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Sofia with an F
Better Blowjobs, Better Mental ft. Bradley Martyn
Better Blowjobs, Better Mental ft. Bradley Martyn

Better Blowjobs, Better Mental ft. Bradley Martyn

Sofia with an FGo to Podcast Page

Bradley Martyn, Sofia Franklyn
32 Clips
Feb 2, 2023
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Episode Transcript
It's Sophia, Franklin. You are listing to Sofia with an f and the f is for phenomenal. This podcast is rated F.
I love this sort of content in general, cause I'm psyche, I love having conversations about things that actually matter mean
to. Yeah, I mean usually I'm talking about sex like how to give a great blowjob.
Okay, the kids are already asking what's for dinner but breaking news, empty, fridge. That's okay. I'll insta card. Let's add some organic asparagus and some farm fresh chicken. Easy weight is the oldest vegetarian this
week or was it gluten-free
gluten-free pasta covered either way cart it. And finally, some vegetarian gluten-free olives for my well-earned cocktail, when your family shopping list has more footnotes than groceries, the world is your cart visit instacart.com, or download the app and get free delivery on your first.
Are offer valid for a limited time. Minimum order, $10 delivery subject to availability additional terms, apply.
Hi everybody. Welcome to Sofia with enough. I'm joined by kind of my new best
friend. Yeah, honestly, this is dope. Your intro is amazing.
What do you mean my intro? Like your your, your
presentation voice? I didn't know that. I was going to come out right? Did
my voice
change? Yeah, you had a much different inflection. Really? It was
impressive. This is Bradley Martin by the way. Yes, thank you. He is very good-looking very in shape. I'm still trying to figure out if he's like a good guy.
Guy, maybe a little shady. I don't know. We've had a few shots.
How how, how would I be Shady
at all? Actually. No you are. I can tell you were very, very kind genuinely. You are I appreciate it? It's back. Oh, Bradley introduce yourself, which I hate when people tell me to do that ship, but I feel like you have a whole like
elevator pit. I really don't man. I'm you did. I don't so guys, my name is Bradley Martin. Now, I don't have an elevator but I really
Yeah, I film videos, I make podcasts. I've been doing it for a very long time. Big deal. I think. I mean, I'm big a big. I don't know about a big deal but I'm like a probably a bigger
guy. Yeah. Yeah. So you are dating someone right now? Yes. Yeah, for the majority of dudes. Like what do they look
for? I do is look for. Well, I personally at the same time like I don't think I could speak for every guy but I can't say for sure that I think it's really important for someone that you involve in your life too.
To be someone that has something that is important for them. Like as a human something that beyond the physicality Beyond like the looks beyond all the stuff at least at this point in my life at 33 years old. I, when I was younger I was a lot more superficial as far as what I looked for and why I even cared about being involved with women,
okay? Bradley, I have to cut you off because you're seeing a very different tune. When I was just on your show. What I say differently? I need a girl that will you know, do the laundry. Have a sandwich, ready?
For me when I get home,
I was also saying that someone having a purpose, is the most important part so I said yeah yeah there are those things that I really do value in a relationship because for me, things that I don't want to do so much so for myself because I'd rather focus on other things, right? But at the same time, I still said even on that pot and like I'll say here now, is at this point in my life. I look for someone who has something that they're passionate about and it's that evolved into something where they didn't have the time to cook me a sandwich or to make dinner or to do these other things that I want to help with that. I'd be able to understand that because like I was talking about how love is
Like a learning in a Growing Experience. My fully stand by
that, which I do want to touch on. Yeah. You don't care about the success or the financials when it comes to a
girl. Not a no no, no. I think it's more about having something that they're passionate about real. They're making a ton of money on it or making no money or just having something that they can because, you know, if you're in a relationship, I feel like that is all dominantly just one person look into the other for like their source of motivation or their source of like purpose. Yeah. Like if a girl's purse
It's just me, it's a big issue or vice versa. If a guy's purpose is just his girl, there's a big issue. There's always going to be a power, Dynamic struggle, that's not going to feel good. It's a matter of understanding where someone's at in relation to where I'm at and being able to be willing to grow at that person. But I say all that to say I think it's I think those are the things I look at and more now. And when I was younger it was more just like yeah how hot was a girl right up.
Well you're kind of still in that
zone. Not really a little
bit what which part you think
I mean men, I don't care what age, it always boils down to how hot the girl is, that's a main
factor. Always. Yeah, I think thought some point because at this phase entirely for both people men or women that it does really matter, someone's heart, like can you sit with someone and have a conversation with them about fucking nothing? Or can you sit in a room and have a conversation about nothing? And it doesn't feel weird or it doesn't feel like something should or shouldn't be said, right?
