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Zuby: "This is a Moral Panic"
Zuby: "This is a Moral Panic"

Zuby: "This is a Moral Panic"

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Francis Foster, Konstantin Kisin, Zuby
35 Clips
Dec 9, 2021
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What do you think is going on? Zubi? I think we're living through a period of moral Panic, Mass psychosis, Mass formation and overall confusion. And I think what's particularly strange is that this is happening pretty much on a global scale.
Hello and welcome to trigonometry. I'm Frances Foster and constant and Kissin and this is a show for you. If you want honest conversations with Fascinating People doesn't get any better than who we have for you today. He's an author rapper and podcast on a friend of the show. Zubi. Welcome back, bro. How you doing?
Always good, man, happy to be
back. It's good to have you back. Listen, we seem to get you in. I think the first time we spoke, it will probably one of the first people to do a long-form interview with you. Then the world went crazy last year.
Of the whole BLM thing. We had you and then and we've got your back now, give us some sanity, please what? We sort of feel like we have to get you in to give us. You've been commenting on the coveting extensively from the very beginning. What do you think is going on to be?
I think we're living through a period of moral Panic, Mass psychosis, Mass formation and overall confusion. And I think what's particularly strange is that
This is happening. Pretty much on a global scale, actually over the past 18 months. I've traveled to seven different countries. I spent a lot of time out in the, u.s.a., You guys saw. I went to 10 different states beyond that. I've been to Turkey, Mexico, Portugal, Greece, Romania, and the UK, of course, and it's weird to have. This might be the first time in history actually where the entire world has been going through the same thing at the same time and everybody is
Interconnected and able to communicate with each other. And all of that, if you think of it, when things happen, normally they're fairly localized to a certain country or region, but with this whole situation, this whole pandemic and the response to the pandemic, which the secondary part to me personally has been far more concerning from the beginning. It's weird that no matter where you go, whatever City, whatever country wherever you are. You can say covid or depend emic, whatever and everyone knows exactly what you're talking about.
The same word in every single language its covid everywhere and everyone knows what that means. And you can't really, you can't escape it actually, but it's virtually everywhere.
And one of the points you said is mass psychosis and all of that. I mean there is a pandemic, right there is a disease. There's the disease. Yeah. So there's a lot of people who would take issue with that obviously and they would say, well there's a global pandemic. We had to respond to it in the in every way.
Eight to save lives. That's the argument that people have been putting forward, a lot to me and to you sure online Etc. So what do you say to those
people? Well, that's based off of the Assumption and the conclusion that the measures and response has been a net positive and has saved more lives than it's either directly or indirectly killed. Let alone harmed. I mean, how do you measure how do you actually measure live saved? How
do you measure harm caused? How do you measure the damage caused to people's mental and physical health, missed cancer, treatments, and diagnoses. I guess those can be Quantified.
Well, how you just interrupt you? Very briefly. There was an article in the telegraph which will pop up on the screen. There's three quarters of a million missed cancer dot up to three-quarters of a million Miss cancer, diagnosis in the UK. Okay alone.
So that's about what five times as many as the
Official death count, right from with covid. Yeah. Yeah. So that's just an S just cancer. What about the damage caused to Children? What about the effects of unemployment inflation? Mental health suicide depression. There are a lot of factors. There's a lot of stuff that has been going on. So if you're going to talk about any measure and this is what I was sort of screaming from the beginning, you have to weigh up the pros and cons. We're still living in this time. Where
Look, when it comes to lock downs, and mask mandates, and one could even argue vaccination rates to some extent, depending, on which countries you're looking at. There is no solid strong evidence that lockdowns have helped to save lives. It's very fuzzy. If you look at the USA, you look state-to-state. You've got 50 different countries, which all implemented different lockdown policies. There's no correlation between the lockdowns.
And the death rates per million, even if you were to look at a country like Sweden, within Europe, which didn't do a lockdown and you compare it, say to the UK Sweden, never had a lockdown. Never had a mass mandate throughout this whole thing Sweden. I believe has lower death per million number than the UK does. If you look at the entire continent of Africa, 5% vaccination rate, maybe not even up to 54 countries, poor Health Care Systems, in general, compared to the West pour in.
For structure La, many places didn't really do very hard. Lockdowns, many places never had mask mandates, the entire continent of Africa. I believe has approximately. According to official stats, the same death count as the UK 66 million versus 1.4 billion.
Why don't know you. What's the UK vaccination, rate, 80 percent, plus vs. 5 percent. So these are huge things that don't make sense. Based off of what one would expect. Now. I'm a very Pro Liberty person. Even if lockdowns and mask mandates were somewhat effective. I would not be in favor of them being mandated by the force of the state. However, it's an extra slap in the face when people are
Loading these policies and you can look at it at this. We've got two years of data from all these different countries, and you can't show me a strong correlation between either lockdowns or mask, mandates and hospitalization rates. Infection rates death rates. People always want it to do something. I think it's natural for human beings to think that you can't just do nothing. Right? Like you've got there's a threat here and you the answer cannot be.
Do nothing or Keep Calm and Carry On Right, which is actually ironically, that's finally, what the UK was going to do to begin with and then Boris got covid himself. And I think he got spooked in the media was pressuring him. So he kind of copycatted what was going on elsewhere where as countries like Sweden and I believe, a couple others like Albania, they were like, no, we're not going to do this. Were it doesn't, it doesn't make sense based on previous pandemic. Protocols. They're looking at the numbers and the science itself. They're like, okay, this is the
That's vulnerable. Okay, these this group is not vulnerable. This is the infection fatality rate. So on and so forth. Looking at the actual data, looking the science itself and going. Okay, the response has to be proportionate. And I think disproportionate has been one of the keywords that struck me here. Disproportionate and press it in. I think a lot of the precedents that have been set are extraordinarily dangerous because people also have to remember, look, we're supposed to live in free countries. One of the best things about the
The Western World, Western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, all of that has been freedom and liberty in the fact that people do have individual rights and that they are free to generally make their own choices. So on and so forth. I'm glad that you've used to past tense for those
statements. Well, look, this is, this is the dream we were
all sold, right? So that is, it's been weird to me to see in these countries. How Loosely and
Lee people have been willing to just jettison that because they're afraid, right. It's like know that that still matters and people like to just go to. Well, look, this many people have died. If you're in the u.s.a. People scream, you know, but 700,000 Americans have died. People say it, 440,000 people in the UK have died. 5 million worldwide. Firstly, those numbers are sketchy. Okay, we don't actually know how many people have died of covid. Directly from it to this day. We actually don't have a clue.
