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Ben Greenfield Fitness
The Complete Guide to Fasting: How To Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting
The Complete Guide to Fasting: How To Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

The Complete Guide to Fasting: How To Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

Ben Greenfield FitnessGo to Podcast Page

Ben Greenfield, Dr. Jason Fung
35 Clips
Jun 10, 2017
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Well, this is awkward because I'm about to tell you everything that you need to know about fasting. This is fasting 101 and far beyond its an interview with the author of what I would consider to be the most complete guide to fasting that's out there. And the reason this is awkward is because before we talk about fasting, I have to tell you about something very tasty that I had for breakfast. I took one bottle of this stuff and I dumped it into a blender with ice.
With half an avocado with a few teaspoons of cinnamon and with some sea salt, just because I like to add a little bit of flavor. I blend it all up for about two minutes and something about the salt and the ice being Blended for a long period of time makes this stuff tastes like, freaking chocolate ice cream. It's got fats from coconut oil and macadamia nut oil. It's got fiber prebiotics probiotics. A ton of different. Probiotic strains seven to be exact. It's soy free gluten free GMO free, no artificial flavors, it's Abby.
BPA free bottle. It even comes in a 400 calorie and a six hundred calorie size. It is one of the most unique meal replacement Blends. I have, ever gotten my paws on. I even interviewed the podcast or I interviewed the the meal founder on my podcast. This guy's name is Connor young. It's an amazing food. It's called ample am ple you can get your hands on this stuff. If you go to ample meal.com that sample meal.com., He's
Everybody a 15% discount and you just use code, Greenfield to get a 15% discount. That works on everything except their lifetime supply, which is actually a pretty cool idea to get a lifetime supply of this. But otherwise just use code green failed. You don't have to mix it with ice. You can just Add Water, Shake It Up and drink it. As I have been known to do on airplanes when I don't want their microwaved egg powder. So check it out. Ample meal.com and use code, green filled to save.
15% off. This podcast is also brought to you by something that is enhanced quite a bit by calorie restriction and fasting, which you're about to learn all about. And that is your longevity. There is a way that you can test via a very simple and actionable DNA evaluation, the telomere length of your cells. Meaning. These are the protective DNA caps on the ends of your chromosomes. They tend to shorten with age,
But you can change that and you can actually decrease the rate at which your telomeres shorten. When you do that, your biological age winds up being younger than your chronological age and you can track all this. You can quantify all of it, via a very, very simple blood test. I've done it. And the way that you can do it, is you go to this company called Tello years, Tello years. They're giving everyone of my listeners 10% off of this longevity evaluation. You got to bend
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In you negatively or positively when it comes to aging. So check it out. Ben Greenfield, fitness.com. Hello years, and use code. Ben 10. All right, let's go talk about not eating in this episode of the been group of Fitness show.
If you are a hunter and the caveman
and you don't eat for a couple of days, body starts to shut down. You will never eat again. You have no energy to go out and hunt. You have no energy to catch that with rabbits. Whatever is your body. Simply not that stupid. What it does is its switches energy.
once you start to fast where you just don't have anything at all, you start to see little spikes of growth hormone all throughout the day. So your body is actually trying to build our hair and assuming that you eventually eat again and provide the nutrients that are needed your body. That actually goes into that anabolic home.
He's an expert in human performance and nutrition. Voted America's top personal trainer. And one of the globe's most influential people in health and fitness his show. Provides you with everything you need to optimize.
And mental performance. He is Ben Greenfield power, Mobility, balance. Whatever it is for you. That's the natural movement. Get out. When you look at all the studies done studies, that have shown the greatest efficacy, all the information you need in one place right here. Right now on the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast.
Hey folks, its Ben Greenfield and I have to admit that probably thousands of books have been written about diets that help people lose weight or get better health, or whatever get into ketosis or become a vegan.
Or learn how to barbecue whatever. But one of the things that tends to be a prevailing theme from diet to diet. In terms of actually moving the dial, when it comes to health is periods of time where you simply stop stuffing calories into your gaping maw. And that's what today's podcast is about. It's about something that you find spread across religions.
Something you find spread across diet something, you find spread across cultures where there's a lot of longevity. And that's this concept of fasting and when fasting and just done, right? It's got an incredibly effective therapeutic effect on a lot of different diseases. It also, of course, has a fantastic effect on things like weight loss and type 2 diabetes and obesity. And my guest today in addition to recently riding.
What I would consider to be the ultimate guide to fasting. It's actually called the complete guide to fasting, even though if it was me, I would have named it. The Ultimate Guide to fasting. His name is dr. Jason Fung. He's a toronto-based. How are you? Hey, I'm good, man. I'm good. You're a nephrologist, which means you you're a kidney expert in Toronto and you're still practicing as a nephrologist, right?
Oh, absolutely.
Okay, cool. And then
For those of you curious about Jason. He's also the chief of the Department of Medicine at Scarborough general hospital eyes on the board of directors of the low carb Diabetes Association. He's also the scientific editor of the Journal of insulin resistance, and he knows what he's talking about. He's a smart cookie, and we're going to be able to dive into his brain and find out everything he knows about about not eating so Jason. Welcome to the show man.
Thanks very much.
Great to have you.
Million-dollar. Yeah, the million dollar question is, are you fasted right
now? Yes, I am. I don't eat breakfast a lot of the days of the week. So when I have something at lunch time, then I'll often just kind of just keep working in once you get used to it. It's really not very difficult because your body will simply take the calories. It needs from your stores of energy, which is your body fat and the glycogen, which is stored away. So it's a completely natural process. And when there's
Time. Then I go and eat and it makes it so much easier. You don't have to obsess all the time about. Oh, I don't have time. What can I eat? And then you wind up, going to the local doughnut store and then oh, there's just muffins. So then you write sense and you know, that that's not good for you. But then you feel this pressure to eat. There's all this pressure on people. Oh, you're not hungry, but you must eat. And it's like, well, eating when you're not hungry, is not a great weight loss strategy.
Yeah. Good. Now. What about like not to play Devil's?
Advocate right off the bat man, but what about this concept of circadian rhythmicity and the fact that, you know, you'll see a lot of recommendations that to optimize circadian rhythms or to have a good body clock that it helps upon waking, you know, within a few hours after waking to actually consume a meal. Are you concerned about circadian rhythm?
No, in fact, if you look at the what happens when you wake up, it's very interesting because there is a counter regulatory surge, which happens just before you wake up. So somewhere around 4:00 4:30 a.m. Your body, releases certain hormones, which are counter regulatory hormones. That is they run counter to insulin. So, these are the sympathetic nervous system gets activated growth
hormone. Noradrenaline, for example,
so these
All Spike just before you wake up. And the whole point of it is that they are actually activating your body for the day ahead. And one of the things that these counter regular harm counter regulatory hormones do is they stimulate your liver to pump out some glucose. So in fact, you don't have to eat to get ready for the day your body's already done that for you if you start to eat. Well, that's fine. If you like to eat breakfast is fine, but you don't have to. There's
No magic
about oh, yeah. I know I wasn't saying that you have to, you're going to run out of energy because what you're saying, makes sense, you know, in terms of like glycogenolysis by the liver and production of glucose. What I was just curious about was, you know, some of these studies I've seen about habitual meal frequency, and its effects on, like a normalized circadian rhythm, or better sleep later on the day. Basically, the relationship between nutrition and circadian rhythm in mammals. I know
Been pretty well studied, but I was just, I was just curious. If, if you'd thought about that much at all. I don't remember seeing that part in the book like things about, you know, how regular eating might have might affect the Circadian rhythm.
