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Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin, and Joe Rogan!
Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin, and Joe Rogan!

Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin, and Joe Rogan!


Bob Menery, Kyle Forgeard, Donald J. Trump
30 Clips
Mar 9, 2022
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Hey, it's a, I will go for it. We're at Mar-A-Lago. Can't even believe this is happening. We got Donald Trump. President United States, not just us. Thank you. I'm really, really excited to be doing
this. It's just my honor. My honor, you come highly recommended by Dana White and that's good enough for
me. So what a Dana, what did Dana say to you? How did their
said, you are a wonderful group of people, I guess your friends of his and
And Megan from the UFC thing. And he's done an incredible job. And he when he said that I would have been with Daniel for a long time. He's been my friend for a long time. And I said, that's good enough for me. But you do, you've done a great
job. We become such good friends with Dana. We've always been fans of the UFC but kind of met him through his son was a big fan of our content. So it's been a blessing to be able to be friends. With Dana White. He's such a good guy.
He is, he does I tell you, I don't know what would happen with UFC without them. That's one man. They say,
You can always replace somebody. I'm not sure if that man is replaceable.
Definitely not. He's, I know what's the, what's the UFC going to be like one Dane has gone.
Well, he'll be there for a long time. So we're not gonna have to worry about that. Right? Don't you think, I
expected you to be rolling in here with no suit on coming off? The golf course. I was excited. Yeah, you always
rocking the. No, I'm a worker. I work hard. I work long hours. I work hard. I see what's going on with our country right now. It's never been in a position like this. Now. We're going to get it with oil. I hear from Venezuela.
And I ran I think of this and Russia. If you would have told me that just a short while ago, we had oil at $30, a barrel and even less. And now we're up to you see what's happening today. You guys probably haven't because you've been sitting here for half an hour, but if you were watching every every 10 minutes, it's going, it's like it's like a rocket ship going up and that's costing the world its cost. It's also fueling Russia, but it's costing the world.
Energy is never gone. It just broke a record, an all-time record per barrel. And there's never been anything like this, and we had it down to $30 a barrel and really even less in a sense. We had to fight to keep it up because we had so much of it. We were going to be twice as big as Russia, and Saudi Arabia combined, and that would have taken place in a very short while we were already energy, independent, and we were already became number one, and now they cut way back.
And it's all for the environment. And we had the cleanest air in the cleanest water, yet recorded during my last year. So it's, what's happening now is horrible. What's happening in Ukraine? Is it's genocide. It's nobody's ever seen anything like it, and because of modern technology and the cell phones and everything, you get to see all of this, all of these atrocities you seeing them on tape, on television. Nobody's ever seen.
Anything like
this. So would you blame the gas prices? Is that because of this conflict in Ukraine, or is it like a combo of
things? No, I don't. I think it's because of that a little bit but we right now would have been if we left our policies in place we would have been able to supply the world with energy and you probably wouldn't have a war for a lot of reasons. Number one. Putin would not have done it. You would not have done it. This would never have taken place. If you had a person that did very well in the election. I'm being very nice. When I
That to I'm being very kind, we did phenomenally in the election, 12 million more votes than we got the previous time. If the election, if we were running, if you had the Trump Administration in there, there would be no war number one. And number two, Energy prices would have been down war or no war. They would have been very low because we were dominant, we were becoming, I call it energy dominance. We were dominant and energy and getting more. So by the day,
well, why wouldn't, why wouldn't have been at War because you weren't
Office. No, because I had to stood Putin. I talk to Putin. I spoke to him about Ukraine and I said, don't do it and I won't go into the exact conversation. But under certain certain people asks, I'll tell him exactly what the conversation was, but we look weak. We look stupid. We look like we don't know what we're doing. And nobody's ever seen the country like this. And let me tell you, it really began not only with a horrible week border, but it really
And when they show incompetently withdrew from Afghanistan, I got it down to 2,000 soldiers. We were going to withdraw but we weren't leaving 85 billion dollars worth of equipment. We weren't leaving dead soldiers and I spoke to the Taliban, the leader Abdul and I said don't ever kill any of our soldiers. Don't ever kill one more Soldier. We're going to hit you harder than you've ever been hit before and we went 18 months without a soldier being killed, without an American being think of it.
Is that an American being killed in Afghanistan? Not Democrat, Run Chicago or New York, but in Afghanistan and 18 months, and then they did this withdrawal, which after 21 years, was the right thing to do. But we were doing it. That's why we were down to 2,000 soldiers, but it was so incompetently handled between the death and the 85 billion dollars. They have better equipment than almost any country in the world. And now Afghanistan is one of the largest seller of
Arms anywhere in the world because they're selling it, as you say Afghanistan
seems like it's overlooked at times right now, like people forget about what's actually, what is actually clear, the current state of Afghanistan right now.
Well, I hear it's a mess. I hear. We're sending a lot of money to Afghanistan. If you can believe this, they're asking for money and we're sending it. They have 700,000 machine guns, guns, rifles of all types. They're selling a lot of them that are need that many. They don't have, there's no way they can use what we left.
