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The Question is The Billboard
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Hello everyone and welcome back
to 33 voices. It is always a great day for me when I get a chance to spend some time with my friend and surely the one person who challenged my thinking so I could peel Gupta is great to be with you again. Thank you Mo, same you're a man of Truth and I always have to start by asking you any surprising truth.
Emerge for you lately about anything. No, it's never that clean. So many have probably emerged but it's never it's never really a show until like a poster presentation that this is the truth that I found that the truths are really are ones that seep into you and kind of become a little bit of a new skin. So it isn't it's almost that it becomes more.
Part of you. Then. It is an intellectualization of this is what it is.
Well, you know, you just said something to me before we hit this record. And and I know how proud you are of the boys. And even I feel part of it now watching I'll men and and some of the things that he did you were just talking to me about what you guys have been working on to to kind of get them ready for that. Whatever that highest level is. And you said that hey when you're out creating something you're out on your own.
Everything is new unpack that for me a little bit.
Well, there's there's no formula or recipe book and anytime that you try to make something formulaic or follow some recipe book or some success book or motivational book or whatever. It is. It's never the Way to the Top the Way to the Top is always they it's a murky process and because you're dealing not only with the task of getting
Are that's that's that's the sort of x's in the oh, that's the black and white part of it. But you're dealing with the ephemeral nature of the human mind and you're dealing with the mind of another person. And so it's the navigating of having on a lot of you know, a lot of balls in the air that you're juggling in order to find Harmony that the most the most The Sweet Spot of getting somewhere and that is
very very much an exploratory Journey. It's you know, it's comical that people tend to view things in the society is well, what do I do? You know as if well go do 12 Jumping Jacks and you'll get there, you know, it's nothing is that way and society makes everything that way and therefore human beings who are not to be blamed for asking such silly questions because they've been conditioned by silliness.
Everything does it a five-step plan? Not that it works, but it has one and so therefore they approach everything with the five-step plan and nothing is really that way nothing of a substantial Ness. Nothing of greatness. Nothing of Great Value is ever linear.
And nothing's ever prescriptive. Nothing is ever method oriented. It isn't that clean.
Well, I anyone who's listened to us and who knows you knows that your standards are at that always been at that world-class levels of the people you work with certainly that's what you expect of yourself. And so I'm interested as you're working with the boys. How do these world-class athletes leaders? How do they approach practice because you're out on the golf course every day whether you call it practice or not. You're preparing for those big moments.
How do you approach that?
You know, I think it's different in my particular immediate environment because they've kind of grown up with certain exposures. You know me speaking a certain way and that sort of thing and so to them it isn't as a way of life all off the wall or you know, ridiculously.
massively outside the box over the moon type of stuff but you know the anyone who isn't in my immediacy, it is going to totally be completely off the wall because even so a lot of it is
Really a refinement of understanding I think for for the people, you know who are not like I said in my immediacy, it's very much an on learning and unlearning of the traditional Norms of things of and of so-called practice, which I don't even subscribe to the I know that yeah, I could tell by your question that you know that you knew that.
So it really it really is about first discovering what it is that you really want and the nature of what you want dictates what you're ready for.
How do you measure someone's level of seriousness if they weren't your boys and they were you know, a college sophomore and a 14 year old young man who had golf talents. How do you how do you identify whether someone has that level of devotion or Obsession that you look for?
I don't think it's that difficult to see I think in many ways it's it can
It can be both a help as well as a hindrance.
Because if I'm dealing with a stranger, it's very black and white if I'm dealing with.
You know
my own son. It's less black and white. You basically have to become a Buddha to not or not there, but you basically have to become a Buddha to treat your kids like strangers.
And quite ironically
treating your kids like strangers.
Is the most effective way to parent?
What sounds very odd to a lot of people well what else is new? Yeah, you know and speaking of that. I don't know. I'm sure you remember but you actually published publicly a letter to Tom and after that US amateur. Do you ever do remember writing it you remember? What you put in there it touched me member. I remember some vague was a picture and I do remember that I write it today. Yes, and some very some.
very thoughtful heartfelt words
I assume you don't remember the words. No, no, no. Well people can find it on your own then obviously, they can find it on the website. But if you had to if you had to rewrite to write that again, and it's coming from the heart, what are you trying to convey to him? Because you're not trying to convey a lesson. You're not trying to say good good try because he didn't win. What would you want to say to
It would you know, it would honestly the answer to that is it would I would say whatever is I would I would say in relation to what is asked because when you say what what did you want to say? The implication is that there are something to say the implication and that's coming from the implication that saying something to console her feel better or whatever it is and those things just don't.