I don't think that it makes a big difference because lots of different cultures have done different. All kinds of different eating regimens throughout history and people have done well on all different ones. So some yeah, early some late, if you look at
For example, circadian rhythm of hunger. I actually think that's very interesting because if you take people and simply measure their hunger over 24 hours, there is a tendency to go in certain patterns and the rhythm is that your hunger is actually lowest at somewhere around seven. Thirty eight, eight eight o'clock in the morning. So again, and that's because of the counter regulatory Surge and the fact is that the hormones is what determines your hunger because 8 a.m. Is usually the
Longest period before you've eaten because you've often not eaten all night. So it may be 12 14 hours since you've eaten yet. Your hunger is actually the lowest that it is through the day. So again, that's why a lot of children don't feel like eating breakfast and so on, and the only reason they start eating breakfast is that we force them and we tell them that you got to eat breakfast. You got any breakfast gobby breakfast and it's okay if you want a breakfast, but what you want to avoid is eating all this process, sort of Highly refined foods that are so convenient and have
Taken over the breakfast, aisle, so to speak because they're so easy. We can grab them and go muffins and donuts and all these Pop, Tarts. All these sort of things that are super unhealthy for us because we don't want to cook bacon and eggs in the morning. It's like, who's got time for that? You got clean, eat all this sort of stuff, right? So even if you look at the Circadian rhythm, if you're again, if you're the least hungry, at 8 a.m., Why would you force yourself to eat it?
Make any sense. It's based on people who have said that. Oh, it's going to keep you full throughout the day. It's going to both boost your metabolism. The data behind those claims is very, very
sketchy. Yeah, it makes sense. And you know where I'm at is I typically wait for about three hours or so after I get up to eat and if I finish dinner, like around 8:00 p.m. Usually, I'm eating breakfast around like 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. And so I'm kind of like
Halfway between I eat, but I late when I get up. Now my kids, they are not cornflakes. Kids are not popped our kids, but they get up and make elaborate breakfast. I mean, my my twin nine year old boys will get up and they'll do like the full-on. They got to be in the bus by 7:30 and they're up at 6:30, like scrambling eggs making waffles like getting you know nut Butters and jams out of the pantry and like they do a full-on spread for breakfast bless their little hearts, and I know that's, you know, probably
Because they're running around all day at school, but then, the interesting thing is they will come home having barely eaten any of the lunches that we pack for them, you know, like carrots and olives, and avocado, and pemmican, and all these things, we send them to school with and then they'll play and play and play and play and typically eat dinner at about 7:30 8:00 p.m. Or so. So they kind of do like, a to Emile, type of door to add a meal type of thing, but it's interesting to watch children and see what they might might.
Naturally naturally progress towards although I think their affinity for breakfast also comes from the fact that Mom's a big breakfast person to write. She's like, oh, yeah, make no, there's nothing to homemade cinnamon rolls and ferment the waffles overnight and you know, she's very much into that.
Yeah. And as I said, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with it, but it gets kind of people get browbeaten into. Oh, you must be, you must eat at my fears. Like know, there's lots of different options you can eat. If you
On and you can make it work for you. And you, if you really not hungry at breakfast and you don't want to eat in your way to you want to rush out the door, to get to work and get to school. Yes. You can. Just skip it and go to lunch time. It's okay. What's interesting is the the very word itself, breakfast. It's the meal that breaks your fast. It's not the oh, you must eat. As soon as you wake up before your feet, hit the ground, sort of thing. You can break your fast. At any point. You can break it at 8 a.m. You could break it at a
11:00 a.m. It makes no difference. And the other thing that's very interesting word. Is that what it implies is that you actually have to fast in order to be able to break your fast. So what this tells us is that it's part of the natural cycle of life, you have to eat but you have to fast fasting is merely the absence of eating. So if you have a period of time, that's when you eat and you have a period of time where you should have mass, right? Don't eat all the time. That's not a good weight loss strategy either.
Yeah, we get told again and again, oh, before your feet, hit the hit, the hit the ground. You got to start shoving food in your mouth. And then oh, you can't, you can't you have to eat all the way up until you go to bed, you know, six or seven eight nine, ten meals in the day. Oh that's going to make you healthy. Where is your parent of?
That'll make you swallow though. I use it. You know, I used to body build and that's what I did. And, you know, and I was actually fooled into thinking that it would also increase the metabolic.
Crate, which is you just alluded to it. It doesn't you know, you don't need anything more than I believe at this point more than like two meals a day and what and I actually want to talk to you about like this whole concept behind starvation mode and metabolic rate and how long you can go between meals, but I used to, to eat a ton of meals, you know, I'd show up at work with my yogurt, and my carrot sticks, and my apple, and my chicken, and my broccoli, and my rice, and my three different protein shakes and just graze all day long.
It actually worked pretty well for putting on a ton of muscle and weight on my body, which is what I was trying to do at that point. But there's definitely some some health implications to which I think this would be a perfect place for us to kind of delve into some of the health implications or at least what happens from a physiological standpoint you you have in the book. I guess you you describe it in five different phases. If I'm correct or five different stages in the book of what?
Ins when we stop eating, can you go into exactly what's going on? When we stopped eating from from a like a phase 1 to Phase 5 type of
standpoint. Yeah. So this was described by a lot of the physiologist and many of these studies are very old and it basically is a process of moving from storage of food, energy to burning food energy. So what happens is that when you eat insulin goes up and insulin is a hormone, which is essentially a
Sensor. So a lot of things other than just carbohydrates a lot of proteins, for example, also stimulate insulin, when you eat, the insulin goes up and it tells your body that you need to store food energy because you're eating and you've got more food energy than you actually need. So some of it goes to open up the cells to glucose for example, and that's what we tend to think about for insulin, is that it lets the cells use the glucose, but the other thing it does, is it stops lipolysis, which is the burning of
Of fat and glycogen ol Isis, which is
the storage. So you
store sugar in the form of glycogen in the liver. So glycogen is long, chains of glucose, the deliver packages them all together and stores it in the liver. And this is why you don't die. When you go to sleep every single night is because your body can store some of this food energy. So when you're not eating, it will bring it back out plants. For example, will link all these
Chains of glucose together and starches. So amylopectin, for example, there's amylopectin a b and c. So there's different forms of starches. So for example, white bread, white flour, uses amylopectin a. And this is the wheat that the puts all this glucose together. So that's what plants do. They use starch and humans? Use glycogen and lots of mammals use glycogen as well. But essentially you can think of it as starch sugar because that's what it is.
