using that trauma to make myself better completely. That's what made me who I am today.
Absolutely. All the bad things that happen to you and make you feel now.
Bad way, some of those bad things. I mean, Phil a bad way where the most important energy sources for the most Monumental jumps in my life. The most the biggest Buzz biggest
achievement. I just feel like people should be taught to be more vulnerable and raw with themselves to allow themselves to see that truth so that they can make that progress in their life and not enough people are comfortable with
completely. They need heartbreak me. Go crazy. Yeah. Yeah, good. But, but you went crazy and this is the thing. You went crazy, like success. Those good, perfect. But his whole bunch of men who go crazy and just fucking call a bitch trillion times should have on the gym instead. Same energy.
And again place. So yeah, you have to feel more vulnerable, you have to feel the emotions and whether they're negative or positive, you have to embrace them and turn them into the best possible fuel to send yourself in your life. Is
there, is there anything we haven't covered that? You want to talk about? Why you trying to fucking podcasting? I'm not. Come on gang. Yeah. You got any more questions than a little list, which you
don't answer that.
Can pushing us to be better but that's never seen.
Yeah, I understand, I understand, but I think that personally, I think I'm in a Redemption Arc and I think that whether it's the Bible or the Quran or a superhero movie, there's always a guy who's misunderstood and everyone thinks he's bad and then they realized they needed Batman
after all my I join your team. Listen
95. Like I said, my team are monitoring social media content in real-time. These guys
jump in fucking Steve. Now what's goin on here dude it's cool man. It's eyes like peers all over again.
Now it's already happened. It's already done and I have no problem with with people. Disliking me, I didn't go on the internet expecting everyone to like me. I know there's a bunch of people going to misunderstand me. I know I'm doing good for the world, I live with a pure heart. I know that what positive influence, I go to sleep with a clear
conscience and that's what matters more to me
than a bunch of bullshit in idiots. But yeah, what what Brad was just saying is super important, I think that if you look at any man who's very good at being a man, most of them have had extremely
traumatic lives. If you're going to talk about the most Brave,
Man, you can think off. He's been through trauma. If you think of the best
soldier you can think of, he's been through trauma. I think about
anything. The man is going to charge into the burning building the fireman he's been through trauma. If you find a man who's never
had any traumatic
experiences, he's a terrible at being a man. He's weak and he's soft, and he'll collapse, and he's never struggled. I know me and I don't want to tell a bunch of Stories on the internet but I know all the shit I went through and all the pain. I had to suffer to become the man, I am and every time I meet another guy was his life in order. It's the same story, just fucked me up but you know, I thought fuck it. I'm going to attack the world anyway and that's how it goes. So as a manager,
Right, you're right. You have to be vulnerable, you have to feel it, you have to accept it, you have to put in a positive direction. This is what's so dangerous about what we're saying earlier, where people, make, excuses and externalized. Yeah, because they're taking that trauma on that pain. Instead of going, I fucked up. She left me because I wasn't good enough. I'm going to become better. Instead she is the problem is there. And then they lose their ability to go and become something. They lose their own motivational force and they sit there with a fucking ego and arrogance, and go. I don't need to become any better. I can stay a jackass. It's all her fault. I'll find another one and then it happens on repeating and
But downward cycle of dumb
shit, do you think social media, social media has added to be like, is it a net positive negative in this situation
and hand and then
social media? As a whole is, do you think is a net positive for that
- that's a really good question? I think that certainly social media is definitely amplifying, the depression amongst the population. I think the Instagram would be very depressing to have is Joe Schmo like it because of the comparison because the comparison. Yeah. Like if you're just an average dude on Insta, let's put it this way. I'm 36, right, in fact, that's all I'm saying. I'm 35 and 36 in a few days so I'm almost
36. But in my generation, if I think of the people I went to school with a couple of them have Instagram but they're very very successful and all the others who don't have Instagram like about 80% of the people, I knew from school don't have insta and when I met them in real life by accident they were completely just completely just normal dudes. I think they don't have it because what you're actually going to show but her that we're going to have nothing to put on there. So why you gonna digest my content, yours me? Pissed
off right time out. So, the two that are popping or the 80 that are
not know. But I'm saying that for a lot of
Average guys, social media can be quite a negative experience, of course, especially for men and and same thing with women, right? Your, we got it, we got it girls. But yeah, the fucking for regular people at his fault with her.