Work right so it isn't about it isn't about saying something to lift someone up and it isn't about saying something to put someone down. Both of those things are untrue. They're just reactive cosmetic things just to improve someone's mood and they don't go anywhere. So really the only true conversations that
that are effective are the ones, you know, the ones that I have are the ones that in which a question is
There's nothing for me to offer.
Yeah, I know that and I'm going to I'm going to share that once we publish this interview because I think it's it's very heartfelt. But it really got me the I'd be interested to know what it was to yeah, I'll let you know but it got me thinking about the lot of the things that you taught me in the things that I embraced in our conversations one of which is that hey obviously we're conditioned as a society and you know, the more conditions we become as individuals it really distorts.
What we see and what we hear and what we bring in and I know this all goes back to the traps of our mind. So I'm curious for you. What do you do to create the space in your mind where you do filter out all the shit. So you allow the truth to come in.
No, that's not a it's not a real question because there's nothing that I'd there's nothing to know. There's no way that I can begin to answer that question because there's nothing that I do to do anything.
There's nothing and that's what I mean. Like you are bringing conventional thinking like how do you make a pair of shoes to something that in which those things have no value they have no relevance. They have no meaning. You can't bring that into this domain because that currency doesn't work. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything to do anything.
So let me try to come at it from another angle when you get a persistent thought pattern. Alright, for example from an athletic standpoint an athlete keeps coming up short coming up short coming up short either in the last inning on the last hole or whatever your mind starts to play games with you that you're not good enough to either play at this level or you don't deal with pressure very well when those persistent thought
Hands are coming up. What is it
telling you?
The person knows best.
If he's willing to
and when somebody keeps coming up short and keep continue to do the same thing and he's not looking you see what you're not understanding.
what you're not understanding you're basically asking the question that
let's say there's a teaspoon of
whatever a medicine and some yeah, honey. Okay, and if the person takes the honey, right then that provides him some insight. Okay, what you're asking me is what do you do with the person won't take the
I don't care if you takes the honey, and if I will genuinely I will generally see in the first encounter.
Before I even decide if I'm working to work with him or not that if he is the type in which I'm going to have any trouble.
So it's never it's never going to get to that point that that he's not taking the honey and I have to find a way to convince him to take the honey. I don't care if he takes the honey.
Yeah, I know you don't nothing that I can tell him that I can there's nothing that I want to say. Like I don't need him to take the honey.
So you said what if he's not willing to look? Okay, then don't look.
Nothing to do with me but like you and you imply and I don't blame you for implying it because everything that's why I love these conversations. No because everything that every single thing that you are saying does in fact go on. I don't blame you for saying it but I think you would know better by now then to bring Dirty Laundry into here because you know, because because you're right the the coaches will try to find a way to get him to drink the eat the honey, right?
I don't care if he eats the honey, you know, I'm I'm so averse to even talking to someone in the first place that forget like convince someone to do something.
Yeah, that's not in your vocabulary. No, I well. It doesn't it's not of any it isn't a stance that I take. It isn't a principle of mine. It isn't a rule that I stand by I just very innocently I'm just not interested.
What is it about Tom Brady who just thrives and once the ball in his hand when nobody else
And I know it's a very broad question. Well, I don't see what can come from the answer.
Your thoughts like alike about what I don't care. Like why does it matter? Okay, let's say he thrives because of X Y & Z, you know, so what?
Like who cares? What's the difference what he I mean, I know what your implication is if the audience hears and then they too will implement the XYZ. It's all nonsense. It's an irrelevant question. It's like saying well, why do you think he likes broccoli?
What what is it? What's the difference like it's not meaningful.
You know idol worship isn't meaningful putting these guys on pedestals it meaningful trying to learn from successful people. Is it meaningful? The only thing meaningful is the Discover Who You Are
and all the things that you call Thrive half the time they're choking their guts out inside. Anyways, I'm sure so I'm not I'm not I'm not saying I'm not saying any names that these two specific people are right. I'm not saying that I'm just saying what you see through the TV screen isn't oftentimes. What's really going on, you know you tend to believe it's easy to see something that really isn't there.
