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Mommy And Daddy Talk
Steiny Shoots His Shot with Sara
Steiny Shoots His Shot with Sara

Steiny Shoots His Shot with Sara

Mommy And Daddy TalkGo to Podcast Page

Bradley Martyn, Sara Saffari, Steiny
17 Clips
Aug 8, 2024
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Episode Transcript
Hey guys, what's upstairs for a here? I'm so excited because we have one of my favorite people in the world and Steinberg, right?
Sorry, it's early as podcast ever done. I'm falling asleep
over here. Yeah, he was fine before the cameras turned out he was talking for the last 20 minutes. He was has been yapping my ear off and it's tiny. I'm tired. Stop talking exact entire ship. So what's good here. We have Bradley Martin. I'm here. So happy.
Here, these are like my two favorite gym goers. I mean Daddy. Yes guys. Welcome back sign. He's an OG. It's amazing second time on here
is the second or third second time. I think
ya know he was here. Do you remember he made the joke about me and toolkit and the football was there that day. Yeah, the cops went insane. Thank you sonny.
Yeah the toolkit what the toolkit you said like, she's well, she's not you're trying to steal your trying to phase out of that little bit. You're not bulking any
I like you're slumming down. So you're trying to be more like kind of Entry like kitchen more than like hanging up mounting the TV. No,
and I have been cooking a lot. Actually genuinely I have this is not a joke. How many lies every have been cooking a lot? He lies every time we do this. I know if you've watched my know you don't watch my Snapchat stories. I think I've cooked for nights a week lately in the past few weeks. Is that bullshit dude on my mother's life named you dishes. I I'm big on pasta. So I'll either make ground turkey with like taking in carbs like
that. Yeah.
And okay, so you're making pasta twice a week
like three or four times a week this different forms of pasta.
Yes there has you're really good at this y-yes game. Like, how do I get more guys to fall
in love Yeah. Yeah
Masters plays played out like you can't do the college bullshit no more. So now you're moving into the yeah now I'm a
I like he knows you exactly yeah. That's right through the bullshit. You know, I think you're really attractive and I'd love to take you out.
This podcast we do a cooking podcast us three you
give me time. Okay, just stay
here. Do you think you and I will do that. I would love to I would love to cook for you. You guys might as well just do that his house I could do it today. They do a
chicken alfredo. I've done that.
I'm gonna do it tonight 8:00 p.m. Tonight. You have got to film it. Let me see what I got. Well, no, I want it. I actually I actually have something tonight. What do you
There's this new spot opening where the one out used to be
h.wood. Oh my God. I just heard about that. Yeah, you have a table there. I heard it's expensive. I
guess you have money. I know I have a friend of mine. I'm going with him Michael Porter jr. Oh, wow. Yeah, come a good friend of mine. Cool. Yeah. What do you guys do together have dinner go to hang out. Yeah really fucking cool dude, bro like again.
It's just like it's a relationship where you don't even have cameras. Nothing like that. Yeah, it's not about the content. We just kind of kick it and hang out and
I would say we split the bill but he makes 40 a a year. So he usually gets it which is yeah. We just don't just fuck you
feel like a little sugar baby.
Wait, I thought yeah. I mean I am like sometimes I'll pick up like when the ones where I know like, alright. Yeah this one we were actually drinking like I'll get this one.
This is the same guy that you said you went to some
club with and he had you pay. Yeah, that was he's time ever and I called him out. Yeah, wait the first time ever we went to the club and I paid and I was like it was a it was a bigger one and I was looking at him like bro.
You're not in the same like playing
field tears here. Yeah right now same tax bracket.
Hopefully in five years will write be there. But right now I feel like you should be getting this. So ever since then he's like offered to get every bills pretty funny. He's a man. Yeah ever so tonight won't work. But another time another time sure
tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow's perfect and I'm shittin ya
tweets. What is the opening of a new club? Yeah.
You still do that, bro? I don't know
where this is going to be like the live, you know, like live of Miami. It'll be like the place in l.a.
What's it called keys keys a saddle really like to go to clubs like that as much anymore. You were just making fun of me for saying that. So now you're just adopting what I just said 20 seconds ago as I've gotten older. I've noticed as I've gotten older though. It's like a lot in the last 20 seconds non-aligned realizing sorry.
Sighs god what the fuck not the last one he s right before you were dogging me for saying the same shit. I do this as a favor as for the h would group has been very good to me, right they take care of me at their places. So they haven't they haven't kind of like, this is a networking thing Brad. This is you know, this is something people. Do not you sit at home act. Like you're a dog Mister American Patriot Brad look like the type of guy if like Sarah pulls up one day. He's just working on his truck, but you don't and you have grease on your shirt and
It is so funny because yesterday we when we were coming to do your podcast downstairs. There was this motorcycle spot and I was like Brad, let me get a picture of you is like wait make it look like I'm doing something. I don't think Brad has like a fucking that is such one of those like speakers playing some wow, he has a bandana on and he's been doing nothing so bullshit. Yeah, so don't come at me for nothing, but we are on the nail or whatever. They say hit the nail on the Hammer Hammer.
And I think now on the
coffin do hit the nail on the coffin know what I'm both. What don't bring a talk radio in the coffin. He hit the hammer and the nose hit the nose with a hammer to early like what then you say it. Which one is it? It's he hit the fucking nail on the nail. Okay, that's definitely not it. It's really, you know, it's the nail on the head.
It's a nail in the coffin
bro. The nail in the coffin is like this is
done now in the car. That's what that's what it is. And can I have one of those?
Little things.
Yeah. Yes, you can absolutely
Oh my gosh, you're proud. I'm proud of you proud of you. Are you still no caffeine only green
tea. Yes. Only green tea. It's a disaster. That's amazing. Yeah how to switch it up. What you should do is you should try rides fuel. These are absolutely amazing on every morning. They are the best flavors.
You have the sugar Sean one. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. Anyway with the
green tea.
