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Bradley Martyn Loves China | Ep. 5
Bradley Martyn Loves China | Ep. 5

Bradley Martyn Loves China | Ep. 5

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Bradley Martyn, Celina Smith, Steve Will Do It
33 Clips
Feb 14, 2023
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Episode Transcript
Okay guys, this is the official Steve will do a podcast and is brought to you by happy. Dad hard, Seltzer. If you are listening to this podcast on Spotify or apple. Please rate this Five Stars, the full video is on my
Rumble Rumble.com.
Steve will do it before we get started. I want to shout out all these bars that carry happy. Dad rounders in Tuscaloosa, Emporium sports bars, in Fort Collins, Colorado, McFadden's bar in Glendale Arizona. I was just there.
Place is awesome was just there and there are more bars and places that carry happy that hard Seltzer. Please go to happy. Dad.com fine to locate a place near you guys, so just the am happy Dad that your bar carries, happy Dad. And I'm going to be shouting out random bars every single week. Okay, let's get him at the podcast. I have Bradley
Mario before we get into the rest, is I have to say? One thing is really funny. What's going on? I was gonna send one of my assistants to Miami to pick up all of
My travelpod cast stuff. Yeah. And as I sat down for this podcast, I realize you had been using it this entire time for your podcast, and you've now traveled it to Vegas. Yep. So now I'm one step closer to just bringing this home and it feels good.
I think your mistake. And I actually bought these cameras and I bought everything.
All this shit is my, I just used your all of this is a
Pelican case to transport.
Hold, I can the broken camera that Alex already broken. Still hasn't paid me for is also in there. So yeah. So after this episode buddy you are going
You have to get your own equipment and Guy, tough. And guys,
looks like this, the last
episode, it's all the last episode. He's gonna get his
own shit. They'll know, I cannot get my own stuff. This is the last episode, and it's all because of
Bradley. Yeah, okay, so I got what you got to talk about
today, dude, I mean there's a lot. I don't know if you saw this, I mean, the UFOs, it's pretty crazy. I'm seeing UFO after UFO after UFO. What is it? They just keep shooting down, UFO.
It's this is the thing that this, it disturbs me because they go. Well, there was a Chinese spy plane, right. Iris by balloon.
Balloon, right. And then then next you know, there's like all these unidentified things that are being shot down like in Canada like the border and then they're not saying that they're the I balloons there, just on identify things being shot down
as an adult you because you're 33 years old. I guess what do you think of it? Like what do you think of it? Like I see it. And I'm like I have no idea what to think. I think it could possibly be a distraction. I think I don't know Haley. Yeah, I don't really
they have a firm opinion on it and but you, I
don't know. I was first of all, I want to say this, I think he leaves are
real. I know aliens are
100% real. Now, as far as it being a specifically an alien or something, I have no idea. I dunno, you know, governments are notorious for just like stirring shit up for whatever other kind of reasons, like you said, distraction, maybe because like what else is there, that's actually kind of going on that needs to have like an eye on it that were just like looking at these things.
Being shot down and no one saying what the fuck they actually are this over
here. It's so weird.
They're not even saying what it
is a UFO. Yeah, that shit is weird. It's just a nun. What a UFOs and on identified foreign objects or why not find
object? You see, you still don't know what it is because it's unidentified.
Oh, that's our producer, I forgot.
You're wearing wearing blackface today?
Yeah. What's called on?
Can you pop on camera? So people could see what we're talking about because I was. Yeah, thank you so much. What is that? What is that? A mask has a face mask? I wanted to do Black Faces episode because you're here. Wow, you make me feel at home or one. Nice. Okay, so she has a face mask on. I don't know what she's wearing that for, but it's obviously for like, beauty stuff, obviously, right. I'm Kang, I'm good. Okay. Beauty sense of Faith. Yeah, dude. I have no idea about the spacecraft stuff, but I
Think I think it's it's fucking interesting and I think it's a distraction if you want my honest opinion, that mean that's where my gut was going. Do
distraction. But and also saw, I don't know if you saw, there's a bunch of like radiation or chemicals from shooting down, stuff going into like Ohio or whatever. Is it Ohio producer, is there any way? Producer can look that up? There's like old so much bunch of. There's like, it's like, I don't know it there I'm reading is all on Twitter like keemstar and shit. Keeps posting all these Twitter our
news review Shane going from where to where
Is where the Miss mrs. Producer. If you can do that in Parenthood, I'm reading that a bunch of animals are getting sick and dying and something's going on,
Something's going on it, can you read it? Miss producer.
Let me see his release of radiation in Ohio, like more in Ohio than or six times more than the rest of the United States.
Sorry, no, no. But like, there's something going on right now with the shooting down
It's so hilarious. Looking at her trying to take her serious this mask interface. No, no, it's ice is amazing, this is great content for me. This is hilarious. So okay what do you think it is as a completely responsible but mostly sometimes irresponsible
the kid. Dude, I have no idea. I have no idea. I don't know if there's some type of I don't know. What is it possible that there's some type of war going on that? We don't
Although there's definitely a war going on the we're all aware of.
Well, the Ukraine, which is of. Yeah. She's a fake
War, right? Oh yes. We're talking about like is there like a different War? Do you like
is as Ukraine a
fake War? I don't know if it's a fake War, man. That's that's not a fake War other people actually died.
Not fake War. But isn't it? Like what do you think about Ukraine? Because I might, I'm so stupid. I know nothing. All I've known as Ukraine is a very corrupt. It's very corrupt in there. It's not like they're it's a good place to be.
You so like what's the point of sending someone that's corrupt billions of
I mean, there's I'm not well equipped enough to I'm not well equipped what? I know anything do know. They're like, I mean, if we're, there's a lot of problems here as well. That aren't fixed.
Yeah. Like why isn't why is that America's responsibility? Why does
America do that America tends to take? They make everything their responsibility. That's like we're like the giant peacekeepers even though we just cause a blood sugar
problems. Now are other countries giving solinsky.
Billy's, I don't know. I don't know. I made the UN. Yeah probably
all you know one thing I do.