That's a great point and I want to relate it to something that I had a friend who shared something with me that I want to get your thoughts on and he had a conversation with his best friend who was just diagnosed with cancer. And he said that one of the things that his doctor told him is you need to listen to your body and you need to listen to yourself and that's going to kind of tell you what to do and what not to do. So he was his friend was asking us. What does that even?
I ain't listening to myself. I've never listened to myself.
Oddly listen to yourself. I agree. I agree with him. It's a very broad meaningless statement.
It depends what the doctor even means.
I think I sort of understand the sentiment but but I don't want to give too much credit because people usually are coming at things in a very cosmetic way and as soon as you start to think wait a minute this this might be a profound Insight when you read into it you find out hasta what he meant at all so it's object. Yeah, you know, so I don't know what that means. I like if I said it I know what I would mean.
But in all honesty what I would mean nobody willing to do it. Anyway, it's absolutely wonderful coming from where I'm where I'm talking about it. But yeah, I mean it's not unreasonable advice. I just I understand the confusion. Do you listen to yourself? I don't know what that means. I have no idea what that means.
We are in your ear when your when your mind is chattering.
Well, if the mind is chattering, why would you listen to that? I mean, do you listen to someone do you listen to the guy outside his building a house and the construction workers roll there, you know with with cranes and hammering Nails into the sheetrock. Do you listen to that? Why would you listen? What is the point of listening to yourself?
I'm not I'm not saying is that how they are all conditioned? Well, I'm not saying it's good. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm not saying you should listen to yourself. I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to yourself. I'm saying listen to yourself as you're asking that question because you're coming at it from a very spiritual meaningless standpoint. It has no meaning to listen to yourself. What do you want? What does that even mean? It just all these you see there's just is
Build your buying into the Trap of your mind right to your think is a okay. What? Okay. What if I said, you should listen to your to your start. I mean it does there's no relevance to this. No, I don't think you're gonna die think I think what it does is, you know, it just kind of goes back to this point. You are a man of Truth. All right and a lot of shit that goes on in our mind does it does the exact opposite takes us as far away from that as
There's a huge gap between where you live and where people who are sincere and devoted who want to kind of get at that level and then, you know, 99.9% of the world and you know, I'm hopeful that three or four people want to find their own truth and and will at some point realize that a lot of shit that's going on in their head is is taking them away from that. Well, it's much more instructive than two.
Discover that the questions that are surfacing
Billboards and bumper stickers. It is much more instructive to realize that because if someone is genuinely interested in the truth, he must begin with where he is and if one realizes that everything coming out of his mouth is bumper to bumper stickers and billboards then he will begin to see the nature of his own conditioning first hand as opposed to trying to do something about
In which he hasn't even come to terms with yet. The looking for Solutions is a waste of time the whole world lives in Solutions and people called like these solution specialist at all. Is this ridiculous? This is ridiculous Society, you know, it's not about the solution step for about the solution.
It's really delving into what your issue is.
People are addicted to fixes.
And then when they will always be and they're afraid of facing the pain because there's almost always something impossible to get to the truth from implication. There is that you should face the pain. No, you shouldn't face the pay who wants pain.
Why should why would anyone want to face pain that doesn't do anything?
You already in pain all the time. Anyways is a human being whether you face it or not. It's always there in some form or another things are always do you know is getting blindsided by this or that you know, the burn markets going down or you know, someone said something coins going down and you were going to be you know, six there's 6 million 6 million arrows being, you know, throwing out you every single day. So what do you get by facing it as if you know facing it is as
She's Mo ego-based, you know face your fears nonsense soon bumper sticker world. Nothing has any meaning it so, you know quite honestly truth would be that you have a podcast you don't say anything.
Because then you won't say anything nonsense because it's everything is nonsense. Right? So so anything that anything that is related I enjoy our nonsense, but but but no you shouldn't in the enjoyment of nonsense. It's not really valid. I mean anything that relates to what should I do in anything that relates to what can someone learn from so and so, you know, nobody should put anyone on a pedestal. Okay. Everyone's every human being is a
Player 3 screwed up human being okay, every human being from top to bottom is totally messed up.
Just in different ways. So to look at someone else and say oh, well, I'm going to follow his habits of doing this. You're just you're just basically ingesting their garbage.