You got big green tea cappers. Like I'm just going to say I'm people consider they want I'm a genuine motherfucker. I don't come on here. Drink green tea do fake shit.
I'm actually just drinking green
tea. Like I let Chef all the sudden to win over people. I just be myself. I think that that's
really a pretending like you had an accent on your podcast talk to a girl. All you did was in and out that country
accent. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you know, what's crazy is she actually like, isn't it created you ever said that you're like how the fuck?
Does this she actually believed that we think are for believe that I lived in the South for a little
bit? No, I thought I'd part of her might
have no. Yeah. I thought a little bit you were completely like you were kind of turned on by what southern charm I
had you didn't have any charm. Okay now but I you did I was impressed by you Steiner over you are good podcast
host. Oh, thank you. Thank you everyone. Thank you easy. He's got all these
good. Oh, no you go. I gotta just you don't in style.
It's just funny he's funny and not only that but he kept the conversation going very I mean we carried but fluidly for an hour twenty without like he didn't even think we would ask me like three times like hey, can you jump in and say something here? Well, I guess why we balance good. No, I know. I'll ask the deep shit that like is I don't know that some people I'm I don't really care about like hot to is what she did at 13, you know, I'm saying like your childhood. Yeah you do.
So it's a good balance of like I guess it's just so much like funny and fucking make this shit entertaining and then you'll do like the Deep like make the person feel good. Yeah, I guess yeah.
Yeah, I don't think she wanted to have that deep
though. No, no. No. Yeah, I mean because
he started to ask the Deep questions and but I got that I'm professional not wanting to
yeah, you're like an expert level an expert.
So I call it how I see it.
When are you going to talk about that stuff? I
see it how I call it. I call it how I see it is not.
Let's not do this
again. It's I call it how I see it. That's what I said. Yeah, which is what I do. Okay, bitch-ass motherfucker.
I have no idea you are fucking getting crazy shit this tiny actual it is literally
it's not 4940. He's calling you can get
is really good. You gotta you know, what move that from which have been drinking green tea all goddamn day fuck.
Danny McBride, oh my God, wait and what hot rod. Oh, it's in hot
rod. Yeah, you know that
scene. Yeah right now is that didn't kicking or is that called a good night's
that way? Hold on. I'll go this. Google is because I know it's Danny McBride.
It's actually hilarious.
He's one of the funniest have you seen? Yes. Fuck? Yeah. Oh
Sonny. What is what do they can you just play the scene? I don't know if he even need to keep this in by can we
just no play the she ate it. Are you seen southbound and down its Eastbound and Down? He's got a McBride's top three favorite actor. Yeah. He's
Let's see. What this is that yeah, he's fucking hilarious now put running back running back. Yeah.
He's one of the funniest fucking
I'm freaking pumped that's good. That's good.
Dude, he's one of the funniest fucking actor. Yeah, he's
Sodor for sent you this does he doesn't he write a lot of his shit like yeah. He did. Um Vice principals, which if you haven't seen it, it's fucking hilarious. Yeah, and then he did a shit another show where he's in a Christian family. I forget what it's called. Oh, yeah. Oh that should so funny The Gazette called it's more recent. It's brand new. It's like fucking
The Millers no, no Jesus Sarah know where the people come after. No, no Jesus. It's called like just Google it Danny McBride from TV show.
It's going to come up fast.
Yeah, he's actually gonna piss me off not
Eastbound & Down.
There it is. The second one gemstone righteous gemstones. Yeah. So I like that too. Yeah, vice-principals was funnier but righteous gemstones is good. That's someone I'd like you to come down as goated. Absolutely. Yeah, I can hit him up.
Can you you just like on the sun like you just you just said We're the Millers by the way.
I didn't say that again some mortgage substance
to you. I think like culture
yourself. Yeah, I'm not drinking
altered. But what are you listening to in the gym apology Still Still? Yeah. I've apologized apologies goaded. He hasn't dropped anything in a minute. No, I listened to your best friend little baby. It's all that. Yes. How was that? Did you win or lose ultimate? Let's preface this he hung out with little baby and Steve will do it. Okay. So was that
That was the video. Yeah. So we we've hung out 42 dug a lot. Yeah. See that's our boys for a while and he was in Miami and him and little baby were in the studio and just randomly FaceTime 42 dog and little babies in the background and I think that he knows little baby's a big Gambler. Yeah, not guy plays really big in Vegas and he knows I think he's seen Steve gambling. So he was like you guys got to pull up like we gotta roll dice her pay.
Like Spades or something one of those games. Yeah, and we pulled up and I think that there's like I don't think that little babies ever been in like a vlog because I think part of when we do stuff like that and we pull up filming they want to look a certain type of way being on like a right right random YouTube account and then there's also the thought in his mind like you all these kids might fucking troll me and make me look stupid. Yeah. So in the beginning I was a little awkward but
We went out we went outside and then just rolled dice in the parking lot. So did you getting it? Put it in the studio? Yeah, we got some in the studio. Steve gave baby a Birkin bag you gave dog. That wasn't in the videos. Yeah it was he gave he gave Steve will do it gave a Birkin bag to little baby. So then little baby can re-gift it to another girl. What fucking video did I say? I just saw the dice rolling. I didn't see the other part we play watch just the clips. No, I really want no it was on Twitter. Well, then you didn't watch the whole thing. You've purchased all clip.