You have that sort of energy exchange that feels very like calm or good without forcing something to be, or like a conversation. So there's a lot more like, a lot more things that I think matter, especially, as you age that you start to realize, like, didn't like always matter the most but you weren't as aware of it. And as you got older, you realize. This is actually what really matters because physically all this shit's going to fade and change. And it's like if you lived off just of what someone looked like, then it's that's like almost like living in the sense of trying to make more and more money. It's just like there's a never-ending cycle of
Like if you only like this person to love this person, how does fight. Yeah, if you liked her cause she look like this, then eventually she doesn't look like this. And then you look at the other young girl who looks like this and now you love her and it's like you're in this constant state of searching for more, right? Just like if I was trying to find money it's like there's never enough to make
right? I love how you said young girl, that's what happens, right? You get married and then the dude ends up wanting like a hot 20-something year
old. This is a funny thing I think is really interesting. Like, you know, there's a lot of young girls who date older.
Eyes and then because they because they got money and because they have all this stuff, whatever. I know if that's you specifically, cuz I know you do well for yourself. But a lot of young girls, they older guys, because like they're more established, they feel like this person has things that can provide for them and if they're only reason, if that guy's only reason to date the younger girl just cuz she's doesn't look as old as like another woman. Then eventually it's like if there's nothing else built around that, he's going for the next one. Right, right. The next one, down the next one down. So I think that's why I'm saying it's so important for
For women Beyond just like the physicality to try to develop within themselves and this is goes vice versa for men. Like you can't just be a shell. Like you need to have something that is like valuable to you. Because I think even the rich guy who's like, just taking the girl, if he starts to see like, well this girl really is passionate about this and she cares about that, then like he would be more likely to want to stay with that person and just to be like, oh, all I care about is this the thing that I'm hitting on is like it's just a matter of people, men or women having something that they really care about outside of just having a relationship or
Having like a person in your life. Like, if you have something like, I fully believe, if you're able to genuinely love yourself, you could actually genuinely love someone else and I don't think people can genuinely love themselves. If they don't have something that they genuinely love for themselves.
Right? Wow. Okay.
So, if my love was based on, I love you. And I love you because you mean this to me and I don't have anything external. That allows me to like, have this own self love with who I am and what I do and what I'm working on or what I'm working towards, then my love is always based,
Based on external forces and not what's actually happening within me, right? So now I can ever truly genuinely love another person and I can't truly genuinely be loved by another person because there's that discrepancy with with myself.
So how do you genuinely love yourself? That's something I'm battling
with. I think we all battle with it, I battle with it. I'm definitely not figure this out but I think it's being able and willing to confront yourself on all the levels that, you know, you really need to in order to actually grow as a human, so that you can love yourself so that you can accept yourself with all your flaws.
Us and not be like down on yourself because these things happen to you being able to accept what you went through being able to, like, try to look back and make the most out of it. And none of this is easy. All this is extremely hard and that's why I think a lot of people find themselves in these like same Cycles in relationships because they're unwilling to like go at that thing in themselves. It's whether it's related to their ego, why they can't let go of something because related to some other shit in their past or why they can't generally allow themselves to love like I've struggled really deeply with allowing myself to genuinely love because my fear of
Of being it being taken away from me. Like, I told you in my pot about losing my father. When I was young, when I was yes. So because my father took himself out of my life, like he killed himself. So I was like, my relationship to all the love in my life is that, you know, if I get too close to someone, I felt like they're going to take themselves away from me and hurt me, and it's going to hurt because it's already hurt and I know what it feels like, and I want to avoid that. So anytime I would get close to loving. I would like almost create issues that often times were not even there or exacerbate issues that were small and make them very large.
Right to be able to create distance so that I can be okay.
Like a defense
mechanism. Yeah. And in reality, I was doing, I was ending up in the situation that I didn't want to end up in, which was losing that person,
but it was something that you were in control of and knew would happen. Right? So, it felt safe.
Almost yeah. Now now I'm way more aware of it and More in control of it, but I still, it's like, I still tend to create circumstances like that because I don't know. It's like my fear of fully giving into something fully allowing myself to love.
Of I cannot fully be in a loving like symbiotic relationship with someone else. If I can't fully get past those things in my life because it's not going to allow me to. I know that like, I've tried and I was talking to you on my part about like the plant medicine and doing all the stuff and working on myself. And that's has really helped me get closer to what I need to get through in my in my life but it's still work. No matter what it still takes time, no matter what to like I've really pick it apart see yourself for who you really are and continue to try to grow and try to let.
On all those fucking defenses that we all
shut up, which I mean, you'll be doing that your whole life, right? Yeah. Hopefully people think they'll like reach nirvana or like an aha moment. I know everything, but I don't think that ever
really happened. I never happens. I think like, it's all a learning process all. Yeah. And it's it's supposed to be. I mean, that's what life is. And we were talking earlier to about, that's what love really is, is love, is really understanding where someone's at that time, understanding where you're at and being able to like communicate in a way that allows you guys to continue.