And the body has two storage forms of energy. It can store glycogen. And when that's full, you can't store anymore because the liver simply can't hold it. So your body then turns to storing fat and this is the process of de novo lipogenesis. So de novo is a word from Latin means from new lipogenesis, lipo means fat Genesis means the creation of. So it's the creation of new fat, but it's the creation of new fat from carbohydrates.
Dietary fat doesn't actually do. This is actually just gets absorbed directly and goes into your fat cells. The excess carbohydrates. If you take a lot of carbohydrates, it gets turned into glycogen it gets stored and then body fat. So, there are two complementary storage systems because they fulfill different roles in the body. The the glycogen is easily accessible. That is the body can kind of move in and out of glycogen very easily, but there's a limited amount.
Mount body fat is much harder to get at but it has unlimited storage. So the analogy I sometimes use, it's kind of like a refrigerator and a basement freezer like a chest freezer the refrigerator. It's right there. It's easy to put food in, it's easy to take food out. But once your full, your full, the freezer in the basement, has unlimited capacity that is you can put several freezers downstairs, but it's harder to get to and that's how the body stores.
Energy as you stop to eat so fast, the process of fasting goes through several phases. So the when you eat instant goes up, you store food energy in those various forms, you'll notice, of course, that protein is not stored as energy. If you eat a lot of protein, then your body uses some of that protein for building building protein, but the excess actually just gets turned into glucose because it can't store that excess protein. So people who are pounding back, it's very
Hard from a dietary standpoint to eat a high-protein. Diet tends to be very unpalatable. But if you're pounding back like way shakes and protein bars, a lot of that excess protein is
an depends man. I don't know. Ribeye steaks are pretty
tasty. Yeah, Natural Foods of course, are good, but it tends to when you're just eating, there's a lot of fat in there as well. But you just to have those shakes and stuff which is kind of pure protein. It's not that it's not that effective. It's not as effective.
That you think it
would be mmm. So, the first of these is for the biceps
though. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of body, builders use those sort of protein supplements, but you got to realize that the bodybuilders are actually breaking down a lot of muscle all the time, because they're working out right there, breaking down the protein. So they, I, they may require more protein. So, the first phase is the first phase is the eating phase. Then you start to go into the fasting phase. So from about 0 to sort of 24 hours. What happens is that your
Starts to fall. So the food that you eat is gone. And now you need to start pulling out energy. So you need to start pulling energy back out from the body in order to keep it working. So the first place it goes, is the glycogen. So what you see is that body a continues to burn, glucose up to about 24 hours at about 24 hours. The glycogen stores run out and there's a period of gluconeogenesis. So gluconeogenesis is again from
Luco meaning glucose Neo which is new genesis creation of. So it's the creation of new glucose. It gets created from protein. So you will break down some protein and create glucose in order to feed the cells. You're ramping up fat oxidation at the same time, but that takes a little bit of time because as I said, the fat stores are very large or can be very large, but they're difficult to get at so it takes a bit of time. So then that 24 to 36 hours.
Hours, you get this period, where you're actually breaking down some protein. You're still living off the rest of your glycogen and then that's it at. After 36 hours. Then you get the kind of fat oxidation turns to take over. So, protein burning really drops to a minimal sort of turnover. And then the breakdown. And then you start to see the fat oxidation. So fatty acid levels, go up in the lot and you see fat in the blood and basically the body lives off of
Fat from then on and that's totally ketosis right when you get to that point 36 hours. Yeah. So all those that don't, you're not saying you have to to get these effects. You would have to say go 36 hours with zero calories at all. But what you're saying is if you were to this is this is what would happen. So whereas some people might take, you know, a couple weeks of low calorie intake, high fat, intake restriction of carbohydrates to really begin to efficiently. Enter ketosis if you just go through.
Three days without eating. You get there a lot
Exactly. So this is the pure, this is just physiologically. What happens when you stop eating? There are ways to kind of hack the system, so to speak. So, ketogenic diets, for example, will use very, very high fat diets in order to reduce serum insulin because insulins, a one of the sort of Master hormones that controls where your energy is coming or going. So you have to understand that insulin is essentially a hormone that tells your body to store energy. When insulin is
Low, your body wants to burn energy, but you can't do both. And this is something that's very interesting, is that and it makes sense, because if you're burning energy, you don't want to start it and vice versa. So if insulin is high or it slow the effects are completely opposite. When you're it's and there's something called the Randall cycle, and Physiology as well, which is that, when your body is burning glucose. It's not burning fat. And when it's burning fat, it doesn't burn glucose. So they actually, and this is a
A system that is designed because you want to kind of use one fuel or the other and not both at the same time. It's not very efficient. So that's why there's this kind of sequential move from burning glucose at first and then fat. And that's how you kind of hack the system. Because if you have super, super, super low carbohydrate intake, you essentially are just providing fat to the body. Obviously, there's some protein there, but mostly Feist fatso.
Heater genic diets. For example are very high fat diets. And because it's mostly fat your body turns into burning fat, which is why you get Ketone production. So ketones. Actually the body does. Most of the body doesn't use ketones. The most of the body directly uses fatty acids. So the triglyceride so fat body fat is triglycerides. It's a glycerol backbone with Three fatty acid chains as you break. The fatty acid chains off muscles will use fat.
Directly, the glycerol gets turned into glucose because certain tissues, need glucose. The brain was one, but the brain uses way too much glucose. So in order to get the fuel into the brain, your body produces ketones, which can cross the blood-brain barrier and feed the brain, and that reduces the Reliance on glucose. So that's where ketosis is, that's where ketogenic diets are and that's how people kind of kind of game the system to get where they run,
but, but no matter what kind of diet.
Eating whether to standard American diet or whether it's the McDonald's diet or whatever it is. If you stop eating for three days, you'll be in ketosis,
There is a good chance. Now. There's something called the glucose Ketone ratio. So different people actually are quite different. It's interesting that as your glucose Falls, you expect your ketones to go up but that's not what happens in everybody. So some people actually don't bring up the ketones and that's why some people get this sort of Quito flu. Or they don't feel so good when they're not adapted to that because of ketones don't respond. Normally most people will go back to it very quickly. But yeah if you don't eat that,
Very fast way to get into ketosis. If you want further for the large majority of
people got it. Okay, cool. And then finally, so would be the fourth stage. You've got, you've got your feeding stage where you actually have glucose that you talked about getting stored as glycogen in the liver or getting converted to fat. And then you're what you call the Post absorptive phase, which is like 6 to 24 hours after you start fasting, where your liver starts to break down its own glycogen, and the glycogen stores last until like that. 24:36.
Our Mark then once glycogen runs out. Then you begin to manufacture the glucose from amino acids and proteins. Then you go into ketosis and then you have this final stage called a protein conservation
Yeah, and that's where you're essentially just burning fat. So, fat oxidation goes up when you measure where people are getting their energy from its from the fact. And that's great because that's really what we want to do. We want to burn the fat. So this kind of and this is very important because the period from kind of 24 to 36 hours roughly where people are burning Protein. That's where people get the misconception though. You're going to lose muscle, you're going to burn muscle, you're going to burn muscle, and that's it.