They have helicopters. They have planes as selling equipment to other countries. They giving equipment to China and to Russia because they're going to re-engineer D engineer. They're going to come out with a helicopter. Just like our great helical. We have the greatest helicopters in the world. They now have them and they're going to duplicate them Afghanistan was. I think the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, the way we got out. We looked like we
We're surrendering, which in a sense. I guess they were to take the soldiers out before you. Take the American people out. American citizens are over there right now, trying to get out, they can't. But to take the soldiers out first instead of last first, you take the people, then you may take some people from Afghanistan, not hundreds of thousands. We have no idea who we took out. We have no idea who we took out, but to we take the people and we take all the equipment and I said, I don't want to leave a screw.
Through a nut or bolt. I want everything. What about the hangar, sir? Take them out, the big leather, and plastic hangers with steel. I said, you take them out, you take everything out. What does that mean? Take him out, though. Take him out. Take him out of the country. What you do is you take them, you take your equipment that we left, thousands and thousands of pairs of night goggles. Never even unpacked, brand-new better than what we have the latest model. All of the I understand seven.
70,000 think of this because who has anything seventy thousand trucks and vehicles 70,000. There's no company in this country that has that many. And a lot of them are armor-plated unbelievably expensive. Like, you know, ten times the cost of a vehicle itself 70,000. Vehicles. We left their trucks and other vehicles and I tell you. So Putin was watching, we were all watching. You guys were watching.
And and the level of incompetence and it looked like we ran the airport the riot the bombs going off, killing our soldiers, 13 killed but many badly wounded, you know, they don't talk about the ones with no egg legs and with no arms and as bad as that and worse in a sense, I mean some of our soldiers were so badly wounded hurt. And nobody talks about that. We talk about the 13 dead. We talked about the
Believable, incompetence that that period that short period of time had but I believe that that was the beginning because Putin would have never done it with me. He would have never going to take over right.
Ukraine you ever talk to Putin? Still?
No, I haven't spoken to him since but he was never ever going to certainly under the Trump Administration and I say zero chance, I don't say like I don't think zero chance he would have done it and I spoke to him about it zero.
A chance, he would have done it. Right? But you have to show the weakness. He saw Afghanistan that the way, the incompetence of the withdrawal. The way they did. It was so bad who advise them to take soldiers out first and leave people behind and two soldiers were no danger. We had again, not one soldier was killed in 18 months, American Soldier. And when they saw the incompetence that gross incompetence of that, I believe that Putin.
Was became a different man. When he saw that he viewed the United States differently. He no longer respected the United States. I believe that President XI of China became a different man. They saw that too and they see the borders that are open. They see all of the horrible things that are happening at the border where millions and millions of people are flowing and we have no idea who they are. I mean, I don't know exactly what your audience is, but you probably have a somewhat liberal audience a young audience and that's good. I think it's
pretty whether you're a Republican.
Nas. Well, it could be a lot of support, but
whatever it is, whether you're Republican, Democrat, liberal conservative, why this never would have
happened. Why this never would have in the Russia. Ukraine thing is because of your relationship because you were Stern with Putin. Is
that why? Well not because of my relationship but really because of the fact I told him he can't do
it. So can you pick up? So can you pick up the phone call right now? Make a call to Putin and say as you're not a president anymore, but as an American citizen, can you pick up the phone and somewhat resolves? All things, first of
all, you
Really have to be in a position where you're president. You are president and you do that and this would have never happened. 100% would have never happened and we spoke about it because I knew that he had a love for it, you know, it. Hey, look, they took over Crimea under Obama and Biden, but they took over Crimea like like Grant took Richmond. Okay, they took it over. It was very quick and they took it over a major, very powerful.
All section, probably, in many ways, the most powerful section. They have their submarine bases and they took it over and that was it. Nobody did anything about it under Bush. They took over Georgia, and I don't mean Georgia that we all know and love. I mean the other Georgia and they took that over and they took it over very easily without any repercussions, very very easily and now they're taking over the whole ball of wax under bye.
And it's really, really a disgraceful situation. It would have never happened and we did talk about it. I mean, he definitely wanted Ukraine. Loved Ukraine would never have happened.
What do you see happening next? Then because it seems like the tensions are high. What, how does this all end? Is this going to be like a long-term thing? How do you see
unfold? Well, and I said this, a long time ago of this happens. We are playing right into the hands, green energy the windmills. They don't
Work that too expensive. They kill all the birds. They ruin your Landscapes and yet the environmentalists love the windmills. And I've been preaching this for years, the windmills and I had him way down, but the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have and they don't work. And by the way, they last a period of 10 years and by the time they start rusting and rotting all over the place. Nobody ever takes them down. They just go on to the next piece of prairie, or land and destroy that. It's incredible that they want, but other forms of
Green energy. They don't have the power to power. Our factories. They're extremely expensive. And I preached loud and clear to Angela Merkel. You are making a tremendous deal by making this deal with Russia with Nord stream to and until I came along, nobody knew what Nord stream to was and you guys know that I was telling her loud and clear and publicly. And in fact, I sent her something as a little gift. It was a white flag. It was a flag of surrender. She said, but what is
This. I said that's the flag of surrender. So that were in Russia gets hostile which they have. I mean, if you look at a history of a couple hundred years with Germany and Russia has not been exactly pretty, whether it's World War, 1 World War Two, take a look at what what's going on. I sent her the white flag of surrender because she said it was 45%. I said, it's 75 or 80 percent of their energy and I told her that and they wrote articles about it, two years.