To grow together. And then when love falls out it's because you know, someone's not willing to either like understand or hear or listen, or get where someone else is. But it's hard because people to accept that someone else is just on a completely different perspective which we all are, but also a different timeline in the life. As far as what they've learned and what they know to that point is completely different than you and I, and everyone independently, right? So, we find ourselves in positions. A lot of times where people get really demoralized in their situations and relationships, not working out, but it's
It's really tough to accept the fact that timing is so important. In someone's time is just completely different than someone else's time in relationship to their ability to learn about themselves and how they love how they're supposed to love or how they need love being able even willing to share that. Like, if I, if I was in love with you and I wasn't able to tell you all the things that I needed to feel love for me with us. And then I have this like relationship with you. That oh, you don't understand me. You don't appreciate me. It's like, what if I was never able to fully explain to you what I needed? Because maybe I haven't fully come to that conclusion yet for
And coming to that conclusion is, fucking how do you get there? How do you get to that self-actualization to that
degree? I mean, oh fuck, I'm not. Yeah, I did I lost. I mean, I'm not, I'm not obviously, not a professional at this, by any means because I'm still trying to figure this out my life to make it, you know, as smooth as I want it to be.
You sound pretty close. I'm close. I think, I think so.
It really does come down to looking at yourself without all.
Filters that you place on it. Like, we play so many filters on ourselves about like, how we should be or how we need people to show up in our lives and we create all these like, expectations based on our expectation of others, right? So I think it comes down to as much as you can being able to remove your ego in relationship to all these decisions that we make. Yeah. For ourself and it's just, it's hard. It's the hardest thing because like we built up like all this shit around who we are, or how we want people to perceive us or how we want.
To be loved or how or what love is to
us. And also all these filters, right? We're not even aware of. Yeah, that's a scary part. Like how are you gonna deal with it? If you
don't know that it's there. Exactly, yeah. So that's that's the thing I think comes down to, like, really looking inwards and being introspective about yourself and your life and what you've been through in the traumas that you've been through in your childhood and your past relationships and looking at all those moments and trying to figure out how you got there. Because a lot of times people get in relationships and
It'll be like a repeat of the last one, just like a different version and it's like there's something there for you to learn. Otherwise it wouldn't just keep happening and it's not just about the other person because everyone goes well he hurt me or she hurt me and that's why I'm here. It's like no like yeah that maybe did happen to you are hurt but you got there somehow by your record as
well so I feel personally attacked yeah, it's tough but but but not because I'm fully aware. It's me every time.
Yeah and that's the thing is being able to
To accept that and then looking back on those moments and really trying to discern the information. Say, okay, this is how I got here. This is why this happened, like, this was my foot in this this is, this is, this is the steps that I allowed to get there and accepting it to be able to say. Okay, this is where I'm at. Where do I want to go? Yeah, and that's all you can do and it it's, it is hard because it's accepting self like flaws. It's accepting that. I'm not good enough. I'm not this or that and then re teaching yourself. Okay, I am and I can be. Here's why? And let me move forward and try and make that.
but also being comfortable. And okay with you're not perfect. You have flaws. Yeah, no one's perfect. And that's okay though. Yeah. Hang a lot of people try to fight
that. Yeah. A lot of people fight that and they also like to blame everyone else. Tomorrow, there was times in my life when I would be like they did this to me this happened for
sure. So okay, so tell me this because I'm the opposite, anything that happens. I'm like Sophia. How did you fuck
up? I'm trying to think. I think when I was in that,
Space where I was like, really self-deprecation like this is because of me, maybe the reason why I was that way more. So when I was younger, not that everyone else is the problem. Now, but I was really hurt. Like I'm thinking about in relationship to my father. I was really hurt that my father took his life because I was like, I'm not good enough. So I tend to have this like,
oh you put on yourself? Yeah, can we talk about that? Sure. So you put the blame on yourself when that happen.
To some
degree. Yeah, to some degree for
sure. Okay. And how did your family like your mom? Like everyone around it? How did they act?
I mean it wasn't no one was blaming, you know, I guess themselves I think my mom had a little bit of a poor relationship with it because she more, so I was like, I have to make sure my boys are okay, being my brother and then she obviously had her own, you know, love relationship connection.
To it losing that and like having to kind of like be strong in the whole situation. Yeah. I don't think anyone else really like blame themselves for and I didn't necessarily just say like, this is my fault, I guess it was more. So like my ego my myself was like oh I'm not good enough for you to stay around because you know, as I would go through life and then I would experience other shit like graduation or like football and you see other people kids interact with their parents and I'd be like why don't I have that? It was more of a comparison that I didn't have these things that like other people
had, right?
Which I can kind of relate to, to a certain degree because my dad was not there. Yeah. And also, you were so young when it happened, right? Yeah. 66, how is your mom really supposed to act in that situation so
hard? Yeah, to a six-year-old. I mean, she did the best she could. I just don't know, blame on her. I mean, I can't Looking Back Now at 33 years old, it's actually crazy when I look back and I'm like, damn, she lost the love of her life.