Which is concerning. I think we should know that by now. There should be some kind of
audit. The reason you saying that is because many of the deaths have been people who had covid. Yes, but they did not, there's no evidence necessarily that they died of covid. In fact, in this country. Again. This has been covered extensively in the media. There was a long period of time that covid. Deaths, was anybody? Who died? Having been diagnosed positive for carbon see if you got diagnosed positive for covid without any symptoms walked out of the hospital, got hit by a bus. Yes, you died of
That yes, deaths. Within 28 days of a positive test, right? I think that's still how it's counted. I think, at some point it was 90 days with an A+ now to show people just how observed that is to quantify it. Okay, let's talk about the sacred cow is the vaccine, right? You know, no one's allowed to criticize vaccines Etc. If I were, and this is not my position by the way, and this is not how I would ever count it. But I'm using this to make the example, if somebody who is skeptical or cautious or even full on anti-vaccination.
Which is a very, very small minority of people and they were trying to tell you that the vaccine is dangerous. And they said, and they were the way that they counted vaccine deaths or deaths, was a death within 28 days of taking a vaccine. What would people say?
They say that you're being disingenuous may come on. But that's how they come the covid death. That's the official way. So you could say that that's a maximum. So you could say in the UK at most around 150,000 deaths, what percentage of that is from covid directly versus with? I don't know, I think in terms of the comorbidities you're talking about 90% plus of those deaths involved. Other comorbidities, that doesn't necessarily mean that that person couldn't have died from covid.
Of course, these can include, you know, people being diabetic having various types of cancers, all sorts of different illnesses which are factored in there. And also you have to look at the age as well. So again, if you're talking about, you know, when people are looking at figures and facts, you have to, you have to contextualize them. So if you're going to say that, you know, so a lot of people say, sube look, five million people worldwide have died of this disease in the past two years, firstly.
I to two important ways to contextualize that number one. Number one question, I'd ask is, what was the average age of death? Okay. So in the UK, I believe, the average age of death was around 82. He was yeah, okay, which is about the average life expectancy. So that does matter. This is this me saying that, you know, old people should the Iowa to know. It's not any of that, right? I know lots of elderly people whom I care about and I love the point is that
Beings do not live forever. Life has 100% mortality rate. Okay, so someone in normal times, somebody who is 85 years old dying of something is that death is always sad, but it's not it's not a tragedy in the way that a 22 year old or 12 year old dying is where there's a huge amount of their life has been cut short and it feels very unfair. If someone's lives to honestly 70 plus
You'd say, Okay. They've had a decent decent, Fair Innings. So we were not Immortal prior to 2020 and some people seem to have forgotten that the next point I'd make on that is just people don't aren't aware of. I don't think people are generally aware of how many people die every year in the UK alone about 1,500 people die every day every day 1,500. Okay, so, when we were here earlier in the year and they're talking about we've had 15 covid deaths today.
Fifteen out of 1500 deaths. That's again every day. Every death is sad. It's all sad, but the fact that 90% of the focus is on that 15 and people aren't even aware of those other ones on a global scale about 60 million people, worldwide die every year, 60 million. So if you're going to say that five million people have died, let's let's say all five million died of covid, 5 million out of maybe 110 to
Jordan, 20 million deaths and then you look at the way people respond to that versus respond to everything else and there are other viral diseases out there. Sure that biggest killers are heart disease and cancer, but there are other things which are also transmissible, but the way people respond is not the same. It's almost like
implicitly people have decided that not only is covid more important than every other threat, and also more important than civil liberties, and more important than freedom and more important than happiness, and mental health and livelihoods. Also that if you die from it, somehow that is more tragic and more important than all the other things that somebody could get sick or injured or died from that. That seems to be the unwritten and unsaid
- throughout this thing that's been used to justify, everything else. That covid is the most important thing in every country. Right? If we have to sacrifice all these other things for it, then it's worth it. Because this is the most important thing and that conversation was never had. It was just assumed, it's actually more of a philosophical question. And everything sort of is Downstream of that idea,
the civil liberties thing.
I find so interesting the fact that we've just been able to go. You know, what, these don't matter. Let's get rid of the right to protest. Let's get rid of the right to congregate. Let's get rid of the right for people to actually buy alcohol. That's what I want. They told the Scots they weren't allowed to buy
It felt like we were genuinely being trolled. Remember when they said that, it didn't remember that moment where they said. Yeah, if you're gonna have sex wear a
mask. Yeah. Oh well, when you could have
You have a substantial meal, when they reopen pubs temporarily and you had to have a meal kids have at the scotch at there was the Scotch egg gate wasn't there? Yeah, where we could have a substantial meal. But once you finish your meal, you can't order alcohol. You can drink alcohol with your meal but not outside of it because covid,
but people just abandon the right to protest and they didn't even give it a second thought. The only moment when everyone woke up was when after the Sarah ever, I'd murder you had that.
Women's vigil and then the police went to break it up. Oh, yeah. And things got a bit, you know, it's got a bit out of hand. That's when people woke up. But before that people were
fine. Yeah, it's so worried. It's the power of fear. It's really the power of fear and something. I've been thinking about a lot about this, a lot, because to me what's really interesting about this whole situation. And I think why I talk about it. A lot is the the psychology really understanding the psychology. Of course, there's virologist and there's epidemiology and
It's people like to remind me. I'm not, I'm not a doctor and I don't have a medical degree. I have the same medical qualifications as Bill Gates, to be honest. And that's in fact the same as many of the health ministers. I'd say have better qualifications than some of them, but I've been thinking a lot about fear and just individual and Collective human psychology because
This is really, what's been at play here. And I think that the powers that be in the media in politics, because this thing a whole thing has been heavily politicized in every country. They're really praying upon that. They're preying upon this. Fear emotion that human beings have there. Preying upon people's desire for social status. They're preying upon people's desire to fit in, and not to be socially ostracized, or to be the one, who's the odd one out, or to be
And they've really weaponized all of these things and the most dangerous and Despicable thing they're doing, I should that there's a lot of them. I think, what I think, what they're doing to Children's very despicable, but I think one of the most Insidious things that I've seen going on and I predicted this happening was this demonization of the unvaccinated, right? Turning people against each other. I think people do have a right to be angry and people do have a right to feel frustrated. After all, some people have been locked in their houses, unable to, depending on where you live in the world and
To leave your region or your country, or see, your friends or family abroad for two years. So I think people do have a right to be angry and feel frustrated. But what they've done is they've taken that energy. And instead of people being mad at the people who have actually inflicted this upon them. They're being trained to blame their neighbors that is that really very
dangerous. And this is the point C cuz I'm going to ask you why you think they're doing all of this, but before, maybe let me just say this because that is such a good point.