But do you use that energy as
motivation? What I did to get here?
Or do you use it fi you just
by Falling ice and be like damn, Bradley like a fucking hate you.
But it's all about buying followers is about looking at somebody, by the
way I didn't do that.
It's about looking at somebody's life style, looking at the things they have and then
Saying, you know, what? This is, this is I'm going to
get that by hook or by crook. I'm not going to give up and it's like I said earlier, you can either be motivated by, it can be jealous and downtrodden by it. And that's, that's your personal decision to make. Let's go. I've never been that guy. If you show me somebody who has something I want, I'm going to attempt to get it well to get it. And I'm a formidable opponent and I will not quit. I want you to know we stand with you. No matter what. Thank you straight up, you gotta so don't fuck with Ikea Ikea,
Ikea Ikea, Ikea, still the most depressing place in the planet.
It makes me sad. I can't go there. Rotate
is the goat. They'll give up your the perfect mixture of like funny and if people can't see that you're joking, you're right. They're just fucking stupid, but also the mix of motivational to. But not only that, we're not going to conform to the bullshit which is which is good. We'll see if this they keep this up though, right? Well, we're going to put it up on YouTube. I told you maybe Spotify, but we'll try it on YouTube and hopefully it stays up.
We'll see what happens but I think
that you think it'll stay up. Donald Trump. I said Donald Trump said, his will get deleted. I didn't think so. But he was right. He
was right, I don't know.
Oh man, I don't know, I know that
because ours is a big platform to write
spare. You, we're living in very interesting times and I don't think it matters, whether times are turbulent or
or the opposite or they're crazy. I think you still need to just try and become the best person. You can be. And I think that by becoming the highest value individual, you can be your life's always gonna be a better thing. And I think yeah, the world's very interesting right now, all this censorship and stuff is kind of scary but I'm very focused on myself and my team in the people. I care about the people I love and I think you just keep doing
Matt and like field work out. Well, it
sounds like adversity, that's how you thrive. So it makes sense for this wish you the best with Rumble, all the success. So and I never smoked this. Everybody did it because I was in your house. I gotta go. Welcome, welcome. Pledis neighs up. If you guys are watching this. Yeah, watch it. I don't know.
Yeah. So it stays do. I'll do a quick drop.
Drop a thumbs up. Cool. So I
want to make something clear. It's actually interesting when I became the most Google man on the planet. I had a bunch of offers from a
of companies trying to get me to sell stuff to people, Etc. And I've never agreed to any of that. I've been always very, very careful of what I'm selling.
Yeah. I've been very, very careful, the things I sell the only and ought to make
this, this is half plug and half
telling the world. Because also there's some people trying to scam in my name or use my name Etc. The only things
I have are available on corporate eight.com. I have the War
Room which is an international network
of people who all think like me. And we discussed the things were discussing on this pod. If we're talking about having a group of accountable friends, you can make excuses for the
worms, perfect example of that. And then I had houses University which everybody attack.
That was a scam. I'd actually like to take five minutes, talk about what bullshit that was because that was down here is a massive Matrix attack go for it. So hostage University was a university in which
we taught people how to make money online, it was $49, a month, we had different ways. We talk to make money, stocks
crypto, copywriting, building, websites, Amazon, FBA. All these different things, right? We also had an affiliate section where after you've made x amount of money. In another field, you can then get an affiliate link
for hate you and you can sell it you with an affiliate
link. So the idea that
It's a pyramid scheme stupid because there's only two layers there was to school and there was an affiliate link there was no other pyramids to go to also amazon.com has affiliate links. You can go to amazon.com right now, get an affiliate link for a lawn mower and go and sell a lawn. Mower with your link and get a cut of the money. So it's like, basic internet marketing 101, everyone does it, right? So I had an affiliate program and when the Matrix attacked me, they attacked hu saying it was some kind of pyramid scheme. Some kind of scam. We had a hundred and seventy-five thousand students. There is no way I could have
Students continuing to pay $50 a month, they were paying on repeat, unless they were getting value attracting students for one-off, fine, but retaining students is a complete along to retain them for our ABS, our average retention at the time because all the metrics are fought since the cancellation because a lot of our elements inside of the school got destroyed which I'll get back to in a second but four and a half. Five months we had. And then we had a little bit drop off but most people stayed once they join the state for life, I saw it. Yeah, so because you're, it's, we have 18 professors in there. There's lessons every day just to community.