It's buying a used car time is time is well spent when when it's examining one's own life without the compulsion of fixing anything following anything having ideals to live up to becoming more improved, but Purity sincerity and know
Sincerely is not good. And if you think it's good, I'm going to tell you it's the worst thing in the world and I hope you go to hell for doing it. If you think it's good. Okay, nothing is good. Nothing is healthy. It's it's if something is pure if something is done from a place of genuineness organic Ness honesty. That isn't good either but that isn't lying that is in the direction of Truth.
Okay, so I want to get your I want to get your thoughts on something that that intrigued me earlier this week. I was facilitating a leadership panel with a group of eight wonderful leaders who were running wonderful companies and an interesting topic seem to take over the conversation and it was a topic of mental health and I know we're not giving prescriptions here. We're not giving medical advice. We're just talking but the issue and treat me and it seems to me that a lot more people are open to talking about that today then maybe in the past.
Asked so for those who think they're dealing with mental challenges knowing that I was going to catch up with you this week. I thought I would get your perspective on it. Does that to start with the Mind? Absolutely. I think I think would needs to be understood is that everyone is mentally deranged and that isn't a derogatory statement. Sure. Genuinely genuinely mean that everyone everyone.
Is has Psychopathology people that have it to just different degrees? There's no such thing as normal normal is just an agreed-upon normal according to the greatest prevalence in society. It's a biological democracy to some degree, you know, so I don't think that there's something called normal and then there's mental health because every human being suffers not
Mildly everyone suffers for their entire life. That's that's mental illness. Hmm. It isn't mental illness that that you shouldn't suffer. The reason it's mental illness is because the mind itself is an illness that human being lives in a constant state of anxiety varying degrees of so-called to depression all these things don't though all these things are just terms. They're just categorize.
Has ations of common phenomenon into this and that they're all derangements. There are all aberrations from the natural default.
Whether you call it anxiety or depression or whatever you want to call it. Those are just names everyone is mentally Disturbed in various ways. What do you think makes it so difficult for people to talk about it, but I don't I don't I don't but I don't really think I don't think there's a point of talking about it. The therapy doesn't do anything. I get it I told you so.
I talk so then so then why talk about it. The only reason the only reason he would talk about it is because talking about it would do something and it doesn't it may provide a temporary good feeling or whatever. It may be but doesn't cure anything not even quite even close. I got it. So, what's the point? So here's what here's what here's the point assuming again that you as a leader start to recognize some of these at least abnormal behavior.
As in some of the people that you work with or some of the people that you're closely a connected with do you feel it's a responsibility for a leader to bring that up? No, there's no responsibility to do anything. You're responsible for yourself. You're not I don't even like the word leader. What does that mean? It means maybe you're an about just a title. You're in a like other leader, you know when you're in a position of of hierarchical power perhaps
Going to company and therefore, you know, you're the I guess you're the CEO or the whatever it may be to yes in any group. Right? So you're the leader.
Leaders are screwed up just like the janitor of course, so it doesn't so why should a greater? Okay, if the janitor is mentally Disturbed and then the leader is mentally Disturbed. Why would you place more responsibility on one of the mentally Disturbed for another one? It isn't just because he is at the top of the totem pole that he's this enlightened being right? I mean only only an
Being a person with true wisdom which lot of leader. I mean only an enlightened being a person of true wisdom that person has the ability to guide another but a leader by position a leader by the size of the chair and it and I don't mean in a derogatory way. Sorry. I mean at first and a person who builds a company a person who
You know, these are not small things so so I don't in any way, you know degrade that. I don't take that away from anyone because they're not small things but that just demonstrates a level of proficiency in you know, in various talents of success and and drive and motivation and building that's that's and that's great. But to place the onus upon someone for the mental health
For someone else when everyone is suffering from top to bottom it's overstating the idea of leader. Mmm.
If you were in one of those positions or you were coaching somebody in one of those positions about ways to approach those issues with in an organizational wide type initiative, what would you tell them? Obviously, I know that it all starts with you taking care of your own shit, but what's beyond that no, it doesn't start with that. It ends with that too.
I got 50% I don't I don't I don't I don't know like you say you're bringing the dirty laundry again, and that's fine. That's fine. It's good. It's good for you know people to hear this but the implication once again is this conditioned implication this conditioned Behavior,
Teach people a bunch of stuff in the organization, right? That doesn't work.