This is what I've been saying throughout. The reason politicians are fueling. This is not, in my opinion. Some great big conspiracy is just that they recognize that every person who dies of covid under their watch is going to get pinned on them. Yes, where's every person who dies of cancer, three years later because they got the diagnosis got missed, isn't? Yes. And so what they're doing is they are saying these people who haven't taken the vaccine or who don't wear the mask or whatever. They are, the
All of this happening and it works brilliantly for politicians because what it means is, the blame isn't on them. It gets shifted on to these other people who can be scapegoated as if they're somehow responsible for the pandemic, or the lockdowns, or the other stuff that the government is doing. However, zubi. You've detailed all of the terrible things that have happened in the last two years, which I personally entirely agree with what you said. Why is it happening?
Well, there's this,
it depends on how deep someone wants to go on this, really. Okay, if we're going to talk about a government. Okay. So let's, let's talk about some of the big key actors here. Let's talk about pharmaceutical companies. Let's talk about governments and let's talk about the media. Say so what is the role? What is the role of a government role of the government is to exert control, power and authority to sign.
Degree, depending on your personal political views. You may differ on how much power and the scope of that, how big you think that should be? And so when it comes to politicians, we all know.
All throughout human history, all across the world. Modern times are not particularly unique that these individuals exist to seek power and control and to exert authority over other human beings, right? I'm not full-blown anarchists. Oh, I'm not saying that that should exist to no degree whatsoever. But that's what they do, right? That's what they're campaigning for. Whether you're a mayor or a governor or even a school monitor or your let alone a president or
Prime minister that. That's your, that's your job. That's your role. And the more you can get people to invest in that idea. Then the more votes you can win and the more you can maintain control and Authority. So
that is their aim, the goal of the government. And the goal of politicians isn't necessarily to care about you or to take care of your health or your family's health or to do this or do that or for you to be happy. They want they care about your votes and they care about your taxes, of course. And so typically if you have a decent politician, they're not going to be you know, then they're not going to go full fully 100% tyrannical.
That will ultimately result in some type of Revolt. So when it comes to government entities, power, control and authority and seizing, that is nothing unique. I mean, let's look at history. Let's look around the world. Let's look at the current world.
People like power. That's just how it is. There's people who are wired. That way some people are more authoritarian than others and when you give them power, they typically don't like to let go of it. Even if it's a very, very minor amount. So that's the power and control aspects because that has been so centralized and under these emergency Powers, which they can keep rolling over as they've done. They have power to do things that typically during peacetime. They do not. So I think that's something that's just very clear. What's the job of a
Major multinational corporations, my money to make money right, nothing wrong with that. I'm a capitalist, right? As long as you're doing it. Ethically. Nothing wrong with that. You have a product, you want to sell your product or your service to people who willingly want to buy it. So when you're talking Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer moderna, all of these companies, they want to sell as many of their of their injections as possible. They want to sell as much as possible. Of course, they've got these governmental contracts with these different governments around the world and some people miss.
This, when they talk about the vaccine being free, it's like no, that's coming out of the taxpayer money. By the way, countries like the UK ordered seven shots per person per person including children just for 2021. So the amount of surplus is is crazy. And so this has been one of the most profitable time periods for them. I mean these companies are making money hand over fist through all of this. Now, if this were all based on voluntary activity, I have no problem with that.
Whatsoever. Right? I'm not against Pharmaceuticals or against medicine or whatever I buy medicine. Sometimes I get sick. I need this cool. I'm going to go up by that but when it comes to this being in bed with the government's and then the mandating of UB must become a Pfizer or murdering a customer in order to have your freedom or your rights back, whatever, like you're moving into the realm of actual fascism not fascism in the way, people mess around with it and this
being enforced. That's really where you are. You're no longer in any type of Realm of capitalism. So the profit motive is super obvious. I mean, and as I said before, it's not inherently a Bad Thing, having a profit motive, but in this type of situation, it can lead to all types of unethical behavior. And I think it also explains whether you're talking about suppression of other treatments or you're talking about certain elements of censorship or you're talking about things like natural immunity not being discussed. Or you're talking about trying to
Force these shots on a population. Speaking specifically of children who, you know, are not and never have been at high risk from this particular virus. Yet. There's this insane again, very disproportionate push for everybody to do this. Now. It was announced yesterday. They want to get people on a three-month booster campaign. So people are taking four injections a year. Has there ever been a time in history? Where a healthy person, let alone everybody needs to take four injections a year. Like that's just just
About that, that's unprecedented. That's normal. But that's a lot of money. That's a lot of money for these companies. It's a subscription model. I'm an entrepreneur. I know that the best, there's nothing better than a subscription model. Right? And
you are not a local
media companies, again, their their companies right there. Their job is to make money attention, eyeballs. We know that fear sells in the media, they have that saying. If it bleeds it leads.
See if you can get people afraid, whether it's a war, it's a virus. It's climate change, whatever. If people are fearful, you get them to click, you get them to buy, you get more advertising revenue and so on the Big Orange boogeyman is gone. Now. So you need another thing to freak people out about once. They finish this one, you can already see that moving back into the climate change hysteria. Now, they called the climate emergency or climate crisis, because fear fear does it sells. And if you can keep people in that state, so I think that
At the, at the minimum, to me, money power control and Authority.
That's right. That explains a lot of
things. Now, you've made the point and you use the word fascism to
describe mandating vaccines,
which I'm entirely on board with an I think, is consistent with the values of fascism. But why is it that nobody talks about it? Why is it you get people like Ursula Von der leyen a mainstream well-known German politician defense German Defence Minister. That's who you want. Mandating vaccines man comes out and basically goes you must take Z vaccine and we're going to mandate it. Yeah. What?
But why is that not controversial?
It's because people have been LED here, very slowly. It's happened quickly, but slowly at the same time, right? It's been what I call a compliance ladder. This is something you can even learn in. In sales. It's really a sales technique, which is you start with a very small. Ask you have to, I like to just think back to I don't know if every 2020 and just remember what the narrative was at the beginning, what the initial request was and it all starts with things that you can't.
Don't, you know, it's very very minor. It's an escalation. So it started with, you know, wash your hands. Of course, everybody hundred hundred percent, of course, all right? Wash your hands and then it was stands 6 feet apart practice social distancing. Normally. I've noticed that it's three word. Notice the three word phrases, wash your hands, six feet apart. Then it would stay at home. Stay at home is a pretty big ask because that's unprecedented. People have never really been told to do that before not in our lifetimes. But again, it was like, okay.
You know, and it was explained it. G flat in the curve. We need enough time to get PPE. We need enough time to get ventilators. That's how it was all explained. So everyone's like, you know, what, look, if that's, that's a that's a reasonable
request. That was me. I was
fully. Yeah, and I'm not, I'm not criticizing anyone for being on board with that, then as time went on, you started to get some some weird request clap for the NHS was a weird one. I was very ritualistic, you know, this time every week like a Sunday service people come out. And, you know,
You start doing this behavior. I'm not going to get into them firing healthcare workers in but like that that was that was an odd thing. But you, you know, you had a lot of people participating in that but it's just been step by step by step. And then the goalposts have shifted and shifted and shifted, right? Don't people forget people actually totally forgotten what the purpose of lockdowns was the purpose of lockdowns initially, was never to reduce the total number of deaths was to spread it out so that the hospital's wouldn't get overwhelmed because I thought, okay.