And you're speaking about like politics and countries and Yell Leaders is Kim Jong. Hoon. Did you see
what the fuck? Kind of Trance feel? A
juicy Kim. Jang Hoon. Hit and his daughter. They are so fucking cute together
girls. What do you mean shoot
together? They are so like he's such a good father. Who I? They like it. I'm pretty sure they're like Eskimo kissing like him John and they're always on is like a Snapchat. Like a Snapchat. He's always on Snapchat.
Do what this is daughter.
But she's young. But anyways, I like I saw the video of Kim and his daughter and they just look so goddamn happy. And I look at Kim jong-eun and when I see him, I don't see dictator.
Well, you see, I see a good father. I mean, is he
a good father? He's all nice picture. No, it was video.
Oh, he saw this video, bro.
He seems like a good fucking father so I really want to meet him one day. I'll be cool. I think Dennis Rodman.
It's like the luckiest person ever.
Honestly, you know, it's funny. We were talking, I was talking to Kyle about this, on my pot. It was like, it sounds like we're going to end up doing like the interview straight up. All the movie. The interview? Yes. Love it. Like, that's what we gotta go to.
I think if anyone is going to interview Kim Jang. Hoon it is no boys.
Yeah. But, but I'm talking about the movie, the interview.
Yeah. No. It's like, we're going to end up being
like that. Yeah. You're gonna wait, you're gonna be fucking what's that guy's name with the actor's name?
The main guy, the mega, not Seth Rogen. The other guy? Yeah, you're going to be doing Franco.
Sweet the
gym, dude. Okay, yeah. We are trying to open up a gym. Yeah. Because I don't know about you, but me I know about you but I'm currently addicted to science.
I have been addicted to health and fitness and all the all the all the things that come along with it for a long time. But more recently, I've been doing a lot more of the things that you're kind of talking about right now which we call
science like the like the red light beds, the cold
plunge I would do a redline for the last
Five years. Really? Yeah.
Have you noticed? Absolutely? Now is that why you look so young in the face?
Could be also because I wore a hat for all my entire life that maybe this I think is much sun in my face. This could be a real thing. Oh true. So like that is true, that's a realist because when I get a lot of sun when it starts to bloom the Burnside swear off, it doesn't look as young and voluptuous homes and yeah. Yeah no. So I think like, if I just like my insecurities of my hair actually help me age slower.
Or was a lot of red light that I've been doing for the last five
years. So you've been on it for a long
time. Yes, I absolutely know. I will tell you when 100%, I've noticed even with my shitty here, I've noticed hair growth. I've noticed like the thickness in there. I've noticed your skin feels nicer. I've noticed, I sleep way better. Like I fall asleep. Way easier my have less anxiety over all. I've really noticed that it's like five years of me. Trying. This
actually who got you into red light there?
I've always been into kind of weird things to try to like lifehack because of, you know, obviously the Fitness in like, just trying to be better trying to be stronger. So I always try to look for any Edge. I could get like a cold plunge top, which is like one of them honesty. I've been doing that for the longest, I've been doing a, not necessarily cold plunges, but very, very cold vast and very very cold, like ice pass because I didn't have a cold plunge and very cold
showers. It's game-changing. Yeah, it changed my life. I can understand that.
That don't work. Our don't do any of this health stuff. I wonder how they feel.
I imagined something like well, it's all it's all
perspective, right? You don't know how great you can feel. Yeah, these things until you do them consistently like, whoa, I actually feel like, I feel sharper, I feel smarter, I feel more productive, I feel better about everything, my mind feels better and I think people don't realize how good they can feel
and how good you're able to like take on stress. I think like the cold plunge and hot tub and sauna and red light and all this stuff helps me better manage my stress. I really think it does.
I've been you do all that stuff. It's hard for shit to faze you.
Yeah, I think it's a fact. I think the literal the literal. If I mean you know even now you go into a cold plunge you saw at the go, okay, like I'm ready. You have to mentally be prepared for that and I think that even Beyond just the actual application of the cold, like even Beyond actual application of being cold and all the really positive benefits that his fear that has for your body. The act of you like the mental fortitude of knowing that, okay, I'm going to wake up, I'm going to do. This is also training your brain in a way that allows you to overcome things that are fucking
Uncle. Yeah, it makes you better at everything else because other life is difficult
shit. Yeah, it, if you can get your ass up and go on a cold plunge every day, it makes other difficult tasks easier to tackle or even just attempting to tackle. Like, I feel like if you do cold plunge everyday, you have better chances of like trying something new that's harder because you're like, fuck I can do the cold plunge I can do this. Yeah
you get more of that fucking been sorry. So yeah we're trying to open a gym out here, looking at locations a few tomorrow. Actually the morning we're trying to build like a super job
Jim Wright as we want to involve, not just like the gym space that we have that, we already kind of love and we know we want to involve like more of this stuff will call Mike science, right?
Yeah. So basically the like a zoo culture to if you guys haven't seen Zoo culture to it's an NC notes, the gym Brad, just open your it's pretty fucking insane. So we're trying to recreate that in Las Vegas but with added a science center with you know, cold plunges, you know?
Hot tubs mineral baths, you name it red, light hyperbaric chamber, sauna asanas, the literally anything, you can think of, that's fucking science and that can help you, you know, feel better live longer. We're going to do and I'm excited for. I think it's going to happen. I'm really
excited for Scott to find the right spot. Make sure we pick the location. Oh yeah, I feel like Vegas is a place. It seems. I was asking on the phone. It seems like a place where everyone drives, like, at least ten.
It's to a gym. Five to ten minutes
and with Vegas. There's always new people coming in coming out. Yeah so I think I think it's going to be huge.