You know when they have these motivational speakers come in and they give a lot of he he ha ha and you know a joke every 19 minutes. It's stupid. It's juvenile. Okay. I mean, it's silly that that you're going to multiply now. It is man milty billion dollar company and you're wasting time and money treating treating human beings like their kids and a pen and saying, you know, look at this prop and look at this prop and
And let me tell you a nice story and all these stupid things human beings are not taught in a mass environment. That doesn't work. The only thing the only thing that works.
Is the only thing that has a potential to work and the thing that has the potential to work is if a human being himself decides to come forward and he presents the desire and the Longing To Learn, you know, you don't take people and put them in a pig pen and sprinkle a bunch of sugar on them. You know, it is so juvenile that that companies do
This it is just yet another example of how human beings have no earthly idea how the human mind works. They could save themselves billions of dollars by stopping all these nonsense and workshops and meditation rooms and Kumbaya classes. I mean, it's nonsense because no one is serious. If you became serious you would seriously examine what actually works and what doesn't you'd be interested in that but
That isn't how human beings are they just check boxes. They just fill the you know, they just feel the event calendar and that and that's not respectable. And that's why I don't I'm not move by the idea of leader because most leaders that I don't think are worthy and isn't a leader who brings in nonsense and has their you know, sprinkles a bunch of stuff on there people that isn't leader a leader.
Is interested in what is truly effective? What is what is Surgical?
That means something.
Something that I could actually I can actually help someone the do you think that it would be effective if that person call him her CEO leader evangelist, whatever you want to call him becomes the person who really gives that permission to his or her people to seek that, you know their own self-expression and to seek their own, you know, whatever it is their own.
Is it is that although I think I think I think you'll be laughed out of the building.
Because they know what the hell he's talking about, right because because he will be coming at it. He will be saying something that is so contrary to the norm that no one's going to understand him. You see you can't teach human beings and condition them according to x and then one day turn the tables and say why and think they're going to get it.
You made them into acts for 50 years. Why wouldn't all they see is X if it doesn't come in the language of X, they're not going to understand. They're not they're all sitting there saying I wish someone gave me why not saying that everyone's a walking zombie and get up in the morning you go over here. You do this you check the box over here you go over here. You have a meeting you talk nonsense you go home.
You watch some stupid TV show.
You say such and such to your wife your kids and you got up the next morning and you go do it again, right? And then there you sprinkle some of these leadership conferences this not once again, I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'm not saying you should do it. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing. And I'm what I'm saying? Is that the human beings do not look for truth. And and nor should they
I'm just making the statement that they don't and because they don't any discussion about what they do is a waste of time. Do you think that their eagerness to seek validation and approval and to be liked by their boards by their people by the people they manage and Lead is that something that you think constantly gets in the way of them? Well, I get some way it gets in the way of everybody right? Everyone is driven. Everyone is driven by ego and
Sure, but so what we going to do, you know see the reason I always say so what is because nothing to teach here like don't want to write anything down. Sure. Yeah, that's oh so the reason I say, so what is yes, everyone is driven by that but so what because as if they have a choice, right? It's the very very rare individual that comes forward and said well, you know is there I'm very
Interested to really explore because I don't know any other way and this is a very very intriguing to me.
so when like if that happens it it like a possibility is born. But other than that, it's just chitchat. Yeah do human beings waste our time. Yeah, but so what human beings waste our lives, yes, but so on
Human beings have board meetings that go nowhere and waste Ur time. Yeah, but so what do human beings like enjoy validation? Yeah, but so what do you do say don't validate yourself.
Right to all these things. It's also what the only the only time it's not. So what is if a human being is fine something inside him that is Longing To devote himself to something and you can't turn that your next question into a hypothetical which says well what if I do find it a human being who happens because it doesn't mean anything the those people are very rare. And so you can't just ask.