And then she had to tell these her two boys that, you know, your dad's not coming back. Yeah. And then trying to, you know, make life as good as
possible, right? Right. That's all. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. Okay. The kids are already asking what's for dinner but breaking news, empty, fridge. That's okay. I'll insta card. Let's add some organic asparagus and some Farm.
As chicken, easy weight is the oldest vegetarian this week
or was it gluten-free
gluten-free, pasta covered either way card it. And finally, some vegetarian gluten-free olives for my well-earned cocktail, when your family shopping list has more footnotes than groceries, the world is your cart visit instacart.com, or download the app and get free delivery on your first order
offer valid for a limited time. Minimum order, $10 delivery subject to availability additional terms, apply,
When you were talking about, you would see kids with their parents. And, you know, yeah the fact that my dad and I've spoken about this, I he met me twice right? Once in middle school once in high school and then was like, I'm good. Don't want to talk to her. I'm sure that my self-worth and my self-esteem and like all of
Shit was heavily affected by that
for sure? Do. Yeah. I mean that's the thing you need it when more young like I don't think I'm even even younger than that. How much our brains and how much we develop like personality and personality traits, like is so so relevant to who we are for the rest of our lives. I know, I think a lot of people, I think a lot of people know that but don't really realize how important it is to go back to those times, like, as wherever you are now based on your life, wherever you are. Now going back to those
Younger times and like, addressing that part of your life. From a, from a newer perspective, is so powerful. And I think a lot of people don't do that because it's uncomfortable to go back to like, talk to in a sense that younger self and be like, hey, how did you create these assumptions about yourself then and how do they like, are they even serving you now? Yeah, 10 times out of 10. They're
not. I mean I'm 30 and I just in the past year and like starting that journey of like talking to my inner my younger
You talk about that a lot? Yeah, I've been dealing with that for a long time.
Can you explain that? Because I haven't fully like, dived into that
shit. Yeah. Well a good friend of mine. He came on the Pod, he's a mentor of mine. He had me, write a letter to my younger self. Okay. And that was that, that changed my life. Like it. Absolutely. Yeah. Run wrote a letter to my six year old self in relationship to what had happened and how it just allowed me to put thought, you know, pen to paper. Like the thought that
I have now as a 30 year old 33 year old man in relationship to myself as a six year old man. A six-year-old kid, right? Yeah. Where I'm going to say, like, I know you felt this way, but here's your perspective. Now, like what happened to you then is not going to dictate your life? Now, you don't have to allow it. So I wrote all these things in myself, literally a letter to myself. I'm not opening the like the mailbox is a six-year-old me like, oh shit. I'm reading this. I'm reading it as myself now, but it was to myself and that, that really changed my perspective. It was crazy. Because when he told me to drive,
Write that letter to myself. I was like, this is, I remember thinking like what is that going to do this gonna benefit me? But but I just started writing and then like, I'm like crying like writing this shit. Wow. Yeah, an assist, you don't.
Fuck you.
I don't think you realize,
I don't think you realize how much shit like you. You don't think of until you start like really putting it
out right? Until you're older and you're writing it on
paper. Yeah, you have perspective. So like I've always talked about this to my father, took his life when he was. I think 38, 38, 36 years old and now I'm 33 and my perspective is completely entirely different on someone who did that, right?
Like I'll never say it's good, you took your life but as I age and as I went through shit as I dealt with people and losses and got fucked over and take advantage of it hurt. I started to realize like not why someone would take them their life but like how he could get there based on his life and his circumstances because you never have that perspective as a six-year or not like this guy just left me and now I'm just got to figure out my life and that's the only perspective but looking back. Now I'm like damn the amount of shit I've gone through now. I'm not saying it makes sense, but it definitely it paints a much.
Picture for me to see it now.
You understand it more? I understand him.
Yeah, exactly where he could have been and what he might have been doing and based on the stories and things that I learned about him after the fact, obviously, in my older age and their relationship to the things that I've been through in my older age. I remember to say, wow, not that. This was okay, but I can understand how something get there more. Absolutely. So it's all about just being able to go back and pull those things and, like, look at them through like, a real honest lens, with yourself now, and that's really hard for
For a lot of people to do because it's fucking uncomfortable.
See, I feel very comfortable and I'm very self aware and I don't know how to even get there like that thought deep and like how did
you? Yeah I think number one. I think I'm really weird person. And then number two, like the gym for me, was it thing that if I explain this to you you ask like how did I get there when I did the gym like oh man.
Reason why I'm talking about the gym was that, I think, I spent so much time thinking about what happened to me, and the relationship to my father in the gym was, I was so angry. I was so fucking mad. Oh, you were angry. So fucking mad and what caused this one? I got older. I was so pissed.