Or just to look at that. You might think that makes sense. But what they miss is that when you start refeeding, when you start eating again, growth hormone levels have gone way up. So again remember that growth hormone is one of the counter regulatory hormones. So norepinephrine growth hormone, the sympathetic nervous system all go up as your insulin goes down. So growth hormone is going up. So when you actually start to eat again, you are starting to rebuild all that.
Los protein, but it's actually better. Because what you've done is, when you break down those protein, your body actually identifies, the kind of old junky sort of proteins that it doesn't need the cells that it doesn't need and gets rid of them and then rebuilds new one. So it's actually a complete renovation cycle as opposed to leaving that old protein where it is. Because if you continually eat all the time, you don't have that breakdown. That breakdown is very important in medicine. For example, for new bone.
You don't simply have the bone just sticking around. There's actually a continual cycle of renewal of breakdown and regeneration breakdown and regeneration. And this is what the fasting does. It gives you that period of breakdown and regeneration. So if you look at studies of alternate, daily fasting, for example, they've done studies where they've compared calorie restriction with alternate daily fasting, over a period of 32 weeks. They've measured lean mass at the end of it.
Fact, the calorie restriction people, their lean mass percentage went up by point five percent because they had lost some weight, but the alternate daily fasting room went up by 2.2% So. In other words, the fasting group was four times better at preserving lean mass, which is directly Grand Tree. Absolutely. And it's directly contrary.
And that's because you get high levels of growth hormone that maintain muscle mass and lean tissue when you're in that that fasted State. And and that's that's really
Related to this protein conservation phase, you talk
about. Absolutely. And this is what's very interesting because you have studies of people who are growth hormone deficient. For example, older men, some people when they measured growth hormone and they're deficient them. When they replace them. They see this increase in lean mass increase in bone mass and all these sort of really beneficial things. So I think that that's what people miss, when they just look at that period of gluconeogenesis when it's breaking down.
I miss that that period, where you're rebuilding just like, if you were to do a renovation, you have to tear stuff down. First. You have to take down all the old cabinets before you put up new cabinets. So, if you just look at the teardown, you say, oh, you're that's terrible, but you haven't looked at the full cycle of feast and fast, but, yeah, much more
powerful. It's kind of interesting because usually you, you would, you would think that not eating would actually fly in the face of an ebola ISM that
not eating would potentially suppress something like growth hormone, but what you're saying is over a over a fasting period. I think you even have some research that you go over in the book. You actually see a pretty significant growth hormone increase. Like, like you talk about the, the religious 40-day fast, where Baseline growth hormone levels went from 0.73. It's like nanograms per milliliter up to like almost ten.
And like a twelve hundred and fifty percent increase in growth hormone without any drugs or injections just from from not eating.
Yeah, it's fascinating because you would think that it's the opposite, right? Hey, if you're eating a law, your body's going to say growth hormone, but produce growth hormone, but is actually opposite very interestingly enough because growth hormone is a counter regular hormone. So as you eat, insulin goes up, so growth hormone goes down, nothing shuts, down growth.
Hormone secretion like eating. It's fascinating when they do these long fast five days. And so on the growth hormone levels, just go way way up. When you see the the pattern of growth hormone secretion get this big spike in the beginning of the day that during that period of longer fasting that most people have that 12 to 14 hours, where you don't eat, once you start to fast where you just don't eat anything at all. You start to see little spikes of growth hormone all
All throughout the day. So your body is actually trying to build and repair and so on obviously if you fast forever you'll die but assuming that you eventually eat again and provide the nutrients that are needed your body that actually goes into that and an anabolic mode. So it is fascinating and I wouldn't have I wouldn't have thought of it logically either but this is this is physiology. This is what happens. We know that nothing turns off growth hormone like eating.
Yeah and basically in terms
Use of conservation of lean muscle mass. If you're, if you're fasting, what you're saying is based on what you were talking about with this Randall. Cycle carbohydrate oxidation, oxidation is going to go down towards zero, fat oxidation is going to increase and when fat oxidation increases your the normal rate at which you'd break down protein, even if you were like eating a, you know, like normal meals goes way down like your body actually naturally kicks into protein conservation and growth,
Increase in the absence of food.
Yeah, that's just the normal. That's just the normal way of things. So fasting provides sort of a lot of different hormonal changes, there's changes in obviously insulin and norepinephrine and growth hormone sympathetic nervous activation. This is one of the other things that people don't necessarily understand. Is that if you think about what these hormones do, they actually activate the
ADI so sympathetic nervous system is the so-called fight or flight response. So the body's actually getting activated during this period of not eating nor epinephrine or adrenaline, which is nor adrenaline is pumping up your body. It's not it's not shutting it down. And this is what they say. Oh, you don't eat. You're going to go into starvation mode. Your basal metabolic rate will go down. It's the complete opposite when they say you'll go into starvation mode. They're actually not just wrong. They're like
Percent wrong because it actually activates. So people come back from fast and they go. Well, I cannot believe how much energy I had. Yeah, because your body is pumping you full of energy. And if you think about it from an evolutionary standpoint, for example, that makes total sense. If you are a hunter and a caveman and you don't eat for a couple of days, your body starts to shut down. You will never eat again. You have no energy to go out and hunt. You have no energy to catch those.
Abbott's, whatever, right? So your body simply not that stupid. What it does is, its switches energy sources. So it says, okay, there's no more sugar. I can't burn any sugar. I've run through my glycogen. I need to switch to body fat. Not only am I going to switch to body fat, but I need to pump you up so that you can go out and Hunt some woolly mammoth. Otherwise, I'm gonna die. So that's what it does. So it actually burns fat pumps. You up gives you more energy.
G and it's like, wow, that's exactly what you want to do. Because the the alternative is is not viable. But these are physiologic responses. These are is not just kind of hocus-pocus. You can measure these hormones and you know, what noradrenaline? Does it pumps you up?
So you're saying you're saying that like your basal metabolic rate is not going to decrease at all from from fasting.
In fact, it's the exact.
Opposite when you measure people after prolonged fasting, their basal metabolic rate goes up. So for example, a study I cited which is measured metabolic rate after four days of fasting shows that when you measure the resting energy expenditure at the beginning and the end of the fast. It's about 10% higher at the end of those four days. So your body's not shutting down. It's actually being pumped up.