But then when you go to the when you go and will actually roll dice in the parking lot like it's a little
intense. Wait. What happened? Can you tell if
talk you so there are you can play dice more like a few different ways like there's a photo the normal way like if you're rolling first, you gotta roll a 7 or 11 when and if you roll a 2 9 or 12, you lose like it that's a more complicated way. Right? So we just rolled higher low, right? Okay World higher who will ya one? I mean, of course I talk all this shit and
Like in the video and not then I lose 4,000. Did you actually lose 4,000 or ssds money? No, I was playing my own money. Okay. I was fucking pissed. Yeah started pacing on the parking lot and little babies. Like let's just go all in let's just go all in and Steve's fucking crazy. So he doesn't he just drops 10,000. Yeah. I was like fuck Jesus and then baby goes first and rolls
1100 shitty got so right away. I was like five
22 so you
can't lose you. Could you pretty much you're just re-roll either tie or you win and your chances of winning are like whatever percent crazy. Yeah, so then what so I was like, yeah, we gotta go. Sorry, but we got to go because it was literally like we were going to play until someone had it all. Yeah, and once they had it all they probably we're going to do the same thing to us. So we were just like hey bro, like we got to go like,
you know, if you to go,
I mean they thought they liked the thing about that is it's not that crazy of money for them.
Yeah. Yeah when he rolls the 11, he's laughing. He's like fuck bro. Yeah. Yeah, so I didn't really give a shit but it was
so you guys won the money. Yeah. Okay.
We ended up winning which was which was good. Yeah, it was overall. I don't know. I like to be honest that moment I thought about it in the video. Like that's a moment like one of the coolest moments in my life. Yeah into so a lot of people playing dice with
little baby. I feel so
tempted to someone outside the studio like to someone like, I don't know. What would be really cool.
For you to be honest like but for me, that's like a really cool moment. No, I get it. I get it. But okay. Yeah like you lifting with like your hero like would be a cool moment for you for me. I could give two fucks and
for him assembling was there
talking with what's that lady's name Martha Stewart. Yeah, I would love to be her rest in peace. She wouldn't
you're such a fucking dog.
Who's Kate Spade Kate Spade? Rest in peace was Kate Spade?
It's a purse lady and she makes home and cooking
utensils. Do you like study to become more feminine to play this role? Look, is there any other feminine shit you been doing?
Yes, like you Google. What's fake Garden you bro? She's such a liar. Dude. You never touched we could even
giving water to make ice plants in your room. I guarantee it. I down you have plants like that back there for sure. No, I
don't see Garden.
Looking for times a
week. I that's the thing though. I you know where she got the garden from
yesterday. No shit Hawk to talk to is
that I have a garden. No. No, she didn't say this though. I cook all of my meals with the food that I shut the fuck up. That's all I eat the food from your garden, dude.
You're not good at this you would be so dope if that was
actually units. Oh my God, fresh eggs, every morning. You have it. You have chickens. Yes and hands. Yeah
often. Do they lay eggs
every morning.
I mean, I don't know what time exactly but I have I have the eggs every morning. Okay. So on a real noise or any other like more chicks you been up to yes. I've been if your nails painted the I've had that that's the only thing that I get okay. Oh and they're kind of pointy. Yeah, I like that this aggressive. Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. Thank you. Also. I've been no don't growl at me.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead. I've also been I've been sewing and knitting like shut the fuck up bro. Grandma's Vibes. I was just telling you what I do it. He's gonna hit like say like Land by the pool reading a book. I have a real chick shit. Obviously I do that but that's my chick shit. Every chick on is every chick that is five has to post them by the pool and
Of them are reading that fucking
book. Not a hero like coming. I read the
book. Okay Frank about what's the last
book you read?
The last book I read the name of it. I'll be The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in like fourth grade. God. Damn it dude, actually. Yeah, it was a good it was
what about you but I read frequently you do. Yeah. What book
I really had Sun Also Rises. That's Hemingway, of course, which is I think I don't even own that was written but it is the best book ever because it's literally fuck. I don't I wish I knew what it was written but I will say 100 years ago, you know, that's not what it was but it's about a guy chasing a girl his whole life. She Fades him and then she comes back to him and it's just crazy that and then he Fades like and then he Fades her and there's literature from like that long ago.
That relates to modern-day
issues of us today. Actually. I've a question for you. I know you've been going through lately because you opened up yesterday on the podcast. I'm completely healed. Oh your heel as of the past like 12 hours. You feel 12 hours.
Yeah, how'd you do it? I watched neighbors last night smoke a little joint and I was good. You're good. Yeah, so you don't miss na move on gotta just keep moving quick. You keep moving quick. Yeah. Okay. So your advice.
Standing on listening is if they're sad over a heartbreak watch the neighbors and smoke a blunt.
No, it's just get fucking pissed off and motivated and work ten times harder and then you'll forget about everything.
That's good. That's good advice. Yea, but you I feel like you can get lost in
that though.
Nah, bro, like honestly.
This happened a long time ago. But like there was this is a this is not even cap. There's this chick that my whole life used to fade me and then when I book that you just described no, I know but I'm I'm being serious. I know Steve will confirm this and then I started working with Steve Steve started putting me on and I went home. Well should we join me up and then it went down who else put you on I am Brad whatever but that's just like that's like a good it's a good moment. Yeah, so people like hate to say like yogurt.
Girls aren't like I think I tweeted at one time like yolk girls are fucking that's a source of motivation and whoever tells you differently like they're wrong a lot of the time like if you see why guys want to be successful even Tate use appreciate all the time. He's like yo, that's where you find your motivation. Yeah, you know.
Well, that's not my only motivation. Like obviously I want to like take care of my family stuff and do shit like that. Yeah.
But yeah, you want to get that chicken fucking grind. What do you think the ultimate motivation in life is and what way but the thing is the most the thing that sums it up for everyone because everything boils down to this one thing.
That's even shit bro. What the hell with fucking not even 10:00 a.m. I know but I'll answer it. But like I want you to say well, let me hear you what you have to say. It's love. Yeah, and I know like it sounds corny and shit, but everyone does everything for that and like the opposite sex are chasing the girl like your it's all relating to having that for yourself. You're like in a situation and now and money the same thing. It's like I get money I'll have this I'll be able to be loved or be like to be appreciated at whatever it's all.
Different versions of like why people do all this shit. Everything everyone does is in relationship to that? Yeah, I agree 100% whether its content doesn't matter think it's just with women like it's everything I'm time when we were time not and p.j. And we I mention this to you guys when Steve had a clip of him talking about like how he has no friends. He just has his work friends. I was telling there's a lot of realness in that you have.