Go. You should look at those articles. I was exactly, right. I said, Russia has you in a position that you've never been in before. If you do this deal. It's insane to do this deal. What are you doing? In the meantime? They close down all of their plants. They closed down their nuclear, which even the environmental is like nuclear whether you like it or not. I understand both versions very strongly, but environmentally, it's probably the best thing they close down their nuclear plants.
And they're Reliant and I will say almost entirely. If this thing ever played out. Germany is reliant on Nord stream to the pipeline and I sent her the white flag of surrender. That's what, and it's turned out to be true. Nobody brings this up because the Press never likes to talk about it, but nobody brings us up. But I said that's going to be, it's going to go down as one of the dumbest deals ever made along with lots of dumb deals. That the United States is make it. So now, I hear and you guys were here, waiting, but when you were waiting
I was listening that we're going to make a deal with Venezuela to get some of their oil capacity and we're going to make a deal with Iran. That wants to build a nuclear weapon. I ended the Iran deal. They would never would have had it. We would have had a deal one week after the election. We would have had a deal with Iran, a really great deal because I told China you can buy if you buy oil from Iran. There's no more business at all.
To be done with the United States and they didn't, they brought very little and Iran wanted to make a deal. Now. China is buying massive amounts of oil and Iran's becoming very rich and just to finish off the worst thing that's happening is that this Administration and Obama but this Administration Biden and Obama and I was breaking it up.
They have forced Russia and China together. They are now wonderful partners. And Ed. One of the, add one third country to it. I Ran. So they now have Russia, Iran and China. They have forced him together with their stupid foreign policy and there's never been anything like it. These people are incompetent and the media is allowing it to happen. The medium at the media is trying to say
Say, oh, isn't this wonderful. This is so great. They don't say we have a world. Now, that's more dangerous than ever before. The incompetence of Obama and the incompetence of Biden has forced Russia. Think of it, Russia and China from the time. Your young people. You read. That's the one. You don't want to ever force and they were natural enemies because of their border. You never want to force them together. They've been forced together.
And now you add a ran because they're in the group 2 and that's very lethal. That's very least.
It's honest. Does it suck that like because does it suck that? You can't say these things because of big Tech like censoring you and stuff like that. How much does that
bother you to great question? They depression our country. The media is very corrupt. Unbelievably corrupt. If we talk about the election fraud, they will not cover it three days ago.
Go Wisconsin came out and they made decertify their election because they found so much fraud, and irregularities, really big stuff. The media does not want to cover it. The media doesn't want to cover anything having to do with the election fraud, which is massive. They all say the big lie, the big lie, but the big lie, they should probably be sued for libel for saying it because you can go into all of the Swing States and Beyond, but all of the Swing States and you will see and we have it. It's proving we could. It's truckloads.
The election fraud was massive. It's a massive fraud. I call it the crime of the century. We're doing a book on it, but it's the crime of the century. The media will cover. The media doesn't want to
cover anything bad. You're bad. You're being on Twitter. Yeah, how does that feel like ban on twister? It's from, has been on Twitter. I went
from hundreds of millions
of people dorsey's it for Jack was a CEO as a Jack. Dorsey was the CEO of Twitter. Yeah. He was, is he still with Twitter?
I don't know. He owns a big chunk of it. I guess. I don't know. I don't know what to say.
So, is your instrument by the way, Twitter's become very boring. Yeah, but what was that? What was that call? Like, when you got that call, when you were finally, hold on, when you get that call, when you were banned from Twitter, who gave you that call and said you're no longer alone. Well, I
don't want to get into it because it's going to end up in litigation. But we they banned the president of the United States. Yeah for saying things like I'm saying right now, good things our country would be a lot stronger. They have taken our country to a level of Lonas like it's never seen before. We are disrespected. Will left at all over the world, right? And
You think so. Anyway, I had hundreds of millions of people on between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. And I went cold turkey. I went from hundreds of millions of people, you have a lot, but I had more, though. I know that that I
That was some rally. So we are on your all
game. You do throw some good campaign rally. I tell you, your people are pretty loyal, like, we it's pretty amazing. How Trump rallies are lit. Trump rallies are pretty insane. So, we had a rally in
Texas, the other day 87,000 people and plenty of people couldn't get in. They just couldn't get into many people. They called it Stampede. I spoke to the sheriff who's great. Can you let those people get in thousands and thousands couldn't get in. He said, sir, were worried about a stampede you think of cattle, right with the staff 87,000 people.