That quality flippantly. Well, that's that's why I know that you talked a lot about you talk a lot about art you talk about about artists, right and the world uses those terms of very Loosely nowadays. But to you an artist is an artist like a Rembrandt like a Picasso who lives in their own little world and doesn't look at or at that point obviously validation and approval wasn't part of
of what helped them create, but I'm sure it was I'm sure it was I'm sure validation and approval were part of those artists life. But but I think the bigger maybe the bigger Point here is that it doesn't matter what I view an artist has like I don't own the Monopoly on one of the hardest is so what did that's what I think when an artist is it doesn't matter. I'm not recommending that someone become a true artist, right? So it doesn't matter what I think that in artist is and
Danny's what is a person is what he is and he is going to and he was that way before this podcast and he's going to be that after this podcast. So the attempt to change someone is a waste of time but you're right. That's how I do view an artist is someone who was pure and genuine and devoted to his art and Views his art as something that is an Endeavor in which he wants to dissolve and take to the the utmost Heights.
And and is completely almost violently against any garnering any Applause or or critical Acclaim from critics, you know, like that is like he views that as like Petty and a waste of his time. So absolutely but that doesn't mean anything. So what I could view it any way that I want. It doesn't person who happens to be moved by that.
Shares that okay and if person who doesn't okay, but it isn't like I never want the implication that because I have you an art a true artist to be that way that that should in any way influence anyone because those things are not because that's not true. Nothing isn't about changing. Anyone things are the way they are people are the way they are the trying to get better stuff. That's just that's just a
To waste. Well, it's a wet again. It goes back to kind of the the some of the things we were talking about earlier with golf and practicing and the boys were you talk about? Hey results are not going to come from practice. They're going to come from understanding the truth and obviously not living in that time with the Rembrandt's and the Picasso it would seem like an observation that they skewed more towards the truth. Then I'm going to get up and start painting so I can practice to get better at it.
My honest
answer to you with regard to that but truthful answer to you would be this.
How they end up viewing things or not be doing things.
Is not my call.
And I'm not being good by giving that's just the way it's going to be true. They're going to view it the way they're going to view it and then I don't know just because I said something doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'm not the sergeant in the general, you know, leading an army and you know, these are free human beings I can do whatever they want. Right? I can just say like my limit to where my boundary is my immediate space. I
Only say with truth that I view things that way and it's not good or bad. Like I didn't choose to view things that way right I just do.
What someone else does even though they grew up with me? I can't I don't control that. So yes, you're right the influence the influence may take root the influenced may not take root right? I don't know.
With a few of us say influence has taken root. Let me just make sure I just I wanted to touch on two quick subjects because I don't want to keep you here all night. We've talked about this in the past. But what is the big misconception about meditation?
Well, here's the honest answer.
I don't think there's anything that people don't see because no one really wants to see in the very very very same breath. I will say they don't have to want to see I'm just making a point. That's it. So you come from a world in which we all do we come from the world in which when someone makes a statement like they don't want to see it is absolutely overtly implicated with hammers and Nails, you know in and coming down on your head with well. You should want to see
And and when I say that because that's just the norm of how people talk right. It was like a new language over here. I genuinely with all my heart. I'm on me that you should want to see I guess you just ate a statement of fact that people don't understand because they don't want to
so there's nothing there's nothing so meditation like every like you said, it's trendy right? Everyone's everyone's a trend follower. Everyone's like that because everyone's beholden to Ego and you know socialisation and you know, what was that call to the peacocks do when they show their feathers, you know, I don't know what there's a name for that.
You know basically just showing off to other people of look I'm doing the longest gray, huh? They belong to something. That's all I give you want to a category.
Yeah, it's just it's just you know, look how many books I read and and I was stoicism is the new thing. So, let's follow the stoics and dress up like Greek gods and it's you know, it's a society is a society is a cosmetic Carnival. So I think I think it is short-sighted to ask the question. What do they not understand about meditation as if like, I'm going to say X
And they're going to say oh wow. I'm so glad I heard that because I was dying to know what the truth about meditation really was and now that I've heard that I'm going to drop my Trends and and that's just silly right like I almost don't want to say anything because it's wasted upon deaf ears, right? There's nothing to teach anyone but the one who comes forward that person. Yeah, there's there's value.
For that person was only value because he sees value in it not because I see a value and shows just say it then because I see value in it.
meditation is just like going for a walk or lifting weights or whatever it is. It's just cosmetic.