I probably have to actual friends that live in LA that when I go hang out with them. There's no content. Don't talk about work. We just kick it and it's the happiest I am of the week 100% Yeah, you know, so.
That's completely different than motivation. But I think honestly just doing something I think not to sound corny. But like just you literally do have one opportunity to do something special. Like why would you waste your your one-time to do not do shit? I really like believe in yourself. And I think that there's a real problem in the world and I think even in schooling like people want to tell you that you can do whatever you want. You can be whatever you want to be but no one actually like really pushes you and no one actually really believes.
I think that's a serious like problem that people have
like there's people out there that think like, you know, I could not I connect I could never be the next Bradley Martin.
Like, you know, I don't I don't live in LA. I don't have all these opportunities that he has but like if you actually really do just say fuck it and take a shot. Yeah, you gotta try to make that possibility that also all comes on a perspective right? It's like I wouldn't be who I am or have what I have like it's not like I grew up in was like I had this like Define past like this how you get it. Yeah for sure even for the kid that you're talking about is like, oh man. I can't I can't even be that or I can't do that. It's like
Why not though? Why do you think people don't believe in themselves? Because I think that I had known I had no reason to believe in myself. I other than I was just like fuck it. This is like I'm going to do this. Well, I had no idea I was going to do this but I think that something that's not taught enough as you gotta just try everything and people always say like don't quit, but I think like tried so many little things and if it's not working quit so you don't waste any more time you find something that does work and eventually it'll fall into place. I agree.
So like that's why I think like four or so. So so that's a good point. But like because there are things where
that's good advice and bad advice at the same time because there are things that people will try that like it won't work out and then if they quit how do you know when to quit is the right time meaning like they could have kept going and maybe it was like just not the right time in that moment. Maybe it was so I need to keep going it's
throbbing. It's like re-evaluations of
you thought like someone told you something and then your guts telling you something else and you've gone with your gut and it's been the right decision. Oh every time every time yeah, so you just know so so that's that's the thing to say to along that line is and it's like
Not so much you failed at something and didn't work. It's like what is what is like your heart actually telling you? Yeah, and you're like because that same thing with girls where it's like I've been in situations in my life where I like, okay, I know this is the wrong situation to be in but I'll stay in it because of my ego and because of how I want it to be or what I think it could be and you know, because you didn't people would like you identify the good moments and you go. Oh, well, this is good. This other stuff couldn't get good. But then your mind and your hearts like yeah this isn't it and then you stick around just because of your ego.
Trying to like make it be something you want it to be dude million percent egos can be your biggest enemy a lot of the times and I were talking about the girl that I said, I'm over because I also started to realize the only reason I was like sad about it was because she didn't want me anymore. Yeah. She still wanted me I wouldn't give a fuck. You know,
right. It's like a neat it's an ego thing is a shot to the ego.
So then how do you determine what girls are people like are like genuine good in your life. If it's not just related just pertaining to Ego fuck, bro. I don't know.
No, that is it women are tricky. Yeah, you know, I don't know man, like it's hard to really find and so our guys but it's hard to find genuine people with the right intentions. Yeah, I think also stiney might not be looking in the best spots.
For these girls, like I know we kind of talked about that
yesterday. I dived we've talked about
this but like, you know, you're from Colorado
Colorado, I think like are one and like far flea markets and like on Hikes and shit, right? Those are getting my find better people, right? Yeah not girls were trying to maybe cakes that are trying to fucking at the club fucking
not are one. Maybe everyone might be 50/50.
Okay, farmers markets hikes the library on 55th coffee shops. Why are 150 50 doing work? I don't know because I feel like everyone like little bougie. That's where the blues. Yeah, because I know yeah, I know I've seen her saying because like any Trader Joe's is what I'm
saying Jose because everyone's already too expensive about how do you approach her? Chicken Trader Joe's? Oh
be like, oh my God. You got the Brussels sprouts. I love those. Let me cook them for
you. Yeah, like you gotta just whatever you go up to a chick who's picking out brussels sprouts and you know II will do
Ooh that today. Hold on go to Trader Joe's we have the chick to pick up something. I'm say that those are my favorite. Yeah, no, no, no do what she said, which was let a chick picks up. They'll be like, oh my God. That's my favorite. Let me cook it for you. That's what she just
said. No, we'll try that. How could a station goes when he first say like, those are my favorite if she has like banter with you like we got to make them together
sometime how often do people actually shoot their shot
with you.
genuinely, not very often
because they know you're not going to put out or
and maybe that or maybe I just like kind of don't look like I'm I feel like if I'm out like even grocery shopping. I'm kind of just like zoned in doing what I want and then I try to get
out. No one ever approaches you in the gym.
Yeah, but I in the gym I try to cut it quick. Yeah, like yeah like yeah, like nice to meet you or whatever but like I gotta finish this set. Yeah, because I'm like, I don't want to be at the gym talking to someone for 15 minutes and then it ruins my workout and I resent you
for sure. Yeah, that's not a good first take its
yeah, you got to like make it short at the gym and then maybe next time if the girl initiates it then it's like okay, there's something there but at the gym can't be chatting it up for too long. Just not too long.
Yeah, Jim is fucking
not that I'm not an easy place to do that. Yeah,
so but I feel like you're very personable your and you're funny. Like I think you know, I really think we should just
try this who me and you know,
you're really good. It's not for me, but you are really God. You don't know
that. No, I don't over cook dinner. I'll be genuine. There'll be no surprises. You'll leave will be home by 10:00 a.m. And okay. Yeah, see, that's the know. I'm getting old and you're funny and you're amazing just
For me. Okay. You art forces whose what's for you?
You love I mean call it how you want. Okay, you party. Okay you drank?