87,000 people in Donald's, we had in Alabama. We had sixty three thousand people wherever we go. We have, you know, literally 50, 60, 70 thousand people. Now, we have more people now than we did before the election. It's been amazing. There's anger, there's distrust. They know the election was rigged. It was a totally rigged election, like a third world country and they're angry about it. They're angry about a lot of things. They're going to be really angry when they start paying three times more for their
Wrestling with the question is Don. Are you coming? I mean, I don't need to ask it to ya, hint. You've hinted at it, you coming back and going to run for president as
States? Well, you know, the campaign Finance laws, don't really allow you to discuss that unless you're going to literally go through a different process. So I think a lot of people are going to be really happy. You guys might be really happy
but we're going to be. I think a lot of people are going
to be very happy, but I'll go. So and I laughter as well. I'll wait till I have so many people wanting me to do it.
I think really that a lot of people are going to be very happy. They are very unhappy right now. Look,
they say with the Democrat Party will triple
quadruple, its got its going to levels a friend of mine said the other day, who's got money. He said, I just paid three times more for gasoline that I've been paying for the last three years and he said what are people going to do? He couldn't believe it, he goes to the pump and he gets a billionaire. He gets the bill for exhales for years and it's fine. And all of a sudden,
Sudden, it's three times higher than he's ever see people succeed. Well, they just announced it is now over seven dollars and it's over five dollars in many places and it was a dollar eighty seven. I had it down to a dollar eighty seven and even less than that, during a certain period of time and the cost for a barrel was down to 30 and even less than that. Actually, we had so much energy that for a period of time if you took
The oil take a barrel of oil, they'll give you 36 dollars along with that. In other words. Now. This was no good for Wall Street because they don't do that. They just do paper. They would have had to take. We had so much that if you take the oil. So you get a barrel of oil. Here's 37. You remember that little period of
time. Yes, simplify everything for our audience today. Simplify everything right right now understands them. Well, that's pretty. So I wasn't calling our audience down, I'm saying, I just want to like, you know, keep continued on. Sorry, my
Paul. So so we have
The energy down the best we had so much but the energy was down so well and we filled up the Strategic National Reserve 75 million barrels hadn't been filled for close to 50 years. They say, and I filled it up because the energy was so cheap. The oil was so cheap. I feel that we have strategic reserves that we need, in case of emergencies. And it's, these are these massive salt caves under Louisiana and various other places, and I said, tell me about that, and they told me about it.
We can make a good deal today on energy to tell me about it. I said good, and we filled it up with very inexpensive and three days ago, Biden announced that he's going to take that oil and put it out into the market, so that people will be able to get a little bit less than five dollars or whatever it may be, but as great, an achievement is that was its peanuts compared to the overall, and it's like, one day's worth of energy, but I fill up the Strategic National reserves the
Press doesn't talk about it virtually at all. That was an achievement in itself. And I filled it up for a you would have been proud for the right price. Okay, when it was low, we got it filled and it was a good thing and good for the company is good for everything and now they take it out because Biden wants to look better politically by having a little bit lower price, but it's not going to be a little bit lower this the the energy the cost for gasoline your heating costs, you know, the highest anywhere in the
Country is in Massachusetts and in you know, certain places on the East Coast, you know, supplies it for the most part, Russia, Russia, supplying oil on the east coast of our country and they have that. By the way, they have the highest energy costs in the country.
Interesting Donnie. I wonder if it is, they know a little crazy. Well, this is like, you know, I'm sitting down somebody the president on stage which is amazing. And what I try and do is obviously I asked back to Russia. Ukraine for 2 seconds in my mind.
And right. I'm always like hey could this thing ever lead to a nuclear fallout? Could this ever be a nuclear war? What is your take on on that? Is it just a scared US citizen right now? Yeah,
it's watching. You should roll scared because we have incompetent people heading up our country who frankly got there through a fraudulent election, but
regardless shouldn't be. But in regardless of incompetent people immediate threat, how serious is the threat of nuclear
warfare get serious. I think it's serious. I saw Biden.
The other day saying we don't want to fight Russia. There are nuclear power. We don't want to fight Russia if there were nuclear power, their nuclear power. And I'm saying to myself it's such a signal of weakness. Now, is it correct? Yes, they are a nuclear power. But so, you know, I rebuilt our nuclear Arsenal, it's bigger and better and stronger than ever before. We had to renew things that were 40 and 45 years old. I didn't want to do it, but we had to do it because we had no choice.
I wished I didn't have to spend that money. But we had to do it because we had no choice. But not only did I rebuild our whole military two and a half trillion dollars during a very short period of time. We rebuilt our military new Jets. We had fighter jets that your father's would have flown. If they were in the Air Force, they were and and in some cases your grandfather's, right. We had old bombers old fighter. We have a, we have a brand new military. We have, we spent two and a half trillion dollars on our military. We have a beautiful
One of the reasons that the Afghanistan, the incompetence of Afghanistan, the way they got out, it's because we have a great military, you know, I took down ISIS, 100% of Isis, and we use, generals great gems. We have great generals other than the guys that you see on television who are incompetent, but we have great generals. We have generals that I dealt with that. We took out 100 percent of Isis and a very short period of time and everybody actually admits that they don't want to talk about it, but we have a great military, but we look incompetent.