All the Super Bowl was just yesterday. I did you. How was that there? Are you happy with the
results? So I'm not a big, I'm not a big, kind of sports. I mean, I kind of do watch like, the, the finales, like the finals or the Super Bowl, and I was actually really high on mushrooms. I'm being honest before the Super Bowl of during the Super Bowl because I went and did like a mushroom ceremony, but that's another story, but at the end of it started to come out of it and I went to watch the Super Bowl and the literally when I turn on the Super Bowl was
And everyone hated it. I turned out Super Bowl is 35, 35, and I'm watching it, and it was like that last
play. Oh, you saw the, I saw holding the
holding. Yes, and I was like, even on mushrooms, I kind of being out of it. I was like, why the fuck would think all that shit? He wasn't going to catch the ball. Like let them play this game. Let them decide this game without the rest being like the five-yard penalty. Now, it's like a fucking shoe it. I thought I thought that
sucks because no matter what like it didn't affect the
Exactly. That's why I should have been
called and the fact it didn't affect the play and then the call literally changed the game and the game was over at that point. It made the game over. Yeah, like that's at call solidified the win for.
Yeah. And it's not they look they both played amazing. Like both those teams played incredible, it's not as if like Kansas couldn't have won, but it was just like damn, let them like grind it out. You're talking about the Super Bowl, it's like a fucking regular game.
I think most people that didn't have any money on the game or who were like, super,
Were fans of a team. I think a non-biased person would say that that's probably not the way. The Superbowl should end. Fuck is by that like a call like that. Even if it was like a legitimate call because I don't know. I don't know.
They will do it. Really was like nah the guy barely touched his jersey. It was he called it holding but he was like he barely touched it. It's like he grabbed him and yanked him, ya know and I agree. I
thought I thought it was bullshit and it sucks for me because I had
Oh yeah,
I did fit. I put fifteen thousand dollars. I saw one toss for heads at sucks and I was going on Tails. But then someone told me someone told me that heads wins every time there's a lot. Has it been? There's a lie.
I do what I do. That's like saying the 50 that's
50/50 they said that it's been heads eight times in a row,
gives a fuck. So 50/50 that's like red and black.
I know so I went ahead but I was my idea was go tails. And anyway so I lost 15 grand that's all on that. And then I had a
Backup plan if I lose that 15 grand on the Eagles and I'd win. I figured I'd win both en Los
30 K I lost 30 grand. Yes damn mmm that's tough that's really dumb. Glad in but I'm
not yeah hurts but whenever if you ever Miss goes to anyone
don't give this shitty advice already know where you don't
do know. Just like if it if you're going to if you if it's going to really affect you if you lose you probably should never bet.
Okay? Good advice.
And then for me also like its
I'm gonna
hurt me. If I lose by, have someone that I have a degenerate gambling, uncle there. Whenever if I do lose, I just call him and he instantly makes me feel bad. Well
because he's lost everything. He's lost me.
Yeah, so so your hack
to losing and gambling is that you have a even worse, like addiction having Uncle to judge your losses towards?
Yeah. Just like, no matter how much I lose you call him up, he's like,
it's okay. I had it worse
and then he says again,
Please not, you can't get emotional and gambling. He's like, you can't, you know, we can't do it and it's like you're fucking right, dude. You gotta move on. Yeah. And you
know, the better advice was just if you can't lose that money, don't
gamble. Oh yeah. Don't gamble money that you can man. I mean unless it's a lock
there's no such thing as a lock that's
unless it's a lock. If it's a while ago that's it's a little
different. Yeah, too bad. That's bad. So I
was in Arizona for the Super Bowl and I just feel like happy that promotion
And and I wanted a haircut so bad so I flew out my barber from
my amp. Is that why he was there? I flew him out. Alisha are one cut. I was with that, was it? That was just a
Well he was pay me, whatever I paid him 3737,
hundred dollars thirty seven hundred dollars for one cut and you pay for his fight
and it's a slight cost total
for you to get him there. I'm sure the council to get the cut and have them
there. It's probably a forty five, hundred dollar cut, fuck dude that's the danger. I'm like I don't want to slide you do that because like I have loyalty to you know, my people I got my six severe Barbara, loyalty severe Barbara Lloyd,
LT and I don't want no other Barber like touching my hair and talking to me and stuff. And I don't even, I don't even know like what it when I go to new haircut, guys. They're like, what do you want? I'm like, dude, I don't know. He is really good. Like I'm, you know, last time I got a haircut by someone that wasn't my barber. I was like, dude, I don't know what to get. Let me call my fucking Barber and he'll tell you and he is really good. That guy. It was actually yet, it was pretty insane, do them before that was the UFC fight Islam.
Churches. Anybody Falcon oski? No, I did not lose any money on it. I wanted to bet on Vulcan
But what do you think about that? Because I thought when I was watching that I was like, holy shit, Vulcan oski one.
Yeah, I didn't watch it live. I watch the highlights back then, that's why I watch the fight play out.
Yeah, it's just one of those things. Like obviously Islam is like the guy. So in order to beat him you have to beat him. Super decisively. But it like if you weren't watching it for not at all, maybe some sort of love for a certain person or not. You might be like, damn folk an auskey fucking well
Alan. And he was on top of him smashing his face. And
yeah, but there were other rounds that Islam, a dino, I those
aren't his ER, Muslims great, but I really thought he won.
Yeah, I kind of did too. I was I was pretty once I
Watched it like because I knew what had happened prior. So I kind of knew where I was going and I was kind of like a little bit like I kind of suck because he did, he did a fucking phenomenal job. I thought he won for real. Yeah, I didn't. So another one of those things, but again, you gotta, you gotta Beat the Champ, like, for real, for real, like you have to know questions, beat that guy.
So, is that just a thing in the UFC were like, the champ has a little
Edge. I think. I think all, I think every thought of fighting sports are like that. Where it's like, if you're gonna beat the guy,
Guy with the belt. You have to really beat the guy. You can't just like kind of beat him. It can't be like debatable. Can't be like, well you got him here, but he got you there. It has to be pretty decisive. I think that this seems kind of
fair. Yeah. Because it mean that means if you have the Bell that means you had to really beat the guy. Like 100% beat the guy he's out and I guess that's perks of having the fucking
belt. Yeah it's like I gotta fight up, you know.
Yeah. It's like sense. Yeah. Like MasterChef
when you have a little bit like Master, not fighting they're
cooking or like if it's like the bachelor with the roses and
Shelby, it's like that. I've you watch The
Bachelor? No we're all shitting on
phrase, I'm fired for that dumb ass shit I can't I got too much going on in my life and try to
fix the thing is if you have a girlfriend, if you got a lady you probably watch The Bachelor because it's like he watch it with them and it's a fun
time I'm working on that.