So probably when you were younger, it was more sadness. Yeah. Or and you felt hurt and then as you got older, it was anger. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. A lot of anger. And so the gym, I think, the reason why I'm at this point now where I'm able to look back more clearly and like you said, like, how can you get there? Because I spent so many years thinking about it, but I just like every time I worked out, I was so
mad. You were thinking about it. Yeah, every time you worked out every time.
Well, even
Before in the sadness, when I was younger I would constantly question like, why me now I can remember being a see myself like all the time. Like how come I deserve this? Like, what did I do to deserve this? I was very upset with the idea that it happened to
me, right? Like you were wronged. Yeah. And I sense. And
and so then this is a really important part for everyone listening. All this shit that I dealt with that. Like, built me up to this point in my life, where I'm doing, Fitness shit. I'm filming Fitness videos. I'm like meeting people.
When I would talk about this kind of stuff in my videos like bits and pieces and workout videos and I would share about my life and then people will come up to me and say like, you know when you talked about your dad, this meant a lot to me and you gave me this, then I started to realize like wait all this shit finally makes sense. So it took me 20 years for this like loss to feel really good.
Why? Because people were relating to
it. We're saying oh I really appreciate when you talked about your Dad or I mean I've literally have conversations with guys who like didn't kill themselves who were in the process.
Wow killing themselves who are friends to me to me to this day. Shut up, Martin, he's in. He's in Austin, A friend of mine and people there's a lot of people who have like sent me messages and he said, yo, and you talk about this, you help me with my situation in my life or write. The I thought about suicide, then I was like, yo this, if he can go through this, I can go through that. All those kind of messages for years to start to happen, because I became more comfortable with sharing my story. Yeah. So around 26. I was like, oh, this finally makes sense, so it took me 20 years for that hurt. That likes bad pain to be like this is a
It. And I think it is important for people to hear that because a lot of people might be in a moment in the life, where this is so down and they feel like there's no up. But there is it's just a matter of continuing and just keep going through the bullshit because I spent years just like in his negative mindset that eventually turned into something completely
different and also people feel like they need to heal from trauma like immediately. Yes, right. If you haven't healed within a year, there's something wrong, right? Like there's like a time limit
It pressure that we put on it. Yeah. And it's like, no, that's not, that's not how it
works. And we were talking to even earlier, not just the trauma stuff. But like, even love all this stuff is not, there's no time on any of it. Like how you're supposed to figure out how you're supposed to know, like what you need all. We're all just fucking human trying to figure this shit out, right? And I think we need to be easier on ourselves sometimes, right.
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I just find it so amazing that you reached a point of self-actualization and I'm doing air quotes by the way, because maybe you're not fully there
right now. I think we're always were always kind of we're always
working towards that, but you got that point, just after years of working towards it and opening up yourself to
people. Yeah.
Yeah, that's it. That's how you would sum it up for sure. Talking to people learning about people, trying to understand people because I was trying to understand myself. Like, I'm trying to figure out like why, and how and like the more you communicate, the more you understand? Like I was telling you on my part like the more you ask questions to people, the more you can like answer questions within yourself. And so I've just always been like so deeply interested in that which is why I like I love this sort of content in general because I'm psych, I love having conversations about things that actually matter
mean to. Yeah. I mean usually.
I'm talking about sex like how to give a great
blowjob or you talk about that. I should ask you about that on my iPod. What the fuck. Okay, I got to ask you that. Okay, hold on, hold on. Tell us, they tell
me I love this transition. Really. What? Then, let's let that we were in and now it's like how to suck dick. Let's fucking
go. Yeah. Okay, so no seriously. This is this is important topic though. Okay. They're all equally important. I'm I'm, is it okay if we take a left
turn? Yeah, of course. Okay. So thank you. I just
Say thank you so much for sharing
that. Thank you. I appreciate it. So sucking dick. Anyways, check this out. What do you actually what do you think is the best way? This is great.
The more saliva that more. What? Okay. The more blowing bubbles type shit. That's sloppy. Number one. Okay. Number two, use the hand. Oh yes. Like it should not just be your fucking mouth.
percent, use the hand, you use two
hands, you make him feel really big and if he's not big then, you know, just like kind of maybe just use two fingers on each hand. Wow. Right, I mean we all know one hand and mouth on the penis up and down. Uh-huh. So that's that. And then incorporate the balls, 100%. Hello
like very, very important.
This is, yeah, and then weren't deep throat. If you can
And if you can't do it, anyways,
you get kind of choked a little bit. Yeah, which I've
done that and I've thrown up before, but I did it, you know?
Yeah, the balls are important. That women need to know
that. How should we go about the
balls? You want them to be wet for sure. Like you said the wetness is very important. You don't want it to be
dry like you don't try rubbing number
one. Yeah, he's Ali. But like
you all see. You have dry mouth. Then choke yourself.
If on the
deck and it was some saliva. Yeah, that's smart. I know I have since this is good work over here, I know. But yeah, the balls are important for
sure. How would you say we should approach them?