And it's a, it's a sad day for our military, and it's a sad day for our country. And yes, you do have a chance of World War 3 because our country is not respected any longer. And sometimes through this incredible. How
do we gain that respect, though? How do we gain that? Respect with everything in place right. Now, my old office, we can change that, right? Yeah. How do we gain that respect? Right now.
It starts with the president. You have to have a president that commands the respect. Look the European nations difference in mind. And they smile.
I talk to him privately. They've been ripping us off for years on trade. How many cars does Germany selling from America? How many Chevrolet's are in the middle of Berlin? Would you say to? Because you'd be wrong because there are none. All right, how many, how many cars and yet we sell their Mercedes. We sell their BMWs. We sell their Volkswagens. We so. But if you try and sell cars in Germany, if you try and sell cars in Europe, it's almost impossible to do. They were all ripped.
- if not only China, China was ripping us off the most, we had with China a deficit of five hundred and seven billion dollars a year. Okay, think of that it's not even sustainable, but things were really changing fast, but Europe was very bad. And, you know, now we're talking to Europe, but Europe was very bad. So now we're doing something that I heard this morning. Everyone said, oh, isn't that wonderful. Germany has now agreed to rebuild the military and they've decided that they're
Go all out and they're going to now rebuild their military. Be careful what you wish for. Why is that? We'll take a look over the last two world wars, take a look over. The last two world wars with Germany. You know, there is a theory out there that Germany should not be rebuilding their military so much and Japan is now going to rebuild their military. Just be careful what you wish for because
a lot of bad things have happened with those two countries and their military and it's one of those things and you know, if if you look at when I came in North Korea was a big problem. Obama said we're going to go to war with North Korea then Kim Jang. Hoon was a big problem and he wouldn't take Obama's phone calls, wouldn't take any meetings with them, wouldn't do anything and then I started with him and it was very hostile for about a month. If you remember, then all of a sudden
We met, we got along. We had no problem with North Korea. Now, they're acting up again and they're acting up again, when they see the stupidity of our country, but be careful when Germany announces that they're going to start pouring the big money into the military. And so, now, you have Japan and Germany rebuilding again,
what's that first call like mr. Mr. Trump with, when you try to get ahold of Kim, Jang Hoon.
Like how does that happen? He actually called me. And we did
get a kick like, that's crazy.
Easy, I'm sorry. I didn't let me hear the first. Your Livery on Resident to meet with North Korean leader, right? Yeah, so what's that first so he called
you and we got along very well. I understood him. What's like the first call is say like, hey, what's up? My name is, it wasn't a call, we got through people, a meeting was set up in Singapore. And then in Vietnam, we had two meetings, but we didn't have the problem that the Democrats would have had, they would have had a nuclear war with North Korea. I have no doubt about it. Kim Jang, Hoon. Wanted nothing to do with them. It.
This was this is years. Now. We would have had a nuclear war with North Korea. Whose coughing back there. Are you? Okay? He said your crew.
That's not, that's not it will say Trump scoffing. They must have something wrong with him. We want to help everyone around. Him are his kind of laid-back. We run a pretty laid-back thing. We're all good. We're all good, but by
anyone but let me just say we would have had war with North Korea. North Korea is a major nuclear power, but I hate hearing Biden say
Say no, we don't want anything to do with Russia. There are nuclear power. But so are we and where bigger nuclear power? And we have brand-new because of me, nuclear weapons that we didn't have, and we have renovated weapons that were very old and now they renovated and we never want to use them. And by the way, you know, how you're not going to use them by having them. If you didn't have them, we would have big problems, but we have them but Biden, shouldn't be talking the way he's talking because he's playing, right?
Into he's playing right into Putin's hands, Putin. I've never heard this from a leader outside of Kim Jong. Hoon, I guess to a large extent, but Putin that talks about his nuclear capability all the time. He said this is a you do or the no-fly zone. You do this at where a nuclear country and Biden saying there are nuclear country. It's so weak. It's sending such a
bad. You have a no-fly, have to say
this, the the bombing of these cities in
Discriminately the bombing of these cities and the killing of all these people is a tragedy. This is, this is a tragedy. Like I don't think we've witnessed since World War
Two. Now, it's crazy. What's going on? No, they're bombing, you know,
in Florida where in Florida you had a building collapse in Florida on the beach as, you know, through bad, Structural Engineering or rust or something. A lot of people killed in that building.