You like to have fun. There's nothing wrong with that. Okay, I won't spawn boring doesn't like to have fun or go out or drink homebodies homebody or but what I'm saying is you are an amazing about that whole lifestyle you are an amazing guy giving that whole life suffer. No, you can never ask someone to give up something like that because that's where resentment is created. Then why do you do it?
Because I'm unhappy
this is so ironic. They are wrong place you at maybe you're unhappy because you're in the same little
like it because I'm looking for some real and I'm in your right. I'm looking the wrong places because I'm unhappy looking for that temporary happiness that one night. Oh, she was hot when I really should be looking for some at on. Yeah boring. Someone who needs
let me tell you something. You are an amazing friend.
Okay? All right. Well, I'm not bullshitting with this
you would genuinely are an amazing human. Yeah. I don't care what the comments say about you.
No, it's all good or what like Steve or all these people say about you Steve's been saying good things. I know but what I'm saying turns on everybody I'm standing. Like I said
quote is less said best said that motherfucker. I was like, bro, you put less said best that on a T-shirt and I've seen you go on a rant every day this week somebody else.
It's fine. I was just fucking with you pretty fun. I was just trying to get something is funny. People are genuinely are like your
dope. Thank you as like a friend. I appreciate that
and you deserve someone equally as
thank you. It means a lot speaking of Steve. Isn't he at least he's telling us what he's been telling me. I was just telling you he's gonna move here for some time. Yeah, I mean he's coming back to my crib. I think in 10 days. She's going to come back and stay there for a little bit and I like having him there. Yeah. Yeah kind of funny when things come full circle like that. Yeah, like I had Bob I just live with Bob which is absolutely terrible. It was funny as fuck. But I mean he's just
Chaotic, he walks around all fucking night, like imagine trying to sleep and you just hear footsteps until like pacing around the house. The fuck is Bob is a pacer constant anxiety. Yeah, but he came and stayed with me. He lasted one on how to kick him out because he was too wild. Yeah, and then Steve Steve is actually a really good guess the really fries. Yeah and you like he'll leave doors open and like take one sip out of a like drink and leave it at so I can yeah.
And then that's about it that which is whatever Bob had some chick over there was fucking it was my birthday. There's birthday cake all over the door handle the bed. I don't know what he got into but I was like bro,
this is not. Okay. Yeah, you have to respect the person that you're staying with. Yeah. Yeah, you have to like abide
by using Bob doesn't respect him. No Bob respects. He respects me. He just can't control
himself. Yeah, maybe it's that.
Yeah and Bob's a great dude. He's fucking hilarious, but like
I don't want to live
with him. No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean respects tiny adjustment. Like respect the house
rules. Yeah, okay and instead of house rules. Yeah, that's not a bad thing like not to be a Karen but you have to there's got to be there's got to be some ground rules in there. What are they? What are yours? I told Steve like dude, no Mystery Men up in here. You told who like Steve like I don't want random people here. Oh, yeah before
inviting that you just outed Steve publicly.
That's a mystery man. Like, yeah and then during the week Lights Out by midnight. I think that's pretty
fair. Yeah.
I mean, oh, yeah.
Yeah, I guess
yeah, I think Steve needs some rules little bit. It's a little
guidelines. He's growing up. I've noticed maturing a liar. Yes, which is cool to see that you were in Miami weren't you? Yeah, when yeah, when we did Jay Paul, no you weren't there. I was here. Oh, what the fuck so I only saw in Vegas? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I went to Miami to hadn't seen Kyle and I'm Noah in a while and we went to a Carnage or Gordo.
Did a private set like a all day? Oh wow, and we all went like no filming. It was so much fun. What was that? Dude? He was at a skate park like an indoor skatepark. It was a fucking like some I've never really been to I don't know if it would have been your Vibe like because everyone's just kind of their shades on, you know vibing. Yeah, but I was like we had the best time ever had never been to anything like that. Then I hung out with Steve down there too. So
I miss those times. Yeah. Yeah. Damn is that weird how much things are better without like being filmed like you enjoy it so much more. Yeah for sure. I mean, it's just wait it's your more genuine, but I just like things change so fast like Steve Liz all over the place. We don't see each other as much. Yeah Kyle and then live in Miami. So when you get to come together again, and you really appreciate it your appreciate everything in the past like when we used to have a house and I will see you know, I was like, why the fuck do we live in Orange County? There's no
Here. I remember I live with these guys that I work with and then you come together and then you really start to appreciate ya. Damn. I took that shit for granite. Yeah. Yeah take your shit for granted in deep those
houses. Really nice. Huh? That place was really nice that oh
so far away a few times. It was it was far. You are a one piece at the pool remember that?
She wore one piece. Yeah,
I don't even remember wearing a swimsuit at the house. So I don't know.
Okay you if you didn't why wouldn't you wear one pieces?
it's gonna do ya like that feel like it has some stupid design on
it. No, it's just I've like an all-black one its kind of looks like a swimmer as one piece. Let's make a team and got why we're going to be I'm already a woman.
No, I'm saying you can still play though. Yeah. Thank you. I'll record a couple better players, but I think it in there.
Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah, I'm good at basketball.
No, you're not be the hype girl.
Yeah. Well, I'll be the cheerleader. That's more feminine right? I'll tap into that.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean you could also just be there for moral support and like water water boy. You want me to throw imagine you in the paint with your elbows with against the chair. He boards a game easy. You might not score. I probably get all the point average for dogged stupid little Leo, you know Point easy life.
Words, I will go get bang look for me. You pass me the Rock and I'll score. No, that's that's how it's gonna work. Yeah,
I don't even think you guys shots
like that.
Bro, you're not remember Miami when we actually did that video. Yeah, but like it eight threes in a row. Did you really Hammer? Yeah.
He did I could shoot you do.
Wow, he shot. He does. He's a shooter.
Oh, wow, is that like?