Everyone, if 50% of the population gets infected at the same time, you're going to have tons of excess debts because the hospitals are all going to be blocked. And people are going to be dying, unnecessarily of all sorts of things. So it was okay. We're not going to reduce the total number of infections and deaths, but let's flatten the curve and reduce that. Let's let's reduce the rates, right? And so now this has been another is one of the div been so many slights of hand, but the slight of hand now, is that lockdown? Save lives. Like wait, that was never.
That was never the purpose of them. I was never actually the purpose of them. So now people repeat that and they've kind of memory. Hold what that initial flatten. The curve thing was all about and then they've done this on all different things. So I'm not sure if they specifically said this in the UK, but certainly in the u.s.a. President, Biden himself and Rochelle will lynskey the director of the CDC, both sat at the beginning of this year. That if you get the vaccine, you will not get covid and you will not transmit covid, right?
Claimed it was a sterilizing vaccine. If you take the shot one, do it. Now. What's the narrative on them? Prevents severe deaths, sorry prevents prevents severe illness and and death. That's a that's a really different thing. And this is within less than less than 12 months. So a lot of people I mean, there are people to this day who still think that it stops transmission, and it stops infection and that's what, again, that's what all this narrative is based on. So, there are certain myths or outright lies that this is based on, you know, you
Add the whole asymptomatic transmission thing, act like you've got it, you know, there's a symptomatic again Lord fauci himself said that asymptomatic transmission is not a major driver of any pandemic and now everything all these policies were from the masking to the social. It's all based on the notion that all of us at all times, could be sick and everyone around. You could be sick and could could transmit it. So you've got everybody acting like they're ill when there's no reason to believe that they are and again, this is unprecedented.
This has never been done before, and so they keep moving the goalposts. They've been all these slights of hand, and and I think each time it happens.
And when you have the media support as well, in the media is not asking these questions. Like I just asked a lot of questions. So I have a long memory and I ask a lot of questions and I ask for explanations. But the people in the media the so-called journalists are not willing to do that either because they're on the payroll or maybe they're just afraid or whatever it is. And so you don't get these answers when
sorry is it? We have we don't have a role whose payroll.
Matt pharmaceutical companies for one and governments depending on which organizations were talking about. I mean, Pfizer spot using the sponsored by Pfizer sponsored by
Pfizer. Good Morning America is brought to you by Pfizer, CBS healthwatch sponsored by Pfizer Anderson Cooper 360 brought to you by Pfizer news Nightline, brought to you by
Pfizer, making a difference brought to you by Pfizer.
CNN tonight brought to you by Pfizer early start brought to you by Pfizer Friday night on Erin Burnett outfront brought to you by Pfizer This Week With George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer report brought to you by
Pfizer. Today's countdown to the Royal Wedding
is brought to you by Pfizer and now a CBS sports update brought to you by Pfizer Meet the Press data download brought to you by Pfizer. This portion of CBS This Morning.
Sponsored by Pfizer on how to find the hidden sugars in the American
Family. Diet sponsored by Pfizer in the u.s.a., The big Pharma companies run man. They they're in bed with so many people in Congress. I think they have over. I think, I mean, I'm pretty sure don't don't quote me on this but isn't it like Pfizer alone has something like 100 lobbyists in the US government? Let I think there's a several there. Several hundred big Pharma lobbyists within the US government and then so many
Talks are held by these politicians and then they're sponsoring the media channels. Whether you're talking about their money and CNN, and CBS and NBC, all these companies there. They've got their money. They've got their money everywhere, and that's, that's a conflict of interest. I mean, of course, that's a huge conflict of interest. The executive director of Reuters itself is a leaves. He's a board member at Pfizer, I believe or a
He's either a board member or one of their sort of top investors and stakeholders. That's very obvious conflict of interest. Same, when you've got guys like fauci and the whole thing is just this web, is this, is this in tangled web of everyone sort of being behind the same thing. And so that's why you're not, there's really obvious questions that are not being asked and there's really huge elements of science itself and Immunology itself that are being totally ignored. If you
See, huge one and, you know, the denial or the unwillingness to talk about natural
immunity. I don't know why people don't talk about it. Right? But we both had covid, and people are trying to get us to take a vaccine, to give us antibodies that we already
have, which are stronger, which are known to be stronger. Yes, and exactly. So, at this point, hundreds of millions of people have had this virus hundreds of millions, right? When it's not it's not March, 20 20 anymore, right? Is December.
321. And so the unwillingness to even talk about that or address, it seems to me that I mean, there's a lot of red flags, but that's just a huge glaring, red flag. And so look, when I view this thing through the lens of health and safety and protecting people from a virus. There's a lot of things that don't make sense, whether you're talking the denial of natural immunity, or you're talking about, why someone wants you to wear a mask to enter three steps into a restaurant, just for you, to take it off again for an hour, which by the way,
They're doing all over the world without question, right? If you view it through health and safety and makes no sense. If you view it through like I said before, money power and control it all makes sense. Right? Because if you denying it, if you're trying to sell as many shots as possible, you're going to go for the kids. You're going to go for people who've already had it. You're going to you're going to try to get people on a subscription model. You're going to do, whatever is necessary there. And that's to me where it's deeply unethical you will suppress and not want to talk about other treatments, right? That's another thing that's been
Mind blowing the complete suppression about other treatments. If you notice, we could that no one talks about treatment.
Right. No one, no one even talks about treatment. Like what do you do? If you do get covid and you want to recover? What do you do? Right. You have to go search on, you know, murky depths of the internet to find that out. And that's very, very unethical and it's very concerning. So that's why someone like me looks at this and is likely. This is not simply about health and say, man, you can go on forever. Have they talked about vitamin D. Have they talked about zinc, they talk about losing body fat. Have they talked about going outside and getting
although he's been two years, man. You we know this is something that mostly affects people who are overweight. Yep. You've had two years in which you could have been telling people lose weight. He is a government program to help you lose weight. Here's some money to encourage you to lose weight. If this is about health, why don't why don't we make this? About making people
healthy? And in fact, they did the opposite. They shut down the gyms. They stopped you from going outside. They, they closed the gyms they opened.
And KFC and all of that. So they offered you a free burger with
fries to go and get back early.
So it's not even just that. It's like they did the opposite and scratchcard. Yeah
that really excited. Yeah.
Yeah, they've done the opposite. And these are low real low hanging fruit. Again. Why would you deny vitamin D majority of people who died with covid Mandi deficient right? Do you remember last year when they were talking about black people being more susceptible? Yeah, and they ran with all the racism there.