He's bombing much bigger buildings and they're collapsing. And then they say, you see this massive building coming down all over the place. People are in that building, but you see the building come down and then they say, two people were hurt. No, no, no. When a building like that comes down. Many people die. It's not two people are hurt, but they're coming down all over and they're being blown to pieces. And so, we had a case in Florida as, you know, on the shore where
Building collapsed for totally different reasons, but it collapsed well buildings are collapsing. Now, in Ukraine, and there are tens of thousands of people being killed and nobody's reporting it. The Press is trying to gloss it over and I think if Putin is successful in taking over Ukraine, depending on what your definition of success is because you know, potentially millions of people are going to die and it could lead to Third World War, by the way, could lead to a third world.
Or I think that is, I think what is going on? Now is a direct reflection on the Obama administration because it should have never happened.
Donald saw switching topics. Here. You seen what happened to Joe Rogan, right? So hard s being called a racist and everything like that. I wonder what's your reaction to when someone calls you a racist, like what you're like initial
reaction. Well, it used to be a terrible reaction. But now it's everybody's called erasers today. Yeah, anybody, that's the
Enemy of the other side people that are the exact opposite of racist of called racists, and it's a very hurtful word, but it's lost a lot of its meaning, because everybody is being called a racist today by the radical left. When actually they're the racists. They're really the racist and the true sense of the word. So, you know, they called you a rogue and they call they call. Anybody they disagree with the racist. So it tends to lose its meaning and the people get it, you know, with the
Um, black community, my vote was so much higher than in the past with other Republicans, but with the Hispanic Community their writing, they don't want to write about it. But the Hispanic to vote was so incredible, you know, the along the Texas border the other night in Texas. I endorse 33 candidates and every single one of them won the election. There were a couple of runoffs, but they're all leading substantially have, I think three runoffs, but they're all leading substantial their win in the next two months.
But we were 33, you know, I didn't see any stories about it. I see no stories about it. Why do you think that is? Because the Press is corrupt. They're dishonest. They don't want to say anything
because it all about, is it all about money though? Because I feel like they don't, I don't feel like it's not actually about their morals. I feel like it's just about money.
I don't think it's funny. I think it's a combination, sits money and power like something, it's something, they're
sick. I mean something we deal with to is like, we have our page and we're kind of controversial with the stuff we do.
So we Face a lot of censorship to like something. We all deal with our our Instagram page got taken down and they actually sent us a notice because it was too political, our full send Instagram page and we were just posting all about the Afghanistan stuff. Not even taking a side.
Well, you know, look at a certain point they'll do it. If they feel, they have to Joe Rogan is not a racist to know. Okay, and he's a very interesting guy that people like listening to, but, you know, they've been hitting him very hard. I did tell.
Tell him one thing. Stop apologizing snap apologist.
What was his reaction to that? When you when you talk? I don't know
because I got the word, I put the word out.
Did he ever reach out to you about
going on?
I don't know. I'd have to ask my people. You know, you always got to have a lot of people don't
know because I saw I thought I saw back in. I think during the debate times. You said that he should moderate at the bureau. Yeah, you might see my well, he's much more talented than Chris Wallace. That'd be good. No, he's a much more talented person then
just about all of these moderator. So Rogan
should moderate. And I know I said let Johnny 24, what if they LED Don Lemon and
Well, you know, I called him, the dumbest, man on television. So
he's never gotten never gonna
love me. It's very interesting. Here's a test. Are you ready? This is a test for everybody will be a small group of people. This interview will have millions and millions of people assuming, it's not touched. Let's see. If they allow your hate to say this to you because you guys are going to check it out. I guarantee
don't chicken out, dog. If you
put up this whole thing, watch we
don't chicken out, Don. We don't, you think?
We don't chicken out. We don't you ready. I'm ready. Let's
hear if you put up this whole interview. Let's see what happens when Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and all of
them. Yeah, take it down.
And let's see what happens when they threaten you and all that. Because we don't have a free press in our country. We have a press, Not So Different. This is the beginning of Communism. We have oppressed, not so different from than countries. We don't want to talk about. Do you remember during the campaign? I said a lot.
Lat, and really a lot that if we don't, if we're not careful, we're going to be a large scale version of Venezuela. You know what? That's what's happening. Of course. Now, we're going to buy a lot of oil will make the few people remaining in Venezuela, including the dictator leader, a very rich man. The fact that we're going to buy oil from Venezuela is is so that we even think about it is so incredible, but here's the deal. Let's see what happens to you. When you say you're interviewing Trump, I get the highest.
On television by far by far. I'm very proud of it. I did The Apprentice everyone thought it would be off the air and two sessions and it turned out to be successfully finished when I left after it was a great show. I did 14 Seasons. When I left for when I left 14, we did how we did them over. 11 years old. It was so successful that they did to us. She's
as he had it going with the Apprentice big.
No. No, it was, it was big-time stuff and then when I left, because I left to run for president. That's the only reason I left.
Left. They picked Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he bombed and they put Martha Stewart on and she bombed. And the only reason I tell you that they
bomb Arnold and mouth, Martha Stewart. Would you
know what, the negger Arnold Schwarzenegger, took my place on The Apprentice and he bombed very badly and Hillary Clinton recommended Martha Stewart.