So, all this stuff about, oh, you should never skip this meal because you're going to go into starvation mode. They're completely wrong because your body is pumping up, not not, not shutting down. In fact, if you do calorie restriction, we know from study after study, all those studies on The Biggest Loser. For example, that if you simply try to reduce a few calories per day, so if you say, oh I'm going to go from 2,000 calories to 1600 calories per day. We know that your
energy expenditure is going to go from 2,000 down to 1600. You will, for sure, go into so-called starvation mode by but it's the calorie restriction that does that. Why? Because your body remember, has two sources of energy has food and has stored food or body fat. So if you keep eating, insulin is high, your body says, I need to store energy, but you only have 1600 calories. Your body wants to burn mm, but it's only getting
Get your insulin is high so you can't store energy and burn energy. So you can't so insulin is high. So your fat stores are locked away. You can't access those because you're still eating all the time. Right? And what it does is simply. I'm getting 1600 calories in. I'm going to reduce my expenditure to 1600. So you've gone down the difference when you go down to zero, when you're it's about moving that insulin way down. Is that all of a sudden you've unlocked all those stores of
fat? Okay.
I so, basically, it sounds to me, like what you're saying is, if you go on a restricted calorie diet, like, if you drop from 3,000 calories, and you go down to 1,500 calories a day for, let's say, you know, four weeks for losing weight. Your insulin levels are still going to be elevated from the eating that you are doing in the combination of high, insulin and reduced calories would actually slow not speed up your metabolism. Like, that would be a case. Where calorie restriction would actually slow the metabolism.
Yeah, that's that's what the study show is that almost all these attempts to Simply restrict your calories. Now insulin will go down because insulin goes down whenever you eat anything. Assuming your diet doesn't change much, but you eat a little less or insulin will go down slightly, but it's not going down to like 0, where
it's not going down as low as it go. If you were fasting,
exactly and low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets, do a pretty good job, also of bringing that insulin level
down there. So, so basically, if you were
Going to restrict calories and you didn't want to get the drop in metabolic rate associated with calorie restriction. You would need to make sure that you were either measuring insulin or else eating foods, like whatever coconut oil and avocados and olive oil. That weren't actually going to spike the insulin levels, but still allowed you to consume a lower number of calories.
Yeah. It's really about the insulin and actually you can lower the insulin levels even with a high carbohydrate diet. It's just that, it's
Not sugar and refined grains. Gotcha. There's lots of ways. Beans. For
example. I like like lower lower glycemic. Index Foods
exactly because the glycemic index is a good for carbohydrates. Not for the other foods, but is a good reflection of what the insulin response is. There's a huge difference between beans for example, and white bread. So they may be the same number of grams of carbohydrate, but the insulin affect, the glucose effect is hugely different.
See that on the glycemic index. So therefore if you look at some traditional societies, for example, they ate a very high carbohydrate diet, but their insulin levels were not bad. The key of course is that they're not eating sugar, they're not eating refined grains and they're not eating all the time. So when you do that, you can tolerate these carbohydrate Foods. So natural carbohydrate containing foods. Unprocessed sort of things don't have nearly the insulin effect as are sort of refined, highly
processed foods.
That we kind of eat
and modern-day North America.
Hey, I want to interrupt Today's Show to tell you about something very, very cool. You can do. So if you're injured or if you're sore, if you got some negging a campaign, there's this three-step method that I use Step 1. I put a little bit of magnesium oil or some other topical anti-inflammatory could be arnica, magnesium, Icy Hot, whatever next. I slap some electrodes on and I cover up the electrodes with kinesio tape or some kind of tape. You could even use duct tape.
In a pinch, if you're a true redneck and that holds the electrodes on and then you cover that with ice, so you can jack up, the electricity that you deliver to said area to increase blood flow to decrease inflammation, and to enhance recovery. Now, the electrical muscle stimulation that I use for this that you actually don't have to combine with the topical. And with the ice. That's just my little biohack is called a mark Pro. This thing is freaking amazing because unlike the other,
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Name it. It's an amazing unit. I actually have it right now in my car because I've been using it while I'm driving on my back. So it's called a mark proem, Arc Pro and you go to Mark Pro.com and you get your discount 5% discount which winds up saving you a lot of cash with promo code been. So use promo code been to get a 5% discount on the mark Pro electrical muscle stimulation. This podcast is also brought to you by a Caesar salad to rule them all.
I'm not kidding. This company actually sent me their Caesar salad. That is unlike any Caesar salad I've ever had. Of course, you get the crispy lettuce, the creamy dressing, The Toasted croutons, the sharp parmesan cheese, but they added a little bit of lemon, some Rosemary, seasoned chicken breast for little bit of extra Citrus and Herb driven powder and the other meals. I get this week from this company are Vietnamese, marinated steak with quick pickled veggies and also Cherry drizzled pork chops with couscous salad. The
That is delivering all of this to me for less than 10 bucks. A meal is called hellofresh. They Source the freshest ingredients. They find the healthiest ingredients and then they deliver them to your doorstep in this cute little recyclable insulated box. And you can try them. You can create new delicious recipes with their step-by-step. Instructions takes less than 30 minutes to make these meals and you get 30 bucks off your
first week of deliveries from hellofresh, which by the way, just offered some new light spring meals as well as breakfast options. Did I mention it's less than 10 bucks a meal. So go to hellofresh.com and enter code Fitness. 30. This would be for the times when you're not fasting by the way. Hello fresh.com and enter code Fitness 30, that'll save you 30 bucks off your first week of deliveries. Enjoy.
No, now, what about though, um, you know, to play Devil's Advocate again here. Like there's this story of The Biggest Loser contestants, and how a whole bunch of them were. They weren't eating that much food. They were exercising a ton. But I believe in the study that showed how they all are many of them like, had this this shocking increase in weight. Like those yo-yo weight gain effect after the show.
Didn't they show that they actually had a drop in their metabolic rate like during the show after the show or something like that?
Absolutely. So their metabolic rate was started, dropping immediately. So, the Biggest Loser diet is really the same standard sort of eat less move, more advice that Physicians and dietitians have given, but it's sort of that eat less move more on steroids. It's eat a lot less and move a lot more. So their calorie restriction go.
Down to about say 1200 calories, something like that. They don't want to be accused of starving their patients, which I think is ironic because I think if they went to zero, they have done a lot better and their exercise goes way up because on the show you see them exercising and throwing up and all this kind of stuff. So it's essentially the same advice that people give eat less move more, but kind of jumbo size and what they show is that their metabolic rate just plummets, so they go.
Go from as they lose weight, which they do in the short-term, their metabolic rate also drops and because their metabolic rate drops, they're feeling more tired on, hold more hungry. And the worst part is that, because they're burning less calories, even as they're eating less calories, their weight loss slows, eventually plateaus. So now, your weight is not dropping, but you're burning 1200 calories. Instead of mm.
Your liver doesn't get enough energy or your heart gets less energy. Or you're not you're not generating body heat feel really crappy and your weight is still down. So as you relax that you start eating say 1400 calories, but you're only burning 1200 so that way it comes right back. So you see on that on that six-year study that some people wound up like 50 pounds heavier than when they started raising thing. But what you're saying
is like that might not have even happened.