Oh yeah, yeah. You you're really working
out. Yeah. How's your love life soon? Because you're depressed honestly. No. I mean, you seem Bradley Bradley use. I'm not depressed. Do Bradley's a nice guy, but he's kind of like he can be and he can be an asshole lot of times. And I don't think, oh, my Everett
asshole. I'm never an
asshole. Do you do you guys? Like sometimes I look at you just seems like you want to
hurt. Well what? Yeah, it's just how I
look and even
Everyone, I feel like you've often, but I feel like you're just going through shit, even like when I was staying at your house. Last time, I'm telling you, like you, okay. Selena says she don't like her.
What happens little
what I noticed? One thing in Vegas, me tipping out, hundred dollar bills. It's like people are like mind blown and they're like really as compared to Miami when I give everyone hundreds. No one says a word mean, people say thank you but it's not like
It's, it's almost like it's a real muscle staying here. Yeah, in here. It's like like are you sure you want to do this every time even when I get involved, like $10, or $11 and change the other days as like, people are like, are you sure? I'm like, yes, I'm fucking sure take the money and shut the fuck
up, you. Oh, Jesus.
No, I don't say that. Oh, of course not. But I said, yeah, I'm sure Yugioh enjoy have a good day.
We were just laughing because I gave a homeless guy hundred dollars yesterday and he just snatched her man. He was like, thank you.
He could walk that way.
It's your ho. There was a hero back to Miami.
Yeah. - yeah. They're not my enemies. I'm glad to be out of Miami, honestly. I like biggest
how long you out of Miami for? So why did you get when you decide? They that's something I want to ask you. You just like fucking going to
Vegas, dude. I wanted to. All right? So, I went, I wanted to be closer to everyone. To, I want to be closer, like me, being a Vegas means, I'm a jsx flight away from Orange County. Yeah. Burbank, super easy.
To get to you and you know and then I also have Dana here. Yeah, which is cool, being close to Dana but I think what I like about Vegas is just like what what money can get you out here way more, bro. You know, it's like
It sucks that if you want to 4,000 square foot house or 5,000 square foot house in Florida, or California, you need to have millions and millions of dollars. Does your end looking pretty crazy? And then, on top of it, it's like getting a mortgage is it's not that easy right now,
right? Yeah. It's one of the burger, one more difficult times. Interest rates are super high. It's pretty fucking crazy right now.
Yeah, so I thought it'd be cool to get like a sweet house and get a mortgage and Florida, but it was like
When I asked my mom and I never got a mortgage before I asked her and she says, it's historically
High. Yeah, it's really bad, right? So I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to
Vegas. Yeah, because you see this house is this house is beautiful, right? Is it's huge. It's huge and it's and it's on a cul-de-sac. It's right by everything but this house is eight hundred ninety thousand dollars.
It's house. We fucking 3 million in cash
out, easy easy, 34 million easy. So yeah that's that's why I'm out here in Vegas. I love it.
I'm trying to pay back the house by gambling so far, so good.
That's such a Vegas thing to do
so far so good because I'm not losing. I'm this me, I lost my sports bets but that's that's different but
I'm even winning at that. Blackjack that's I don't know how you always do that. That's a really weird one.
I just have a I have a lucky table at the Red Rock but right now I'm plus I mean I lost 30 some plus like a hundred seventy thousand dollars in the last.
Last two months so I need a fucking good. I need like six hundred twenty thousand more and then I'll break even on the house and
then damn, yes, that's dope. Yeah. It's exciting though. Dude. Let's go or you could lose it all. And I just completely but have bought two houses for the price of one.
No, I won't lose it all. I'm I'm, you know, I'm strategic,
I don't know. How do you do? What do you always talk about strategy and gambling but I are you net, positive and gambling in Life or are you not - like in life? Are you?
A positive for gambling because if not, then you your, you still lost everything.
You see what I'm saying? I
definitely am positive giving so like now I've been having a really good run even on Sports till recently even on the Super Bowl that time. I was out of time. I want a hundred grand Super Bowl. That helps me out a
lot. I'm think overall gambling lifetime. Steve will do it hours. Played you have a gambling
in real life casinos and sports betting?
I'd say, I mean, when you - you don't think Ohio rubra and steak and all those websites role bit. It's hard to say if I'm positive or negative on there. Basically. It's not even count that in real life gambling and sports betting. I am positive. Yeah, for
sure how much I love. How much positive you think you are? I'm not sure it's so
much money like just
Played a lot of winning days, a lot of losing days, but I think, I think my winning days because, you know, I'll win 100 Grand, or 60 Grand or another 100 Grand. But there's never times where I'm losing 100 Grand, or losing 60, 60 Grand. I usually cut it off before it gets to that. I see because you have to you can't like
You can't lose, I can't lose more than I can afford to lose and we're will affect me because then that's not good. Yeah.
Do you remember me
saying you that? I think that Aiden Ross is going to get
cancelled. Yeah. Do you remember that? I
was saying I was like I just feel
like which is so weird because you did say that fucking a long
time ago. Not a long time go below know. It was a long
time ago like it was when we did the Pod with him which was like a month or two.
Yeah and I was like
Like, dude, I'm predicting right now that if Aiden keeps up. What's he doing? He's going to get cancelled and I love it and Ross. Yeah, I'm not saying that as being a hater or thinking that he should be canceled. I just know that right now. When I see shit of Aden, he's actually awesome because he's spreading, he's spreading positive shit. Like to better yourself, go to the gym even the celibate and no porn
shit. Yeah, that's what I do not sell.
But but no porn shit. Like I I don't see that. There's any negatives to that. I don't think it's crazy important to cut outpouring that shit, but I don't see, I see everything. He's promoting is very positive and it's so funny that I see a kid, massive influence, promoting, very positive stuff and the gym and everything. And, and then my gut feeling after seeing the positivity, as he's going to get cancelled, pretty crazy.
Yes, we are, but he's not necessarily getting cancer. Now, he's just moving to a different platform. I thought he was, you know, but back to move to.