And stuff. And it's like black people are more likely to be vitamin D deficient.
And so in a disease that is particularly rough for people who are vitamin D deficient and you have a segment of the population who due to the melanin content of their skin, like is more likely to be vitamin D division. Like, if you want to talk about actual racism, not talking about, that is actual racism, right? And people are there like acting like, this is basic stuff as people again, as people like to remind me. I'm not a doctor. So why am I the one who knows? This basic information and is willing to put it out there. I was talking about
Mindy back in like April 2020 because I myself just every winter need to supplement with it or I'm more likely to get sick even with colds Etc. And I just don't feel very well. So it's and it's cheap and but that's the problem, right? There's no there's no money to be made from it. So I think that we have seen profit and the desire for power and for control being put upon being put over human lives and human well-being, which is why I find it extraordinarily funny, but also,
Also kind of tragic when people look at someone like myself or maybe someone like yourselves, who are critical of some of the policies due to the downstream repercussions of them and people accuse us of being people who are selfish and we don't care about lives. We won't get it. It's like no, like that's not the situation and the people who have been really trying to Ram all these policies. One thing I noticed they have in common is that they're hardly affected by them and that they've been getting paid all the way through. Is anyone in the media, has any politician, taking a pay cut during
These lockdowns and all these stay-at-home mode to know if they've been earning their money, as usual. They've been flaunting. Many of the rules themselves. They have not they've suffered some of the least from it. So it's
one of the thing that always find worrying is the effect. It has had on small businesses, the amount of small businesses that have shot as a result of these lockdowns, the amount of businesses that have gone to the wall, which then leaves a gap in the economy, which is going to be filled, right by what? Cute, yeah. Huge.
conglomerates. Yeah, absolutely. Isn't BlackRock been buying up all these a derelict empty properties. I believe I believe someone might want to verify this. I believe that 70% of restaurants in California. Is it California or Los Angeles? Specifically of shut down. Yeah
said, let's see. I want to address something because as we're doing into is now a days because of the world we live in. I have the sort of like low IQ voice filter where I just imagine what a stupid person would hear out of what we're saying, so we should address
Says I imagine because this is how I think about it and I imagine you'd agree with me that the reason you're talking about the profit motive power. And all of this is not because you think some people got together in a smoke-filled room with cigars and when you know what, guys we're going to make billions, we're going to create a pandemic and then we're going to take advantage of it and then this and that I just think what happens is when people have incentives, I believe this is how the world Works. People respond to incentives. So
if you're making a product like a vaccine that the motivation for that is undoubtedly to save lives. In my opinion, then they came up with this thing to help people. That's what the pharmaceutical companies did. But now that you've made it and you're saving lives. Well, of course, you want to save as many lives as possible and the fact that it seems to be making you more money. Well, great, because you're saving, that's a reflection of how many lives you're saving. And that's the sort of calculations people make and politicians are the same, you know.
We are saving lives. So we need more power so we can say more lives. They're not, they're not sitting there thinking with some kind of evil and tan. I don't think, I don't know. You don't know.
I think it depends on who you're talking about. I think every individual is different. I think that there are many people who have malicious intent or extreme what makes you say that to be because that's human beings. There are bad people, bad people exist, right? Not everyone and as a good-natured, you know, decently moral person. It's extraordinarily hard to kind.
Except that there are bad people with bad, intentions out there. For example, if you are, if you are a sane reasonable decent person, you cannot get into the mind of a serial killer, you can't do it because it's so far removed. You might be able to say, I don't know a terrorist or someone who kills for some type of cause as much as you disagree with it and condemn, it. You can understand you might be able to with a high degree of empathy, understand their thinking, but someone who's just
Psychopathic serial killer. You cannot because they're just bad right there. Just malicious. And so and I think that when you move into higher certain areas, you get a higher percentage of psychopaths, right? I do believe that in politics. I do believe that very high up in certain corporations Center. You're going to get more people who have Psychopathic Tendencies. Do I think that's the majority? No, I don't think it's the majority, but I do think that
There are people out there who genuinely do not give a crap about human life. They do not care about your well-being. They do not care about your how they do not care about you in the slightest. They care about power, they care about money and we've seen these figures throughout history. They exist. They're real people. All right, the, the we can. We can name them, right? These are people. And they've often reached the highest positions of power, right? You know, Hitler was a bad, dude. Stalin bad, dude, Mussolini, my bad, dude math. Well, yeah, like so.
Of course, they're going to guys it as this is some greater good and this is for your health and this is your well-being, you know, Saddam Hussein, right? Like there are bad people who do exist. And so I think that we have to acknowledge that and then I think outside of that most people, it's simply like you said, it's simply incentives. And I think that, it's, I believe that most too.
On the contrary of what? I just said, I do believe that most people have good intentions, right? So, I'm not saying that. Oh, everyone is trying to, you know, I think most people have good intentions, but people can be misled. People can be led by ideology, people can be led by just social pressures and the desire to conform people can just be led by threat of punishment, right? Fear. People, people are acting in fear, right? You've got people look, I mean, I'd love to know.
Again, talk about the sacred cow. I would be interested to see how many people took these shots because they specifically truly thought it was the best thing for them help for their, for their health and their well-being, versus how many people took it due to pressure and
coercion or wanting to visit family abroad or whatever.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify that. I'd call that up. Call that pressure. I put that, of course. Yeah. Yeah, put that in the latter category would be interesting to see. I think I got I think early on look if
If people didn't want me to be skeptical out of it, what would have made sense is if they just, you know, roll the roll these out and pushed not mandated, it pushed and promoted it towards people over 60, especially those with comorbidities, and perhaps under 60 with comorbidities, and strongly recommended it, and then chilled out. I think that would make a lot of people way less skeptical of the whole thing. Now, it's like, well, you're gonna get the five-year-old's now.
Has a single healthy five-year-old. Anywhere in the world died of this virus. I'm not aware of a single child healthy child. I'm not aware of a single otherwise, healthy child. Anywhere in the world. Who's died of this particular virus. I'm not saying it hasn't happened. Not aware of one. Haven't heard. Haven't heard a single story. Not one. Not one. So what are we? What are you doing? Because this is a very aged stratified disease. We've known this from very, very early. If you're 75 years old with comorbidities versus, you're 10 years old with no comorbidities.