I would say, like mouth hand and then
balls. Does that mean licking or putting one
in my mouth and hand like mouth and hand at the same time and then balls. Just imagine I don't know how to
Dick your ball. Okay? The mic is it.
So put your hand up here.
And then put your hand down there. Okay, just like that. And then hand and mouth up there. Go, guys, are putting my mouth. I'd rather put your mouth on which a little closer. I'm not gonna do this here. I'm gonna give me a fucking camera. Fucking run a deep, though. The fucking Mike.
We're just talking about the ball but I'm not getting clearer Bree. I
refuse to get clipped on the fucking internet doing this shit. I almost went there and I'm going to give you do it. Like, one hand here, go ahead. Okay. Now a little closer.
No, no, no, no, your, no, you're not gonna get
me. I'll try to get you.
Now, but that's
it, the balls. Yes I am. I on the penis when I should be on the balls on both yawn both same time let's talk about the balls. Okay, so I'm going to start by clicking them getting wet. Yes. Get on. Then like rub
them and
then rub them problem. How the like how hard you focus on one or both both. Both
one of these. I don't know.
Right. Like we're gambling. Yeah. Like you're fucking like we're not to roll dice.
Yeah. Rolling dice. Like imagine that some dice you went like this.
Okay. So okay. So get it wet. Yeah roll some dice know
kind of like maybe and then switch up this Tempo
like Wendy's. Yeah like a
softer okay be a little you
know you got It's A
variation. Okay. Do I put a ball in my
mouth? Yeah, soccer ball. Suck a different ball, whatever she love them. One at a time to is who knows what? I don't know. The capabilities you have over there but do one due.
I mean, sit up. What I'm give him. Love. Okay. Yeah. What about the hand is now moving towards your
asshole? Yeah, this is a.
Or you know what? In between embrace the teen
detainer is the gooch. What's that called? Think it's the gooch. Thank you. Yeah, solid. Yeah. Do that. Was we do around there, just a little pressure. Pressure pressure, have it wet.
Okay, great. What
It is like the main thing key, that's a big tear away. So then we're past the gooch
asshole. It's obviously, it's not for everyone.
It's for you though. Yeah. Why not? I could tell, how could you tell I can? Just how can you tell all over your face, all over my face 100%? Okay, what's all of us? What you like your asshole being
fondled, you know, like yeah, play with
like so. Do you like pressure? Just
On the outside. Yes. Where you want? It all the way in a couple
different inside. Oh no, like on the outside like, you
know, okay, so just pressure on the
outside when I get specific with it.
So we wouldn't put the finger
in cycle one finger in there. I don't know.
Depends, he keeps, he keeps switching it up. Like, what the fuck is it? Yeah, could be.
But this thing is doesn't have to be one thing. It could be. That could be. That could not like yeah
but you're comfortable with a finger inside a finger, why not to know.
No, no, no, that's good. Let's look at,
but look how small my hands are.
Yeah, but I mean, I'm not going to reference the size of my asshole, know. I don't necessarily need like, you don't need all that.
No, two of my fingers is just one dude, that's it. Okay, great. That's a great blow job. What about when a girl grabs a dick and like Wax her face with it, kind of, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like side of the
mouth. Yeah, yeah. Do that. Are into that. Yes?
What? I have a real question.
Okay, this is
porn. I stopped watching porn by the way.
I love that wiping
Whoa, percent why it's been more than a year? What? What? Yes. Okay. But you're fucking though. Yeah, yeah, okay.
Okay. I'm not just like celibate. You know? I'm not, I'm definitely not just like not doing anything. How often do you ejaculate? I mean,
It's pretty much daily or sometimes twice
really damn. Men are like a different breed. I forgot. Sometimes
that's not true, dude. That's not true. That's not true. Have you ever though? However,
what fucked a girl that you were training, that's a huge fan of snow know that I was actually
training like no, no.
Why not? Because I was training them. There was like business. Have I fucked a girl at a gym before?
Yes. Well, that's different. Okay. Let's talk about porn. All right. Girls will be in a sex scene and they'll be like getting eaten out and they'll be like smiling and be like, oh my God, this feels so good. Like giggling. Okay. Is that normal?
I mean, you tell me you're a girl with, you
know, you tell me. Do I need five more girls? And I
have maybe it'd probably
100% actually, but are you? Is it normal for girls? Get eaten out and like be laughing and smiling
when you are having a sexual interaction with a
woman? Yeah. Is she, like smiling and cheesy? Yes. I don't think that's a normal
reaction. It's not know. But you see it on porn?
Correct? Yeah. I see what you're saying?
Smiling laughter
giggling. That's not
realistic. It's not right. Like when I'm
Are you getting out laughing and
smiling? Absolutely. Not serious
business. Yeah. Like faces. An army like they're kind of doing different shit like they're like a little more
contorted. What are they doing? Show me. No, no, you thought about, you know, you didn't kill me, you know, I don't watch myself in the mirror. You
see for my girls faces, they're just doing like other shit like they're like, they're like their faces
are your, you're making it sound. What they, what are we doing?