And if they would have just for example, either a fasted and done like some low intensity exercise, that wasn't incredibly catabolic in that facet state or be. If they for their caloric restriction would have chosen a form of caloric restriction. That doesn't increase insulin levels like a like a ketogenic diet or like a slow carb diet or something that allowed them to not get the metabolic decrease accompanied with what they were doing, which is
Like a standard low calorie diet that didn't control insulin levels combined with massive amounts of exercise and puke
fests. Yeah. Absolutely. I think it's about controlling insulin not about controlling calories. So you can do it many different ways. There's paleo diets and so on, intermittent fasting just happens to be one of the better studied ways to maintain your basal metabolic rate. So, we know from our
Studies from physiology studies that this is what happens. So why don't we use our knowledge to to tweak it? I mean, I don't say that everybody needs to fast or should fast. It's not easy. It's not fun. But why don't we? Let people use it as an option. It's if you don't eat, you're going to lose weight. That's not that hard to understand what you have to understand too, is that this is completely natural. And as Physicians visit.
I talk to Physicians Physicians always understand this point because I say to them. Well, we tell people that they should never ever miss a meal, if you miss a meal you're going to die, but we tell people to miss meals all the time. When they have surgery, you have to fast. When you do a colonoscopy, you have to fast. When you do fasting, blood work, you have to fast when you do an ultrasound, you have to fast. So there's all these situations where we actually tell people to fast and guess what?
But nothing bad happens. Everybody's normal. They might be hungry. They may be a little cranky, but that's about it. Nothing bad happens. So why can't we simply use that as a therapeutic tool to make people lose weight? Because these people have type 2, diabetes, or obese. They're having heart attacks or having strokes. This is a serious problem to leave them at that level. The standard advice to eat less and move, more doesn't work. We all know it. And the studies
Show that it doesn't work. So why shouldn't we use this tool that we have? Which is honestly the most powerful weight loss tool because you cannot go lower than zero calories. You can go negative calories. Yeah. So therefore this is the most powerful tool and we've decided to not use it. Like, are you kidding me? That's got to be the craziest thing I've ever heard of a
phone. You get hungry man. Actually, I wanted to ask you about that. Did you get hungry? But what I've noticed because I do throw in a
Bauer fast I've been doing about two to four times a month. I'll go from Saturday night until Sunday night. And then, I usually have my big rib eye steak and sweet potato. Fry Chow Down on Sunday night. Anyways, though, for the first few hours of the morning, when I wake up on Sunday. I'm kind of hungry. Once I get to the point where I'd normally breakfast. I like around 10 a.m. I start to get hungry and from like 10 until one on a Sunday, right? Like, I haven't eaten on a Saturday. Like, if I
Opening Saturday dinner around 8 p.m. I get up Sunday. Go about my normal routine. I get to the point where normally breakfast and I start to get hungry and then like around noon one. I get super hungry and then like an hour later, it goes away. What's going on the like, why do you get hungry? And then it gradually goes away. Once you kind of get to a certain point the
fast. Yeah. This is the the very interesting thing because everybody assumes that you can't do it because hunger will just build and build and build and then I'll be intolerable.
But that's not actually what happens. So you can look at the so called hunger hormone, ghrelin. And if you take somebody and you fast them, you can measure their ghrelin levels and see what happens. So, there are in normal people, you get this three sort of spikes at breakfast, lunch and dinner. So clearly there's some element of learning involved because we expect to eat. It's 12 o'clock. We expect to eat so body kind of preamps us and expects it and puts out ghrelin. But what happens when you don't eat when you skip that meal,
Is that the ghrelin does not continue to go up? It just falls back towards base line. So that's really interesting. Because again, when I speak to Physicians, they all know this because we all during a residency, medical student days. We missed meals all the time. We're just way too busy, and you don't have 45 minutes to sit down at the cafeteria. So you skip lunch and that's it. So you're a bit hungry during that hour and then once it's faded. So at 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock, you're a little bit hungry, but you're so busy.
Just keep working by 2 or 3 o'clock. You forgotten that you didn't eat, and then sometimes you go, huh. I wonder if I ate today and you didn't because the ghrelin has gone to completely back to Baseline. So, over the day, these hunger actually comes in waves and when people know that they can plan for that. So I say well, you know, it's going to come prepare for a keep yourself. Busy have some tea have some coffee, drink something and let that wave just ride over you. Let it pass and then by 2 or 3, it's done.
Done. And basically what you've done is, you've let your body eat lunch or dinner, whatever of your own body fat, and that's perfect. That's exactly what we wanted to do. And it when you look at multiple days of fasting, it's even more interesting. Because after about day one day two, the hunger, actually, the growlin which is the hunger hormone Peaks and then starts to go down. So, this is exactly what we see in our clinic. So when we have people doing longer Fast Five,
Days Seven Days. 14 days. Everybody says, wow, how can you do that? And the secret is that, after day to the hunger, slowly Fades on day two, you're like, wow, I will never get through this seven day. Fast on day 5, you're like, oh, I can go on forever. The hunger has completely
disappeared as because that's the ghrelin hormone. Basically just get suppressed goes away. And at that point you don't want
Exactly. Because now your body is just feeding you body fat, constantly, the levels of body fat that the fatty acid levels are high. So your body's like, why do I need to eat? I have tons of fuel here because you've shifted fuel sources. So again, people always get the wrong idea. They think it's a one compartment problem, where all the calories goes in one box and all comes out of one box. It's a to compartment problem. There's the food and there's a stored food. And what you've done is you've shifted your
Your fuel to come out of the body fat. And now there's just so much of it that and it's interesting because my dice day 5 day 6 and not everybody but some people go. Wow, I cannot believe how good I feel. It's like their energy level is way up because the noradrenaline, the sympathetic nervous system. I have no hunger at all. And a lot of people also note, this sort of mental Clarity which has been remarked over and over again, how they think that there's much sharper, more clear. And it's like, wow, I feel amazing. It's like, wow.
Well, you know, not everybody's going to be like that. But if people have this natural physiologic response and they do, well, why don't we let them do it? And then they'll lose weight. Because if you don't eat for seven days, you will lose weight. One of the things that's, that, that I would warn people about though is with about weight loss, is that there? There's a lot of water loss. This is what people will tell you, the amount of weight loss. The amount of fat loss on a fasting is only averages
Half a pound of fat per day. Okay, as a pound of fat, is roughly 3500 calories. So, if you're eating normally 1,800 2,000 calories, it'll take two days to burn, one pound of fat. So on a seven-day fast, which sounds really extreme, you can expect to lose three and a half pounds of fat. That's it. So, if you have a hundred pounds of losing say, wow, I'm expecting the seven-day fast to do a lot. You will, you know, you have a hundred pounds to lose and you've lost three-and-a-half. That's it. You will lose more because the rest of that,
That is water. So you'll probably lose 7 pounds, 10 pounds even but if you lose 10 pounds six and a half of that will come back so that you're only three and a half down at the end of the seven days. That's where people say. Oh you failed because, look, you lost all that weight, but seven pounds came back. Well, you should have expected that that seven pounds was going to come back. So you should never have expected that loss of water as it comes back. It's not a failure is basically to what to expect and having having the experience.