Maybe he gets that know the sexual tension is gone. No, there's no there was enough
there was never sexual tension to be I felt it. I never felt that with you
sonny. Okay, never
know little bit. No not be honest. I felt in. So many. No I didn't
you don't have to lie. I'm not lying. No one cares
I care and I will be honest with
I have never felt any sort of
Away with you besides our friendship. Okay. Okay. I just wanna long as that's we don't even have to put that in
there. Not even that hot.
I can't handle not getting that's okay. I get that. That's your beautiful. Thank you.
What do you like about me?
Your wholesomeness. Thank you. You're funny to thank you. You made me laugh a few times. You're funny. Yeah. Yes. I'll give you that. Sorry
your wholesomeness there. Yeah, thank you. Oh, you're just piggybacking off sign easy answers.
Yeah, I don't have any of my own so okay, like I those all sound really great. I was going to take those running with them. Yeah. That was good. What else what else you like about her smile your smile it is. Yeah, it's your eyes. Thank you. Yeah their poop
But thank
you their poop broke a rule not. All right. So back to the back to the the friends in the industry thing. Like the thing that Steve was talking about that clip was like going viral. Have you had you always felt because I've kind of felt that way to like a lot of my friends are just people that like I work with well you did that's what it is. I texted him after that. I was like yo, what the fuck bro we talked every day, which we do on the phone. Yeah every single day. But like when we do talk it's mostly about
It's work-related shit. Yeah, you know what? I mean? Like there's so many times. I wish we could just fucking take one of these trips and just travel your up and just do it for fun. Yeah, but you know, yeah, that's just not how it works.
But you end up shooting content with your friends because it ends up being the most authentic and most genuine like it's the easiest content to form because there is some kind of friendship or connection. You know what I mean? Like Steve not out there filming consistently with people that he's not like fucking with
that's all yeah
100% like
I'm content with Bradley's good because we have like a connection and a friendship outside of like cameras being on or off like when they like when we're in the car, I know one's filming we can still have good conversation same with you like yeah,
you know, you're great. Yeah. Yeah. No, but I mean what Steve said a lot of other people have said to I've seen a lot of other sources.
I mean that's like the biggest thing in this thing is it's kind of lonely. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know what I wanted to ask you guys I saw you talking about
On this podcast, but how the gym trend is like dying down for sure. Yeah why
I think a lot of people are into running. I don't know which is running its months ago was a fucking hottest thing on the internet Jim if you weren't in the gym or doing that. Yeah, like when that's am so like blow up happen. Yes. I still watch them all time. Shout out the trend twins. I love them but it's not you don't see it as much anymore. Yeah, I agree and I don't know what what it what it is now.
Experts in this field are slimming you're cutting when you usually bulk.
I don't usually bulk. I'm I always set around 125 to 135
just got fat that one time.
That's time stifle. No, I'm being honest. Thank you. Thank God no God. She just got fatter for a moment. I don't know what she was eating fucking cheese or some shit. Like, I don't know what it's like on the back side because that's not a bad thing. That's right. Yeah, we should yeah, she got up she just got so I don't know what you what were you going
for? I wasn't I just was eating a lot and I genuinely something that currently has been like a real issue is that I am like I make jokes about it, but I am balding. Do you see that? Wow?
Now you just pulled out half your hair grow. Every time I touch my hair my hair falls out and I'm very emotional about it. But I genuinely am losing so much hair and I do not know why huh. I mean you guys can Bond over that. No, it's not Tema times over that joke about it is this place is like a plan thing. No. No, I just I mean, I really prefer you to I feel like right so rocking like a hat. I can't say I think you're fine. There's some shit. You think that's just your it's just you're going through some stress.
Yeah, but it's been like this for literally I kid. You not ever since I started social media. My hair's been falling out. I do I feel like I'm not stressed out
but he's some glutathione. I need some NAD all that good stuff. You should start taking that.
I can't inject myself.
Why don't people okay. I'm going to really really a lot of people have openly talked about it like getting hair plugs or transplants. Like why don't you just do it the turkey thing? You don't even have to go to Turkey, but you can go do it here, but they kind of suck at the kind of money where you can do it here. Yeah, but I think they suck here.
I don't think
So I think it's just more expensive.
Yeah, I'll probably do it.
Just yeah, fuck it. Why not bro? Yeah, you do it at what the day that I need to do it. I'm going to fucking go do it. Why not? Yes. Sure. I just feel like that. Sometimes I've avoided it because I don't want it to be done poorly. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but you tell me if it bothered you that much you would have gone it done by now. Yeah, it's true. So yeah, we're here for you bro. Imagine if you had a fire fucking Brad Pitt was caught
no, but genuinely I do.
And how you feel like obviously maybe not to the extent but like it is hard which part the part of like having something that your that like and like insecure
about. Yeah, and I it's like I want to go do that but I just wanted to be done good and
then of course, you know, and also thinking about going to Turkey is it's not something that you can just it's not like Vegas like if it was Vegas you probably would have all done already are doing
fucking there's that thing and Texas and I'm pretty sure yeah, there's one in Texas to yeah
where did sebum get his turkey?
Oh, he wanted Ricky. Yeah.
Have you ever asked him about it? No, no, but I've talked to the same people. It's just like they'll set up they'll say like it was the best decision. I ever made the people who've done it. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of people a lot of people like
it, you know, who else got it done is the that Fitness influencer shulk Joe Schultz. Yeah the tall skinny.
Yeah. I know a lot of you've got it done. Yeah, like Mike got it done too. Yeah might get it to my who may like yeah. He posed really cool thing about it.
Yeah must have been a while ago, right?
Yeah, it's like about a year ago now maybe yeah. Yeah, but we hold you're talking about something. We're talking about the fitness thing. Oh that's signing off. Yeah. I think it's just because it's so saturated there. Like that's fucking everything though. Yeah, but that is anything but Fitness is so low level like barrier to entry like you don't need anything to like enter that. Yeah, I got because at one point it was like people who were really strong or people who were like, you know, really like bodybuilders or like
popular. Yeah, and then I got to the point where like aesthetic and anyone pretty much I like get any level was popular could be popular, which is great. Yeah. I think you just got to a point where it's like, okay, every single person's a fucking Fitness influencer. Yeah, so that like the audience started to feel like maybe sort of burnt out on it. Yeah. That's a pretty good point. I think you're actually absolutely right in the fact where you don't really just have to if you go to the gym and film it that's why all I have to do exactly don't have
to buy set up. You don't have to
have to like make you don't have to get super creative.