Just I don't know how
to involuntary like must
Yeah, so we look scary
as no. Not scary. Just like not, you're not like, hey,
we look like Exorcist scary shit. Not
scary but like not normal. Yeah, it's dope. I mean it's cool, it's
do it looks great, it's a
turn-on, it's amazing. Yeah, The Smiling thing would be like, go or a nice crack a
joke. That's what I've never understood. Like, why are you laughing? Why are you
smiling maybe there? They probably have a director like, telling them that like just because they think it looks good on camera.
Or something, I don't know.
So why did you stop
watching it? I wanted to try to stop watching it and see how long I can do it and then I realized I'm fucking with you. Yeah. Like you have these little like dopamine releases, like you get this excitement. I can go do this and like, fucking jerk-off and comments like this, but then you're just living on these like little tiny highs highs. And we have that in too many other things. Like I have that with social media like o to get enough likes on this video or views and there's a little highs have all these different highs that are just like constantly doing these little dopamine release.
Is and then your energy levels is kind of like almost somewhat dictated by those highs, right? And so I was like, okay, I need to have less of these in my life. That's why I decide. I was like, let me just try to stop this all together and I have more energy overall, real happiness, overall.
How did porn affect your sex life with girls?
I don't know if you'd like. I think it's just another really affected it too much. I was always kind of able to separate it. It was more. So like I said just the my own like maybe relationship with
If that was like quick moments and I would say for sure. Like if you're constantly like masturbating to porn than you do, yeah, like jerking off to porn. Like your desire outside of that is like it's different, you know great. Like if you just jerked off then you're probably like I'm not so thinking about sex it's greater maybe your desire to go get it is not as high or your desire to have it with like someone in real life. Obviously, it's not as high so it can affect your I would say overall desire.
So you don't watch porn but you also don't jack off. Yeah, let's see your organist. Fuck and you haven't been able to fuck for whatever reason. Yeah. Any want to jack off? You would
right? No, I gave it up. I'm done.
You haven't fucked in six months.
You're going to jerk off while I'm not in that
Could you jack off and come without porn just using your mind easily? What would you think
about? Wow, it's a good question. Hmm. I
don't know what it'd be like a whole storyline na milegi. It's probably like, I went to the supermarket.
That's way too complicated. I was tagged. I should.
It would just be like I
would think of like a visual. I would think of like a visual of
Yeah what part?
I'm probably I'm probably doggy. You know?
So her ass up. Yeah. And then your dick going on? Yeah. Like this visual like this point of
view. Hmm. Like hand on upper back like press upper back down. Okay. Jammer into the
bed is so amazing. I love that. Yeah, what is the hottest thing? A girl can do in bed?
I like that. Like,
obviously it's not a forceful thing.
It's, I'd be willing to
try. Be willing to try. Be willing to like, take it.
Do you like anal?
Yeah. You do. Yeah. Do you prefer over vagina? No.
No. It's just different. That's like another thing when it comes to like submission is like knowing that I don't know. It's like maybe not the best thing. But they want it. They want to please you. Hmm
right. Oh that's
It's part of it. Yeah. They want to please you. Yeah. Do you eat girls out? Yeah. /. How long do you enjoy it?
When I was younger. I didn't enjoy as much as I do now.
Yeah, for sure. But do you genuinely enjoy it?
If it's clean.
What is it? Clean
vagina vagina don't taste
funny. What is it? Weird tasting vagina by the way, I've eaten vagina before. Okay, so we can talk about this.
Okay. But what about asshole? You every girl's
ass. No,
It's fire. I mean a guy's butt Naturals. Mmm.
Damn, that's what's up? Yeah,
do your soldier. I mean, there and all that it's few and far between air, and all that hair, and all that. But, yeah. Wow. You're a, I haven't haven't done it that much. I'm thinking about like two times.
Probably, yeah, that's a your real one. What's a
clean vagina?
Just don't taste funny,
what is it? Fair gnomes.
Those pheromones pheromones. Yeah, that's a real thing. Absolutely thrilled. A girl could be completely perfect. But you're not into it because of her son because of her smell. Yeah, but not even her vagina.
Notice our value. Yeah. Here's our body, but it's also, smell is so important. I've met, no, I swear to you. I've noticed that like, with girls that I've like, really been really attracted to always. It's like a smelled like, damn, I really like this which is and versus
Rose. I'm like I don't really like this.