Yeah. But he was saying that twitch. Basically, twitch said, if he keeps up what he's
doing. I wonder I do. I do Ross is a liar, but I would ask him and I'd love to ask him if that's actually
real. You think he just saying that just so the move to kick it. What
if it was, you know exactly what it was was a big play? Oh, I don't know. Listen, I don't know the
facts. It could be it rather than ever
Sation. But if I was thinking like, okay, how
I tell my audience, I'm going to go from here to there without be like I'm just going here to get a bag. Um, I'll say that. Oh, they're silent see me, because that's what that's when I saw the video. I saw this stuff. I'd love to ask it in about this personally for real. So Ayden, if you're there, you still have to come my podcast. You flaked too many times. So real. It's a real thing.
Could be a genius play, but also like he's wrapping tape pretty hard. He is he is and Tate's cancelled. And, you know, takes a
Good guy. You've met? Yeah dude the guy's not a human trafficker. I don't give a fuck what anyone
says. I can't wait to
write like what ends you if you had the bet. You'd say he's not a human track. For obviously if I had to bet you that if you had a like, I mean I was with him when he was
he did now so I did I did see this clip where he was talking about like you know fuck him on his hit on
his own on his
own website talking about basically like committing fraud too.
Someone who works for him. He was he was like not getting the girls and then like toner is taxes or something like that and like taking more than your share, he was literally teaching that. So that's the one thing I saw about Tate on a his own actual site that I was like, interesting, but I don't know about the human trafficking thing
was things would take a I'm biased because he actually does like help me out in life. They keep motivates. Of
course. No, I did. I'm not taking away from any of. So I am biased and Tate like
when you're gone.
Gone through shit. And then you hear a motherfucker saying depression isn't real. I get the fuck up, do whatever it takes like men have to work hard. Like it's good to hear that. You're like fuck. You're right. Like
yeah. Life's not easy. I'm not at all taken away from that because I think he's wonderful at that. I think he's that's the reason why he's has so many people who are like so dedicated and supportive of him is because of that aspect. That's not at all. What I'm saying? I'm saying there's just there are other things that I know. Also, like would be like, oh, this is interesting for sure. So I don't, but I, but do I think he's a human
Like actually I don't Honestly, by the way this podcast
is sponsored by Pfizer. They paid me seven hundred thousand dollars for this
really good militant and but they are paying people. I saw someone post about getting the vaccine like literally three days ago on their feet. I saw a
said Park who was it? I saw I swear to God I
suppose I'm following my head a
lot. Was it an athlete? Dude, I saw an athlete post of Pfizer thing who the fossil is athlete. It was built like like,
Like like a soccer player. Like a big one.
I swear, I don't know. But, but yeah, they're giving deals to people like me, who are ya in sports? I've seen in types in saying the thing to like you. Okay, we're going to now do paid advertisements influencers to
get. Well, I don't get the whole Pfizer thing because I or any of the vaccines because apparently it costs like a really low amount of money or like or they wanna with moderna or you what is moderna,
it's another pharmaceutical company.
So I don't know what the stuff I'm just.
Doing stuff online. I don't know if it's true or not, but apparently they cost like say if it costs a dollar to make, then they sell it for $10. Well
that's just I mean bro. That's even like insulin is is not what it should cost. It's so so exorbitantly priced just because they know they can like there's so much of that like in medicine that's actually kind of crazy.
Yeah, that's why we're going to have Gary breca on the podcast. Very soon to talk about all this stuff because it stops very interesting. Yeah.
Yeah. Amanda the the insulin one's pretty crazy because I guess people like literally like lifeline and it costs so much
money. I heard insulin and I don't know it's right or not wrong, but I heard. Insulin is very cheap too.
Yeah, pretty. Yeah, but exactly
exactly like super cheap to put
his strongly expensive to buy. It's pretty fucking crazy, but it's like, if Pete if diabetics don't have it, they will die.
I think that's how crazy it is. It's,
it's fucked. The whole world is just. There's everyone's just
businessman. Yeah, you can say
that's a pretty sweet business, you got like that's imagine me
selling their you don't want to die. Yeah like they me all your money. Wow pretty fucked, man.
Wait, so now you're here, speaking of money and speaking we were speaking of Vegas, and we're speaking of gambling. How much do you fucking love that? I gamble.
I like when you win when you
Wait section was, how much does she love when you gamble? How much does she love when I gamble a lot? Right, a few days ago and I 160 Grand. What happened, every buyer knew. Some every time I went, I gave her ten thousand dollars and then a few weeks ago when I won, 33,000, what happened, I sent you 14 Grand on though.
Another couple weeks ago and I want 110,000 10 grand.
I am. She's coming up, dude. And then
then before when I won, Timmy sent you like 4,000? So like in the past three months, you're up like
30-something value. Wait a minute, this is fucked because on the last podcast we did with, I think you got deleted from my fucking Channel because YouTube but you you said that he was giving you less when you guys got married. It's all, but he's you a lot more pleasant. Yeah. And you guys are making me sound so no it's not bad but this is bad. It wasn't that he was giving me.
It's just at that time it's like no you hadn't info and a while. But like how many time on a big b? Fine. How many time but don't say that you're doing more but now you are.
Okay. Can you answer this
question? You're being you're really
sweet how much money but no, this is Cold Hard Cash in the last year
in the last 12 months. So Larry how much
money have I given? You cash bank wire and Zell?
I don't know. Oh my God. Okay I'll say right now.
Zel bank wire I'd say 85,000.
So how much cash 100 0?
100 thousand cash?
I don't know. Do you agree or you think more or less more or
Well huh, oh shit, but it's funny, but
like pretty dope.
Your Iana. You helped me was like my YouTube videos and I can get you pretty dope gifts. Now
Yeah. She's balmy gun from the Civil
War really. Is that why? That's up there? That fucking gun? Yeah, she bought it. That's poured. You find that the Pawn Stars pawn shop, but he went first. She took me in almost at cause I was just going like that cause I was dubbed. The one with the knife that flips out. No. That one was more. He got the like really expensive ones. What about the the revolver? Like the some more silver one. It's like 4,000 that was dope. Yeah.