People understand this and expect it then. They don't feel so bad when this weight starts to go back up because you know, that that's what's supposed to happen. Right? So it's a very
interesting thing. Yeah. It's like when I used to do bodybuilding, any kind of like, have to have to do everything from Sanaa to extreme carbohydrate. Restriction, to Salt restriction before he'd step onstage, that you'd make weight. As soon as you made way, you'd step off and go do like a pancake feed. It. Like, I could easily gained about 10 to 12 pounds within a few hours.
Hours when I was doing that. And yeah, cool. Because your muscles would be all swollen, you'd flex and you feel like your biceps are going to pop through your shirt. If you think that kind of stuff is cool. Anyways, though. I did want to ask you about like these longer fast because you even get into, like, extended fasting in the book. Have you ever done one of these? Where you, where you? Because I've thought about it before, just to kind of like push the reboot button on my body and get some cellular automata G. And some of these other health effects that you talked about and that you also talked about in the book.
You know, not eating for like two weeks or three weeks doing one of these water fast. If you've ever done one of those,
I've never done a very extended fast because it simply doesn't fit into my schedule very easily. I have dinner with my family, most of the time. So I do a lot of shorter fast, the 24-hour fast. I have done a few, I'll tell you the reason I did them was that I went on a cruise. I gained a lot of weight because wasn't watching what I was eating and I made a decision that I wasn't going to watch what I eat. I eat all kinds of crap, like ice cream and dessert.
It's and all that and everybody knows. So I gained a ton of weight. My rings weren't fitting us. Okay, this is not good. So then I went on a kind of longer fast about, I think it was about three days and I'll tell you at the end of the it did three days. Then I went kind of alternate, daily fastened by the, the next week, my weight was down to where it normally was, but I had a great time for that week. I ate a lot of food that I don't normally eat and I think that was probably the longest I did, because I was starting to get a little worried with, you know, one of the Rings.
Fitting and my pants weren't fitting properly and so on. It was all the carbohydrates, right? I'm not used to that higher carbohydrate intake. But again, that's, that's as long as I've gone, how long you have to go, is unknown. So there isn't very much research into it. If you talk to some of the people who have done these longer ones, they'll often say five days. Seven days. I'm not sure. I really don't know. You can get a lot of the topology cellular.
You're kind of what you want to do is get into that kind of 24 36 hours where you're breaking down protein, because that's where you're kind of getting that renewal Cycle Pro, the breakdown of the protein and then the regrowth, yeah, you can get a lot of those benefits by 24 36 hours. So I tend to do quite a few of
those. The interesting thing though, with, with the, with the diabetics that you talk about, in the study though is that they were like, completely. I think it was like the two week, Mark with diabetes. You see people able to get completely off insulin like
Obviously not eating for two weeks. Seems kind of sucky for some folks. But I mean if you could reverse it freaking Disease by just not eating for two weeks to me. That's that's pretty profound. And in terms of being able to be completely off of insulin.
Oh absolutely, but they won't maintain that. You still have to maintain them. Get them on the alternate day and monitor them. So, we do a lot of that for people.
So you could, you could fast for, like two weeks. And then after you've done that to maintain the health effects, you could do something like
Of the other scenarios that you talked about in the book like 16 hour fast each day or alternate day fasting, or any of these other fasting scenarios.
Oh, yeah, and absolutely, we see this every day almost every day. I come in and I see somebody who's completely off of their diabetic medications. And so on, one of the reasons, we push some of the longer fast is that these people are very sick. That is we can do this in a controlled manner. That is I can monitor them. As a doctor. We have blood work. We have
Somebody that they can call if they have problems. We tell them to stop there. So it's a controlled situation. But the thing is that these are very very high-risk people. If you don't do anything, they will develop a lot of different diseases, heart attack Strokes, kidney disease, eye disease, amputations all kinds of things. So the rewards are much higher. So we will push the envelope a little bit more for these patients. Now, you can also do very well with shorter intermittent fasting, but it takes longer it's simply not as
As powerful as doing an extended fast. Yeah, but again, I would warn people that it is something that you have to adjust the medications because you can't take the same dose of insulin, for example, and not eat your blood sugar will plummet and your
great job for you hypoglycemic. Yeah,
exactly. So you have to do it in a safe manner which we try to do but yes, you have to understand that type 2 diabetes, which is sort of very near and dear to my heart because all that's the majority of patients.
Is that I treat are type 2 diabetes. And what we see is that when you put people on very low carbohydrate diets, when you use intermittent fasting, you can actually reverse the disease because their blood sugar's will come down. You'll take them off all their medications and that's completely opposite to the message that comes out from the American Diabetes Association, most doctors, which is that oh, hey, type 2, diabetes is chronic and Progressive. You've got it. You got it for life buddy. That's the message that comes out, but it's
Not true because we all know that as you lose weight, that diabetes goes away. So you have to be able to make them lose weight. But instead of that the doctor, such as what I used to do, instead of really working hard to make them lose weight. So that their disease gets better. We would simply pump them full of medications and I was guilty of that as much as anybody else. But I understood eventually that these people were not getting healthier. Mmm. They were getting heart attacks or getting Strokes are getting
These which is where I come in and they weren't getting better. Now. I see their diabetes, kind of melting away. Now again, it's not everybody, not everybody is going to do well with the fasting diet. We're all individual, some people do very well with low carb diet. Some people sort of wild diet or paleo diets. You got to find out what works for you. But what I what my main message is that these are options for people. Don't take away those options of fasting intermittent fasting.
Being extended fasting because some people will do extremely well on those. Other people's will do terribly in the hated and I say, well, if you if it's not working and you hate it, don't do it, do something else. But for those people who do very well. Hey, this is
beautiful. Now, what about that? When you, when you stop this long fast, though, this is something you go into in the book. I hadn't actually heard of before, I guess. I have felt like that affects that effect of. What my wife says, is stomach shrinkage, right? Like after you've gone for a while.
Eating any, your stomach kind of feels weird or it for really fast. So you can get nauseous, you call this. Refeeding syndrome in the book and there's actually a reason for if you go into what refeeding syndrome, actually
is refeeding syndrome is actually something slightly different. So, during extended fast, what you can sometimes happen and this was described more in sort of extreme prisoners of war in World War Two, For example,
When you start to eat insolence 10 goes up, but because you're very malnourished at the beginning, phosphorus levels in the blood actually plummet. So they're all the phosphorus is going back into the cell, due to the high insulin load of the food and it gets so low that you can get heart. Arrhythmias and people have died. For example, so if you look at the risk factors for refeeding syndrome, it's sort of more extended fasting five days and Beyond, but also a baseline level.