Wow. I feel like girls do not have
that. Maybe they do. Maybe it's not as aware of
it. No, no, no. I feel like it's very overpowering for dudes. I've talked to dudes who have told me this chick was so hot. Perfect her set. I used to like could not do it. Yeah, and I don't think girls feel the same
way. I don't know, I can't speak from but I can't save my perspective is like, you know, guys can if they hear
R this like they lay down you like cuddle with a girl and not you could see like if you put your like, if you lay on her, hmm, you'll smell her. Like obviously she got some hair products, you might smell the hair products if you're like around her neck. But if like you're not just smelling the hair like you will smell a certain smell of that girl. And like you'll know if like I like this and then also I can instantly reminds you of them and like you you remember that smell? Right? That's so
Yeah. It's not even like it's not even necessary like oh it's some crazy fragrant good smell. It's just like her natural odor.
And it does. I can speak specifically for me. I was like, damn, I really like that and I like there's there were other girls that I didn't like
that for sure right now. So you liked everything else about them, but that one thing really like, what the fuck? Hmm, I'm sure. There's
some things I don't know about everything, but other things obviously. Yeah, samples like this one is not as doesn't smells. And it's not even like it's like it's not a
bad smell from Victoria Secret body spray and I ain't some different shit. No, it's not even it's that's big
It's not even like a
sweet contrives bell or anything. It's just like a little, it
serves its their body, I know, I don't think girls are the same when it comes to men, but, okay, vaginas. Okay, vaginas. So a lot of women are insecure about what their pussy looks like. Got it.
What do you have to say about that shit? I mean, this wouldn't be the same insecurities that men have as far as like, the size of their penis, right? Would become similar to the type of insecurities that would be related to this, right?
I seen some that like maybe are just not as pretty as others. Mmm,
sure. Okay, what makes a pretty
one? Ooh, tough. It's honestly, like a little bit of it all like it. If it was like too perfect. Like what? And then if it's like too much going on you like what you don't like both. It's like it. I don't know man. It's
just that's actually the best explanation. I've heard it said that makes
sense. It's like look some guys might like a little more like, mmm
For me.
Yeah. Like, it's all good X, your me. Some guys might be maybe like to spin it up in there fucking lips and like, you know, like suck on it, who knows? Yeah. So you know,
there's a little in
between yeah like a little between
yeah. But really what it really boils down to is the Taste. Yeah, taste. Yeah, I've encountered a spicy vagina
before. So this is like a sweet. Spite like a salty. Spicy know.
It was spicy like that's the only way I can
explain it. Like
Tapatio spicy like the shit. You were like, whoa. If I keep eating this, I'm getting, I'm getting like, I'm gonna hot on the
lips spicy. No, just like a tingle and it wasn't salty or sweet was straight-up spicy.
She's probably a lot of pepper.
I don't know. No, I think it's just vaginas have a taste and a smell and none of them are wrong. Yeah, it's just it depends on the dude, right?
Yeah, I think it depends on the diet and all that stuff more. So
So, the diet, like I think a woman's diet will affect the way that that probably taste for sure how much, I don't know, I mean, I'm not a fucking vagina scientist, but I will say that
you don't like it,
but I'm not. So it's like, there's probably diet, I know for sure. Die defects. Also your scent for men and for women, same thing, but it will definitely affect like because a lot of that smell or taste is probably coming from like some bodily fluid excretion, right, right. So that is some derivative of like probably how hydrated you are. Probably what foods you
But also like I feel like I've heard eating super healthy can backfire and make cum tastes
worse of a die. Hmm. I don't know.
And same with vagina. Yeah, guys are lucky. Because their dicks don't smell. Yeah.
But you're still. You could still smell.
That's true. Guys. It's
also you have a fucking Tiny Dick. It's like your
fuck. Yeah. Which is like Tiny Dick smell like an onion. That's a smile. I can't deal with.
Yeah, some BO smell. So then so it's just talk about this tiny
dick thing than what's ideal then because like, obviously not, everyone's got fucking huge dicks. Like
I would prefer that a dude, is down to go down on me for 20 minutes minimum. Every time you hook up really, and make sure
And he gonna have a tiny dick if he's like down with that.
So you just prefer that then that's your preference. Hmm.
Is this evening y'all? How about that answer? Which you hate doing that? No, no, I hate it. You don't love it though. Do you love getting your dick sucked? Love that? Yeah. Yeah, but now it's just like I said, it just depends on the girl. I am view in female form. I swear to God I swear to God, I am funny.
I love it. Yeah, okay well Bradley this was very insightful. We went from very deep shit and then just segwayed into sucking dick. It is deep. Get it. Yeah, I love it. Throw Jello, gotta do another pot. We do we do. Thank you so much for coming on your amazing. Where can all my listeners? Find you? They're going to want to look you up and see how hot you are.
I don't know. I'm on, I'm on Instagram.
Matt Bradley Martin Martin with a why that's great, my you to Bradley Martin everything, mmm podcast Rod. Talk guys can check it out
and I justed his podcast by the
way. Yeah and I did I just opened a new gym in Encino. So stop by. I'm there like every day working
out so what is it called? Its called Zoo culture Zoo culture. Okay, I love it. Okay, salutes love you so much. Talk to you next week. Bradley, you were amazing. Have a good one. Bye.