Treat it like it's the same. He's insane. This goes with all the measures. All the policies to treat it. Like it's the same is crazy. And then also, the whole thing of the, we know people now, when we now know this, whether someone got their backs or not, the firstly, they can both get covid. Secondly, they've shown their guts and viral viral load. You can still get it. You can you can still spread it to other people. So on. So this whole notion of doing it to protect others, doesn't even make sense, but people just keep repeating it because
I hear the word vaccine and they equate them all. If you're talking about a sterilizing vaccine, there's a strong argument that, of course, okay, if it blocks transmission, then, you cannot give it to someone else. So it has that effect. If it doesn't do that. So called leaky vaccine, the scientists call it. Then it protects you, and there's nothing wrong with protecting yourself. If I'd every time I take a medicine, it's totally selfish decision. I've never, I don't take medicines for other people. I take her medicine because I'm feeling sick and there's nothing wrong with that, right? There's nothing wrong with selfish as one of those words. That's
The funny because it's automatically assumed as -, but it simply means that you're doing something for yourself and to protect yourself. If I'm riding a bike and I put a helmet on, that's a selfish decision is to protect my head is not what to protect anybody else, but I think that, you know, people want to go with this sort of hero and communitarian narrative, even when it doesn't really make sense. There's nothing wrong with taking. If you are unwell, if you're a, I'm 70 or someone 70, and they are diabetic and their rough shape, and covid is a genuine threat to them. And they're
Taking the shot to protect them. God bless you. There's an absolutely absolutely nothing wrong with that and I 1000% support your right to do it. My only issue with this whole thing has been the coercion, the force, The Bullying. The shaming setting people against each other, all of that. It's unnecessary. It's counterproductive. And there's the other element of that which is a
centering of freedom of speech which they do online. Particularly. There are big Tech overlords, whereby if you talk about these subjects. Yeah. Prime example, if you talk
A year ago that maybe the virus might have been created in a lab and wil Hahn and then was Elite accidentally you would get your content taken down. Absolutely. And and now it's the most credible version of
event. I mean it always was it always was but this is the this is the issue and look, I'm just interested in the truth. I don't have an agenda, right? I don't have an agenda Beyond wanting myself and people.
To be free and be able to live their lives and run their businesses, and go to work and you know, not be forced to do this. And that that's that's my only agenda if you even want to call it that I just want life to be. Like it was I think people thought January 2020 was a was a bad time, but I think we happily go back to that. That's literally all that I advocate for I'm for freedom of choice. I'm for Liberty. I'm for, you know, people just being allowed to have their independence and their civil liberties, and it's
It's that simple for me.
Hey Constantine, do you like Christmas? No, in your Society, we canceled Christmas and we had Lennon first instead, or sack. We celebrated glorious leader and rewrote story of Jesus to make it better. Really. Yes. In our story, three wise men were killed and Gifts meant for Jesus. Redistributed to Glorious workers of the Soviet Union. Jesus was put on Gulag for having wrong opinion as we call it in Russia. Happy ending, right? Well if you do want to celebrate,
The festive season and there's only one way to do it. Grab yourself a ticket to our final night show of the year at the Leicester Square theater on Saturday, December the 11th. Yes, it is discussion with one of our favorite guests, but you sure are can't be, she's almost as good philosopher as Vladimir Lenin. Yeah, exactly. Oh, two previous shows, sold out completely. And this one will as well. Grab your ticket. Now before it's too late click.
On link below during interval, there will be special entertainment. I will write bear with my shirt off. I didn't realize we were going for that demographic night. Oh, yes. We are X. Well, you talk about civil liberties and I initially was very in favor of everything that was being done because I was like, we don't know what's going on. If the scientists or the doctors are telling us the lockdown is what flattens the curve. Let I'm happy to go along with that. I wore masks for a period of time.
But we've got some point now and I'm going to preface this with an identity politics point. Just to soften the blow for people, but my Jewish great-grandfather died on the Eastern Front fighting against fascism, right? And I'm not saying where we are now in Austria and Germany. Mandating vaccines is the same as Nazis, and I'm not saying it's out of it. I'm not saying any of that. But what I'm saying is some people came together in 1945. And what you know, one thing that we really shouldn't do is force people to take medical procedures of. They don't want
And we seem to have just very casually just walked across that line in several countries now where it is just like being talked about and as was fascism the
majority of the public support it. Exactly. But this is the thing. So you something has been really annoying with this, especially coming from people who spent the past four years, calling the Trevor 10 knots from Hitler and everyone who voted for bags into Nazi. Whatever is that they're now saying that, oh, you're not allowed to compare anything to to Nazi Germany or
Even the stalinist Russia Etc. And you know, number one. I reject that. Like, if you cannot make comparisons, then what's the point of knowing that history? If you're not allowed to point out, when there are certain things that are echoing, it no one is directly comparing this to the Holocaust itself as in the extermination of Jewish people, but if you are looking at the Nazi, Germany didn't begin with the Holocaust, right? If you're looking at the description,
Termination and segregation and mistreatment and the use of state and the use of the media to turn people against certain segments of the population. You can absolutely compare it. You can compare it to what happened in Rwanda in 1994. I've heard from friends in Germany and Austria, that their media is really, really demonizing people who haven't taken the shot. Like, they're people are actually making charges of hate speech against actual media channels, because they're going that intensely with their rhetoric, and it's just like, stop.
Stop and not only is, is what your firstly. What you're saying is not, it's not even logically coherent, doesn't make any logical sense. Because again, these are not sterilizing vaccines, right? They had to change the definition of vaccine. In fact, for this to even fit into them. That's why I typically call them Jabs or injections. It's not your neighbor, who is your enemy or who spread? It doesn't make any sense. You can look up places, like Ireland, Gibraltar Israel, where they've got super ivax rates in? They're still getting
These infections and so on. It doesn't, it doesn't make sense. And also, you know, I think people need to, I think people need to really just exhale and show. How do you know what I mean? I think it's been, it's been two years. It's been six hundred, plus days of fear, and propaganda, and narrative, and media, and this, and this, and just just hammering people Non-Stop. And I think that people do for the most part wanted.
Get out of it, but when you demoralize people and you break their spirit and you make them feel like I will do it, you put them in a desperate situation where it's like, okay, I will do anything. Even if it's unethical even if it means breaking up my family or my friendship groups or my relationship with my countrymen etcetera. If this gets us out of it, let's do it. And again, we've seen this throughout history, right? That's part of, you know, Nazi Germany didn't start in a vacuum.
Started post World War One, things were very desperate. The economy was depend, you know, someone came with a message and I imagine I wasn't around, but I imagine a lot of the Germans didn't like some of the anti-semitic rhetoric and the stuff like that, but the other stuff they were kind of on board with. So they were like, yeah, you know, I'll hold my nose and go with this guy even though he seems a little bit weird on this. And then again over time the this
and, you know, all of that frustration and anger can be directed towards this people. And and look, I think the point is not to be. I want to be very clear. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to anybody who actually has family members ancestors who suffered under these. I'm not trying to minimize anything here. I'm simply saying that history doesn't repeat but it Rhymes it echoes and human beings have not fundamentally changed.