It's just you know, I take I take 20 minutes a day to do meditation and let's get into a meditation group. It's a city. That's socialisation. It's a herd mentality meditation. It's just a way to feel better isn't do anything. It's just you know, it's just a fad now. If you looked in the old days a person would go for 12 years under the forest and
Society behind and try to lose our own identity and they'd be meditating but that's not meditation. Right that isn't 20 minutes a day. And then I go to the hair stylist and I do my hair as well on the way home. Well, I'll you know drop in for some yoga because that's nice and all sigh comb and online in the incense candle and say a prayer to Shanti and I did just nonsense. It's just it's it's a bastardization all things are all things are a bastard idea.
A bastardization a minimal ization a slap in the face and insult to what was originally in, you know the old days something real and it's just watered down cosmetic for the west and quite frankly these days even the East yeah, right. So total devotion is what what you're relating it to it. It makes total sense if something if
if something is not real if it isn't genuine if it isn't something that is pursued for outright transformation, then it's cosmetic and
Human beings seek cosmetic things. It's meditation is makeup. It's all eyeshadow. I got it speaking of things that are cosmetic how psychological is one's relationship with money. This is a another conversation. We can have it another day, but I wanted to make sure at least I touch on that because a couple things have come up over the last couple weeks that I just wanted to get your perspective on how psychological do things one one's relationship.
Chip with money is Real Money Money Rules. Human beings lives. Hmm. I would say whether it's the rich man or the poor man or the middle class man, the the intricacy with which money is involved in a in a human being who lives in a society is off the charts intricate.
You know part of the reason for that is that money is absolutely needed to survive in society. But it it is wildly. It's like water which seeps into everything and
and you know, yours are listening for the implication right for the message for the
You know the money is this and you and it shouldn't be intricate and all these things. It's far more it it gives a human being far more to learn about the state in which he is in to learn about the shackles that bind him then it is about what to do about it. Hmm. What in your eyes, what does the health and for you personally again? What does a healthy relationship with money look?
Like or do you even look at it that way?
No, it's prescriptive. You know, I healthy because they are healthy relationship with money means, you know, this is healthy. This is unhealthy like that's kind of like saying like when you leave your house which way should you turn so imagine if I asked you that am I? Okay. So if I ask you the question like if you left your house tomorrow?
Which way are you going to turn? However left right right or left right now to make right. So I'm going to ask you would you so tomorrow when you leave your house. Are you going to turn right or you got to turn left?
The answer to that would be it depends upon where you want to go. Right? If you go to if you go to the grocery store, you might turn right right. If you go to the golf course, you might turn left. So there's no you can't say well what's a healthy way to turn?
It's according to where you want to go. So II don't the idea of healthy good for you. All these things. This is no meaning that this irrelevant. What's healthy like
if you practice meditation is good for you. What does that mean? I mean you can be free of misery. No.
You might get okay fine. You might get 10 minutes less. Okay, you're going to be bombarded tomorrow. Anyways, right? Okay, you could have build your body. Just perfect. Okay, great. You can have in the grave. Anyways, right? So it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do anything. It doesn't mean that you should have since you're going to die. You can lie in bed all day. It's
Everyone's looking for a message and because everyone's looking for a message, no one's really examining for themselves with the State of Affairs really is they're just too busy. So turn left. Well, I didn't say I'll see you in turn right it's all it's all that's the conditioning. That's the only sure that I get it only thing that they see that you know for a human being can hear other than the basics.
Living what value does money bring in your life money provides freedom
not having to go to someone to ask if you can do something or other like a boss, right? A boss is a devil.
No human being I know it's better to be homeless. It's better to be homeless in my view. It's better to be homeless than to ever have to ask someone. Can I do this? Can I do that? That's not a job. That's slavery.
no human being
I don't know, you know to put yourself in a position. Now if you if you if you happen to work somewhere, let's say you know and you enjoy the job and that's fine and you can do whatever you want and you can go as fine. Right but but once again, these are all these are all from me right? I'm not saying that this should be for everyone. Absolutely. These are all biased views of mine. I don't ever want to ever ever
To answer to anyone if if I was working in a job and tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. I wanted to fly to Egypt that I'm
and you don't have any say
You can't even look at me awkward. There can't even be a space of time between me telling you that I'm going and you saying
there can't be more than a width of a breath. Okay, so that's what money provides money provides the freedom to do what you want and that and taking care of just you know, the the the domestic Necessities beyond that means
Totally irrelevant the status and all that stuff is just nonsense means nothing has no value. Well, I lived right there with you man. It's always wonderful to share this dialogue with you. So thank
you. Sure.