The samurai sword was like 4 grand
The small one here because they hold to the pretty sick. Yeah, pretty cool.
Brazil is pretty sick. That I'm gambling. See, when to right?
Yeah, it's fun when you win.
Yeah, you get
money. Yeah. Wow. So sweet. He is so cute dude. Honestly it's do
and yeah it's sick as if I win I have like 50 Grand cash. What happens when you
lose though? You get stressed. You did she have to help you on? I definitely in better.
I'm definitely better at it. But yeah, you get you get stress like last
I was pissed off. I was so pissed just because I guess I was more pissed. Just I felt like the game that was fucked at the end. Like it's like that. It I hate out of that but the Super Bowl was the of the Chiefs winning was based on a hold, like not saying that they would have not hire like the Chiefs probably. You know, they may be still would have won, but I feel like, yeah, because of that holding call on a play, that the holding didn't even factor. A lot of people are saying it wasn't holding. They like wow.
Walked In The Wind. Yeah. And that like pissed me off like that. Really picture of lot of
people felt that way, like most people
like yeah, the die-hard Eagles fans.
Yeah, they're fucking mad
dude. Yeah, I see. No, I'm cancel off YouTube, right? Yeah. So anyways, I just had a great idea and
fucked it sucks for me because like I like you're like an actual friend of mine and I like Mall my content just kind of Me Just chillin like with my friends and work it out and it's like I feel like
I have to dance around filming content with you. It's fucking stupid. It kind of sucks. It does actually suck know, it sucks. But
also, it's bad for me.
I'm, it's not bad. But I gotta be extra creative.
Yeah, runs got to be careful. It's crazy. But we have alternative. The Chinese, the Chinese hear me out. What is that? So, the Chinese are you talk? No. Try. The Chinese Band YouTube and they have their own YouTube. What's it called?
I forgot damn good. Someone who would I Chinese YouTube?
But I want to I was going to move to their platform where I'm where I'm accepted.
Steve will do it all taking over China, Chinese YouTube?
Yeah she'll be like my videos but voice tubs but
You cou?
Yeah. So there's a indeed, the Chinese, the populations Mass. Yeah, it's the magic. I have dope videos and my voice is dubbed. Chinese. And then I can do like what? Mr. Bestows, I've missed a beast, but I can get like a dope. Like a like, someone well-known in China or something. That people recognize know the voice, you know? Yeah. That's what he does. Yeah. Like he gets like the like if he if his videos are dubbed in
Show. Get like this. This Spanish Spider-Man.
Yeah. Like the biggest actor. Yeah, he's smart for that, man. You should do that. Get the biggest Chinese actor. It happened of your voice
but yeah, people do it. Yeah. So I'm so I'm gonna yeah I'm going to the Chinese YouTube. Are you really dude I love China why? I mean you have you seen Chinese people use a look at them, you're like a fucking a great and dude. Baccarat
baccarat is that
Chinese? No, but Baccarat
It does make you love, like, Chinese people in Asian
people? Why? Because it's fuck. Sometimes you play it. It's in fucking, like,
Chinese, or Mandarin is now, they're just good at it. Oh,
they can. Oh, member, when we were playing with that guy. Who's from China? The watch guy. He was good at that shit. We were aware. I think we're at the Red Rock, and then private room and I think Neil was there was one olives, but in the Hard Rock, Hard Rock. Exactly. I saw that guy again, in
Dubai, Brad, I know.
Oh, you want a kid, right? I want a
kid. Yeah, I want a family. I want one too, but I
don't really want, like, it's not for like when I say, I want a kid, I want. It's not. I want a family. Okay, I want a fucking little science experiment. What do you? What does that mean? I'm addicted to science, right?
So you're gonna have a kid then like what make it like super
charge? This kid is that supercharged? I'm so sorry. Fresh out the room. He goes on the straight into the red. Light goes straight. In a red light. Took him a bath mat. Okay, imagine imagine doing NAD.
236 Years 36-hour, baby.
I don't know if you
can't. Will he ever exceed 36 hours?
I don't. I don't know if you can do that. I think there's
probably some length. Cut he go back to zero. The red light thing might work. The pmf
thing could I don't know about the injecting the
NAD. I know the well talking to people. I know the red light you can do right away. Like I'm a German. Is there like the pmf mat you can do right away? Yeah. The oxygen bath so you can do right
away. Yeah, everything external, I think is okay, I don't know.
About NAD
but I think would be cool to that make a like a super human baby and then just kind of like have like what my parents have with me just like you know, like an appreciating asset. Wow. You know. Damn,
you were appreciating asset. You were at one point you were super depreciate. I was a deep feet or what? They think. I'm crazy. You really, you really came back from
that. Yeah, dude for me it's kind of crazy. It's insane because my
Like, my parents live, like, the good
light? Yeah, I know. I know
like, my mom drives a Lamborghini.
Yeah, that's pretty funny. She doesn't have a job.
Well, sure job is to help me but I don't know. They've inspired me to be like, fuck. Like they did. They they hit the jackpot without even trying. Yeah, I tried.
Yeah. You tell you trying to put that energy
like right from the beginning. This guy's going to make me fucking.
Wow. I wonder what age. You can start getting an IV.
Gee, I'm actually curious in that because the veins have to be developed by. Obviously you get a little kid, couldn't get my view but I wonder what age you could start. That probably like 12.
Yes start doing IVs at 12. I would love to just like just have a kid for a science experiment and the science experience is how much money can this little fucker, make me, you know?
And then you could be like your mom and the thing is I'm not going to
even need the money. So I have a guitar lesson. I've been taking guitar every day.
And I've been going crazy on my science. If I could just tell you what I did today because when everyone's like, telling me when I'm like this canceled, I'm like, they're like, oh, you can't be on milk boys, you can't be on Bradley and you can't be on Selena. And it the only thing I could think of is why this is happening to me because I have a angels in my life, like I believe like that I'm protected above and I don't just believe that the believe, it's just so many things have happened in my life to where it's like, holy fuck. I have someone looking out for me.