Over this time period. So humans, and this is a really dark thing, but it's real. People are still capable of all the awful, things that have happened in history. Human beings are still capable of them. So, when we start trending in these negative directions, I think it's important to call it out to nip it in the bud. And say, look guys, no segregation bad, right? We've done this before it. We done Jim Crow in America apartheid in South Africa. There are other examples we
We've done this before. Where we say, this group of the population is not allowed to enter here or does not have the same rights of these people that's been done before a lot. It's not, it's not a good idea, ultimately ends in violence. It ends in Bloods Bloodshed. It's not good. And we can totally avoid this and doing this for a virus with a 99.9 percent plus survival rate in most of the population, extra silly, right extra stupid, right?
If we were dealing with some great plague level event still bad, but it would at least be like, okay, I can really understand why people are,
so you wouldn't need to do to be. If this was a virus with a 40 percent survival rate. Everybody would take any sort of action. You wouldn't need to win it. You wouldn't even reason you need. The authoritarianism, is that a lot of people realize this virus is mostly not
dangerous to them. Exactly. In this is the thing two years in, again. I give people a lot of Grace, right? So I'm someone who from
I'm very early. I saw stuff being weird earlier than most people, but I told I can write, I can clearly remember February and March last year, right? So I can understand the fear and their spot, but as you get, as you get more inputs, you get more information, you get more data, you your position should change, and I think that's happened with a lot of people. There's a lot of people who, you know, we're well, what? Okay, at the beginning I was really freaked out. But, you know, by summer I was like, okay, wait, I'm not seeing everybody dying around me. I'm not seeing bodies in the street. I'm not seeing, you know,
I haven't lived through like a super scary Mega deadly, pandemic. I mean, but from what I understand of one that history is like, okay you there's no you don't need advertising. You don't need PR, you know, you don't need to try to scare people, you know, you actually need to try to calm people down because they're so fearful just from what they're seeing with their own eyes, but for most people, it's like, okay, you've been here two years into this and your, you can, you know, you can have in your head that this is whatever you've led to believe.
In your head, but your eyes are not feeding this information to you, right? You're not, you're not really living in reality here. So I think with a lot of people now they have this kind of schism between what they want to believe. I think, I think this is also a why
And I made this point before, this is the first virus in history, where people want it to be worse than it is.
Which is really interesting. People wanted to be worse than it is because that would confirm their worldview and it would validate their behavior for the past two years, right? Because otherwise, they just look like a crazy person. And I think that's why, you know, when maybe one of us make certain come it in angers people, or when you give people actual stats right of survivability, or it not being a big threat to children. And so on people, actually get angry because you are
Causing the Schism in their brain where they are acting as if they're living through the black death and then you're like man, you know, for most people it's kind of like
a flu. There is one we interviewed. Dr. Called dr. John White. Who made the point that we don't actually know the long-term effects of the virus.
Okay. So that's the one place where you could say,
maybe we
should try and reduce transmission as much as possible because we don't know the long-term effects. Here's my thing that everyone's going to get it, almost everyone's going to get it.
And I assume this from the very beginning. It's a coronavirus. It's like trying to live your entire life, never getting a cold or flu. You can't do it. It just doesn't work. It's always mutating. There's so many vectors both human and animal vectors. And it's, it's just there. So you've had covid. Yep. You've had covid. I've had covid, it's only been two years.
We've all three ways,
so it's going to get to
Most people that's that's just the reality of it. And so that's why I think with what they're doing in places like Australia, New Zealand is particularly nearsighted. Because right now. Sure, maybe they're, they're covid. Death numbers might look good now, but does anyone there have natural
Right. Well, I guess their argument is if they can keep any Outsiders out long enough. They can vaccinate everybody and then everybody's got some immunity against covid and that way you reduce the death from covid. Maybe you reduce the deaths from
good, maybe, maybe a bit, that would depend greatly on the efficacy of the vaccines, especially with more and more variants coming out etcetera. But again, it comes back to our point of like, okay. Well, what are, what about all the other damage caused by it?
So, so so, so that's the thing. And, you know, it's a balance and again, throughout all of this thing. One thing that I've been very in favor of is simply discussion, right? What the amount of doctors and scientists that have been silenced, or censored a push to the side or just Everyday People? All of this, all this conversation. We're having some of these questions were asking, I don't know the answer to everything. I'm just asking, I'm asking a lot of questions and coming up with ideas and someone might say, oh, well, what about this? What about that? This
This should have just been how it was all the way through from the beginning. Because again, you have to remember the models that they started. How many death do they predict in the UK? Was it about?
If it's nothing was done? If you know restrictions
were put in half a million was gonna die up half a million to a million. The u.s. They predicted three to four million. Okay, that was off.
I thought that was that was off and, you know, someone might say, oh, well, it's because it's because we did the measures don't know, it's always hard to know. We don't really have the counter
products. Like person would argue the vaccines of definitely reduce. The number of people have
died. I'm sorry. Look, I'm gonna go, and I'm not I'm not against not against any vaccinations, right? I think having as many options as possible, vaccinations various types of treatments, Etc. Should all be, it should all be available, right? I don't have the arrogance to assume that I know the best thing for.
Absolutely everyone or that I know everyone's medical history and all these details about them. Again. Like I'm 35 years old. I'm in great shape. I've already had covid, I've got strong, got strong natural naturally, acquired immunity. My position is not the same as an 80 year. Old who hasn't had covid and perhaps has one or two comorbidities and it's not the same as a ten-year-old child who's just perfectly healthy and bouncing around in happy. So, to treat all of these people with the one-size-fits-all.
It's all is, is crazy. I mean, you know, I like, I like peanut butter.
But if I were to mandate peanut butter as
genocide, look at his face, look at his face, he hates. Okay. Yeah, but it won't kill you.
No, today, I'm but but kill you. Okay, but there were, but
there are there are millions of people that you can be killed by a couple of peanuts or peanut. So that that's just an example of, you know, the human body's complicated man. Penicillin is, save tons of lives. There's people you can kill with Penicillin. Absolutely right. All different people respond differently to different medicines different foods as we've known this for ever. That's not. That's nothing controversial. So that's again. Why when it comes to things like mandates
Like this, is that psychotic, right? You're going to kill some people, you are. If you take a billion people and you mandate any any, any medical injury, you are going to kill some people. And that is why it must always remain a choice, right? That's why I must always remain a choice. I think that there are segments of the population and demographics. We're totally totally makes sense for them is reasonable. Even if I don't think it makes sense for them or whatever, if you're an adult. Hey, that's, that's, that's your choice.