And Martha Stewart, took listen to this one.
Look at it.
And Martha Stewart was on. Did you know that Martha? Stewart? Did The Apprentice? You know why, you don't know because it lasted for about two weeks and I did it for 14 Seasons. But but here, yes, here is the story. Let's see what happens when you guys get hit violently by the Crooked media by the radical left crazy, press, That's destroying our country. You know, the pressure should be the police.
Iseman of a country like for corruption and all the didn't report corruption. They don't talk about the laptop. It's off bounds. You can't talk about it. I
don't they know. We're not scared of getting hit though. I mean, I think that's terrible. You may be scared missing. No. No, you are what you wish for. Let me tell you where you'll be
scared. When they say we're going to take you off the air. If you put this up.
Okay, let's see whether or not everybody in this room. All you camera Geniuses and young Geniuses. A lot of people. Let's see how Brave when they say you guys are doing very well and Dana thinks the world of you. We all think the world of you and I'm not even necessarily going to blame you met by will a little bit. If this goes up or not, you'll put it up. Let's see what happens when they take it
down. We're calculated on. I think, I think we, I think, I think it's a tad. I don't think YouTube would take it down. There's no way down.
Down. This is we can't control. I guess when you get direct work calculate we know what's going on when you get threatened with your careers, and they weren't worse.
But when you get threatened, I do restaurants. Remember this, we have more people out there than they do. We do. We have more people out there than they do, and the people are really angry. It's what, what's happening in our country. Let's see what happens. I'm going to be watching you guys. You're young. You're smart. You're attractive. You're handsome.
Well, thank you. Let's do it.
Which girls do when they say, we're not going to let you
put that interview. He talked about the
election. I was always going up done.
They don't want to talk about election fraud. They don't want to say anything good about anything. Good about the kind of things that that in many cases. I think that you may agree with. But if you criticize Biden,
Which we're doing because again this war this Ukrainian disaster should never ever have
happened and I, that's and it wouldn't have happened. Yeah, we're definitely not scared of that because we're used to and I think that's why we're here. Like you said, Dana respects us, people respect us because we never really gave a shit about anybody but he stands. Now we stand for. This is now. I'm sorry. Well, I think I'm big time. I think even when we met you, even when we met you before, when Dana brought us on Air Force One with you even just us posting that we got a lot of flack but
I mean, we don't really care and did level of to, by the way grosser. You not you got more love than you did. Like I'll say this like the little flag. We got little fly, for Donna, got a little fly. From the my God. We get more. He's got more doing something with Biden. We would do in our fan base. If we did something with Biden, our family would lose so many
differences. They wouldn't try and destroy. You, you, let's see how you react. I mean, I'm just saying, I'm
done this a big times. I made it. I just dropped
time. I want to see big time and
Don't apologize though. Don't apologize. When they come at you. Please don't
apologize to be fair. I think we it's not like we're I mean we support you and stuff, but with our platform we would have someone from the other side to first, but but they would again but they won't do it as is.
We like to sit down with people, they're involved in really big, things are happening in the world today, but the other side wouldn't sit down. The other side is not show disrespect like you guys have which is
amazing. They different they may sit down but what they will do is they will censor. You exactly will do things to you that you would not have believed because we don't have a free press know in theory. You should be able to talk about anything and you argue back and forth and the public will
my career. My career is kind of already going this way. Know
it, your career might go way up.
Like it. So you may be without a platform or you may be without whatever is they will be vicious, you watch. And I just want to see how you're young smart guys. I want to see how you handle it, but we won't let you down but you will be a total dive. Maybe it won't.
Well the good news is can I if I, if worst case scenario, I used to caddy the golf club. Can I caddy
Fab? So I'd love to have. You can be my cat
anytime sure. I call anytime. Yeah, but Donald when you talk about like power and stuff like that, what's more like powerful to you being the president or being a multi-billionaire like owning real estate?
And like what's your opinion on that in the history of our country?
Nothing like me as ever happened. I don't say that positive negative. It, you know, you've never had a bill. I agree with you. It was I think, 93% politicians became president and 7% generals. So you had soldiers and you had politicians. There's never been an outsider likewise. Nobody's ever been treated as badly as I have by the fake news media by, you know, everything and we do our own fighting back and all. But I mean, if you look at their approval rating, their approval rating used to be like, through the roof because nobody knew how corrupt.
Where. And now it's I think it's lower than Congress. The media is which is pretty hard. I think it's lower than Congress, but I will say this in just an ending. I will say this. I'm going to be watching you guys. I'm going to see how you handle. It.
Allons-y. Hope I don't have to say,
I told you so, but what I did say to people like Merkel is don't do it and it turned out to be true. They did have one story about that today. Very interesting. I told her, you're making a terrible.