All of malnutrition that is people who are truly starving Holocaust. Victims, prisoners of war, that sort of thing, when, when you don't
have that. So it's like a mineral issue. It's a, it's a phosphorus issue or when your insulin levels, go way up. Once you start eating again, and you get a bunch of synthesis of glycogen and fat, and protein, all that new synthesis exhaust, your mineral stores of things like phosphorus and magnesium zactly. So you can also, if you're fasting, you should use
Use electrolytes, but when you stop fasting, you should definitely do something. Like what could you use just like trace minerals or you know, sea salt and things like
that. Oh, yeah, you could. But the key is to that people who are not in that sort of malnourished state are at fairly low risk of that. So again, these are people who would be for example, 6 feet tall and 90 pounds like they're so skinny these prisoners of War. Yeah, when you apply it to people on,
What I apply to their 200, 200 300 pounds. The risk is very, very low but you have to be aware that. That is a potential risk and it's out there. The key is to and from when they've treated them in the past, as I said, I've treated over a thousand patients. I've never seen it, but then I'm not treating 90-pound people. I'm treating 390 pounds people. So the risk is highly different, but you want to break the fast very slowly. So that insulin doesn't go up. You want to try to avoid?
Refined grains and sugar, when your refeeding, you want to go with more things such as proteins and so on stuff with phosphorus, so meat and so on. Yeah. And you want to take it slowly so that it doesn't just shoot up and in terms of the phenomenon where people say their stomach shrank, it's hard to know what that is. Maybe it's the ghrelin, which is gone down. But we've all done this, where we've gone through sort of extended fast and go. Oh, I'm going to eat a lot.
Eat a lot and you don't this big stomach ache and everybody's gone that everybody does fascinates. Like we've all gone that and quickly teaches you not to do it because your body is actually saying no, you don't need this. I've been feeding on my own fat slow down. Don't take so much because I don't want to switch back so quickly to all this stuff, right? So it's very interesting because a lot of people will notice like yeah. I'm so hungry after my
36 hour fast, but then I eat a little bit. I'm completely full. I'm like,
actually, yeah, I mean, like, I don't like it's because I drop in grow and I think you're talking about, but, you know, I mentioned that, I do that, you know, like, the rib eye steak feed on Sunday nights, but I gotta do like a little lemon juice and some Bitters, and sometimes like, I'll have a little vodka in Kombucha or something like that. And by the way, you get just plowed off of like one drink when you're fasted for any of you. Who, yes, that wonder about that and then like some of those
I just Steve. Skip my appetite going. I think I create some digestive juices and then I'm actually hungry to eat and food. Tastes really good. And in the absence of anything else, you know, weed is great for breaking a fast because then you you definitely get that spark at appetite then and everything tastes great. But yeah, you're right. It's kind of weird. Like you don't get that hungry. You'd think that you get hungry, but I mean, for anybody listening in, I mean, just try it. Just get Jason's book and try it freaking like 24-hour fast. You'd be surprised at how
How easy it gets, once you get past that, that craving you experience during the time that you'd normally have your first meal. And then you just like, you're good to go. Hey, Jason, I wanted to mention something in your book. I guess kind of in closing here. If you don't mind. I'm hoping you don't, sue me, if I read part of your book to folks, but it says, in the 1970s a 27 year old Scottish, man, started fasting at a weight of 456 pounds.
Pounds over the next three hundred and eighty two days. He subsisted on the only non calorie fluids a daily multivitamin and various supplements, which I think we're mostly like minerals from what I understand. He set the world record for the longest fast. His body weight decrease from 456 pounds to a hundred and eighty pounds. And then, unlike these Biggest Loser, guys, even five years after his fast. He remained at a hundred and ninety six pounds.
His blood sugar levels went down but remained within the normal range. He had no episodes of hypoglycemia. Boom. So it can be done for a very long
time. Absolutely. And this is the key. When you look at these people who do hunger strikes and all this sort of stuff. Everybody kind of says, wow, how can you do that? And again, remember once you get past day to every day after that gets easier and easier because you're actually just feeding yourself body fat. The, if you look at 382 days,
Half a pound per day, half a pound of body fat per day is somewhere, just less than 200 pounds, a hundred ninety pounds, which is approximately what he lost. So if you're looking to lose a hundred and eighty pounds, and unfortunately, there are people who need to lose that much that's defected to Dove the sort of caloric restriction that we're talking about. You could go down to zero for that amount of time. So it's funny because that's the world record. I was monitored by physicians. They wrote it up. And so
So on and it's like you and from okay, people can survive for three hundred and eighty two days, and we won't even let people go 24 hours without eating before. Somebody starts browbeating them into stuffing a muffin into their mouth. It's hilarious. It's like, are you kidding me? One other thing, I would just say in terms of when you're getting into it. There is a period of adaptation. We're about two weeks three weeks. When you start fasting, where there are lots of issues that come up. It's kind of like,
Exercise, if you have never run in your life and then you ran and then your muscles are all sore. You'd be like, oh running says stupidest thing I've ever done but you have to give it time. You have to get your body used to it. So your body's not used to the fast and it's not used to shifting over to Fat oxidation. So it's kind of rusty and it's not getting there. So you may get this kind of Quito flu, where you're just kind of, you're not, you're quite yourself. You get a bit of rain fog, you get a bit of this, get a bit of that. And what you have to understand is that that
That happens to a lot of people and the key is just to kind of keep doing it. Keep letting your body get used to it. And then after about two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, you'll find that it's like nothing at all. Yeah, that now, for example, I can fast 24 or 30 hours without noticing much at all, half the time when I'm really busy like writing the book. For example, I'm like, oh I do tons and tons of fasting not because I really want to lose weight. But because I just want that extra half an hour to do my work. So then there's
All these different benefits that come into play when you're fasting such as having extra time and so on. And that's, yeah, that's terrific is such a good option for people. It's not a cure-all. It's not a, you know, one of these Miracle things but at the same time you got to realize it's not like the latest and greatest fad.
Oldest dietary intervention in the book. There's no intervention more like more ancient don't eat for a while. That's what that's what dogs do. They get sick. They stopped eating its kind of this natural cleansing period that people talk about. Yeah, so it's not funny.
It's my wife does too it. She'll be like, I have a stomach ache just like won't eat for three days. My jaw drops because I'm like hungry watching her but it works. So it's interesting. And plus, you know, you've got a whole
In the book, about how these influential men in the history of the world, like Jesus Christ. And Buddha, and the prophet Muhammad, a and Greek Orthodox, Christian, and monks, and Hindus, and all these people have these pretty cool religious practices. They all have some element of caloric restriction or fasting and then of course, if Jesus Christ Buddha and Muhammad aren't enough for you, then you also get into some of these historical figures like Benjamin Franklin and of course one of my favorites Mark Twain,
Wayne who says and this this is this might be a good point to end on a little starvation. Can really do more for the average sick man. Then can the best medicines and the best doctors. I love that such a great quote. I'm going to link to the book for those of you who want to grab this book. Just go to Ben Greenfield, fitness.com fasting. That's Ben, Greenfield fitness.com, / fasting and grab Jason's book, the show notes. For today's episode. You can leave your
Your questions. All the goodness is over there. Jason. Thanks for coming on the show and sharing. All this stuff with us, man. You make me really, really want to not eat which is weird, but good.
Yeah. Absolutely. Thanks for having me on your show.
That's yeah. All right, man. Well folks, until next time I'm Ben Greenfield along with. Dr. Jason Fung, the author of the complete guide to fasting signing out from Ben Greenfield fitness.com., Have a healthy week.
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