And then you assume the risk on both sides, right? There is risk on both sides, you assume it. And that equation is not the same for everybody. My personal view. I think that giving these injections to Children is psychotic. I think, I think it's Reckless, right? Because the risk of the disease is close to zero in terms of severe disease, let alone death, it's close to zero. We know that we've got data from every country in the world for two years. We know that. Okay, the effect of the
Of the jobs on them. We don't, we do not know, we do not know they're still in trial, even for healthy adults, up until 2022, 2023. But for kids, we simply do not know. So, for me, in my personal opinion that doesn't have makes its. Again, they do not block the transmission. So you can't even make the argument that, okay? Give it to kids to protect, you shouldn't be using kids to protect adults. Anyway.
Well, well, exactly. Like, look, we'll have to wrap up but the very basic point you've made is there's risks everything.
Yes, and if you're mandating vaccines for children, statistically speaking, that is going to have a negative impact, and I'm just going to I'm not going to go into the details of it for YouTube purposes, but it's going to have a negative impact on some of those kids. Statistically speaking. That's a fact. If you mandated peanut butter for all the children in the world. Some of them would die. Yes. What do you think about it? Like I'm not going to get into the details of this but that's a fact, right? So you Hammer. It's that philosophical question that we always talked about. If you could save a million people by killing one innocent.
Would you? That's that's, that's the conversation,
right? I don't think that's the conversation. Don't, you know? No, I think that's a false analogy. Why? Because you're talking about a
mandate. But that's exactly what I'm saying.
But what? Yeah, it is.
And they will kill
someone. No, but what I'm saying? Is that, without the Mandate. Yeah. Look, everyone who wanted the job, took it without a mandate. Yeah fact. Yeah, right. Everyone who wanted it. Took it Beyond any mandate or bizarre?
Incentives or whatever. And that's that's it. That should be the Finish Line. Everyone who wants it, has had a chance to get it.
Yeah, but what I'm saying is I'm agreeing with you. I think I would miss hearing each other is if you mandate a vaccine for children, or if your mandate peanut butter for children, if you mandate whatever for children in order to protect other people. Because, as you say, we know, children are not vulnerable to the virus, right? If you are doing that, you are in your knowingly, saying, we are going to hurt some pick some kids in.
Order to protect some other people to me. That's a moral. Yeah, that's a moral
agreed. And also it's, and also, it's not correct in this case, right. Because it's not a sterilizing effect.
Yeah, before we do our last
I'm gonna ask you this question. I know what the answers going to be but I want to ask you. Anyway, zubi. Do you think we're going to go back to, and I hate this term. Inverted commas, the old normal.
Yes, but I think it depends on the people. I think it's in this ends when this ends when people decided us
An individual both on an individual and a societal level, it ends when you end it.
And do you think we're going to end?
It depends on the country? Okay, some places. Never started some places. I don't have much. Hope for.
Okay. So, let's see. What prices. Do you have hopeful in which
places? I hope for, I have hope for a virtually every Republican LED state in the USA. I have. Hope for much of Africa. I have hope for much of South America.
Europe has certain Pockets, which I have hope for, but overall you many parts of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. I I think people are have. I think too many people are welcoming in the new regime. I think that if you are a liberty minded person, you should be doing your best to get out of those countries. That's my personal view. It's actually been my view of the past year.
ZB. Got last question for you is always H is what's the one thing? No one's talking about.
I think I went real controversial on the last one. So funnily enough. I think it's health. I think actual health. I'm not just talking about masks and jobs. I mean actual health. I think it's been a catastrophe that this time period has not been used to really talk about the Obesity epidemic.
And all of the health problems, which have merely been magnified by the covid situation. I think this would have been the perfect time to really sound this message, especially in countries like the UK and USA, where obesity rates have just been skyrocketing. I think that the lack of conversation about nutrition about exercise Lifestyle Changes, generally living a healthy life and looking after your own body and taking that individual personal
T. I think that's really been lacking. I think it's been lacking for several decades. And yeah, this would have been the perfect opportunity. So I think not enough as much as people are talking about health, not enough. People are truly talking about the full scope of Health.
All right, see what we're going to ask you questions. From our local supporters, which are separate. But for now, thanks so much for coming on. Where can people find you
online. Sure. I'm on all social media @zb. Music. That is z UB y music. I'm on Instagram.
Book, Twitter, Youtube minds.com and you can find me at ZB. Music.com where I've got links to my podcast, my merchandise, everything
else. All right, man. Thanks for coming back on the show. Really appreciate you guys. And thank you so much for watching and listening. We will see you very soon with another brilliant episode like this one or or show. All of them, go out, 7 p.m. UK time. And if you like your trigonometry on the
go, it's also available as a podcast.
Take care. And see you soon, guys.
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Okay. So, this is from resin pets. Why didn't I do? Reans seldom very rarely, have a victim chip on the shoulder and often refer to themselves as the Americans of Africa.
Well, I'm not familiar with the Americans of Africa, part of, am not familiar with that term. In terms of absence of victim mindset. I think number one. I don't think there's any reason why we should.
And I mean, that in the truest sense is in Nigerians, are not a group of people whose specifically in history have been targeted or discriminated against or segregated say in the way the black Americans absolutely. Were right. Just historical fact. I think that's a factor and then I think beyond that I think the religiosity strong family ties, lots of focus around
Sponsibility and education, those things just being present in the culture and pretty well embedded from young people. I think that's I think that's the second main
factor. That makes sense and we'll go one more.
It's, this is from Robin. Mike Hawk. Who say, what was the one thing? Or what were the incidents that made? You think? No, that's not right? And speak out as much as you do. Which I love by the way. He says. Or she
says, just broadly generally speaking,
I think about this particular issue about the
cold thing. Okay. I think I saw from early.
I think it was the fact it was how unprecedented everything was.
Right, I mean diseases are not new viruses or not. New. We've even had some scares In Our Lifetime. Mad cow disease. Bird, flu swine, flu, Ebola, virus. There have been things that have SARS HIV/AIDS. Yes. I'm a little bit young for that. But I remember vaguely. So,
but what was different was the response. But we never had the masking policies and everyone stay at home and everyone do like that which to me was just set off alarm Bells at the very beginning. And so, I also saw down the line. I practice a lot of, you know, second third fourth order thinking. So I realized the way if you give people give up these freedoms, then it's really hard to get Freedom back. If you give it up and I'm just aware of that. So I thought from early
We have to be very careful that the response is not more deadly and harmful than the actual threat. So, I think that's why from the from very early on I could just see the potential catastrophe. Just just like, I think some people thought, okay, if this virus truly does have a four percent mortality rate, like they were suggesting in the beginning, then you're looking Downstream and thinking. Well, this is the catastrophe that could result. Thank God. It was much lower than that.
And I believe that was the case from early. So I thought, wait, this over reaction is potentially going to cause more damage. So that's why I started speaking out and kind of warning people, I guess of just where this could lead. If people, you know, get get scared out of their wit's rather than into their wit's.