Abel. I used to fight with her over it. The pipeline because I said they own your country once you're doing but we're now forcing Germany and Japan to become major powers militarily. And there are a lot of people including me that say that might not be a very good idea. Be careful what you wish for. And with that has been a great
honor. One more thing. I heard you're becoming quite the DJ here. And Marla. I love heard, you're spinning. DJ, would you believe
it? I love
Music, I have an aptitude for what type of music during, you know, over our lives. We take tests and aptitude tests and all this. I've always had a high aptitude for music, but I love great
music. So, do you actually spin or know? I don't know. What do you even
pick? I pick the ones. I like, I don't want to spin. I want to pick the ones that what's
your, what's your like go to
Banger on? Well, I have a lot of them. I have a lot of them, you know, song that does get people moving there, you know, I'll play beautiful. I love Broadway.
Big stuff and you know Phantom of the Opera and Les Miz, etcetera. You know, what gets them rocking YMCA
YMCAs attract its underrated track.
Do you know is it an underrated? I think so too will it gets a lot of views? I could say but YMCA the gay national anthem. Did you ever hear that they call it the gay national anthem, but YMCA gets people up and it gets them moving but we have a lot of good selections and people love it when I do
it. What's the best song too?
Transition to like YMCA to what?
Maybe maybe Mo Bamba, maybe hold on. I'm coming. Okay,
so 2 a.m. You go to YMCA to hold on. We're coming and that just gets the
crowd. Well, you know, we just have a good time. Actually. We have great people. There's been a tremendous Place Mar-A-Lago. It's a private club. It's been an amazing place.
Which what's your handicap right now and golf some a big-time
golfer. Yeah. I'm uh, I've been very successful golfer over the years, you know, I don't play as much as
You really should play if you want to become top top, but I've been a very successful. I've won many, many Club championships, which is hard to do that. Yeah, we're major. I seen you at a
driver and you said, Biden, could have hit it like that. Well, that I can tell you that I guarantee bite until he hits his driver like 120. Well,
they asked Gary Player the other night. They said, who's the best player? How many presidents have you played with? He said, I played with seven. Who's the best player Trump by far? He said he's at least 20, or
D 5 Strokes better than anybody else. Really really said Gary, isn't it more than that? But that's a big, that's a big statement. But Gary Player is a great, legendary golfer, as you know, but they asked him that question and he said, yeah, Trump by
far. Are you like a shit talker on the golf course? You try
to get? No, no. No, you got to get the, you gotta get the job
done. He's you know, he's actually you can talk. Yep,
and then you can miss the Putt and all the talk is no good. In fact that you so you still got to get the job done, right?
80%, 90%. And by the way, I do want to say, you look, you look. But when you see dying, it's a lot of shed for his hair and his ways that got it. Like, you look good. I feel like it looks great. You look great. I feel good. So far. So what's your like, mental regiment? Like, when you're in president, like you said, you slept like, six hours a night. Like, how do you how do you
do? You know what I enjoy doing it? I love doing it because I was helping the country. I mean, look at what we did, that's like amazing biggest tax cuts on History rebuilt, the military, biggest regulation Cuts in history, you know, that was maybe more
And people are talking about it. Then even the tax cuts we had until covid came to China. Virus came in. We had the greatest economy in history. We were doubling up. We're going to double up on China and everyone said China was going to take over. We were taking over. We were doubling up and then it came in and we did a phenomenal job. And then when I left this economy was very strong again, plus, we did Operation warp speed, which even even the radical left.
I even tried to take credit for it. Remember, he said well, we did the vaccine. Oh, no. Even his own. People said you got the vaccine during Trump. But if you take a look operation warp speed was a tremendous, you know, tremendous success. I really believe that we would have had you know, 1917 a hundred million people.
Died. They say maybe we 77, maybe, but up to 100 million people died. I think we would have had the same thing, had we not had a very very successful operation warp speed and that includes Therapeutics regeneron. All of the stuff that we did. We had we have things that have been unbelievably successful. Not only by the way, with, with covid, as some people call it, not only with the China virus, very, very successful.
Cecil in so many other ways with other diseases. And, you know, we've had a we had an amazing Administration. Best job numbers in the history of our country by far 160 million people working. It's not even close to that. Now, we had a great great for years. Really. I mean, we had the three, we had the period and then we had the covid that, you know, was devastating for the world. We were the best to recover, we made ventilators. We literally made ventilators.
A short period of time, very complicated, we will making them for the whole world. We were sending them to countries that had no chance to ever get them. There were none. I mean, it was practically none and we did a great job and I hate to see what's happening to our country right now.
So if it's not you upcoming, who should it be? Who do you like? Oh, we're going to like the
Santa's I get along with them. Great. I was the one that got him started. He came and asked for a recommendation.
An endorsement. He said, if you give me an endorsement or win and I gave him an endorsement, he was at 3%. And after I endorsed him, he took a lead. That was not a beatable lead. So, you know, he got the nomination along. Them. Did you see
DeSantis telling the kids to take off The Masks? I don't know if you seen that video. I haven't
said I haven't said, but it is time to take off The Masks. Yeah, I agree with. I would I would agree if that were the case. So thank you all very much. I appreciate it.