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The Daily Stoic
No One Can Trigger You
No One Can Trigger You

No One Can Trigger You

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Aug 18, 2020
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Episode Summary
Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength inside wisdom necessary for living good life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women form or you can visit us daily stoic.com
No, one can trigger you. There
are things that set you off. There are things that happen to you that you prefer not to think about there are things you asked repeatedly for someone to stop there are things that decent people are not supposed to do and say and yet they happen anyway, and you get upset you get triggered. Although not ideal it is at least understandable. We should be patient with other people when they are triggered. We should be patient with ourselves. When we do as Marcus said what matters when you fall or fail?
Is to revert back to the training, you know and understand your human being the problem is this extra thing we started doing these days blaming other people for triggering us expecting the world to label every potential frustrating thought or idea with the trigger warning that's not reasonable right or Fair the stoics knew that other people can't trigger us. We can only allow ourselves to be triggered as Epictetus said we are complicit in the offenses we
Take our temper is ours to lose. No one can take it from us and certainly no one can make us lose it we have the power will have far more luck and happiness in this life. If we spend our time strengthening it then we ever will trying to soften up. The world one is a form of protection. That's up to us. The other is a fantasy in a
projection so which will you choose
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