And yeah karma is real and you know, doing good, you do get good back. So it's hard to really accept how I'm like cancelled from nelq boys and just YouTube and I didn't do anything and what I can think of is like it. Maybe it's a good thing to do all the things that I'm not doing that. I've always wanted to do for over 10 years. I've wanted to learn guitar again.
Like over 10 years and over over 10 years of meme, like I've been working out, I've always wanted to be ripped and good shape. So as of right now because of what's happening with the cancellation and just recently like when they said you're not allowed on elk boys and this and that I've gotten like
So much better at guitar. And I've learned so many things. I thought that I would never learn and I'm currently right now in the best shape of my life. Yeah. Like, I'm like addicted to science. Like today, I woke up soon, as I wake up, Trevor, I turn on the pmf mat to alkalize my body, and then I go back to bed for 30 minutes and then I walk up stairs, dude, 10 minutes, 20 minutes walking on the treadmill. While sucking down oxygen, red light bed, right after red light bed, I go in and
An oxygen bath for 50 minutes, right? After that I go in the mineral bath and cold plunge right after that, I worked out with my trainer right after that. You do more cardio right after that workout with my trainer
And you're eating a ton of
it's eating a ton of between then right after that we went and we did cold plunge and sauna yeah and the mineral bath again.
And yeah, so that's like five six hours of work and I'm doing that every day. I feel a million dollars and the biggest notice. The biggest thing I notice is that, like, it's kind of hard to be like sad or mad like, at the end, like, towards the middle of the day and the end of the day, it's pretty hard to be upset, even if everything seems like, it's shit. It's like fuck. It's you feel so good mentally and
I don't know, it's, I'm pretty happy in life right now because of it,
let's perspective
perspective, but it really it really fucking it really helps you out, man. If, if anyone struggling out there, I'm telling you just being healthy and being physically active and looking good. And being happy with yourself, physically and mentally will do a big difference in everything, you know,
he just got to make sure you take the steps to get there because it's as obvious,
See it's easy to say that, right? But like you're doing all these other things that are making a really big difference for you. Just import for people to try to like if they can't do all of them. Try to do one try to do to try to do a few try to do more you know. Yeah Gennady one could be like I could spend six hours of my day working on the ass and this but you got to do what you can like when you can and the more that you can in the more things that you get to add. I think there's so much benefit to it, I know for sure, it just makes your mind just feel calmer and if you're calm and you could produce more, you could be more creative.
If you could be more everything,
yeah, it makes you sharper all this stuff so highly, right? Yeah. And I think it's even awesome that
I'm here. And however, you know, at
least 100,000 people are going to hear this. And
I think it's
awesome to influence people to, you know, do good things for
themselves. Yeah, be healthier. Looks you, do you better be a fucking gym? Influence are all the sudden like actually you know a gym. Yeah, I'm fucking all the
science stuff. Yeah, do I'm into it.
This sign shit is the only time in my life I've ever been interested in like learning stuff. Yeah, I've never been, like, I've never wanted to learn anything like when it comes to school or any like anything, even like,
Like in simple things like the word parallel and fours on total and shit like that when I hear that.
I don't know that. No, no. I get it now but for so long had no idea what it meant, but it's because I did not want to know. So so here's the questions that make sense like I hear horizontal and I'm like, what the fuck? They're like fuck I've been said me just like I could look it up or ask in a second is like I don't want to know that guy's old zero interest in doing
anything. Why do you think you feel so differently about this because you could actually like feel the difference? See the difference because it's
tangible? Yeah. And I don't, I like passionate about it.
Why though.
Times are done by hashing about talking about the human body. Yeah,
and science stuff. And
I'm not at all. I'm
passionate about talking, you know, to my trainer about the gym. Like, I have so much fun like, talking to our 20, my trainer about, like, that machine, you have where you stand up and do shoulders. Yeah. The something like that. I get so happy. Like, holy fuck. Like, how do you have that
machine? You know, like, is it just because you like, because you know, it's help making you better.
Her. Like
I think it's a lot of things but I'm so into it. Like, I'm like, like I would be down to take like a class online to work, learn about the human body. Aged, I'd be down to like, read a book and write notes on the human body.
They become like a full. I imagine this. Like, imagine this whole Arc of yours becoming this full like fucking like science fucking by human biology type fucking, that'd be insane. I need to do it. I
think I could do it because he's sick. So something I've learned about myself.
If I really like want something or like something or I can do it but if I don't like something or don't want to do something, you can't even that something can't capture any of me. Yeah. Like if I don't want to learn fucking math, like I'm not going to know anything about it. The say anything, like I won't even and that could you could be seen as being stupid. But that's stupidity key that people see is maybe just lack of interest and not wanting to be smart in that area at
Yeah, just just literally what you just said. That's true. It's real. So bless you. Do growing up. You about to be a fucking human. Biologist me. Sick. Majesty will do it. What do you got? Like a PhD dude. It was so like buttocks years,
but it is crazy going. If he going to school for that stuff because I'd like just to have, you know the friends I have that are end of that stuff and they go to school and it's like and school you almost there. They teach you the wrong things kind of
For those specific things for like dr. Shit yeah. I mean it's each you like how to prescribe. They teach you like
but it is not like 100% like to the science. Yeah I think I think they teach you like like a lot of it's
non-science. Yeah they teach you a lot of like basic things and then like the practice is what gets like convoluted with just like money and business.
It's because there's money it's because there's money involved. So like the fact that there's money involved
Science is kind of, you know, put this aside and then it's you're supposed to trust the science but it's not
that's it's interesting Dynamic but I think people are starting to like grow kind of past that for sure the last few years I know it's been more relevant like people like Gary or coming out and like actually kind of diving deeper than like the surface on just like what's understood as far as healthy or not healthy. You need adverse, not need it,
but people like Gary coming out and speaking their minds, it's dangerous for them.
Yeah, it's comes with a price even I just I saw the podcast with you and Kyle, which was, you know, a really good podcast. It's about time that that happened. I think it was a good thing, but even Kyle saying how it's crazy that people are trusting the government and he used covid as an example, that was crazy. I can't believe you said that.