We can just walk in there's my workout that the level of entries so like it's like being a fucking comedian where it's like you have to be actually funny right or being like a professional sports. We have to be good at the sport. Yeah, it's just like I just do this and I film it and people watch it. And I think it's just so many
people even like streaming you have to buy a certain amount of stuff which is like maybe 5K like minimum
right where your computer's 5K by itself. I
know I'm saying I got it from you
what I gave her my Lord I gave her my old for free. Yeah.
Yeah, what the fuck? That's a very nice gesture.
No, it was so nice. It's such a nice computer. The only thing is sometimes it does sound like my house is going to blow up like it gets like really
loud. Why did you decide to start screaming?
I want to play video games. I just like and I genuinely enjoy Fortnight. Like I swear to God all day. That's what I think about. Oh she but she I'm not that good. I know I play ball, but I love I enjoy playing and I enjoy streaming's I enjoy talking to the people that I'm chatting with and it's cool to see I think for me, it's cool to see
One that like has come in every single one of my streams and like is that supportive like in the Stream like you start to recognize their usernames? Yeah, and I'm like that's dope like every
time I post my virtual come to yours, too. No. Well. I got irritated every single one
of my strengths. Oh, really? No frankly. Sometimes Pops in
yeah, I ever do just chatting.
I would turn into this area. So yeah, I do
dude one day I was dreaming and I swear that I don't know if it was a sign he's bought a counter is Alter whatever six or seven people kept saying, I love signing should marry you I swear to God that's think she happened to me two days ago, believe it or not. No Mike you are as I
know you.
Shut up. It's also really strange. Haven't seen that what is it? Okay, so there's how many was it fifty thousand Persians? Yeah, they're fucking 300 Spartans, but the Spartans were 300 Spartan
warriors. Yeah,
so he's nice and he has three might not have 50,000 of those my life. That's a good analogy. But he also just pays Bots
dude. I do not know what these guys were in my stream for you that I love.
lot attack, I would never pay for pays-bas even for comments on videos.
No such a good
interviewer you hate when you see that don't you?
I don't give a fuck. I just say this is
funny. I'm like dude. I respect the garage you're back on so
I respect inspector. Yeah, and they pop it on like no I was did pick up the call super quick after like I was like bro the boss. He's like yo shawty.
No I just when you go on there,
like when you if you call me, I'm gonna pick up right I'm there for you type shit you action. Yeah,
so Sunny realistically
Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. No, go ahead. I liked it. Go ahead. I just called you Mommy. Thank you.
Realistically. Do you see both of you? Do you guys see yourself settling down? Yes one because you've been saying yes for probably a decade. Yeah. Now five
years five years five years.
But now I'm like dude. What the fuck am I doing? It's honest. I mean, I don't it's not what I do, but the only healthy relationship I see out there is like Adam and Lenna like if you go that route you seem happy.
Wow, that is hot today. That's
a hot hot summer hot take I you know what I think they're good at what
are their fucking relationship out? There is success. I guess they have a good partnership. You know, who else does is a ch3 and his wife actually. Oh, yeah. Yeah great relationship. So but that's fucking rare. Yeah, it shattered age three. I actually I think it's Theresa. Larious.
I used to be obsessed with
H3 and of his shits on me all the time. Is
he really? What did he say about you?
I mean everything you could imagine oh the usual shit, but
I think that's kind of his
but it's fun or not. I actually enjoy it. Yeah, it's fun. But you know, I'm excited. I'm playing in that poker thing. We talked about that. Oh, no, we didn't. Yeah, we did in the beginning.
No, we did it with the cameras were on
yet. Oh, yeah, so I'm playing that tanamashu plays all the time. Oh, it's the one in Vegas. What's it called? Blake win puts it on ya polarity Poker Tour celebrity. Yep.
Actually before I played with price of lat. Yeah, but this is played at Rice. I lost 12 Katie Bryce. You lost 12 Katie Bryce. Yeah, and it tilted me really really bad. Of course is he's like Bryce Bryce is just a tricky player. Like he plays a lot like that kid loves fucking poker. Tana actually does really well and I think it's because like I can't figure out at Anna knows what she's doing or not. I think I saw her make a tick tock was that like she's good though.
Yeah, she was like, I don't know exactly what I'm doing. But I think that gives me the
upper hand that gives every that's the those are the trickiest players because you never know what the fuck they have. Yeah, they'll play like shitty cards and then they'll hit
have you ever won one of those tournaments? No,
you know what's crazy is so this is actually I'm super into cards and gambling. Obviously. This is a really big thing going on in the poker world right now, which is actually really popular. I don't know if you guys are tapping it all but the World Series of Poker. Yeah, so it's a 10 K. Bye.
Bye and I think first place is around like ten million dollars and at the final table you have the rails. So you have like your your friends behind you. So there's two guys they're playing heads up winner first place gets ten million. Second place will just say gets 2 million.
This one guy was going to his rail where his fans are where they had a poker poker simulator.
So they were doing calculations and stuff while they were playing so you see which is not allowed and they stated that that wasn't allowed and he did it that he did it the entire time and the heads-up match and he ended up winning and he kept the money and he won the money and it's a huge controversy right now. Like the guy who got second place is like, I don't know if I should try and Sue and but how if it's illegal then why they allow it. They say that you're not in the beginning they announce like you're not allowed to use any simulators anything to help with your calculations.