T-there's calls and it's really not hard to make more than 50 bucks a month off of school when you're paying a little bit of attention. So they're making more than earning right so it's a large Enterprise it was never a scam in any regard of never sold a scam and regard, it was never a pyramid scheme that was all just bullshit from people who never even join the program. It was interesting. When the Matrix attack me people were doing reviews of hates you the never even joined. There we go. Here's my review of hu and rotates a misogynist who wants to listen to him. Anyway, it's a scam. I can't, I can't say, got in there and said it was bullshit. Join, they never even lived in log in. What the fuck? Do they know? So it's absolutely not.
Stupid. But on corporate a, to calm this to war room. And then also, we've got hates you, we're rebranding and relaunching under a new name. It's actually kind of cool because when the Matrix attacked me, they attempted to destroy my payment processor and destroy the servers and everything we were using. So, in real time, we built all of our own,
I've got my own bank. Now, I own a bank, won't tell you, I won't tell
you out what countries about my own bank, do my own processing, my own
servers, all everything. So my hate, you
still alive the school, still alive. We teach people how to make money online. That's gonna become the biggest in the world. We were at one point where
the largest educational platform on the internet and
To continue to be so they can no longer cancel or attack that platform. So if you want
to find out where my things are there in particular comments to war room and it's such as University. They're both available on the website and I want people to use their brains and understand that you don't have
135,000 students, all with positive reviews. Don't listen to somebody who never even joined, it's kind of crazy.
That's the one part of the Matrix attack. That kind of upset me a little bit because it was, although, it's all unfair that was just, that was just so openly ridiculous. I'll just like, you people have not even joined Anderson ago. This is scam, bro. We even talked about you.
Crypto pump and dump. Have you ever tried before these influencers were literally selling nft pom-poms? And then calling me a fucking scam.
I was crazy. It's
crazy when I'm teaching kids stuff, we had a kid at the height of it. All right, we had a kid with an affiliate link. He was 16 from Singapore and he was doing 75 grand a month. 35, G's a month, he bought his mom a house fire. I gotta how about I've been hell, I'm helping the world. I'm a philanthropist. These people
are full of shit. Have you ever tried? Have you ever put out that data to show that proved so they can just be able to shut the
fuck up. The thing is with
Internet. Hey, is no matter how much proof you show. They don't want to see it, they're just gonna ignore it. It's like it's just like it's like the human trafficking thing, right? I've come out and said look case is closed Romanian authorities know case. Here's the paperwork, his house is ready for human truck. This repeat the same. They're fucking dummies. They don't want to say the truth, right here. You, so it's all bullshit, but the school still open Sankar protect.com and then the war room is not a level above that. They're all available. But I also want to say this because there's a bunch of people launching cryptos in my name and doing a bunch of dumb shit, my name and none of it. None of us to do with me. I have those two things in those two things only because there are genuine pulse.
A force for the world. The War Room will allow you to have unaccountable group of brothers. I'll make you a better person. Hey, to allow you to make money. Those are only two things I saw. I don't sell anything else that's it because our positive force for the world, I live in the pure
heart, I'm not to scam bunch of kids on a fucking crypto pump and dump and then sit there and say that I'm somehow bad for the world. My stupid blonde hair, cut, like those fuckers. I don't do that shit.
Amazing. You said 10 programs to though?
I used to, I don't know why you still?
yeah, I used to. I used to, I don't anymore. I used to. I used to
sell Fitness. Not going to thing. I don't do anymore. Those two things.
Just those two things. I've got the War Room, which is accountability in Brotherhood, which is something you can look. And it's a lot more detailed than that song. Corporate 80 common hates you, if you want to make money online, I'll teach you how to make money online. I guarantee I can teach anybody no matter how little experience you have, no matter if you live in a third world country, if you have an internet connection, you can make more money per month than you invest, even if you
$49, and make a hundred dollars. You will make more
money. I can teach people to do that. Oh yeah, thank you for your time and your fucking tape, baby. Thank you very much.