Like, that's pretty ballsy, right? Even though he's 100%, right. Like he said, you cannot like how do you trust the government? And when we just went through covid, did he say the conflict that?
Yeah, I mean, that's like, it's just, it's just crazy because you get all the facts when it was all said and done. And they're like, actually we've kind of folk this all up. This stuff is really important. It's just like, dude. Like you guys know? This shit,
it's insane and even today, like I say, it's crazy when you see people wearing masks still like in the air, by saw someone today.
So low in the car, wearing a
mask. I mean, I flicked them off,
he cares to do it, but there are people. I did was wore a mask even prior to covid. There are a lot of people who did.
So last question, will you ever get vaccinated?
Ha, ha, ha yd last, but will you ever get vaccinated, dude? Dude, dude,
now if I said Bradley here be Martin.
Here's where you ever get vaccinated. No no yes a lot scope the fuck.
Like what if I gave you a million dollars, would you give vaccinating me either? Right? That's not enough, but see, I'm talking to people smart people and apparently it's they think it's going to be crazy in the future, I
don't even got it. Yeah, that's it.
And that unvaccinated ERM is going to be like, no, a shit. No way. Yeah. Well where, where you're like, good luck trying to, you know pump your load inside of a you know
Oh, and a girl if your backs it's just not going to
slide really
like they just won't do it me like a nun. Like if you want like a good girl,
She's not going to let you dump a load in your it's like having AIDS. We really, we're gonna have to lock anyway.
Okay wait hold on a second. You dude. Are you saying that the the vax women aren't going to let the unvaccinated? No, no.
Okay, women, okay, made the okay. The unboxing women. Yes. Are not going to let that acts come inside them.
Oh, you think it's going to get to that point? It's going to be
You know,
that's like we're talking like The Hunger Games over here. Like
yeah, I don't have to wear like,
I don't know man.
And you know, what's crazy is. There's a lot of fucking people vaccinated. Yeah. A lot like it. Like at least 10,000 question. I have is, you said ten thousand. At least
you said ten thousand at least. Yeah. Oh, wow. That's a, that's definitely a extremely small number know.
I think it's billions. Isn't it billion? I don't know. I think it's
It's I think it's end up in the be.
I think it is billions. My question is, do they know about if you have sex with a girl that son vax to do you like, did they talk about? This is like you get some of that shit. No, I that's bad facts. Like if she's been facts, no, I'm just talking to smart people
and they just think that it's going to be an issue later and that they would never in. This is a girl that they would never have a baby with a vax person. Damn, that's deep.
Yeah, apparently like vax unvaccinated arm is like
Bitcoin but it's only: up, is
only 21 million in there and actually, you know. Yeah, that's so funny.
So no, I'm not.
That's why I've been saving up. I've been saving every load I dump really. Yeah. Where you put it fridge?
Well it's kind of weird which fridge the one with the where I got the
chicken happy average. No. Okay no, not that one, right? So
It's an ice cube trays. Hey, you guys are capping now.
No, I make her. She catches it in her mouth and she spits it in a tray.
Yeah, that's it.
Yeah, blow jobs are sick.
Well, dogs are dope, dude. We should talk about that. Yeah, they're amazing. Fuck,
just like and I love I love being such like a high-value man to where you just like blow job. I don't, I don't say this happen. No, I don't say the word. I would pull down my pants.
All right. Like yesterday happened twice.
All right. Tell the truth.
Okay, she's not speaking on a subject
but it, dude. It's so sick, like, guys.
Do you want like unlimited blowjobs? Give your girl few hundred grand in one year by a house? Have them be the housewife and then you can demand blow jobs
when everyone will know about the
to its cell. Isn't it sick? Being high-value, man?
Because I'm like, he doesn't like this.
No, it's cool. I don't because I don't, I would never be disrespectful. And to say, give me a blowjob. I kind of pull down my pants and just like kinda do, like don't say anything. So it's kind of event even easy to order these.
It feel like a motherless
if that if anything your kind of sexually assaulting me
because you just go like this, where you go like this, I just don't do anything and so you like that's crazy. You got her, you know, you got her.
Don't say the word, I kind of.
And he just goes like this and then you do that, so sexy, it's you, we're sad. Wow. I'm like, that's great content. Well, there is all it's always different. Always approached him. Ryan, oh,
yeah, it's pretty cool. You just fucking this pulldown and passengers feel like
Damn son, it's all on her
but yeah it's sexual assault. I
love it. Yeah, well that's true love.
Yeah. Wow. So I think that's episode shout-out to our sponsorship as Pfizer. They're not they're not special but guys I have a guitar lesson right now. You saw my video after two lessons. I gave this guy a call. I was dope as fuck. That was really cool. It's so sick.
Did he pull up in a tough? Yeah. Those two Tessa.
But yeah guys that's episode.
If you guys
want to see Bradley on more definitely was easier for me to do this podcast with Bradley. This is probably the longest episode. Yeah but if you guys want to see Bradley on more we live really close to each other. We're trying to open up a gym. Yeah, we're trying to open up a gym here in Vegas so I definitely could make Bradley a reoccurring, you're even a host or reoccurring member on the stifel, do it podcast because it was your honor. It was easy, right? It's fun. So
It's dude, your, I think me you and Selena are it's who I think it's an easy talk. It doesn't feel weird, not at all. Because I, when I do this solo, I am so fucking stressed,
dude. Yes, dude, I'm gonna fuck fat, man. Like Canadian on. I follow that. Yeah. Like straight straight, straight to it. Dude. Stress. Do
if you want to
stress T, he's been saying that for years. That's the first time I've ever heard her say that. Well, it's like a thing with him and his friends from they
just Trailer Park Boys. So
If you speaking Canadians fun, Canadians are so dumb. Dude,
what part of it but what about Kyle would have outdoor
cows a genius but
fucking Drake Bieber. A lot of smart fucking Canadians Drake's, a loser Drake's, a loser, he's a Jew, he is doing what he loved it but
now it's just funny calling like find him a guy with a Boeing 727. 37 a loser. I or beds on there. I find humor in that know I do too. I get it. So I am a patriot
The loser is like it's
fucking Drake Roddy. Appreciate you, guys.