And like there's a 30-minute delay. So like you can go to your array laughter and like say like yo, what are you have that hand and there was a whole bunch of just like math being done to give them an advantage
but you don't see that on the TV like
when your own of their shots of him going over and they're like you can you can simulate the hands. So, you know your percentages. Yeah of like, oh like if I go all in this is my house down his how was that? Just okay, then I'll get it bro. It's like a huge thing right now. That is
Is everyone's talking about and it's an issue because like I mean that's fucking bullshit. Yeah, you know the poor guy that gets second place. He's got this other guy had a whole team doing all the numbers of shit.
It just seems just an advantage. I mean you can look it up look it up. It's pretty interesting. But yeah that whole thing. I saw that I was just like what the fuck.
I mean, they're just I didn't understand, you know to say it sounds like cheating. Yeah, that's what everybody says bro. I don't know but like it's there it's there's levels to it because he didn't know exactly what he had. They're just doing calculations based off what they think he could have had like he couldn't have memorized like that's something that in some extent you could have memorized some of it, you know, it's stuff. You study as a poker. Yeah, exactly and like there's ways where like they look at a hand 30 minutes going. They he what like he bet this way.
Ago when he had this hand so then he knows how he like acts and how he plays but it was a really it's a really big controversy. I don't know the gambling world like
There's always these weird things like shit like that that can happen. Yeah, even though that space is getting fucking bigger and bigger and obviously, you know, we all do fantasy shit like that. Emily's fun. I hate that.
It's fantasy sports isn't gambling fantasy. All of its
fun man. It's fun as fuck. I mean, I think I love dude. I fucking love the NBA and I love football and I'd not that many people like it sucks. But not not too many of our friends or that tapped in. Yeah, I'm pretty Captain. Oh, yeah out of which one
I'm be a yeah, who's your favorite? Who's your favorite player Anthony Davis?
Okay. Second favorite second. Favorite player. Yeah, Steph Curry. Wow. Those are two players on the team u.s.a. Yeah, because they're two of the best not surprised. They are. Yeah, can you name two others on their on the team? Well actually be very impressed. You should be able to get one you're missing like the easiest guy ever. Yeah.
I know who is him. What happened around? Okay, that wasn't who the easiest one. That's the easiest one. They'll Braun fucking James. Yeah. Oh the wrong. Yeah, but you know, I'm not going to Cadiz easiest wondered. Also, I love Katie bro Katie's like Katie's like it sucks. He had such a bad.
You got shit on my knee went to the Warriors. Yeah, which is old names obviously right people will always anytime you do some like that. They'll take your career but that guy is literally like the most talented basketball player.
He's searching he is the most I agree on both sides of the on and off defense offense.
Yeah, she's captain now, she's good though. She's good at that be really attractive if like you were into the NBA. I am think that would help. That's your new thing is you should get really into like the NFL and
NBA I am into both
because this this also cooking the
king shits going to fall off at some point like it's gonna get played out and then you should get into like football Sport and just know your football. I do know my food like a job girlfriend like it's an easy one.
No, that's too
too basic for you. Basic like a rock pretty Christian McCaffrey. Okay, Chris McCaffrey's do yeah. Yeah. That's one of the best players in the NFL right? I met him on a jsx flight. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm at County College a sex flight. You know, what's crazy, huh? He went to like my rival High School.
Really? Yeah, he's from colleague from Colorado. Hmm. Yeah, we spent on the opposite side of the ball. Yeah. It was fun. I saved a touchdown one time for my team.
It was I played D. Be right here. Okay, I don't know you're too short for that dbe's are short bro. I'm about that shit. I don't do them. He could he was coming at me like, you know try to juggle. I'm not buying this anyone but I was locked in I'm not buying it. I made the tackle. So I got one tassels a
lie. It's a lie, you
didn't have any other things and it's actually funny because one of his close friends, you know who Windham Clark is no, he's one of the best pro golfers in the world now,
Oh, yeah, I know they went to the same high school right now the same age. That's okay wild.
Wild. I'm also good at golf. Oh my God, you just want to get into that a lot of folks going to golf content. Yeah. I actually am really good at golf. That's I'm not joking about that one. I'm going to golf
like good. Are you just like you pick up a make you go to Top Golf and you get a couple of snaps and dip that's what she does. Yeah, we see right through your
shit right through it. I'll provide play 18
holes. Yeah one's a lot. Where's the last course? You played 18 holes at
I'm nauseous going to drop the
location. Okay, I agree.
Yeah. Yeah, but it's usually private Country Club's ubu big car girl.
Passenger princess. Yeah,
okay. They're so weird. All right, I think that's it done because
these cameras were having technical difficulties, but
I think I'm more of your lying dude. Yeah, if you want to see the crazier side this what I feel like I'm this was a more genuine. It was good this time.
Yeah, that was amazing. I love
that if you catch me before noon, I guess this is what you're gonna get. Yeah, serious tiny.
Yeah. All right guys. Thank you for watching check out one night with stinney Steinberg.
Videos amazing reels all very real and genuine like you just saw on
today's real podcast nothing for so contrived at all. No, not at all.
He told me there's it takes no effort to make those videos. Yeah, it's every day. I
put a lot of effort into that shit for hush. It's every day for you so easy. It's just natural. It's not have this kind of creative brain. So it's not real so it's fake. You just create it.
Yeah, I mean I come up with the concept and then I fucking Oh, I thought that was just like oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bro. That's that's
that's why it takes no effort because it's your everyday. I have one that I'm
doing right now. That's actually about
A male going into a female's for it WNBA. Yeah. Are you actually trying to make that one fire?
I feel like you should maybe direct short films.
Maybe she in the boxing fighting
shaky fighting chick dude lose. Ah, that
would suck. Imagine that no one had to be done forever and I have to move and go into witness protection hiding somewhere for sure. I'd have to move somewhere bro, Porto Rico Loki.
Yeah. Alright guys. We love you. Thank you for
Watching checkouts tiny check out Bradley Martin and thank you guys for having me. Let's go. We love you signing. Love you Steiner. Yes. Thank you.